6DDS - SEM2 - Oral Maxillofacial Surgery - ALL

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Q: What are the radiographic features of radicular cysts? - Diplacement of teeth - Round/ovoid, well-defined, unilocular radiolucency with radiopaque margin - Root resorption - All of the above QNo.: 86

- All of the above

Q: What are the radiographic signs indicative of possible inferior alveolar nerve injury during surgical removal of unerupted mandibular wisdom teeth? - Deflection of the root - Darkening of the root - Interruption of radiopaque line - All of the above - Diversion of canal QNo.: 71

- All of the above

Q: What are the reasons for failure in apicectomy? - Inadequate tooth support - All of the above - Vertical root fracture - Inadequate apical seal - Improper RCT QNo.: 100

- All of the above

Q: What are the risks for surgical removal of the third mandibular molars? - Infection - Prolonged bleeding - All of the above - Alveolar osteitis - Nerve damage QNo.: 68

- All of the above

Q: What are the symptoms and signs of alveolar osteitis (dry socket)? - Pain may radiate from to other parts of the head, ear, eye, and neck - All of the above - Severe pain and discomfort from the extraction site - Exposed bone around the socket and Delayed healing - Remaining food debris inside the socket QNo.: 21

- All of the above

Q: What happening when an incision is not placed over sound bone? - Flap necrosis - Collapse and delayed healing - All of the above - Tension, dehiscence, and delayed healing - Dehiscence, periodontal defect QNo.: 60

- All of the above

Q: What is the atraumatic suturing technique? - Not too large tissue bites - All of the above - No crushing tissues with forceps - Not too tight - Not too dry - Not too large suture and needle QNo.: 14

- All of the above

Q: What is the ideal treatment plan? - Long-term outcomes - Minimum intervention - All of the above - Address all patient concerns - None of the above QNo.: 3

- All of the above

Q: What should you do when you get needle and sharp injury? - Vaccinate within 72 hours if required - Obtain verbal consent from patient to test for Hep B, Hep C and HIV - All of the above - Conduct a risk assessment of degree of risk QNo.: 64

- All of the above

Q: Which flap design is the most common flap for surgical removal of mandibular third molars? - Buccal extension flap - Envelop flap - Triangular flap - Distal limited flap QNo.: 74

- Envelop flap

Q: Which suture is used for extraction socket of molar teeth to control bleeding? - Interrupted - Sling suture - Vertical mattress - Horizontal mattress - Figure-of-eight and interrupted QNo.: 15

- Figure-of-eight and interrupted

Q: Which lesions are needed for fine needle aspiration? - Fluctuant soft tissue pathology and Intraosseous pathology - Fluctuant soft tissue pathology - Vascular lesions - Intraosseous pathology - Surgical emphysema QNo.: 47

- Fluctuant soft tissue pathology and Intraosseous pathology

Q: What is the indication for distal limited flap? - For distoangular impaction with dense bone - For horizontally impacted tooth closed to ID nerve - For large crown with diverged roots - For conical roots tooth that can be easily elevated QNo.: 75

- For conical roots tooth that can be easily elevated

Q: What is the problem with buccal extension flap using for surgical removal of mandibular third molars? - Hard to retract the flap - Too small exposure - Periodontal problem - Risk of long buccal nerve injury QNo.: 76

- Periodontal problem

Q: Which suture creates eversion of the wound edges? - Interrupted sutures - Horizontal mattress suture - Figure-of-eight suture - Vertical mattress suture - Continuous sutures QNo.: 12

- Vertical mattress suture

Q: Which one of the following is NOT one of the principles of flap designs? - Very broad base - Avoid vital structures - Good surgical access - A little broad base flap - Prevention of flap dehiscence QNo.: 8

- Very broad base

Q: Which one of the following statement is correct for apical ressection in apecectomy? - 45 degree bevel - 25 degree bevel - 0-degree bevel root resection - 35 degree bevel QNo.: 91

- 0-degree bevel root resection

Q: In coronectomy, how far from the CEJ of the crown do you need to cut? - 2mm to 4mm below the CEJ - 2cm to 4cm below the CEJ - 1mm to 2mm below the CEJ - 4mm to 6mm below the CEJ QNo.: 83

- 2mm to 4mm below the CEJ

Q: What sizes of the sutures that commonly used in oral cavity? - 4/0 & 5/0 - 7/0 - 6/0 - 2/0 - 3/0 & 4/0 QNo.: 13

