4.4 and 4.5 Reading Checks

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Indentured servitude

A worker bound by a voluntary agreement to work for a specified period of years often in return for free passage to an overseas destination. Before 1800 most were Europeans; after 1800 most indentured laborers were Asians. Domestic labor and field work and was applied in all regions


Captive Africans, swept away from their families, were taken to holding pens in West Africa known "slave castles." From these holding pens, slave traders next crammed their captives into the dank cargo section of a ship, providing them little, water, food, or even room for movement.

Spanish royalty appointed viceroys to act as administrators and representatives of the Spanish crown. To keep these viceroys from operating independently of the crown, Spain established audiencias, or royal courts, to which Spanish settlers could appeal viceroys' decisions or policies. Slow transportation and communication networks between Europe and the Americas, however, made it difficult for the Spanish crown to exercise direct control over New Spain. As a result, the Spanish throne did not focus on colonial affairs in the Western hemisphere.

Describe the colonial administrations of the Spanish

Triangular trade

Enslaved Africans became par of a complex Atlantic trading system known as THIS, because voyages often had three segments.

African religions syncretising with religions in the Americas such as Santeria, Vodun & candomblé, Islam brought to Americas by African slaves.

How did European conquest and colonization lead to syncretic belief systems in the Americas? AFRICANS

Some local rulers traded enslaved people to the Europeans in exchange for gunpowder and cannons, giving those coastal governments a military advantage when battling neighboring villages. Some African city-states grew wealthy by selling enslaved Africans to Europeans. In particular, the Kingdom of Dahomey grew stronger because it raided other villages to enslave people, and sold them to European merchants.

Local rulers/Kingdom of Dahomey's role in the slave trade

Financial bubble

Schemes based on the sale of shares to investors who were promised a certain return on their investment

British Global Network

The British also set up trading posts in West Africa, where the Asante Empire limited their impact. Trading posts in Africa, India, and elsewhere paved the way for globalization. Each post became a node, an intersection of multiple points serving as a trade center for goods from many parts of the world.


The name Columbus gave the island now occupied by Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Columbus thought that it was plentiful with gold. Columbus and his crew kidnapped Tainos, indigenous people, and took them, enslaved, to Spain after not finding any gold.

Commercial Revolution

The transformation to a trade-based economy using gold and silver

by the pressure of the increasing population and partly by the increased amount of gold and silver that was mined and put In circulation, Price Revolution

What caused the inflation factor of the Commercial Revolution and what was this high rate of inflation called?

In contrast to the ethnic and religious trading ties developed over hundreds of years, the Portuguese used their military superiority to take control of trade creating a string of armed trading posts along the trade routes of the Indian Ocean.

What changes occurred regarding Indian Ocean trade during the Early Modern period?

Merchants in the Indian Ocean payed taxes and fees to states controlling sea lanes and ports and operated often through religious and ethnic ties. They did not use arms to protect their trade, and if the fees in one trading center became too high, they were free to move elsewhere

What continuities occurred regarding Indian Ocean trade during the Early Modern period?

Spanish and Portuguese conquerors transplanted their own languages and religion into the Americas. The remnants of this cultural interaction are present today. Although indigenous languages thrive in certain regions, Spanish predominates through much of Latin America, and Brazilians overwhelmingly speak Portuguese

What cultural changes were the result of European conquest and colonization? LANGUAGE

For example, in many societies, the entire community shared the land. In order to establish positions of wealth and power, individuals not only showcased the property they owned, but also showcased the enslaved people they owned.

What did slavery look like prior to European exploration of the Americas?

The British India Company had begun a commercial relationship with the Mughal Empire in the 17th century, Portugal controlled a coastal trading post in the southwestern state of Goa, and France controlled Pondicherry, a city in the southeastern state of Tamil Nadu.

What empires had claims to India

Indigenous political structures in Latin America were soon replaced by Spanish and Portuguese colonial administrations.

What political changes were the result of European conquest and colonization?

