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Which of the following factors best explains why the Portuguese did not engage in direct trading relations with West African states until the fifteenth century? A Lack of the necessary navigational and maritime technology B Lack of European interest in African goods C Directives from the pope to limit trade between Christians and Africans D Fear of death from tropical diseases

A Lack of the necessary navigational and maritime technology

The transfer of which of the following as part of the Columbian Exchange had the greatest effect on human migration patterns before 1800? A Sugarcane B Potatoes C Cattle D Tobacco

A Sugarcane

"There are one hundred and fifty households in Manila. The houses of the city are so suitable and those of the country so charming that life in those islands is altogether delightful. At one end of the city is the quarter for the Chinese merchants. There are about twenty thousand of them. It is a very curious place to see, because of the fine order in which the Chinese live. Every kind of merchandise has its own separate area, and those goods are so rare that they merit admiration. The Spanish merchants of Manila intermix with the Chinese and the Portuguese of Macao so that they may enjoy the freedom to participate in commerce with China. The Spanish do not attempt to hide the fact that they are acting as agents for the inhabitants of Mexico and lately they have sent a great quantity of merchandise to Peru and to Mexico from Asia. The emperor of China could build a palace with the silver bars from Peru that have been carried to his country because of that traffic, without their ships having been registered, and without taxes having been paid to the king of Spain." Jerónimo de Bañuelos y Carrillo, Spanish admiral, description of the trade of the Philippines, published in Mexico, 1638 The author's claim that the Spanish inhabitants of Manila act as agents for the inhabitants of Mexico can best be described as a reference to which of the following? A The mercantilist trade regulations enforced by Spanish colonial authorities B The cultural connections between regions created by Catholic religious orders, such as the Jesuits C The differences between the administrative framework of European trading post empires and settler empires D The resentment of colonial-born Spanish Creole populations against their second-class status in imperial societies

A The mercantilist trade regulations enforced by Spanish colonial authorities

Which of the following would best support the assertion that hierarchies based on racial classification emerged after 1500 C.E. to maintain the authority of new elite groups in the Americas? A The use of terms such as mestizo, mulatto and creole B The increasingly common use of European names in the Americas C New maritime technology facilitating long-term voyages by Europeans D The introduction of slavery to the Americas after the voyages of Columbus

A The use of terms such as mestizo, mulatto and creole

Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) primarily because they A needed to resolve their territorial disputes after the discovery of ocean routes to the Americas and the Indian Ocean B were concerned that the Western Hemisphere's native peoples be treated humanely by the European conquerors C needed to agree on the official languages for Central and South America in order to keep out English and French D wanted to protect the existing religions in South Asia and the Western Hemisphere E did not wish to disrupt the plant and animal life of the Western Hemisphere with the introduction of foreign species

A needed to resolve their territorial disputes after the discovery of ocean routes to the Americas and the Indian Ocean

During the period 1450 to 1750, which of the following commodities was most responsible for transforming the global economy? A Salt B Tea C Opium D Silver

D Silver

Which of the following accurately describes the effect of the spread of Christianity among most Amerindian societies after 1500 C.E.? A Christianity completely supplanted Amerindian religious beliefs and practices shortly after the conquest. B Amerindians maintained local customs by combining indigenous beliefs with elements of Christianity. C Amerindians' resistance to Christianity resulted in widespread European conversions to indigenous religions. D Amerindian religious beliefs and practices were respected by Europeans who considered them equal to Christian beliefs and practices.

B Amerindians maintained local customs by combining indigenous beliefs with elements of Christianity.