- 3/0 & 4/0

Q: How do you avoid TMJ dislocation during dental procedures? - All of the above - Support the mandible during extraction - Tell the patient not to open too wide - Make short appointment - Use mouth prop QNo.: 20

- All of the above

Q: How to diagnose an Oro-antral fistula? - Squeeze patient nose & ask to strongly blow to see air bubble - Use the probe to explore the fistula - Insert a large needle into fistula & take X-ray - All of the above - None of the above QNo.: 34

- All of the above

Q: Suture is selected depends on: - Tissue to be suturing, ie. mucosa, muscle, skin - All of the above - Healing process, cost, and tissue tolerance - Wound condition - Patient's availability to come for suture removal QNo.: 17

- All of the above

Q: What are the advantages of Luebke-Oschenbein Flap (Modified scalloped semilunar)? - Maintain integrity of gingival attachment - All of the above - Ease in incision & reflection - Ease in repositioning - Enhanced visibility & access QNo.: 90

- All of the above

Q: What are the contraindications for coronectomy? - Associated with cyst which won't resolve with the root left in place - Caries with potential pulp involvement and periapical abscess - All of the above - Mobile tooth (advanced periodontitis) - Nerve too close to the coronectomy cut QNo.: 82

- All of the above

Q: What are the contraindications for removal of the third molars? - Compromised physical status - Possible damage to adjacent structures - All of the above - Acute infection with severe trismus - Completely asymptomatic impacted teeth in elderly individuals QNo.: 69

- All of the above

Q: What are the criteria for exposure with the application of direct mechanical force of impacted maxillary canines? - Gold chains, steel or elastic ligatures, & magnets attached to orthodontic appliance - Angulation will inhibit spontaneous eruption - All of the above - Teeth are exposed long after their root development is complete - Obstructed from erupting by other teeth QNo.: 96

- All of the above

Q: What are the criteria for simple surgical exposure (Window Technique) of impacted maxillary canines? - All of the above - Patient under 16 - Adequate space in the arch - Located far from the midline and Inclination is closer to 45o - Healthy root morphology QNo.: 94

- All of the above

Q: What are the criteria for surgical removal of unerupted maxillary canines? - Poor prognosis for alignment - Good contact between premolar & lateral incisor - Unwilling to wear orthodontic appliance - Patient is older than 16 years old - Good aesthetic of a retained deciduous canine with a long root - All of the above QNo.: 52

- All of the above

Q: What are the disadvantages of semilunar flap? - Difficult moisture control (haemorrhage) and difficult to reposition - Uncomfortable during healing and leaves scars - Poor access and incision often over the lesion - All of the above QNo.: 89

- All of the above

Q: What are the factors to consider in flap design? - Position & size of labial fraenum and muscle attachments - Depth of the buccal sulcus - All of the above - Number of teeth to be treated - Size of lesion - Vital structures QNo.: 9

- All of the above

Q: What are the principles of treatment of benign soft tissue lesions? - Excise - Resect - Reduce - All of the above - Observe QNo.: 46

- All of the above

Q: What are the problems with traditional endodontic surgery? - Root apex was routinely resected with a 45-degree bevel angle → increase in apical leakage - Operating on minuscule microstructures, obscured by bleeding - Restricted access leading to limitations in visibility - All of the above QNo.: 98

- All of the above

Q: When a fractured root tip can be left in-situ? - The root tip is smaller than mm in an infected root - The infected root tip is closed to the maxillary sinus - All of the above - For small root fragments as the risk of removing them may cause potential complications - None of the above - The infected root is close to the inferior alveolar nerve QNo.: 61

- All of the above

Q: When our hands are needed to be washed? - After touching patient's surrounding and blood - Before and after touching patients - Before and after a procedure - All of the above QNo.: 63

- All of the above

Q: Where can the infection from mandibular molars spread to? - Lateral pharyngeal space - Submandibular or buccal space - All of the above - Submental space - Sublingual space QNo.: 39

- All of the above

Q: Which of the following is/are the clinical factors predicting the difficulty of extractions? - All of the above - Limited access - Old patients - Previous root canal treated tooth - Thick buccal bone plate - Loss of crown QNo.: 58