The Portuguese continued to vie for control of trade routes on the Indian Ocean as well but lost when they tried to conquer Moroccan forces in a battle on land in 1578

What role did Morocco play in the Indian Ocean trade conflicts?

The exploration of European states; states claimed lands and established the basis of an empire in the areas they explored

What served as the foundation of the maritime empires?

American plantations relied on existing labor systems and also introduced new labor systems. The growth of the plantation economy increased the demand for enslaved Africans in the Americas, leading to significant demographic, social, and cultural changes.

What was the impact of the growth of the plantation economy?

The Atlantic trading system improved diet, and many staples of the African diet came through this

What were the cultural effects of the Atlantic Slave Trade in Africa?

Gender distributions in regions with slave raids became severely imbalanced, because more than two-thirds of those taken were males. The resulting predominance of women prompted a rise in polygyny and forced women to assume duties that had traditionally been men's jobs.

What were the gender relation effects of the Atlantic Slave Trade in Africa?

Each region in which slavery was introduced was affected in a unique way. However, in all of them, people with African roots helped shape and enrich the language and culture of the societies into which they were brought. The mixing of ethnic groups resulted in new groups of multiracial people, such as mestizos and mulattos.

What were the impact culturally of the Atlantic Slave Trade?

The physical migration of captives had significant impact on the demographics of both their African homes and the countries of their captivity. The exportation of enslaved people that was required to keep decline in population in African home countries.

What were the impact demographically of the Atlantic Slave Trade?

In addition to physical migration, slavery resulted in a migration of status from free person to enslaved, setting up social classes that remain influential in post-slavery countries. Further, it disrupted family organization, since families were often separated, and more men than women were taken captive. Polygyny (having more than one wife) became more common. With people treated as commodities, as chattel slavery, social and family groupings were determined more by supply and demand than by the familial bonds of kinship.

What were the impact socially of the Atlantic Slave Trade?

Trade competition led to violence among their societies. When a society exchanged enslaved people for guns, its raiders easily took advantage of rival societies that had no firearms. Without firearms, neighboring groups could not fight off slave raids, so raiding societies became even richer and more fortified with firearms. intergroup warfare thus became more common and bloodier as a result of the slave trade.

What were the warfare effects of the Atlantic Slave Trade in Africa?


a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

indentured servitude

arrangements through which servants contracted to work for a specified period of years in exchange for passage.


material wealth available to produce more wealth; grew as entrepreneurs entered long-distance markets.


means "dance to honor the gods". It is a combination of Yoruba, Fon, and bantu beliefs from different parts of Africa. it developed in brazil


means "spirit" or "deity." This belief system originated with African peoples of Dahomey, Kongo, and yoruba who were enslaved and living in Saint-Domingue, which is now Haiti.


means "way of the saints". Originally an African faith, it became popular in Cuba and then traveled throughout Latin America


an economic system that increased government control of the economy through high tariffs and the establishment of colonies

joint-stock company

owned by investors who bought stock or shares in them.

chattel slavery

Absolute legal ownership of another person, including the right to buy or sell that person. had few or no rights. Domestic labor and Agricultural labor, Located in the Americas and Africa.

During the Ming Dynasty of the Chinese, after the voyages of Zheng He, they tried to limit outside influence on China by restricting trade. The Chinese prohibited foreign trade, destroyed some dockyards, limited the size of ships that could be built, began reconstructing the Great Wall, and reemphasized the importance of Confucianism and reinvigorated the traditional exam system.

China's path to isolationism

A ship might carry European manufactured goods such as firearms to West Africa, and from there transport enslaved Africans to the Americas, and then load up with sugar or tobacco to take to Europe.

Describe the triangular trade

Asian trade frequently exchanged silver and gold for luxury goods such as silk and spices, while newly developed colonial economies in the Americas often depended on agriculture.

