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What is bioinformatics?


What represents a copyright infringement

A copied document used without owner's consent

A potential outcome of patient-centered care is:

All of these are correct.

An educational game is:

All of these are correct. (A game designed for learning, a subset of both play and fun, sometimes referred to as a serious game.)

Key opportunities provided by developing a portfolio include:

All of these are correct. (Developing a working relationship, networking with other professionals, providing evidence of key qualities and characteristics to share with potential employers.)

Informatics education tools (educational technologies) must be designed to be:

All of these are correct. (Intuitive and affordable, usable, responsive and evidence-based)

Computer-based instruction may:

All of these are correct. (erase geographic boundaries for students, enhance the presentation of content, improve learning outcomes)

Information literacy is:

An intellectual framework for finding, understanding, evaluating, and using information activities that may be accomplished in part through fluency with information technology and sound investigative methods, but most importantly, through critical reasoning and discernment

What is unstructured, represents more than 75% of an organization's data, is not contained in databases and is easily overlooked, but helps identify patterns and provides meaningful insights?

Big data

Transcendent presence requires:

Both centering and clearing the mind of potential distractions, and calling the patient by name and using gentle touch to convey interest and responsiveness

Psych Info, OTR Seeker, and SpeechBITE are examples of:

Both online databases and credible information sources

Which statement best describes caring as defined by Watson's Theory of Human Caring?

Caring is healing consciousness and intentionality to care and promote healing.

The analyzing tool used to identify the three health conditions and factors that determined discharge destination and length of stay for home care patients was:

Classification and regression tree

What is an analytic, logical process with the ultimate goal of forecasting or predicting?

Data Mining

Which data mining concept identifies a variable by exposing more data?

Drill down

Human-to-human data generated in authentic interactions is not as valuable as technology-generated data.


Which type of delivery of material to students has a 5% information retention rate?


A domain suffix is a good way to determine credibility of a website.


Big data is the process of using software to sort through data to discover patterns and ascertain or establish relationships.


Focusing on all the information found on the Internet will help the healthcare professional find the best and most accurate data


Health care does not generate big data.


The time between research dissemination and clinical translation is typically one to two months


Bioinformatics tools:

Help biomedical informaticists and healthcare personnel tackle the analysis of large data sets

According to the Food and Drug Administration, the broad definition of personalized medicine is:

Individualized care

A novice professional is more likely to be a:

Knowledge consumer

What is possible because data mining looks at the data from different vantage points, aspects, and perspectives, and brings new insights to the data set?

Knowledge discovery

When working with data, _______ _________ is key, as data mining looks at the data from different vantage points, aspects, and perspectives and brings new insights to the data set.

Knowledge discovery

What is meant by the statement that learning is a multispatial function?

Learning can take place in both physical and virtual spaces.

Webcasts are:

Live video presentations via the Web

According to Stetler et al (1998), the best quality evidence is:


Most common diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, stroke, heart disease, depression, and asthma, are affected by:


Which data mining model uses the organization's same business model, but makes improvements by simply thinking differently?


Generating new knowledge from the implementation of a study that is based on, but unrelated to, several original studies is known as:

NOT Translational science

Educational games, simulations, and virtual worlds:

NOT all of these are correct

Which of the following are characteristics of a collaborative learning environment?

NOT both peer support and instructor as facilitator

Successful collaborative learning is based on which?

NOT supporting individualized competition

Quantitative data focuses on:

Numbers and frequencies

The part of the e-portfolio that explains how critical decisions were made and the decision outcomes is called:

Reflective commentary

What indicates that the healthcare professional is fully present with the patient during an encounter?

Sitting in a chair at the patient's bedside while conducting an admission assessment

What is a data driven method to eliminate defects, avoid waste, or assess quality control issues, and is aimed at decreasing disparities in a business and manufacturing process through dedicated improvements?

Six Sigma

What translates commands into computer language?


Biomedical informatics is the science underlying the acquisition, maintenance, retrieval, and application of biomedical knowledge and information to improve patient care, medical education, and health sciences research.


Computational biology can be defined as the development and application of data-analytical and theoretical methods, mathematical modeling and computational simulation techniques to the study of biological, behavioral, and social systems.


On the biomedical side of informatics, we must be cognizant of the fact that medical data typically are extracted from personal, confidential, and legally protected medical records. The protection of human subjects must be paramount and all ethical, legal, and social (ESLI) issues must be addressed.


Personalized medicine (also known as precision medicine) may be thought of as the tailoring of medical treatment to the individual characteristics, needs, and preferences of a patient during all stages of care, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up.


What is computational biology?

The actual process of analyzing and interpreting data.

Biomedical informatics is:

The interdisciplinary science of acquiring, structuring, analyzing, and providing access to biomedical data, information and knowledge. As an academic discipline, biomedical informatics is grounded in the principles of computer science, information science, cognitive science, social science, and engineering, as well as the clinical and basic biological sciences.

Qualitative research on a practice intervention provides insights into:

The patient's subjective opinion of the effectiveness of the intervention

Patient-centered care means that practitioners should focus on:

The subjective experience of patients

A required step in the Iowa Model that translates research into practice is a critique of related evidence.


Algorithms are typically computer-based recipes or methods with which data mining models are developed.


