5. N. Hypoglossus, A.lingualis, N.lingualis, N.sublingualis, N.mylohyoideus, N.alveolaris mandibularis, Mm. Pterygoideii

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A.lingualis comes from?

A. Carotis communis > A. Carotis externa > A. Lingualis

Branch of A.lingualis ?

Deep lingual artery, as it reaches the root of the tongue.

How to find N. alveolaris mandibularis ?

Follow N. lingualis dorsally. Transect pterygoideus muscle > see alveolar mandibular nerve crossing lingual nerve It enters mandibular foramen

How to find N. hypoglossus ?

It runs with A.lingualis, after transecting M.mylohyoideus.

How to find A.lingualis ?

It runs with N. hypoglossus

N. Hypoglossus function

Motor nerve of the tongue

Function of N.mylohyoideus ?

Motor to mylohyoid muscle & rostral part of digastric muscle

N. Alveolaris mandibularis (N. alveolaris inferior) comes from?

N. Alveolaris inferior > N. mandibularis > N. trigeminis (V)

N. Lingualis comes from ?

N. Lingualis > N. mandibularis (V3) > N. trigeminis (V)

N. Mylohyoideus comes from ?

N. Mylohyoideus > N. alveolaris mandibularis. > N. mandibularis > N. trigeminis (V)

N. Sublingualis comes from ?

N. Sublingualis > N. lingualis > N. mandibularis > N. trigeminis (V)

Origin / Insertion / Action of M. Pterygoideus medialis

O) fossa pterygopalatina I) fossa pterygoidea A) grinding movements, closes jaw

Origin / insertion / Action of M. Pterygoideus lateralis

O) ventral to canalis alaris I) fovea pterygoidea (next to condylar process) A) grinding movements, closes jaw.

Function of N. lingualis ?

Sensory nerve to the tongue (except the taste)

Which cranial nerve is N. hypoglossus ?

XII (12)

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