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National Health Insurance Model

(Canada, Australia, South Korea) Health insurance is provided by the government and financed by premiums; providers are private.

Beveridge Model

(Great Britain, Italy, Spain) Health care is provided and paid for by the government as a public service, financed through taxes. Physicians may be public employees on salary, or stay in the private sector and collect fees.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a market-based approach to the provision of health services?

- Access is based on the ability to pay - Production based on market-based demand - Free market - Health care is an economic good - Health care is a right!!

Prior to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, health insurance companies were permitted to do which of the following:

- Drop individuals who incurred very high health care costs - Deny applications for health insurance - Charge women more than men - All of the above!!

What problems have proposals for national health insurance system in the U.S. attempted to solve?

- Health care costs too much - Some people do not have health insurance

Which of the following was established under the ACA and is still a component of the ACA today?

- Mandating all individuals to carry health insurance - Health insurance exchange markets

National health care systems are classified according to all of the following EXCEPT...

- Medical school acceptance rates!! - The role of government in financing health care for their populations. - The mix of private and public health care delivery structures. - The political and cultural values they express.

Health literacy can negatively impact which of the following?

- Only taking the correct dosage of medications and filling out admissions paperwork - Incorporating health behaviors to control diabetes or heart disease - Filling out admissions paperwork at a hospital - Taking the correct dosage of a medication - All of the above!!

Which model of health care system is closest to the one the U.S. health care system has?

- Out of Pocket Model - Beveridge Model - Bismarck Model - None of the above - the U.S. system is entirely different from all these models - National Health Insurance Model - None of the above - the U.S. system includes aspects of all these models!!

Which of the following statements about path dependence is FALSE?

- Path dependence can lead to the continuation of poorly conceived policies, even when better solutions exist. - Path dependence helps explain why most non-elderly Americans have health insurance through their employers. - Path dependence occurs independently of historical contexts!! - Path dependence limits the range of available solutions to problems.

Which of the following was NOT included in the Affordable Care Act?

- The Medicaid Expansion - Requirement for large employers to provide health insurance for their employees - The Individual Mandate - Price setting for health care services!!

Attempts at national health care in the U.S. have faltered for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

- no official proposals for national health care!! - political inexpediency - tax aversion - American values

Bismark Model

-insurance "sickness fund" -usually financed jointly and employees through payroll deduction -non profit -germany, france, belgium,netherlands, japan, switzerland, latin america

The racial disparity in late-stage breast cancer diagnosis by geographic location most clearly suggests that black women experienced greater problems with which feature of access as compared to white women?


Which of these U.S. groups has the lowest life expectancy at birth?

Black male

David is a single, healthy, active, 33-year old who rarely visits the doctor. His employer does not offer health insurance, so he is planning to purchase a plan through his state's insurance exchange. He is not eligible for premium subsidies because his income is too high. What type of plan is most likely to be the most financially advantageous to David?

Bronze Tier

Which of the following statements about the Cost-Quality-Access Triangle is true?

Cost, quality, and access depend on each other (and there are usually trade-offs between cost-, quality-, and access-related goals).

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons Bodenheimer & Grumbach offer for why some people receive too little health care:

Development of Technology

Poverty, employment, food security, and housing stability are all factors that contribute to which social determinant of health?

Economic Stability

Which of the following is NOT one of the 4 main goals of Healthy People 2020?

Eliminate the riskiest health behaviors

In 2018, the U.S. government did not collect an estimated $280B in income and payroll tax revenue because:

Employer-sponsored health insurance premiums are paid for with pre-tax deductions

Access to health care is the most important determinant of population health status in the United States.


Consider the following data about drug prices in Florida pharmacies by ZIP code income from 2009. True or False? Across the four study drugs, the average drug prices were highest in the highest-income ZIP codes, indicating no evidence of an affordability issue for lower-income ZIP code residents.


In a Beveridge Model health care system, a large proportion of the population usually participates in the private system that operates alongside the government-run system.



I don't feel comfortable be examined by the man without another women in the room

Socioeconomic position is defined by indicators such as educational attainment, occupation and ________________________.


Which of the following has been added to create the "health system diamond" in response to rapid globalization and change?


According to Bodenheimer & Grumbach, which of the following is a financial barrier to health care access?

Limited insurance coverage

The differences in percentages of US stroke survivors who did not fill their prescription costs can best be explained by which of the following?

Most people enroll in Medicare Part D, which helps pay for prescription medications, when they turn 65.


The only mental health provider in my area is a social worker, who is not able to prescribe or manage


There are no busses that travel to my clinic and I don't have a car

True or False? In general, the United States health care system can be described as more market-oriented relative to systems like the United Kingdom which are market-minimized.


True or False? Most countries in the world do not have established health systems. Their systems are financed by the Out-of-Pocket Model.


While all industrialized nations continue to increase their health care spending, the U.S. spends more than any of the other nations, and the gap between the U.S. and these other nations is growing.


Which of the following statements about social determinants of health inequalities in Australia is false?

Unemployed people were less likely to use illegal drugs than employed people

Prior to the passage of the Affordable Care Act, which of the following groups were the LEAST LIKELY to be eligible for Medicaid?

childless adults

Out of pocket model

citizens pay for their health care out of pocket-- not through taxes,


everything regarding appointments is done online, but I don't have a computer at home

The Individual Mandate, which requires every person to carry health insurance, was first proposed by a liberal think tank.


The U.S. health care system currently focuses more on preventive services than acute services.


The centralized allocation and planning of health care resources is most consistent with this approach to the provision of health services:

social-justice based approach

The Affordable Care Act permits health insurance companies to charge higher premiums to individuals based on their age and smoking status.


According to the Williams and Torrens (2008) reading, ______________ during World War II led to the expansion of employer sponsored health insurance.

wage freezes

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