Europe's role in trade with Asia vs. trade with the Americas

The Competition between France and Britain

France and Britain continued to vie for dominance in North America. As British settlers moved into former Dutch territory in upper New York, they began to form ties with the powerful Iroquois, who had been in conflict with the French over trade issues for decades. The British hoped that the Iroquois could frustrate French trade interests. Over time, the Iroquois began to realize that the British posed more of a threat than the French. In a shift of alliances, the Iroquois and French signed a peace treaty known as the Great Peace of Montreal in 1701. In the same war in which Britain drove France out of India, the British drove France out of Canada as well. The North American portion of this war is sometimes called the French and Indian war.

Financial bubble

France and England early in the 18th century fell victim to this

The East India company established small forts on the coasts that focused solely on making a profit through trade. Limited by the power of India's Mughal empire, the EIC posts controlled very little territory. However, the EIC then began to expand. It took advantage of the tensions between Muslims and Hindus in India and began to increase its political power through treaties with local rulers. With the help of European-trained Indian private forces called sepoys, the East India Company moved inland, spreading its influence. Ultimately, Britain intervened in India politically and militarily to such an extant that it controlled much of the subcontinent.

How did British East Company conquer India?

Missionaries from Latin America to convert people to Chrisianity were so successful that today most Latin Americans are Roman catholic Christians; Catholic saint's days that coincided with days honored by indigenous people were especially celebrated. in Mexico, a cult developed around the dark-complexioned Virgin of Guadalipe, who was revered for her ability to perform miracles.

How did European conquest and colonization lead to syncretic belief systems in the Americas? RELIGION IN LATIN AMERICA

In the Andes of South America, Francisco Pizarro and his crew attacked the Inca and captured their ruler, Atahualpa. Pizarro offered to release Atahualpa if the Inca would fill a large room with gold. The Inca complied. However, in 1533 the Spanish killed Atahualpa anyway. By 1572, the Spaniards had completed their conquest of the Inca Empire.

How did Francisco Pizarro conquer the Inca Empire?

In Mexico, helped by groups that the Aztecs had conquered, Cortes's forces overthrew the Aztec by 1521 and established the colony of New Spain. The Spaniards melted down the Aztec's treasures and sent the gold back home. They destroyed Tenochtitlan and built their own capital, Mexico City, on its ruins.

How did Hernan Cortes conquer the Aztec Empire?

Portuguese ruler Prince Henry the Navigator was keenly interested in navigational technology. He financed expeditions along Africa's Atlantic Coast and around the Cape of Good Hope, exploring African coastal communities begore other European powers.

How did Portugal set up trading post colonies?

Capital changed hands from entrepreneurs to laborers, putting laborers in a better position to become consumers—and even investors.

How did capital impact laborers?

The governments did most of the investing itself through grants to certain explorers, while in France/England/Netherlands, they developed joint-stock companies.

How did investing in France, England, and the Netherlands differ from that in Spain and Portugal?

Maritime empires transformed commerce from, local small-scale trading, mostly based on barter, to large-scale international trade using gold and silver. These empires employed new economic models, such as joint-stock companies, supporting increased trade in Asia. New ocean trade routes were opened, aiding the rise of this extended global economy. The Atlantic trading system involved the movement of labor—including enslaved people—and the mixing of African, American, and European cultures and people, with all groups contributing to a cultural synthesis. Silver, sugar, and slavery were the keys to the development of these mercantilist empires.

How did maritime empires transform commerce?

European powers at the time were adopting mercantilism claimed lands settled by immigrants from the home country. In the case of Spain, the main purpose of the colonies in the Americas was to supply as much gold and silver as possible. Another way to increase national wealth, according to the mercantilist system, was for a colonizing country to export more than it imported. A percentage of overseas silver production went directly to the Spanish crown. The empire used this wealth to build up the military and establish foreign trade.

How did mercantilism serve as a contributing cause of European exploration and conquest?

The Japanese thought that they were through with the "uncouth" Europeans.

How did the Japanese view Europeans?

In 1498, Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama invaded the Swahili city-states of East Africa, most of which were thriving commercial centers in the Indian Ocean trade. The Portuguese took over trade in Kilwa, Mombasa, and other city-states by sending heavily armed ships and building fortresses. This takeover threw the region into a devastating decline.