AGOSTINO BRUNIAS, ITALIAN PAINTER, PAINTING SHOWING FREE WOMEN OF MIXED RACIAL ANCESTRY WITH THEIR CHILDREN AND SERVANTS IN DOMINICA, A BRITISH COLONY IN THE WEST INDIES, LATE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY Free Women of Color with Their Children and Servants in a Landscape, 1770-1796 (oil on canvas) , Brunias, Agostino (1728-96) / Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York, USA / Gift of Mrs. Carll H. de Silver in memory of her husband, by exchange and gift of George S. Hellman, by exchange / Bridgeman Images Which of the following best explains why the painting was seen as a challenge to social conventions when it was painted? A Women were rarely the subject of paintings in European art of the period. B Caribbean society was built on racial hierarchies that generally reserved elite status for people of European ancestry. C In most cultures of the period, children were not considered worthy of being portrayed in art until they reached adulthood. D Caribbean society was predominantly matriarchal, with men expected to play strictly domestic roles in the household.

B Caribbean society was built on racial hierarchies that generally reserved elite status for people of European ancestry.

Commander Cotton's reaction to the events in Jamaica, in the notice above, might best be understood in the context of which of the following? A The expansion of the trans-Atlantic slave trade across the Caribbean B Mounting resistance to slavery in the Americas, reflected in challenges to imperial authority C Growing profitability of plantation slavery in the Americas D The waning influence of religious ideas and millenarianism in nationalist conflicts

B Mounting resistance to slavery in the Americas, reflected in challenges to imperial authority

Which of the following best characterizes world trade in the period 1450 to 1750 ? A Commodities from Africa dominated trade with China and India. B The demand for Asian commodities was financed by New World silver. C International conflict declined because of growing cooperation among international traders. D European dominance of China began. E The African slave trade declined.

B The demand for Asian commodities was financed by New World silver.

"In countries where there is a great scarcity of money, all other saleable goods, and even the labor of men, are given for less money than [in countries] where money is abundant. Thus we see by experience that in France (where money is scarcer than in Spain) bread, wine, cloth, and labor, are worth much less. And even in Spain, in [recent] times when money was scarcer than it is now, saleable goods and labor were given for much less." Martín de Azpilcueta Navarro, Spanish scholar, treatise, 1556 Navarro's economic observations expressed in the passage above are best understood in the context of which of the following? A The Spanish-Portuguese colonial rivalry in the Atlantic B The influx of silver from the Americas into the Spanish economy C The practice of governments devaluing their currencies by reducing the proportion of precious metals in their coins D The beginning of large-scale importation of silver by China from Spanish mines in the Americas

B The influx of silver from the Americas into the Spanish economy

In the period 1500 to 1750, the population of the Portuguese colony of Brazil grew rapidly and became predominantly African. Which of the following best explains these demographic changes? A The adoption of indigenous food crops by African migrants B Portuguese loss of colonial holdings in the Indian Ocean C The rapid natural increase of Brazil's early slave population D The increase in global demand for cash crops such as sugar

D The increase in global demand for cash crops such as sugar

The world economic system that developed after 1500 featured unequal relationships between western Europe and dependent economies in other regions. Strong governments and large armies fed European dominance of world trade. Dependent economies used slave or serf labor to produce cheap foods and minerals for Europe and they imported more expensive European items in turn. Dependent regions had weak governments which made European penetration and slave systems possible. Which of the following is an illustration of this world economy theory? A China was not massively affected by world patterns in the period. B The rise of Protestantism and the Scientific Revolution transformed European cultures. C Latin America exported sugar and silver and imported manufactured items. D Britain had a relatively weak central government compared to France. E Christian missionaries opposed enslaving native peoples.

C Latin America exported sugar and silver and imported manufactured items.

World Economy Theory, 1500-1800 The world economic system that developed after 1500 featured unequal relationships between western Europe and dependent economies in other regions. Strong governments and large armies fed European dominance of world trade. Dependent economies used slave or serf labor to produce cheap foods and minerals for Europe, and they imported more expensive European items in turn. Dependent regions had weak governments, which made European conquest and slave systems possible. Which of the following best supports the contentions of the world economic theory in the passage? A China was not massively affected by world patterns in the period. B The rise of Protestantism and the Scientific Revolution transformed European cultures. C Latin America exported sugar and silver and imported manufactured items. D Britain had a relatively weak central government compared to France.

