443 Final Exam Review Questions

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Which of the following statements about nutrition screening is/are true? - the patient can be identified to be at nutritional risk with nutrition screening - nutrition screening can only be done by the dietitian - nutrition screening is an in-depth evaluation of the patient's nutritional status - all answers are correct

- the patient can be identified to be at nutritional risk with nutrition screening

If a female has a waist circumference of 27 inches and hip circumference of 39 inches, what is the ratio and are they at risk?

0.7, low risk

If a 22 year old male is consuming 100 g protein per day and weights 186 lbs, how many grams of protein/kg is he consuming?

1.2 g/kg

A reasonable amount of weight to lose for a client that weights 200 lbs, and needs to lower his BP and BG would be...

10-20 lbs

Prediabetes is used to classify blood glucose levels between normal and those of diabetes; this is, if fasting plasma glucose is between...

100-126 mg/dL

A fasting blood sugar level above _____ is classified as diabetes

126 mg/dl

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of malnutrition according to AND and ASPEN? - loss of muscle mass - insufficient intake - loss of fat mass - weight loss - all are characteristics


This diet is often assumed to focus on low sodium, but actually focuses on increased F&V and decreasing saturated fats...

DASH diet

Which is not included in the assessment of Metabolic Syndrome? - FBS > 100 - HDL > 60 mg/dl - BP > 135/85 - waist circumference > 35 inches for women

HDL > 60

T/F: Keeping food records is helpful when making changes, and everyone should be encouraged to do this


T/F: the sites for skin fold measurements that can be taken are exactly the same for males and females


Consumption of aged cheeses should be limited by people using...

MAO inhibitors

Which of the following encompasses the range of roles, activities, and regulations within which nutrition and dietetics practitioners perform? - scope of practice - standards of professional performance - code of ethics - standards of care

Scope of Practice

Which of the following is not one of the 5 domains of nutrition assessment? - anthropometric data - intervention - biochemical data - food/nutrition related history - nutrition focused physical exam


Medications that reduce stomach acidity can impair the absorption of:

Vitamin B12, folate, and iron

Weight history, diet history, physical exam and GI functions are all found on this popular screening form, often considered a gold standard...

Subjective Global Assessment (SGA)

Several antibiotics are known to bind with which of the following, and should be taken separately? - fat soluble vitamins - vitamin B12 - minerals such as calcium, iron, and zinc

minerals such as calcium, iron, and zinc

What would be appropriate to recommend for a patient with kidney disease trying to maintain muscle mass?

begin resistance training

Which of the following is/are considered to be macrocytic anemia? - iron deficiency anemia - anemia from vitamin B12 deficiency - anemia from folate deficiency

both B and C --> anemia from vitamin B12 or folate deficiency is macrocytic

A physician approaches a DTR and asks the DTR to provide a patient that the physician just diagnosed with stage 4 renal disease some initial nutrition counseling "right away". The DTR complies with the physician's request. Is the DTR in compliance with the SOP?

no, they are not in compliance with SOP 3

If someone is dehydrated, in general, labs will be...


Which of the following is NOT a domain within intervention? - nutrition counseling - nutrition assessment - nutrition education - population based action

nutrition assessment

Information from the assessment leads to identification of this...

nutrition diagnosis

An effective way to help prevent someone from having a relapse is...

change their negative thinking habits

The MNA is primarily used as...

a screening tool

Because of the side effects of orlistat, people taking this medication often...

follow a low fat diet to reduce side effects

Which of the exchange lists have foods that contain ONLY carbohydrates, meaning they contain no fat and no protein?