- All of the above

Q: Which teeth are at risk for sinus exposure when doing extraction? - Teeth with advanced periodontal disease but with no mobility; also teeth with the maxillary sinus extending into the trifurcation area - Lone standing maxillary molar with pneumatized maxillary sinus - Roots projecting into a severely pneumatized maxillary sinus and minimal coronal bone visible radiographically - Long divergent bulbous roots with a pneumatized sinus into the trifurcation area - All of the above QNo.: 7

- All of the above

Q: Which of the retrograde filling material for apicectomy is at risk of scattering (running to surrounding areas) in soft tissues? - Gutta percha - Glass Ionomer cement - Zinc Oxide Eugenol or IRM - MTA - Amalgam QNo.: 88

- Amalgam

Q: What is the first line antibiotic for acute infection? - Rodogyl - Cephaxin - Tetracycline - All of the above - Amoxicillin or with clavulanic acid QNo.: 43

- Amoxicillin or with clavulanic acid

Q: How do you decide the tooth section line in unerupted mandibular third molars? - Angulation and root anatomy - Depth of impaction - Inferior dental canal - Bone density QNo.: 78

- Angulation and root anatomy

Q: Which one of the following is NOT the investigation before extraction? - Plaque disclosure - Pulp vitality tests - Radiographs - Study models - Antibiotic QNo.: 2

- Antibiotic

Q: Which one of the following is NOT one of the basic steps of surgical extraction? - Tooth or root division - Removal of tooth or roots - Incision & raising a flap - Application of Betadine - Removal of bone QNo.: 10

- Application of Betadine

Q: Which one of the following statements are NOT the treatments of acute pericoronitis? - Extraction of opposing tooth, Prescribe potent analgesics - Apply acid around the operculome and Operculectomy - Operculectomy - Apply acid around the operculome - Irrigation around the tooth crown with Chlorhexidine QNo.: 28

- Apply acid around the operculome and Operculectomy

Q: Which of the following statements are NOT the treatments of acute pericoronitis? - Irrigation around the tooth crown with Chlorhexidine - Prescribe potent analgesics - Apply acid around the operculome and operculectomy - Extraction of opposing tooth QNo.: 67

- Apply acid around the operculome and operculectomy

Q: Which of the following are the local measures to control bleeding after surgical extraction? - Apply pressure with sterilized gauze - Place Gelfoam or Surgicel in the socket - Suture across the socket - Use tranexamic acide injection - Apply pressure with sterilized gauze, Place Gelfoam or Surgicel in the socket and Suture across the socket - Use vitamin K and Blood transfusion QNo.: 24

- Apply pressure with sterilized gauze, Place Gelfoam or Surgicel in the socket and Suture across the socket

Q: What blade number is used to make incision along the gingival crest distal to tooth #17 and #27 when surgically remove maxillary third molars? - Blade #15 - Blade #12 - Blade 16 - Blade #11 QNo.: 80

- Blade #12

Q: Which of the following is NOT the differential diagnosis of a soft tissue lesion? - Blood tests - Compare & distinguish between them - Choose on a "best-fit" basis - Look at the characteristics of each condition/lesion - List all the most probable diagnosis QNo.: 1

- Blood tests

Q: Which hemostatic agent do you use to control bleeding from bone? - Bone wax - Thrombin - Surgicel - Ferric sulfate - Gelfoam QNo.: 26

- Bone wax

Q: How do you take Parallax or Tube Shift Technique of impacted maxillary teeth? - By using one periapical film like Paralleling Technique - By using 2 Periapical films with two different angles, 15o to 20o - By using CBCT - By using Panoramic X-ray QNo.: 97

- By using 2 Periapical films with two different angles, 15o to 20o

Q: When aspirate a cyst-like lesion which shows blood, what type of lesion might it be? - Contamination, Aneurysmal bone cyst and Haemengioma - Contamination, Lipoma - Mucoccel - Aneurysmal bone cyst, Radicular cyst - Haemengioma QNo.: 54

- Contamination, Aneurysmal bone cyst and Haemengioma

Q: What are the radiographic signs indicative of possible inferior alveolar nerve injury during surgical removal of unerupted mandibular wisdom teeth? - Deflection of the root - Diversion of canal - Darkening of the root, Deflection of the root and Interruption of radiopaque line - Interruption of radiopaque line - Darkening of the root and Narrowing of the roots QNo.: 30

- Darkening of the root, Deflection of the root and Interruption of radiopaque line

Q: When assessing mandibular wisdom teeth, which of the followings indicate that the teeth are difficult to remove? - Mesio-angular impaction with conical roots - Verical angulation which is fully erupted - Young patients - Elderly patient or disto-angular impaction with dense bone QNo.: 70