An e-portfolio may foster improved communication with a mentor or others through professional networking.


Boosting is what the term implies—a means of increasing the power of the models generated by weighting the combinations of predictions from those models into a predicted classification.


Brushing is a technique in which the user manually chooses specific data points or observations or subsets of data on an interactive data display.


Data mining tools scan databases and identify previously hidden patterns.


Decision trees are a powerful tool that can be used to mine large data sets and discover previously unknown relationships among the data.


Decision trees are useful for large data and use an algorithm to explain how to separate and stop the splitting of data.


Drill down analysis typically begins with identifying variables of interest to drill down into the data.


Evidence-based practice was developed in 1972 as the result of a physician and prisoner of war's belief that not all medical interventions were necessary.


Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an approach or philosophy that uses mainly graphical techniques to gain insight into a data set.


Games are goal-oriented and may be competitive in nature. Games should be fun and perhaps a bit "fantastical" and light-hearted.


Libraries have begun to demonstrate their understanding and support of collaborative learning by providing group study rooms.


Most software developers allow for a back-up of the software to be used in the case of a hardware failure.


Quantitative data collection tools or instruments include questionnaires, interviews, surveys, quizzes, assessments, e-mail interviews, and Web-based surveys.


Repetition of previous research studies is more valued in advancing new knowledge than too many original studies.


Research results have shown that data mining is an analytical process that can be effective for planning the appropriate interventions for many areas of health care.


Researcher Titler (2007) suggests there is a need for the development of theoretical formulations to guide research and systematic reviews.


Six Sigma is a data-driven method to eliminate defects, avoid waste, or assess quality control issues. It aims to decrease discrepancies in business and manufacturing processes through dedicated improvements. Six Sigma uses the DMAIC steps: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control.


The Cochran Collaboration was established in 1993, and is a database of the reviews of clinical trials


Using social media in education may promote the development of skills that will support professional collaboration as students enter the practice arena.


Virtual reality can be used successfully to train and educate healthcare professionals.


Virtual worlds are intended for users to inhabit and interact, and the term today has become largely synonymous with interactive 3D virtual environments, where users take the form of avatars visible to others graphically.


The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is a government sponsored organization that seeks to improve patient outcomes through:

Use of technology focused on evidence-based practice

The widely accepted definition of a knowledge worker is one who:

Works with information and generates information and knowledge

Clearing the mind of preconceived notions and expectations based on a patient's diagnosis is known as:


When we enter the uncharted world of the other without preconceived notions about what to expect, we are practicing:


Taking a few calming breaths, clearing the mind of clutter, silently saying the patient's name once or twice before beginning the patient encounter is known as:


Caring functions include all of the following, except:


Technologies are usually not disruptive to the profession-patient caring encounter.


The work of healthcare professionals is primarily physical


While relationship-centered care promotes enhanced mental and physical well-being in patients, it has little effect on professionals.


A student nurse is starting clinical experience. What will creating an e-portfolio demonstrate to a future employer?

how the student used critical thinking to make decisions

When students in an online course engage in discussion in an electronic forum they are involved in what type of interaction?


When professionals observes their work for a different perspective and generate insights about how healthcare services and processes could be improved, they are practicing:


Anne is feeling overwhelmed with her personal issues and the complexity of the patients she cares for. She decides to keep a personal journal to provide her with insights into her patient experiences, and help her get back to her caring roots. This strategy is known as:

reflective practive

Strategies for active listening include all of these, except:

sharing test results

Bioinformatics is the branch of biology that is concerned with the acquisition, storage, display, and analysis of the information found in nucleic acid and protein sequence data. Computers and bioinformatics software are the tools of the trade.


Both the molecular biomarkers and the protein-based network biomarkers have limitations because of their static nature. To increase the ability to make early diagnosis, identify disease-specific biomarkers and therapeutic targets, and predict patient outcome, dynamic network biomarkers (DNBs) were created, monitored and evaluated at different stages and time-points of the disease, based on non-linear dynamical theory and complex network theory.


Copyright violators may be fined or prosecuted.


DNBs differ from molecular biomarkers and network biomarkers to describe and identify disease progress situations and interactions rather than the static nature and approach.


Data analysis is the process by which data collected during the course of a study is processed to identify trends and patterns of relationships.


Healthcare professionals who take care of their own health are more likely to be effective in patient and family care.


Interactions with patients are shaped by the healthcare professional's knowledge, experiences, ethics, and competencies.


Self-reflective practice is a way to boost self-awareness and promote self-care.


The HapMap will help researchers identify patterns of variations in human DNA sequences in an effort to find the genes responsible for many diseases.


The Human Genome Project (HGP) began in 1990 and was completed in 2003.


The future of genomic study and use of technology will help healthcare practitioners identify the best treatment for an individual through a review of genetic testing.


The promise of DNBs lies in the fact that they can help us uncover disease-specific biomarkers that we can map to compute and diagnose pre-disease circumstances and conditions.


There is a unique culture of data sharing previously unknown among biological researchers since molecular data and measurement tools are now publicly available.


Three projects are pivotal in genomics: The HGP focused on the DNA sequence from a single individual, the HapMap project focused on variation in the genome and on human populations, and the Cancer Genome Atlas Project is concerned with how cancer affects the genomes.


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