3311 Final

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IFD-Instructional Focus Document

-Content can be accessed via YAG or the IFD (Instructional Focus Document). -The IFD contains materials for you to build your lesson.

Courses (Pre-AP, AP, dual-credit)

-El Paso offers Pre-AP, AP, and dual-credit courses. -The decision should be dependent upon where you plan on going to college. -Colleges want to see course rigor: such as AP courses. There is a fee for the AP exam (discount for free/reduced lunch). To receive credit for an AP class, the student must pass the exam. -Students that take a dual-credit course receive both high school and college credit. College classes are free, and classes are taken at El Paso HS. -Passing TSI/STAAR scores are required to enroll within dual-credit courses.

Affective filter

-Is a metaphor that describes a learner's attitudes that affect the relative success of second language acquisition. -Negative feelings such as lack of motivation, lack of self-confidence and learning anxiety act as filters that hinder and obstruct language learning.


-Is a teaching method that enables a student to solve a problem, carry out a task, or achieve a goal through a gradual shedding of outside assistance.

Summative assessment

-Measures the level of success or overall proficiency; generally at the end of a unit (referred to as benchmark) Examples: Final exam Senior project 6 or 9 week exams

TExES Competencies

A properly labeled competency will have number letter and distinguish which exam.


-Common software for local school districts. -Allows teachers to see exams (benchmarks) in core disciplines. -EPISD currently has student-based information, such as STAAR score (even with specific TEK data) within Eduphoria.

TCMPC-Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative

-Provides content and support for this online curriculum management system which is designed as a resource for teachers, schools, and districts across the state

PLAAFP-Present Levels Of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance Statement

-This are a students present/current levels of academic achievement -PLAAFPs are a key part of IEPs.


-Vygoski said our brains require hooks that sink into the brain -IS thought of as initial thought provoker or way of drawing interest -Remember that an inquiry-based lesson starts with the students thinking for themselves (not giving t hem the answer) -Idea is that it is brief; not an 8 minute video


-When you are an 8th grade teacher, you need to make sure your students not only learn ALL the material in 8th grade but you are also responsible for reviewing or "spiraling" all the content that they will be tested on. -8th grade test covers grades 6-8. -5th grade test covers grades K-5. -This is important because even though you are teaching 8th grade you need to make sure they learned everything in 6th and 7th.


-Year at a Glance -Vertical alignment is the same content at different grade levels


1. Process (non-content) 2. Readiness (content, highly tested) 3. Supporting (content, tested with not as many questions as readiness)

Backward design

Idea- of when designing your lesson plan that you start with the assessment (test, quiz, informal, lab, etc.) in mind. If you concentrate on specifically what you want them to learn it should be easier for you to "guide/scaffold" them


Teams brings everything together in a shared workspace where you can chat, meet, share files, and work with business apps.


Texas State Plans

1. TSI

Texas Success Initiative


Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System

SLOs-Student Learning Objectives

• After you decide how your students are going to improve, you are then going to make two types of rubrics. • ISPs- Initial Skills Profile is the evaluation (rubric) of your students at the beginning of the school year. • Initial TSPs- Targeted Skills Profile is the evaluation (rubric) of your students at the end of the school year. • Students skills can improve during the year, but maintain the same Evaluation status because the TSPs should show improved rigor. You will manually type and upload both into Eduphoria by a predetermined date in October.

IEP - Individual Education Plan

After ARD Meeting, there is a document created that lists the accommodations for students you will be brought a paper to sign and date acknowledging that you have received said student's IEP, and that from that date on you are responsible for providing said student(s) said accommodations. (by law) (make sure you are signing the correct date)

Formative assessment

Are to gather feedback so you the instructor can guide ongoing improvements in teaching and learning. Examples: -Ask students to submit one or two sentences about main point(s) of lecture -An outline -Reflections

Horizontal integration

As a teacher you focus on content from the grade you are teaching.

PAAM-Pre Assessment Activity Module

Before you can take TSI you need to take the PAAM (Chrome/online) *Link in the notes Pre-Assessment Activity Module.