- Elderly patient or disto-angular impaction with dense bone

Q: What are the flap designs for frenectomy? - Z-plasty, Semilunar flap - V-type incision, Rectangular flap - Elliptical incision, Z-plasty and V-type incision and Triangular flap - Elliptical incision, Z-plasty and V-type incision - Elliptical incision, Triangular flap QNo.: 48

- Elliptical incision, Z-plasty and V-type incision

Q: In assessment of the degree of difficulty of 3rd molar surgery, which one of the followings is NOT the local factors? - Gender (male or female) - Type of impaction, angulation, depth of application, morphology - Mouth opening (trismus) - Presence/absence of opposing/adjacent tooth and cheek flexibility - Presence of infection (pericoronitis) QNo.: 72

- Gender (male or female)

Q: Which of the following is NOT the factor to consider in flap design? - Vital structures - Position & size of labial fraenum and muscle attachments - Depth of the buccal sulcus - Gingival biotypes QNo.: 87

- Gingival biotypes

Q: Which one of the following is NOT the prevention of dry socket? - Stop oral contraceptive for several days before & a few days after surgery - Give antibiotic before extraction/surgery - Stop smoking - Give clear oral health instruction - Minimize extraction force QNo.: 23

- Give antibiotic before extraction/surgery

Q: Which of one the following lesions do NOT need to do excisional biopsy? - Papillomas - Mucocoeles - Firoepithelial polyps - Haemengioma - Fibromas QNo.: 56

- Haemengioma

Q: Which one of the following is NOT the perioperative attire for infection control procedures? - Footwear or easily cleaned shoes - Mask and gloves - Protective eye wears safety glasses - Head light QNo.: 62

- Head light

Q: When do we usually remove sutures following surgical removal third molars? - In 4 days - In 5 to 7 days - 15 to 30 days - In 3 days QNo.: 79

- In 5 to 7 days

Q: What is the most important and first step to treat acute infection? - Antiseptic mouthwash - All of the above - Incision and drainage of pus - Prescribe antibiotic - Prescribe analgesics QNo.: 42

- Incision and drainage of pus

Q: How to confirm the definitive diagnosis of a soft tissue lesion (diameter ˃cm) on the lateral border of the tongue? - All of the above - Incisional biopsy - Blood test - Fine needle aspiration - Excisional biopsy QNo.: 45

- Incisional biopsy

Q: When aspirate a cystic lesion which shows cholesterol, what type of cyst might it be? - Inflammatory cyst - Aneurysmal bone cyst - Dentigerous cyst - Odontogenic keratocyst - Eruption cyst QNo.: 53

- Inflammatory cyst

Q: Where can the infection spread from maxillary nd premolar spread to? - Maxillary sinus - All of the above - Infratemporal space - Palatal space - Infraorbital space or buccal space QNo.: 38

- Infraorbital space or buccal space

Q: Which one of the following is NOT the treatment option of unerupted maxillary canines? - Laser treatment - Interceptive removal of primary canine - Surgical removal of unerupted canine - No treatment or leave in-situ - Surgical exposure with orthodontic alignment QNo.: 51

- Laser treatment

Q: Which type of acute infection that can cause airway compromised? - Buccal space - Canine space - Infraorbital space - Cavernous sinus - Ludwig's Angina QNo.: 41

- Ludwig's Angina

Q: In which case do you need to refer the patient to the hospital? - Localized infection - Palatal abscess - Ludwig's Angina and Cavernous sinus thrombosis - Ludwig's Angina - ] Cavernous sinus thrombosis QNo.: 44

- Ludwig's Angina and Cavernous sinus thrombosis

Q: When aspirate a cyst-like lesion which shows air, what type of lesion/structure might it be? - Maxillary sinus - Salivary gland duct, - Traumatic bone cyst - Maxillary sinus, Traumatic bone cyst - Nerve canal QNo.: 55

- Maxillary sinus, Traumatic bone cyst

Q: Which flap design is best indicated for an apicectomy of maxillary incisors with ceramic crowns on? - Rectangular flap - Triangular flap - Modified scallop semilunar - Seminlunar flap QNo.: 85

- Modified scallop semilunar

Q: Why age of the patient is important in assessing the difficulty of surgical removal? - The younger, the more difficult surgery - The older, the easier the surgery - The fibrous tissues increases with age - Morbidity and intra and post-operative complications increase with age QNo.: 73

