42 Chapters of APUSH BIIIIITCH

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Facts About the Battle of New Orleans

- It made Andrew Jackson a hero - It restored America's sense of honor - Its outcome triggered the British blockade of America's coastline - It was England's most devastating loss in the war

Factors that pushed President James Madison towards war with Britain in 1812

-England's arming of hostile Indians along the American frontier -British reinforcement of its Orders in Council -The rise to power of pro-war representatives in Congress -The need to assert American nationhood and rights

Factors that made Napoleon Bonaparte ultimately abandoned his vision of a New World empire and agreed to sell Louisiana to the United States

-He failed to conquer Santo Domingo, a necessary first step -He feared that Britain, with control of the seas, would wrest control of Louisiana from the French -He hoped hoped to prevent a US-Britain alliance against France -He hoped the United States would become powerful enough to thwart Britian - To financially support his war effort

Reasons that made the War of 1812 important to the United States

-Inspired a new nationalism in the United States -Created greater respect fir America's military might in the rest of the world -Stimulated the development of American manufacturing -Led to Indian Treaties that ceded large sections of the region north of the Ohio River to the United States

Facts about the Judiciary Act of 1801

-It created sixteen new federal judges -Jefferson and other Republicans condemned it as a Federalist court-packing scheme -It was repealed the following year -Adams used the act to appoint "midnight judges" on his last day in office

Things that apply to the Louisiana Purchase

-It made US isolationism possible -It set precedents for further expansion -It more then doubled the size of the United States -Its 828000 square mild only cost 15 million

Description of the Hartford Convention of 1814

-It sought to remove the three-fifths compromise from the constitution -It included the threat of secession by Northern States -It featured demands for Washington to help compensate New England merchants for wartime financial losses -It sought a two-thirds vote in Congress for placing embargoes, admitting new states and declaring war

Reasons for the acquisition of Florida

-Revolutions in Central and South America -Rumors that seminole Indians and fugitive slaves were using Florida as a refuge -Raids by Andrew Jackson -A treaty in which America agreed to cede Texas claims in exchange for Florida

Factors that caused Jeffersons embargo to fail

-Underestimated British resistance and determination -Overestimated the importance of American goods overseas -Did no consider that other countries would step in to fill England and France's import needs -Did not factor in the difficulty of enforcing the embargo at home

Factors that pushed new settlers toward the West, beginning in the 1820's

-the United States military action against Native Americans opening up new land to settlement -The rapid development of transportation networks along canals and other inland waterways -Increasing numbers of new immigrants streaming into America and moving westward rather than settling on the coast -Soil depletion, particularly in the tobacco industry

Bill of 1817

A bill introduced by John C. Calhoun to provide a federal highway linking The East and South to The West using the earnings Bonus from the Second Bank of the United States

Battle of New Orleans

A decisive victory over the British resulting in Andrew Jackson becoming a hero. Resulted in American nationalism

What is being described by the term the American system?

A three-tiered program to promote America's home markets

Politicians' struggle to maintain and strengthen their parties' influence can best be seen in

Adams' appointment of "midnight judges" at the end of his term

Macon's Bill No. 2

Aimed at resuming peaceful trade with Britain and France, the act stipulated that if either Britain or France repealed its trade restrictions, the United States would reinstate the embargo against the non repealing nation. When Napoleon offered to lift his restrictions non British ports, the United States was forced to declare an embargo on Britain, thereby pushing the two nations closer towards war

Missouri Compromise

Allowed Missouri to enter as a slave state but preserved the balance between North and South by carving free-soil Maine out of Massachusetts and prohibit slavery from territories acquired in the Louisiana Purchase, north of the line of 36°30'

Monroe Doctrine

American policy of discouraging European intervention in the Western Hemisphere

Battle of Tippecanoe

Americans v. Shawnee Indians. led by governor William Henry Harrison, the Americans defeated the Shawnee's and Tecumseh in the Indiana Territory.

Peculiar Institution

Another term for slavery; The owning of human beings existed in a country that practiced liberty.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Army general who eventually became emperor of France after the Revolution. Sold Louisiana Territory to America for 15 mil.