CCRP-College and Career Readiness Planner

CCRP will show: CCRP will not show: Community service hours (120) STAAR scores Audit card (classes)

DOK levels (4)

Depth of Knowledge, or DOK, is a way to think about content complexity, not content difficulty. That is the first thing with which people must come to understanding. Complexity is different from difficulty. For example, if students have not seen the word or content before, it might be difficult for them, but it is not complex. Level 1 DOK is recall and recognition. Level 2 - is about using a skill or a concept, i.e. Paraphrase. Conceptual understanding generally refers to the integration and application of concepts and other ideas within a content area. Procedural understanding denotes knowledge about skills and sequence of steps, when and how these should be used appropriately, and their efficient and accurate applications. Level 3 DOK requires strategic thinking. Analysis and other examples are given here. Non-routine problem solving like in reading and determining author's purpose is Level 3. Level 4 DOK requires extended thinking usually requires work over a period of time, including gathering information, analyzing findings, preparing reports, and presenting findings.


English Language Proficiency Standards ****Very Important*** By law they need to be: -Posted in your classroom (so everyone can see) -In your lesson plans and used daily. -As a Texas Teacher you teach both language and content in the English Language every day.


First, it is the name of the meeting to give accommodations to Students that are not in Special Ed (SPED) Second, it is a Student label for Students that have accommodations but are not classified as SPED


Initial Skills Profile is the evaluation (rubric) of your students at the beginning of the school year.


Is a credit option for the University of Austin (only). If students do not do well in the course, then the course does not have to transfer; i.e., ruin the G.P.A


Is a theory of learning that believes learning occurs through teachers' rewards and punishments that lead to changes in behavior.


It's like blackboard Great way to share info with your students. Similar to social media, i.e. posting, liking. Schoology and TEAMS communicate Students that are added and dropped via TEAMS will be added and dropped via Schoology as well Schoology is stopped for the summer (i.e. summer school) At the beginning of the fall semester it will show available courses on the left-hand side, such as Algebra I (1st period)


Method where students build something they can be proud of (generally having the ability to build with their own hands or show creativity) Considered the best method


State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness

Bloom's taxonomy (hierarchy)

The framework elaborated by Bloom and his collaborators consisted of six major categories: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. The categories after Knowledge were presented as "skills and abilities," with the understanding that knowledge was the necessary precondition for putting these skills and abilities into practice. Knowledge "involves the recall of specifics and universals, the recall of methods and processes, or the recall of a pattern, structure, or setting." Comprehension "refers to a type of understanding or apprehension such that the individual knows what is being communicated and can make use of the material or idea being communicated without necessarily relating it to other material or seeing its fullest implications." Application refers to the "use of abstractions in particular and concrete situations." Analysis represents the "breakdown of a communication into its constituent elements or parts such that the relative hierarchy of ideas is made clear and/or the relations between ideas expressed are made explicit." Synthesis involves the "putting together of elements and parts so as to form a whole." Evaluation engenders "judgments about the value of material and methods for given purposes."


The teacher differentiates instruction, aligning methods and techniques to diverse student needs. -Distinguished -Accomplished -Proficient -Developing -Improvement Needed


The term refers to the idea that learners construct knowledge for themselves---each learner individually (and socially) constructs meaning---as he or she learns. Constructing meaning is learning; there is no other kind. The dramatic consequences of this view are twofold; 1) We have to focus on the learner in thinking about learning (not on the subject/lesson to be taught): 2) There is no knowledge independent of the meaning attributed to experience (constructed) by the learner, or community of learners.

ARD (Admission, Review, Dismissal)

This is the meeting between administration (Principal or Counselor), Teacher(s), Parent, and Student. Generally a few Teachers (that the student has) attend the ARD; and generally all Teachers (a student has) are asked for their input in the meeting. Examples of student accommodations are: extended time, preferential, seating, extended time for assignments, different testing conditions, and use of calculator or pneumonic devices.

Multiple intelligences IFD-Instructional Focus Document -Content can be accessed via YAG or the IFD (Instructional Focus Document). -The IFD contains materials for you to build your lesson. First outlined his theory in his 1983 book "Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences," where he suggested that all people have different kinds of "intelligences." Gardner proposed that there are eight intelligences, and has suggested the possible addition of a ninth known as "existentialist intelligence." Visual-Spatial Intelligence Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Musical Intelligence Interpersonal Intelligence Intrapersonal Intelligence Naturalistic Intelligence

This theory suggests that traditional psychometric views of intelligence are too limited. Gardner

Vertical Alignment

You have to incorporate content of the previous grade levels. For example you are an 8th grade teacher but you have to incorporate content from 6 and 7th.


Zone of proximal development "the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem-solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers"

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