- Morbidity and intra and post-operative complications increase with age

Q: Which of the following statements are the clinical assessments of unerupted maxillary canines? - Observation or visual inspection for bulging, lateral incisors' position - Palpation on both labial & palatal sides for bone projection - Probing by using a Michelle Trimmer - Observation or visual inspection for bulging, lateral incisors' position, Palpation on both labial & palatal sides for bone projection and Probing by using a Michelle Trimmer - Taking radiographs, Retained deciduous canines - Family history of missing canines QNo.: 49

- Observation or visual inspection for bulging, lateral incisors' position, Palpation on both labial & palatal sides for bone projection and Probing by using a Michelle Trimmer

Q: Which one of the following space that the infection from the mandibular 3rd molar will NOT spread to? - Lateral pharyngeal - Pterygomandibular - Submandibular - Submesseteric - Palatal space QNo.: 40

- Palatal space

Q: Which one of the following is NOT the specific warning after coronectomy? - Roots inadvertently removed at the time of attempted coronectomy - Later removal of roots - Root exposure migration in the later date - Paresthesia of the upper lip QNo.: 84

- Paresthesia of the upper lip

Q: According to NICE guideline, the indication for surgical removal of a third molar is:? - Patient with deep impaction pressing on the nerve - Patient with chronic headache - Patient with lower incisor crowding - Patient with second or subsequent episodes of pericoronitis QNo.: 66

- Patient with second or subsequent episodes of pericoronitis

Q: Which one of the following is NOT the factors influencing the course of infection? - Patient's weight - Host defens - Portal of entry - Virulence - Pathogenicity QNo.: 35

- Patient's weight

Q: Which of one of the following is NOT the radiographic factors predicting the difficulty of extraction? - Severely divergent roots - Periapial radiolucency - Endodontically treated teeth with or without post and core - Dilacerated roots - Increased number of roots present QNo.: 6

- Periapial radiolucency

Q: How do you prevent aspiration of a tooth or root into the lungs when doing an extraction? - Place a piece of sterilized gauze as a pharyngeal screen at the back of the patient's mouth - Lay the patient flat while extracting the tooth - Use bite block or mouth prop - Patient stands up while extracting the tooth - Place a rubber dam on the tooth QNo.: 18

- Place a piece of sterilized gauze as a pharyngeal screen at the back of the patient's mouth

Q: Which one of the treatment procedures of alveolar osteitis (dry socket) below is NOT always given to the patients? - Take note in the patient's file - Apply Alvogyl in the socket - Prescribe strong analgesics - Prescribed antibiotic - Irrigate the socket with chlorhexidine QNo.: 22

- Prescribed antibiotic

Q: What does successful apicectomy of a non-vital tooth depends on? - Proper RCT before apicectomy with retrograde filling - Good sutures - Amalgam retrograde filling - Small flap design QNo.: 93

- Proper RCT before apicectomy with retrograde filling

Q: Which of the following is NOT the principles of flap designs? - Soft tissue handling - Raise small flap - Prevention of flap dehiscence - Proper surgical access - Avoid vital structures - Adequate blood supply QNo.: 59

- Raise small flap

Q: How to treat postoperative ecchymosis? - Apply warm moist pack - Reassure the patient - Inject steroid - Apply ice pack on the bruise - Reassure the patient and Apply warm moist pack QNo.: 19

- Reassure the patient and Apply warm moist pack

Q: Which one of the following is NOT the desirable characteristic of root-end filling materials? - Ease of application - Radiopacity - Resorbable material - Antibacterial activity - Resistance to moisture QNo.: 92

- Resorbable material

Q: What type of burr is usually used for surgical removal of third molars? - Round diamond low speed burr - Fissure high speed burr - Round and fissure low speed burrs - Round diamond high speed burr QNo.: 77

- Round and fissure low speed burrs

Q: Which of the following are NOT the modes of spread of infection? - Lymphatic, Blood - Tear - Saliva and Tear - D. Direct spread - Saliva QNo.: 37

- Saliva and Tear

Q: Which of one of the following is NOT the clinical factors predicting the difficulty of extractions? - Severe periodontitis - Limited access to the tooth in the dental arch - Extensive loss of coronal tooth structure - Limited access to the area of extraction - Thickness of the buccal plate QNo.: 5