Lewis and Clark's expeditions were primarily designed to

Be a scientific and geographic study of the Louisiana territory

George Canning

British foreign secretary circa 1823. He wanted America to join Britain in a declaration - wanted the protection of the Latin America states. Keep other European countries out of the western Hemisphere. John Adams thought it was best the U.S. make the declaration. It became the Monroe Doctrine.


British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into military service

Cohens v. Virginia

Case that reinforced federal supremacy by establishing the right of the Supreme Court to review decisions of state supreme courts in questions involving the powers of the federal government

John Marshall

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, appointed by Adams. Was unlikes by Jeffersonians

Chesapeake Affair

Conflict between Britain an the United States that precipitated the 1807 embargo. The conflict developed when a British ship, in search of deserters, fired on the American Chesapeake off the coast of Virginia

Hartford Convention

Convention of Federalists from five New England states who opposed the War of 1812 and resented the strength of Southern and Western interests in Congress and in the White House

Congress of Vienna

Convention of major European powers to redraw the boundaries of continental Europe after the defeat of Napoleonic France

War Hawks

Democratic-Republican Congressman who pressed James Madison to declare war on Britain. Largely drawn from the South and West, the War hawks resented British constrains on American trade and accused the British of supporting Indian attacks against American settlements on the frontier. -They were generally young -They wanted to claim Canada

Orders in Council

Edicts issued by the British Crown closing French-owned European ports to foreign shipping. The French responded by ordering the seizure of all vessels entering British porte, thereby cutting off American merchants from trade with both parties

Embargo Act of 1807

Enacted in response to British and French mistreatment of American merchants, the Act banned the export of all goods from the United States to any foreign port. The embargo placed great strains on the American economy, while only marginally affecting its European targets, and was therefore repealed in 1809

Treaty of Ghent

Ended the War of 1812, restored prewar borders, but failed to adress American grievances. Was proposed by the Russian Tsar to bring Britain's attention back to the war in Europe

Tallmadge Amendment

Failed proposal to prohibit the importation of slaves into Missouri territory and pace the way for gradual emancipation. southerners vehemently opposed the amendment, which they percipient as a threat to the sectional balance between North and South

Midnight judgs

Federal justices appointed by Adams during the last days of his presidency. Their positions were revoked when the newly elected Republican congress repealed the Judiciary Act

Tariff of 1816

First protective tariff in American history, created primarily to shield New England manufactures from the inflow of British goods after the War of 1812

Russo-American Treaty

Fixed the line of 54°40' as the southern most boundary of Russian holdings in North America

War of 1812

Fought between Britain and the United States largely over the issues of trade and impressment. Though the war ended in a relative draw, it demonstrated America's willingness to defend its interests militarily, earning the young nation newfound respect from European powers

Tripolitan War

Four-year conflict between the American Navy and the North-African nation of Tripoli over piracy in the Mediterranean. Jefferson, a staunch noninterventionist, reluctantly deployed American forces, eventually securing peace treaty with Tripoli. In some way it was meant to test the American Navy

Land Act of 1820

Fueled the settlement of the Northwest and Missouri territories by lowering the price of public land. Also prohibited the purchase of federal acreage on credit, thereby eliminating one of the causes of the Panic of 1819

The case of Marbury v. madison is significant because it

Gave the Supreme Court the authority to interpret the Constitution

William Henry Harrison

General-Indian fighter-president--hero of Battle of Tippecanoe&Battle fo the Thames in the War of 1812--major asset to America by keeping Indians at bay, redcoats from massacre's,and gaining/clearing land in West

Why did former vice Aaron Burr challenge former treasury secretary Alexander Hamilton to a duel in 1804?

Hamilton revealed Burr's plan to entice New England and New York to secede

Why did John Tyler (10th President) join the Whig Party?

He didn't like Jackson

What was the main reason Jefferson reduced the size of the military when he became president?

He wanted the United States to be an example for the rest of the world through peaceful coercion


He was a shawnee indian twin brother to the Prophet. They made a stand against western moving settlers by uniting other tribes. He died in the Battle of Thames while fighting for the British.

