50 Sophisticated Words You Should Start Using Instead

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...Or you could call her "pulchritudinous." How fantastic is that word? Of course, you will have to quickly assure her it's a compliment.


Do justice to your desire to possess that special someone. You don't want to date them, you yearn for them.


Don't be a serial "random"-dropper. If something is unexpected, call it "desultory."


Don't bother telling employers you are "dynamic;" everyone they've interviewed has been dynamic. But if you want an original way to tell them you are hardworking, use this.


Epic doesn't mean what you think it means. Use this instead, meaning classic or perfect.


For some reason, "going forward" has caught on as a tack-on to the end of serious statements to make them sound more complete. We're not sure how you can go any way but forward, but at least use "henceforth" instead.


For the love of grammar, "fail" is not a noun. On the other hand, "blunder" works as both a noun and a verb. How supreme.


Forget about laughing your a** off. Tell them you're cachinnating (CACK-in-ate-ing) heartily.


Get creative when referring to your tall friend from high school. "That guy was downright altitudinous!"


If you say something is "awesome," you're saying it inspires fear or awe in you. So pizza cannot be awesome. What it can be is transcendent or excellent.


If you simply must inform the world how scrumptious the food you are currently eating is, please refrain from saying "nom nom nom." Use this descriptor instead to convey appetizing flavor.


If you're going to call someone fat, at least find an unusual way to do it, like with this word.


Instead of "FTW," you can say, "For The Triumph!" We bet you money you can't say it without feeling like Maximus.

Woe is me

It sounds a bit like Yoda-ese, but instead of saying FML, go biblical with "woe is me."


It's only a matter of time before you'll be able to "fancy" a link or status update for which you wish to show appreciation.


It's too easy to just drop a "WTH" (or some variation) on some activity or news that perplexes you. Why not be baffled?


Last one: To asseverate is to declare earnestly or solemnly. So help you God.


Make your old English teacher happy and stop using "lots." "Gobs" is so much more fun to say anyway.

Fidus Achates

More than some internet acquaintance, a fidus Achates ("FEED-us uh-KAH-tays") is a true friend. It's like "BFF" in Latin.


People say "hate" is a strong word, but it's got nothing on "loathe."


Really, there's no reason to use "said" unless you write for a newspaper. Parry back and forth with your debate partner using your newfound word gems.


Sad is what you are when you spill wine on your pants. When your baby leaves you high and dry in the cold, cruel world, you're despondent.


So many great insult words, so little time. Take a line from Stewie and call that moron a "bovine lummox."


Starting a status update with "so" is nonsensical because "so" means "therefore." But if you're going to use "so" correctly, "ergo" works just as well and makes you sound twice as classy.


Sure, a video can go viral by getting a few million clicks. But aim higher for your company; shoot for a billion clicks. People will be forced to admit your work has gone pandemic.


Tell your girlfriend she is a paragon of beauty and you'll score major brownie points once she's looked it up.


That was a fancier way of saying stuff.


The "Really?" ship has sailed. To express ironic dismay, go with, "Indubitably?" Trust us, it's a can't-miss.


There's no doubt saying you "dumped" someone is colorful, but if you want to say it in style and with authority, say you abjured that cheatin' man.


To the kids, everything's "wack" or "crazy." But the silver-tongued teenager of 2012 will be sharing his or her disbelief with this mouthful.


When you execs talk about giving your employees an impetus, you might be discussing raises or donuts in the break room or some other motivational tool.


You spilled your coffee, broke a shoelace, smeared the lipstick on your face. That's not a bad day, it's atrocious.


Your wife's dress isn't just elegant, it's exquisite, refined, exotic... recherché.


"Innovative" is the second-most overused resume filler word. Since you're already tooting your own horn, compare yourself to a Gnostic creative deity with this word.


"Motivated" is another résumé snooze-inducer. Go ahead and say you're ambitious; it'll add a little edge to it that will help you stand out from the pack.


"Said" is perfectly functional and perfectly acceptable and perfectly boring. If someone is giving their opinion, say they "opined."

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