5D: Oxygen Deficiency and Oxygen Toxicity

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List the uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation?

- 2,4 - Dinitrophenol - Pentochlorophenol - Valinomycin - Oligomycin - Atractyloside

Describe the structure of Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs)

- a stable B subunit - 3 labile a subunits - HIF-1a - HIF-2a - HIF-3a

What is valinomycin?

- an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation - transport antibiotic - dissipates the membrane potential

What is 2,4 - Dinitrophenol?

- an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation - weak, lipid-soluble organic acids that transport protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane - dissipating proton gradient

What is pentachlorophenol?

- an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation - weak, lipid-soluble organic acids that transport protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane - dissipating proton gradient

What is oligomycin?

- antibiotic - prevents ATP synthesis by blocking proton channel in the F1F0-ATP synthase

What are peroxidases?

- destroy hydrogen peroxide by reacting it with an organic substrate - most important substrate is glutathione

What is catalase?

- heme-containing enzyme that destroys hydrogen peroxide - present in blood and tissues - 40% of total protein in peroxisomes

describe the role of reactive oxygen species in immunity

- phagocytic cells use reductive oxygen species for intracellular killing - create reactive oxygen species in phagocytic vacuoles

What is atractyloside?

- plant product - blocks ATP/ADP antiporter in the inner mitochondrial membrane - resulting in a lack of ADP in the mitochondrial matrix stopping ATP synthesis and electron flow

What is antimycin A?

- poison that inhibits oxidative phosphorylation - antibiotic produced by streptomycete - block electron flow through complex III

What is carbon monoxide?

- poison that inhibits oxidative phosphorylation - bind to the ferrous form of iron on the heme of hemoglobin

What is cyanide?

- poison that inhibits oxidative phosphorylation - inhibit complex IV by binding to the ferric form of iron on the heme of cytochrome ala3

What is rotenone?

- poison that inhibits oxidative phosphorylation - inhibits electron flow from the iron-sulfur centers in complex 1 to ubiquinone - obtained from the roots of some tropical plants

What is azide?

- poison that inhibits oxidative phosphorylation - inhibit complex IV by binding to the ferric form of iron on the heme of cytochrome ala3

What is superoxide dismutase?

- protects cells by destroying reactive oxygen species - decomposes superoxide radical into hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen - found in the mitochondria and cytoplasm

List the enzymes that function in destruction of reactive oxygen species

- superoxide dismutase - catalase - peroxidases

What is ischemia?

a local obstruction of the blood supply

What is infarction?

an outcome of ischemia that includes cell death and tissue necrosis

Describe the effects of anaerobic glycolysis on cells

causes an accumulation of lactic acid that contributes to cell death by: - acidifying the tissue - activating lysosomal enzymes

What are some examples of infarction?

gangrene, acute myocardial infarction, thromboembolic stroke

What is glutathione reductase?

keeps glutathione in the reduced state

What is glutathione peroxidase?

uses reduced glutathione to destroy hydrogen peroxide

Describe the mechanisms of action of HIFs

-in the presence of oxygen, the a subunits are hydroxylated, triggering proteasomal degradation - in the absence of oxygen, the a subunits can move to the nucleus and combine with the B subunit to form a transcription factor that binds to hypoxia responsive elements in the promoters

List the poisons that inhibit oxidative phosporylation.

1. rotenone 2. antimycin A 3. cyanide 4. azide 5. carbon monoxide

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