C Latin America exported sugar and silver and imported manufactured items.

[Testimony by the creole (European-ancestry) members of a lay religious brotherhood in the town of San Juan Peribán.] "Cristobál Bernal was elected chair of our brotherhood by a margin of only two votes. Most votes in Bernal's favor came from mulatto and mestizo brothers. However, we, the creole brothers, elected Don Carvajal, a resident of the town and owner of the hacienda and sugar mill there. We urge you to command that only creoles should vote for the positions of chair and deputy chairs and that neither mulattoes nor mestizos can serve in those positions, and that a new election must be held for these positions." [Response by the mulatto and mestizo brothers] "Since the brotherhood was founded, it has had the ancient custom of voting for and electing mulattoes and mestizos as deputies. And mestizos and mulattoes make up most of the membership and help the brotherhood grow. And mestizo and mulatto brothers had donated land, which earns 25 pesos rent per year for the brotherhood. And mulatto and mestizo brothers also collect alms for the brotherhood. If this brotherhood were actually two—one for creoles only and the other for mulattoes and mestizos—then the petitioners might have a case. But there is only one brotherhood in which creoles, mestizos, and mulattoes are mixed and, being members of it, they must enjoy the rights and advantages of the said brotherhood. Without question these rights should include voting and electing their own chair and deputies." [Judge's decision] "The election is declared valid, and Bernal is confirmed as chair." Based on the passage and your knowledge of world history, which of the following can be inferred about the economic hierarchy in San Juan Peribán? A Mulattoes and mestizos had no property rights and worked as tenant farmers on creole-owned plantations. B Creoles were predominantly employed in commerce and administration, whereas mulattoes and mestizos were predominantly employed in agriculture. C Mulatto and mestizo communities had some economic resources, but creoles were still economically dominant. D Creoles were being outcompeted economically by their mulatto and mestizo counterparts and were becoming impoverished as a result.

C Mulatto and mestizo communities had some economic resources, but creoles were still economically dominant.

[Testimony by the creole (European-ancestry) members of a lay religious brotherhood in the town of San Juan Peribán.] "Cristobál Bernal was elected chair of our brotherhood by a margin of only two votes. Most votes in Bernal's favor came from mulatto and mestizo brothers. However, we, the creole brothers, elected Don Carvajal, a resident of the town and owner of the hacienda and sugar mill there. We urge you to command that only creoles should vote for the positions of chair and deputy chairs and that neither mulattoes nor mestizos can serve in those positions, and that a new election must be held for these positions." [Response by the mulatto and mestizo brothers] "Since the brotherhood was founded, it has had the ancient custom of voting for and electing mulattoes and mestizos as deputies. And mestizos and mulattoes make up most of the membership and help the brotherhood grow. And mestizo and mulatto brothers had donated land, which earns 25 pesos rent per year for the brotherhood. And mulatto and mestizo brothers also collect alms for the brotherhood. If this brotherhood were actually two—one for creoles only and the other for mulattoes and mestizos—then the petitioners might have a case. But there is only one brotherhood in which creoles, mestizos, and mulattoes are mixed and, being members of it, they must enjoy the rights and advantages of the said brotherhood. Without question these rights should include voting and electing their own chair and deputies." [Judge's decision] "The election is declared valid, and Bernal is confirmed as chair." The existence of a sugar mill in the Mexican town in the passage indicates that the region of Mexico in which the lawsuit took place was part of which of the following? A The Manila galleon trade route B The pre-Columbian pochteca traveling-merchant network C The Atlantic trade system D The indentured-labor migration system