James Monroe

He was the fifth President of the United States. He is the author of the Monroe Doctrine

Toussaint L'Ouverture

Head of the Hatian revolution

American System

Henry Clay's three-pronged system to promote American industry. Clay advocated a strong banking system, a protective tariff, a federally funded transportation network

Lousiana Purchase

Initially starting as a a negotiation for New Orleans lead to one of the largest purchases in American history. Attaining the Mississippi, doubling the size of American and increasing the power of the federal government.

Jefferson considered his election in 1800 a "revolution" because

It marked a return to the values of 1776

The primary significance of the Monroe Doctrine is that

It outlined noncolonization and nonintervention mandates regarding that Americas and beyond

The War of 1812 helped develop Americas identity in that

It started the early industrial revolution in the United States Francis Scott Key wrote the national anthem It led to the birth of w distinctively nations, literature Washington DC was restored as an even more impressive nationsl capital

Albert Gallatin

Jefferson's secretary of the treasury. Resolved the American debt

What did the Missouri Compromise seek to accomplish

Maintaing the balance between free and slave states

Although it signified that the United States was becoming a world power, the monroe Doctrine upheld the ideals pf Washingtons farewell adress because

Monroe pledged that the United States would not involve itself with European affairs

The region that did NOT support the declaration of war against the British was

New England

The three decisive battles that turned the War of 1812 in the Americans' favor were

New York, Washington, New Orleans

Corps of Discovery

Official name of the Lewis and Clark Expedition members

Sally Hemings

One of Thomas Jefferson's slaves. Secretly they had an affair and multiple kids

The first national financial crisis, the panic of 1819, was caused primarily by

Overspeculation in western lands

Non-Intercourse Act of 1809

Passed alongside the repeal of the Embargo Act, it reopened trade with all but the two belligerent nations, Britain and France. The act continued Jefferson's policy of economic coercion, still with little effect

Revolution of 1800

Peacful tranfer of power from Adams to Jefferson

Era of Good Feelings

Popular name for the period of one party, Republican, rule during James Monroe's presidency. The term obscures bitter conflicts over internal improvements, slavery and the national bank

As chief justice of the Supreme Court, John Marshall made a lasting impactin several decisions that

Reinforced the doctrine of loose construction regarding the Constitution

The Battle of Tippecanoe

Resulted in the defeat of Shawnee chief Tenskwatawa, "the Prophet" at the hands William Henry Harrison in the Indiana wilderness. After the battle, the Prophet's brother, Tecumseh, forged an alliance with the British against the United States

What move made the United States most fearful of new colonization in its territories in the 1820s?

Russian expansion beyond Alaska

Panic of 1819

Severe financial crisis brought on primarily by the efforts of the Bank of the United Stares to curb over speculation on western lands. It disproportionality affected the poorer classes, especially in the West, sowing the seeds of Jacksonian Democracy Bank tightened loan policies, depression rose throughout the country, hurt western farmers greatly

Rush-Bagot agreement

Signed by Britain and the United States, it established strict limits on naval armaments in the Great Lakes, a first step in the full demilitarization of the US-Canadian border, completed in the 1870's

Anglo-American Covention

Signed by Britain and the United States,the pact allowed NewEngland fisherman access to Newfoundland fisheries, established the northern border of Louisiana Territory and provided for the joint occupation of the Oregon Country for ten years

Marbury v. Madison

Supreme Court case that established judicial review-the idea that the Supreme Court had the final authority to determine constitutionality

Samuel Chase

Supreme Court justice that Jefferson tried to impeach. Republicans named dogs after him.

McCulloch v. Maryland

Supreme Court ruling (1819) confirming the supremacy of national over state government

Battle of Thames

The Battle of Thames was fought at the River Thames in Canada on October 13, 1813. In this battle, the redcoats were overtaken by General Harrison and his army after they had withdrawn from Fort Malden. A Shawnee chief, Tecumseh, fought for the British and lost his life. With his death came the death of his confederacy.