Portion sizes on the exchange list are made so they are all approximately equivalent in...

grams of CHO, fat, and protein

If hct ad hgb are both low, this indicates that a person has...

anemia, but does not indicate which type

This type of medication is known to bind to minerals such as iron and calcium

antibiotics ex. tetracycline

The equations learned to use for fluid requirements are reasonable for ...

anyone that is not dehydrated or not retaining fluid

An important step that health practitioners can take to limit the risk of medication related side effects is to:

ask patients to fully describe the types and amounts of medications they are taking

Mr. Jones has no significant PMH. He comes to you because he is overweight (BMI =29) and he tells you his blood pressure is 135/82. What do you tell him?

he should gradually increase physical activity he should increase his intake of fruits and vegetables he should decrease the amount of saturated fat in his diet

An important difference between medications and herbal products that reach the marketplace is that...

herbal products are not required to prove safety and effectiveness

The recommendation to decrease saturated fat intake to 5-6% of kcals is for...

people who have CHD, elevated LDL, or multiple risk factors for CHD

A common side effect of iron supplements is...


Impaired glucose tolerance indicates blood sugar is between 140mg/dl and 200mg/dl after...

consuming 75g glucose

As kidney function decreases, GFR...


Megace and Dronabinol are both medications used to ...

increase appetite

Someone who is taking a diuretic should do what to their potassium intake?

it DEPENDS on the medication and their serum potassium levels potassium sparing = monitor intake

If MCHC is elevated, which of the following is true?

it could be folate or B12 deficiency

when calculating kcal needs with HB and Mifflin equation, weight should be in ...


Which of the following is NOT included on the SGA? - lab values - GI symptoms - physical exam - weight history - diet history

lab values

Which of the following is not an indicator of malnutrition on the SGA form? - energy intake - weight loss - muscle wasting - lab values - GI symptoms

lab values

If your patient's goal is to lower LDL from 180mg/dl to 130 mg/dl, what would an appropriate intervention be?

limit saturated fat intake to less than 7%

The standards of professional performance (SOPP) relate to...

professional behaviors

Which of the following would work to increase ones efficacy? - setting large broad goals - setting small measurable goals - not allowing a reward for themselves until 3 goals are met - recommending monthly sessions rather than every other week

setting small measurable goals

The piece of equipment used to measure height is called...


According to the AND and ASPEN, with which type of malnutrition is inflammation NOT present?

starvation related malnutrition

Compounds in grapefruit juice...

strengthen the effects of certain drugs

When someone is in the precontemplation stage of change, the best thing to do is...

talk about the benefits of making change and consequences of not changing

Which of the following is NOT true? - the SOP in nutrition care describes the minimal level for delivering patient care - the SOPP applies to administrative functions of the RD profession and the SOP in nutrition care to the clinical functions - the SOP apply to the RD when they are using the NCP - the SOPP are more global and provide guidance for all aspects of professional behavior

the SOPP applies to administrative functions of the RD profession and the SOP in nutrition care to the clinical functions

Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) refers to...

the size of a red blood cell

AI is set for a specific nutrient, instead of RDA, if which of the following is true

there is not enough scientific evidence to determine an RDA

Your client asks you about switching to benecol, which contains plant stanols instead of using their regular margarine. They have elevated cholesterol, LDL, and TG and their HDL is 60mg/dl. What do you tell them?

this is a good idea because evidence shows it will decrease LDL

According to the eNCPT tutorial, which of the following is the best example of the way part of the nutrition assessment should be documented?

total energy intake: 1200 - 1400 kcals/day **should be the most simple option**

Which of the following increases during iron deficiency?

transferrin and TIBC

The NIH uses what, in addition to BMI, to determine level of chronic disease?

waist circumference

Vitamin K consumption should be consistent in patients using...


When using the SGA form, which of the following shows how patients can be classified?

well-nourished, mild/moderate malnutrition, severe malnutrition

Frame size can be determined using:

wrist circumference and elbow breadth

Which of the following is not a method that could be used to determine body composition? - Xray -MRI - bod pod - DEXA

x ray

Which are the two organs in the body that are responisble for metabolizing drugs and eliminating them from the body?

the liver and kidney

The standards of practice (SOP) follow...

the nutrition care process

Which of the following is NOT true about the health belief model? - the problem will have a negative impact on their life - the person needs to believe that something bad could happen to them - the person needs to feel positive that nothing bad will happen to them - changing behavior will have a beneficial effect

the person needs to feel positive that nothing bad will happen to them

Which of the following is considered an OPEN question? - do you like to eat meat? - can you tell me about your meals eaten at home? - did the doctor tell you to decrease the amount of fat in your diet? - do you eat out at restaurants?

