4.4 Absolutism

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"L'etat, c'est moi!" are words that may or may not actually have been spoken but nonetheless conveyed on the part of the speaker which one of the following views?

"Absolutism is the most effective and efficient way to govern a nation, and also God through divine right has appointed the ruler."

The French terms "raison d'etat" and "L'etat, c'est moi!" best summed up the reality of which political philosophy?


Which was the most open (to religious differences) city in Europe in the 1600's-1700's?


Cardinal Richelieu established a place in history for himself by reaching which important position in France?

Chief minister of government in the reign of King Louis XIII.

What was the primary role that Oliver Cromwell played during the English Civil War from 1642-49 as Prof. Weber and the textbook note?

Commander of the New Model Army.

Match the following French leaders and figures with their accomplishments or positions. Use answers one time only. Jacques Bossuet Mazarin Colbert Duc de Sully Richelieu Chief minister for Louis XIV until the king reached adulthood Louis XIV's minister of finance Defended absolutism in his Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture Louis XIII's crafty chief minister Henry IV's chief minister

Defended absolutism in his Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture Chief minister for Louis XIV until the king reached adulthood Louis XIV's minister of finance Henry IV's chief minister Louis XIII's crafty chief minister

King Louis XIV led France into four major wars during his reign. Which one of the following was true of those wars?

He managed to place his relatives on the throne of Spain as a result of the last war but was not able to combine the resources of France and Spain.

Which one of the following statements best describes Richelieu's attitude towards the Huguenots?

He wanted their political and military powers curbed but permitted them freedom to worship as they chose.

"I was the first king of the Bourbon dynasty; I was a popular ruler though I must admit that much of the success of my policies was owing to skills of my chief minister, Duc de Sully; I was a politique, and I died from assassination" describes

Henry IV.

What was the major reason for King Charles I's being executed in 1649, as Prof. Weber and the textbook note?

His apparent grasp for absolute power, as in ruling without Parliament for 11 years and enacting taxes without Parliamentary approval.

Which one of the following was the major reason for English King James II's difficulties?

His faith (Roman Catholicism) and his politics (absolutism).

What was primarily accomplished by the Glorious Revolution of 1688-89 as Prof. Weber and the textbook note?

Increased constitutionalism.

The Baroque style of painting and architecture was especially characterized by which one of the following?

Intricate decoration, a feeling of movement and drama, and unusual colors.

"I authorized a new translation of scriptures, wrote a book advocating absolutist monarchical rule, and was the first of my family and therefore dynasty to rule my adopted nation" describes whom?

James I.

The Dutch Reformed Church followed the theology of which Reformation leader?

John Calvin.

Who one of the following English leaders suffered trial and execution in 1649 as a result of the English Civil War?

King Charles I.

What essentially caused England's so-called Glorious Revolution?

King James II's acting in an absolutist manner, being openly Catholic, and having a Catholic heir to his throne.

Which of the following was the least politically astute, least capable and least involved leader of his country?

King Louis XIII.

Match the following English rulers with events associated with them. Use answers one time only. Queen Anne William and Mary James II Charles II Charles I Forced off throne by English Civil War Last Stuart monarch; last English monarch to veto Parliamentary legislation The "merry monarch"; Carolinas established as colonies during his reign Agreed to and signed 1688 bill of rights Monarch who was forced off throne by 1688 glorious revolution

Last Stuart monarch; last English monarch to veto Parliamentary legislation Agreed to and signed 1688 bill of rights Monarch who was forced off throne by 1688 glorious revolution The "merry monarch"; Carolinas established as colonies during his reign Forced off throne by English Civil War

The 1688 English Bill of Rights essentially resulted in a victory for which one of the following causes?

Limiting the power of government.

In the 1500's and 1600's, France was ruled by various powerful individuals of the absolutist persuasion. Which of the following was the LEAST absolutist in practice if not in theory?

Louis XIII.

Under which one of the following rulers did France experience the epitome of absolutism?

Louis XIV.

Which one of the following views or positions did Cardinal Richelieu especially support?

Practicing Machiavellian-style politics supposedly for the good of the state.