How did the Portuguese enter Indian Ocean trade? What was the impact of their entry?

In the Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494, Spain and Portugal divided the Americas between them. Span reserved all lands to the west of a meridian that went through eastern South America. Portugal reserved all lands east of this land. This arrangement put Brazil under Portugal's rule, while Spain claimed the rest of the Americas.

How did the Treaty of Tordesillas divide the world?

Despite restrictions by the Church, lending money at high rates of interest became commonplace. Actual wealth also increased with gold and silver from the Western Hemisphere.

How did the Western Hemisphere increase global capital?

While gold did not yield riches for Spanish conquistadors, the discovery of silver in Mexico and Peru revived economic fortunes—for both individual explorers and Spain. The use of mercury to separate silver from its ore increased the profitability of silver mining. For this industry to flourish, Spanish prospectors needed labor. The indigenous populations would do all but the most dangerous work in the mines. In response, Spanish authorities in Peru transformed the traditional Incan mit'a system of labor obligation, in which young men were required to devote a certain amount of labor to public works projects, into a coerced labor system. Villages were compelled to send a percentage of their male population to do the dangerous work in the mines for a paltry wage.

How did the discovery of silver impact Spain and the New World?

After a frenzy of buying that drove up the price of shares, the bubble burst and investors lost huge amounts of money, sending many into bankruptcy and inflicting wide damage to the economy

Impact of Financial bubbles on England and France

Encomienda system

In the early 1500s, the Spanish established a system called the ________________ to gain access to gold and other resources of the Americas. Landowners compelled indigenous people to work for them in exchange for food and shelter, as landowners required of serfs in Europe's manorial system. This coercive labor system was notorious for its brutality.

Enslaved people taken in the Indian Ocean trade suffered different fates from those taken across the Atlantic. People from the Indian Ocean region were more likely to work in seaports as laborers in the shipping industry and as household servants. Some worked as sailors or even soldiers. Living in towns or cities, they had some opportunity to develop communities and to work alongside free laborers. Those who ended up in Islamic communities had certain rights, such as the right to marry. As a result of the Indian Ocean slave trade, African words, musical styles, and customs can be found in Oman, India, and elsewhere.

Indian Ocean slave Trade vs. the Atlantic Ocean slave Trade

This was very similar to Japan. They allowed some Dutch merchants to live on a small island in Nagasaki harbor, in almost total seclusion. In addition, Japan continues some trade with the Chinese, mostly carried out by regional lords who were far from the capital city with easy access by sea to Korea, Taiwan, and Okinawa. Other than this they were totally isolated like China, and like China, they did it to stop outside influence.

Japan's path to isolationism


Spanish conquerors

the development of European overseas colonies; the opening of new ocean trade routes; population growth; inflation

The Commercial Revolution affected all regions of the world, but what were the four key factors that caused it?

Hacienda system

The Spanish crown often granted land to conquistadores as a reward for their efforts. Rural estates in Spanish colonies in New World; produced agricultural products for consumers in America; basis of wealth and power for local aristocracy.

British East India Company, Dutch East India Company

The developing European middle class had capital to invest from successful businesses in their home countries. They also had money with which to purchase imported luxuries. The Dutch, English, and French all developed joint-stock companies in the 17th centuries such as these companies.

Middle passage

The grueling journey across the Atlantic, because it was the middle part of the captives' journey. Many captured Africans attempted rebellions at sea, but most uprisings were crushed. During the journey to the Americas, which usually took about six weeks, up to half of a ship's captives might die.

they were the commercial middleman of Europe, having set up and maintained trade routes to Latin America, North America, South Africa, Indonesia, Dutch ships were faster and lighter than those of their rivals, The Dutch East India Company was also highly successful, the dutch standard of living was the highest in Europe, the Bank of Amsterdam traded currency internationally

What advantages did the Dutch enjoy in commerce and trade?

New Monopolies: continued monopolies chartered by European rulers, Ongoing Regional Markets:traditional regional markets continued to flourish in Afro-Eurasia. However, improved shipping offered merchants the opportunity to increase their volume of products

What are the changes and continuities in trade networks during this time period?