Why was the War of 1812 a culmination of long-standing hostilities between the United States and Britain?

The British practices of impressment and supporting Native Americans against the United States were issues during Washington's presidency

What was the most decisive factor that helped Thomas Jefferson win the 1800 presidential election?

The Three-Fifths Compromise

In the years before the War of 1812, what was impressment?

The capture and forced military service of American seamen by the British

In office, Jefferson only eliminated one Federalist program, which was

The excise taxes

Judicial Act of 1801

The last important law passed by the Federalist Congress. It created sixteen new federal judgeships and other judical offices. It was created as a last ditch effort to secure the Federalist control over the Judiciary Branch.

The "Era of Good Feelings"refers to

The presidency of James Monroe

Tenskwatawa (the prophet)

The twin brother of the Shawnee Indian Tecumseh. Was a religious and political leader. United many of the tribes along the Mississippi River in 1811 to stop the white settlers from pushing farther into the western wilderness.

Short Term Effects Of The Louisiana Purchase

The vast expanse of territory and the feeble reach of the government obliged to control it raised fears of secession and foreign intrigue

Thomas Jefferson

Third President of the United States

Second Bank Of The United Staes

This institution was chartered in 1816 under President Madison and became a depository for federal funds and a creditor for (loaning money to) state banks. It became unpopular after being blamed for the panic of 1819, and suspicion of corruption and mismanagement haunted it until its charter expired in 1836. Jackson fought against this institution throughout his presidency, proclaiming it to be an unconstitutional extension of the federal government and a tool that rich capitalists used to corrupt American society.

Florida Purchase Treaty

Under the Adams-Onis Treaty, Spain sold Florida to the U.S., and the U.S. gave up its claims to Texas. gave american southwest to spain

Oliver Hazard Perry

United States commodore who led the fleet that defeated the British on Lake Erie during the War of 1812

Hatian Revolution

War incited by a slave uprising in French-controlled Saint Domingue, resulting in the creation of the first independence black republic in the Americas. It was inspired by the American Revolution and was lead by Toussaimt L'Ouverture

William Clark

assistant leader on Corps of Discovery expedition & "protector" of Sacagawea

Loose construction

belief that the government can do anything that the constitution does not prohibit

Battle of Horseshoe Bend

fought during the War of 1812 in central Alabama. On March 27, 1814, United States forces and Indian allies under General Andrew Jackson defeated the Red Sticks, a part of the Creek Indian tribe inspired by the Shawnee leader Tecumseh, effectively ending the Creek War.

Long Term Effects Of The Louisiana Pirchase

greatly expanded the fortunes of the United States and the power of the federal government

Meriwether Lewis

leader of the Corps of Discovery expedition to the Louisiana territory

Isaac Brock

led the British and Canadians to capture the American fort Michilimackinac


native american woman who served as a guide an interpreter for the lewis and clark expedition

Thomas Macdonough

naval officer who forced the invading British army near Plattsburgh to retreat on September 11, 1814; He saved the upper New York from conquest.


practice of rewarding political support with special favors, often in the form of public office. Upon assuming office, Thomas Jefferson dismissed few Federalist employees, leaving scant openings to fill with political appointees.

Robert R. Livingston

was an American lawyer, politician, diplomat from New York, and a Founding Father of the United States. He was known as "The Chancellor", after the high New York state legal office he held for 25 years

James Wilkinson

was an American soldier and statesman, who was associated with several scandals and controversies. He served in the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War, but he was twice compelled to resign. Planned to succed the Louisiana Territory from the Union.

Francis Scott Key

wrote the Star Spangled Banner

The Whigs hoped that Tyler would establish the new Bank of the United States. What were some of the things that happened after he decided that he wouldn't establish the BUS?

◦ He was kicked out of the Whig Party ◦ Went to the Democrats ◦ Added Texas - trying to make Polk's life harder ◦ They tried to impeach him ◦ Most of his cabinet resigned

What was the Aroostick War?

◦ The Canadian and American lumberjacks were fighting over the trees on the border ◦ Canadian and American governments decided who gets what lands ◦ Small-scale war

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