Match the following terms associated with Stuart England with their significance. Use answers one time only. Ship money Triennial act Toleration act Bill of rights Protectorate Provided for government by one executive during period of 1653-1658 Parliament legalized worship in some churches other than the Church of England Spelled out powers and limits of powers on the English monarchy Parliament require king to call it into session at least once each three years Provide tax revenues that King Charles I levied on his own as a way of getting around the necessity of Parliament's approval of taxes

Provide tax revenues that King Charles I levied on his own as a way of getting around the necessity of Parliament's approval of taxes Parliament require king to call it into session at least once each three years Parliament legalized worship in some churches other than the Church of England Spelled out powers and limits of powers on the English monarchy Provided for government by one executive during period of 1653-1658

What did the phrase, "No bishops, no king" imply?

That King James I would not concede to the Puritans wish to dismantle the episcopate (bishopric) system of church government in exchange for a more Presbyterian form of government.

What view did John Locke support in his Two Treatises of Government as Prof. Weber and the textbook note?

That individuals have rights, including the right to change a government that abuses the people being governed.

What was the essential idea that the author of True Law of Free Monarchy was trying to get across?

That kings should not have to answer to those whom they govern.

The political trend in many European nations by the 1500's and 1600's was what scholars call absolutism. What did absolutism essentially mean?

That the government would be one of divine right rule by monarchs who would have practically unlimited power.

Perhaps Peter the Great's most lasting achievement was what he called his country's "Window on the West." What was that window?

The Russian city of St. Petersburg.

Revoking the Edict of Nantes in 1685 was a prime example of which of the following?

The king exercising absolutist power

What was Poland's liberum veto, most unusual among all European nations?

The right of any one member of the Sejm in effect to veto decisions of the entire body.

Which one of the following accurately suggests what King Charles I and Oliver Cromwell had in common terms of how they governed England?

They both governed the nation at times in an autocratic, absolutist manner

Which one of the following did French King Louis XIV have in common with Russian Tsar Peter the Great?

They both were absolutists.

In 1776, how did Thomas Jefferson used Lockean views and philosophy?

To fling it into English faces, as it were, as justification for the American Revolution against so-called English monarchical abuses of the rights of Englishmen in America.

Despite fits and starts such as the Puritan and Glorious Revolutions, what was the overall political trend in England during the 1600's?

Towards constitutionalism.

Match the following terms associated with Bourbon France with their meanings. Use answers one time only. Fronde Intendant Levee Fouquet Coucher Louis XIV's first finance minister whose Vaux-le-Vicomte estate Louis confiscated Special agent sent to carry out king's will in French areas remote from Paris Versailles ceremony of the king's arising Versailles ceremony of the king's "going to bed" Uprising by nobles against central authority during Mazarin's first years in power

Uprising by nobles against central authority during Mazarin's first years in power Special agent sent to carry out king's will in French areas remote from Paris Versailles ceremony of the king's arising Louis XIV's first finance minister whose Vaux-le-Vicomte estate Louis confiscated Versailles ceremony of the king's "going to bed"

Among the following English rulers, which was the least absolutist?

William and Mary.

One of the chief ideas stemming from the classic work entitled Leviathan, was

absolutism offers the best approach to governing, given the nature of humans in the "state of nature."

All the following were true of Oliver Cromwell EXCEPT

he was the chief figure of what was called the Restoration.

All the following were true of Peter the Great EXCEPT

his attempts to Westernize Russia met with widespread support in his homeland.

All the following were true of the English Restoration of 1660 EXCEPT

it granted increased powers to the Rump Parliament and strengthened the position of Puritanism in England.

All the following were true of Amsterdam in the late 1600's EXCEPT

it was among Europe's least religiously tolerant areas.

All the following were true of the Netherlands in the late 1600's to early 1700's EXCEPT

its wealth was derived from having highly productive gold mines and highly profitable plantation-like farms.

All the following were true of King Charles I EXCEPT

no matter how difficult his situation became in England, he could always count upon the support and loyalty of Scotland.

As Prof. Weber and the text book note, all of the following were associated with Louis XIV EXCEPT

religious toleration.

All of the following were among Peter the Great's attempts to change life in Russia EXCEPT

replacing the Orthodox faith with Roman Catholicism and Protestantism.

All the following were true of the Palais du Versailles EXCEPT

the king was so privacy-oriented that he forbade the nobles to live at or near Versailles or to come to his palace except only on special invitation for special occasions.

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