People invested capital in such companies and shared both the profits and the risks of exploration and trading ventures, Offering limited liability made investing safer, it aided the rise of the commercial revolution, were a driving force behind the development of maritime empires as they allowed continued exploration as well as ventures to colonize and develop the resources of distant lands with limited risk to investors.

What benefit did joint-stock companies provide?

Morocco's coffers depleted after their victory over Portugal, so Morocco looked inland to capture the riches of the Songhai Kingdom, despite the prohibition of waging war on another Muslim stat. In a battle near Gao, the Songhai-despite their greater number of fighters-were overcome by the force of firearms. The empire crumbled. The Spanish and Portuguese soon overtook much of this territory.

What caused the collapse of the Songhai Empire in West Africa?

The indigenous peoples of the Americas lost a great deal of their culture and history at the hands of conquerors.

What cultural changes were the result of European conquest and colonization?

Conquistadors such as Cortes in mexico, ordered the burning of native books, which were thought to be unholy. Thus, very few original accounts written in Naguatl, the language of the Aztec, exist today. Most of the information about the Aztec comes from documents that were written by Spanish conquistadors and priests after conquest.

What cultural changes were the result of European conquest and colonization? BOOKS

Those born in America of Spanish origin, or creoles, enjoyed political dominance in New Spain. They soon began clamoring for independence from the Spanish throne.

What cultural changes were the result of European conquest and colonization? CREOLE

In addition to establishing colonies in Mesoamerica and South America, Spain explored other parts of North America north of present-day Mexico. The explorer Pedro Menendez de Aviles established a fort in St. Augustine on the east coast of Florida in 1565.

What territories did Spain conquer/control?

Trade competition made African slave-raiding kingdoms economically dependent on goods from Europe, Such societies were slow to develop more complex economies in which they produced their own goods, African societies that conducted slave raids became richer from selling their captives to Europeans.

What were the economic effects of the Atlantic Slave Trade in Africa?

European initially forced indigenous people to do the hard labor of mining and farming, but European diseases wiped out large portions of these coerced laborers. The enslaved indigenous people who survived often escaped bondage because, compared to Europeans, they were more familiar with the territory, had social networks that could protect the, and could easily camouflage themselves within the native population. Labor for Plantations could not be sustained with European indentured servants nor the Indigenous. Slave raids were also not easily controllable in Africa so it allowed for "blackmarket" trading

Why did Africa become the primary source of slaves in the Early Modern period?

European nations, driven largely by political, religious, and economic rivalries, established new maritime empires and administered trading posts in Asia and Africa and colonies in the Americas.

Why did Europe develop empires?

Thousands of Japanese converted to Christianity. Some Christians, intolerant of other faiths, destroyed Buddhist shrines. In response, in 1587, the Japanese government banned Christian worship services. Over the next 40 years, Japan took additional steps to persecute Christians and limit foreign influences. By the 1630s, the government had expelled nearly all foreigners, banned most foreign books, and prohibited Japanese people from traveling abroad.

Why did Japan limit European trade?

Chattel Slavery

a system in which individuals were considered as property to be bought and sold

Incan Mita System

men were made to work on public projects; mandatory public service


public treasury

Spanish Mita System

spanish coerced the incan mita system by forcing incas to provide 1/7 labor to spain


the exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.

Limited liability

the principle that an investor was not responsible for a company's debts or other liabilities beyond the amount of an investment.


the taking of more than one wife

Russian Serfdom

tied the peasants to the land and controlled all merchant and townspeople as well on if they could sell or move or not anything at all. Had little or no legal protection. The type of work they did was subsistence farming with most of the yield belonging to the lord

The split between Sunni and Shi'a Muslims worsened conflicts between the Ottoman and Safavid empires. The split between Catholicism and Protestantism, and between official state religions such as Anglicanism and other Protestant sects, helped drive the settlement of north America as people sought freedom to worship as they saw fit.

what caused the different religious conflicts in the Early Modern period?

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