Can you tell me about your meals eaten at home?

Sally has a total cholesterol of 240 and HDL of 60. Joe has a total cholesterol of 180 and HDL of 30. Who is at higher risk based on their ratio?

Joe because his ratio is higher

NIH has specific goals for treatment of obesity. Which of the following is not one of those goals? - rate of weight loss approximately one pound per week - focus on weight loss over 6 months priod - modest weight loss of 5-10% - aim for BMI < 25

aim for BMI <25

which of the following have the longest half life?


People taking orlistat (Xenical) for weight loss generally reduce their fat intake because this medication decreases...

fat digestion/absorption

When someone has iron deficiency, which of the following typically will be the first to decrease?


What is the most appropriate diet order for someone with congestive heart failure?

2 g Na

What are the fluid needs for someone that is 36 years old and 180 lbs?

2,720 mL/day

This is the time frame that nutrition screening should be completed in (for acute care)

24 hours

Calorie needs will vary depending on activity level, body composition, and whether disease state is present but are usually within the following range:


Sam consumes 4 oz OJ, 2 slices of WW toast with 2 tsp margarine, 2 scrambled eggs, and 8oz of skim milk for breakfast. How many CHP exchanges does he need to count this for if he is CHO counting for his meal plan?


Normal fasting plasma glucose levels are approximately...


What is the %IBW for a female who weights 96 lbs and is 5'5"?


For a patient that weights 128 lbs, and requires 1.5g protein/kg, how many grams of protein do they need per day?

87 grams

What is equivalent to a 2,000mg Na diet?

88 mEq Na

How many grams of fat are in a high fat protein exchange?


What is the %UBW for a male that is 5'10", weighs 178 pounds, and his UBW is 190?


This medication has been on the market the longest for weight loss and works by inhibiting lipase

Orlistat **inhibits lipase, resulting in fat malabsorption

T/F: Kidney disease increases with age, even if there is no diabetes or hypertension


T/F: there is significant evidence that for someone with prediabetes, the progression to type 2 can be prevented with diet and exercise


If taking a diuretic, regardless of which type, this mineral is always important to limit in the diet


Which of the following is NOT one of the recommendations for lifestyle changes by the ACC/AHA? - sodium should be limited to 500mg/day - plant stanols should be a consideration for adding to the diet - cholesterol should be limited to 200mg/day - saturated fat should be limited to 7% of kcals

sodium should be limited to 500 mg/day

Creatinine-height index is used to assess...

somatic protein

What is the BMI for a female that is 96 lbs and 5'5"?


What is the ideal body weight for a male that is 5'9"?


Your client has a total cholesterol of 246, HDL of 48, and TG of 180. What is their LDL?

162 mg/dl

According to the NIH guidelines, and appropriate amount of weight loss is...

5-10% of current weight

The guidelines now recommend limiting saturated fat to what % when person is at high risk and LDL level is high


A lot fat diet order typically contains less than how many grams of fat per day?

50 g

Estimated average requirements (EARs) are probably sufficient for what percent of the population?


Which of the following would NOT be found on a screening form? - recent decrease in intake - stage III or IV decubitus ulcer - recent weight loss - client history

Client history

An extensive, accurate log of foods eaten over a period of several days or weeks is called a(n) - food frequency checklist - food record - 24 hour recall - usual intake

Food record

Skinfold measurements should be taken on which side of the body?


These standards are structured similar to the NCP

Standards of Practice (SOP)

PTH helps regulate levels of what in the blood?


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