C The Atlantic trade system

Image 1 Ivory tip for a king's ceremonial scepter showing a female ancestor spirit, Kongo, western Africa, circa 1800 Werner Forman Archive / Bridgeman Images Image 2 Female figure on a crucifix, Kongo, western Africa, circa 1800 Kongo. Crucifix. Stone, pigment, 13 x 6 1/2 x 2 1/2 in. (33.0 x 16.6 x 6.4 cm). Brooklyn Museum, Museum Expedition 1922, Robert B. Woodward Memorial Fund, 22.240. The object in Image 2 best illustrates which of the following cultural processes in the period circa 1450-1750? A The spread of Ethiopian cultural traditions in West Africa B The influence of the Columbian Exchange on artistic traditions C The development of religious syncretism as cultural traditions spread D The intensification of pre-existing religious conflicts and rivalries

C The development of religious syncretism as cultural traditions spread

"Colonel Robert Bennett, under the authority of the Governor of Jamaica, makes a treaty with the rebellious Blacks, today, June 23, 1739. Captain Quao, and several other Black officers under his command, surrendered under the following terms. 1. All hostilities on both sides shall cease forever, Amen. 2. Captain Quao and his people shall have a certain quantity of land given to them, in order to raise crops, hogs, fowls, goats, or whatsoever stock they may think proper, with sugarcanes excepted. 3. Four White men shall constantly live and reside with them in their town, in order to keep a good correspondence with the Black inhabitants of this Island. 4. Captain Quao and his people shall destroy all other rebellious Blacks in any part of Jamaica. They shall be paid to apprehend any runaway Blacks and return them to their respective owners. 5. If any White man shall disturb or annoy any of the people or property that may belong to the said Captain Quao and his people, they may complain to a magistrate and receive justice." Treaty between British colonial authorities and the Windward Maroons, Jamaica, 1739. The Windward Maroons were descendants of Africans brought to the Americas in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries who had fled to the mountainous regions of the island. The passage could best be used to explain which of the following developments in the Americas in the period 1500-1750 ? A Enslaved peoples and their descendants were frequently recruited into the armies of colonial empires. B Some of the descendants of enslaved peoples gradually came to own large sugar plantations. C Some enslaved peoples won their freedom by taking legal action against plantation owners in colonial courts. D Enslaved peoples and their descendants used violent means to escape oppression and maintain their freedom.

D Enslaved peoples and their descendants used violent means to escape oppression and maintain their freedom.

"Colonel Robert Bennett, under the authority of the Governor of Jamaica, makes a treaty with the rebellious Blacks, today, June 23, 1739. Captain Quao, and several other Black officers under his command, surrendered under the following terms. 1. All hostilities on both sides shall cease forever, Amen. 2. Captain Quao and his people shall have a certain quantity of land given to them, in order to raise crops, hogs, fowls, goats, or whatsoever stock they may think proper, with sugarcanes excepted. 3. Four White men shall constantly live and reside with them in their town, in order to keep a good correspondence with the Black inhabitants of this Island. 4. Captain Quao and his people shall destroy all other rebellious Blacks in any part of Jamaica. They shall be paid to apprehend any runaway Blacks and return them to their respective owners. 5. If any White man shall disturb or annoy any of the people or property that may belong to the said Captain Quao and his people, they may complain to a magistrate and receive justice." Treaty between British colonial authorities and the Windward Maroons, Jamaica, 1739. The Windward Maroons were descendants of Africans brought to the Americas in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries who had fled to the mountainous regions of the island. The actions of the Maroons that forced British colonial authorities to conclude a treaty with them are best explained as evidence of reactions against which of the following global trends in the period 1450-1750 ? A The persistent spread of epidemic diseases B The continuing impoverishment of indigenous populations resulting from agricultural transfers C The increase in armed conflict resulting from state rivalries over control of trade routes D The increasing expansion and centralization of state power

D The increasing expansion and centralization of state power

Which of the following best exemplifies mercantilism as it was practiced in the Atlantic trading system by 1750 ? A The belief of colonists in the Americas that free trade was desirable B Colonial government policies in Europe that prevented the private accumulation of precious metals C International agreements by European governments to protect the freedom of the seas D The protection of European merchant companies by their respective governments

D The protection of European merchant companies by their respective governments

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