- Severe periodontitis

Q: Which one of the following is NOT the radiographic assessment of unerupted maxillary canines? - OPG - Occlusals: Ant. & Vertex Occlusal - Lateral Cephalogram - Periapical X-rays - Sialogram QNo.: 50

- Sialogram

Q: Which case the enucleation of cyst in applied? - Large cysts near vital structures - All of the above - Cystic fibrosis - Ameloblastoma with aggressive behaviour - Small cyst in the jaws QNo.: 31

- Small cyst in the jaws

Q: In which cases consent should be informed before starting the treatment? - Suture removal - Surgical removal of deep unerupted mandibular wisdom teeth - Prescription writing for orofacial pain - Surgical removal of deep unerupted mandibular wisdom teeth and Extraction of a maxillary second molar which the root is close proximity to the sinus - Extraction of a maxillary second molar which the root is close proximity to the sinus QNo.: 4

- Surgical removal of deep unerupted mandibular wisdom teeth and Extraction of a maxillary second molar which the root is close proximity to the sinus

Q: What are the investigations for infection? - Take swap of pus for microbiology & antibiotic sensitivity and Blood culture - Urine test - Immunoflurescence - Take swap of pus for microbiology & antibiotic sensitivity - Blood culture QNo.: 36

- Take swap of pus for microbiology & antibiotic sensitivity and Blood culture

Q: What are the indications for apical positioned flap for maxillary impacted canines? - Presence of primary canine - The canine is placed more palatal - The canine crown is apical to MGJ and has got minimal attached gingiva - The canine is near lateral or central incisors QNo.: 95

- The canine crown is apical to MGJ and has got minimal attached gingiva

Q: How many knots do you need to tie tissues intra-orally? - Three knots - Two knots - Five knots - Four knots - One knot QNo.: 16

- Three knots

Q: In aggressive measure to control bleeding, which medication is commonly used? - Adrenoxyl - Vitamin K - Tranexamic acid mouthrinse - Dicinone - Desmopressin QNo.: 25

- Tranexamic acid mouthrinse

Q: How do you prevent inferior dental nerve injury during surgical removal of mandibular wisdom teeth? - Use high speed to cut crowns - Raise small flap - Always take CT scan - Use atraumatic surgical techniques and perform coronectomy QNo.: 81

- Use atraumatic surgical techniques and perform coronectomy

Q: Which one of the followings is NOT needle stick injury precaution? - Safety devices should be used for storage of needles and blades eg. Magnetic mats - Use only plastic instruments - Sharps should be passed via a receiver, not hand to hand - Verbal announcements should be made when passing sharps QNo.: 65

- Use only plastic instruments

Q: Which one of the followings is NOT needle stick injury precautions? - Safety devices should be used for storage of needles and blades eg. Magnetic mats - Verbal announcements should be made when passing sharps - Use only plastic instruments - Sharps should be passed via a receiver, not hand to hand - Instruments should be used for tissue retraction- hands should never be used for retraction, to grasp needles, and to load and unload needles and scalpels. QNo.: 57

- Use only plastic instruments

Q: What type instrument and root ending material are used in modern endodontic surgery? - Use ultra-sonic tip and MTA as a root-end filling - Use local antibiotic for irrigation - Use amalgam as a root-end filling - Root-end preparation material QNo.: 99

- Use ultra-sonic tip and MTA as a root-end filling

Q: Which of the following statements are NOT the factors associated with surgical difficulty of mandibular wisdom teeth? - Patient with no TMJ disorders - Increased age, obesity and Body mass index - Verical angulation - Curvature of roots & dense bone - Verical angulation and Patient with no TMJ disorders QNo.: 29

- Verical angulation and Patient with no TMJ disorders

Q: Which case of cyst do you need to do marsupialization? - Pocket cyst of lateral incisor - Very large cyst involving vital structures - Very large cyst involving vital structures and Mucous retention cyst in the floor of the mouth (ranula) - Mucous retention cyst in the floor of the mouth (ranula) - Traumatic bone cyst QNo.: 32

- Very large cyst involving vital structures and Mucous retention cyst in the floor of the mouth (ranula)

Q: Which suture that can be used in contaminated wounds? - Stainless steel - Nylon - Catgut - Silk - Vicryl QNo.: 11

- Vicryl

Q: Which of the following is the most recommended and affordable retrograde filling material for apicectomy? - Amalgam - Glass Ionomer cement - Gutta percha - Zinc Oxide Eugenol or IRM - EBA QNo.: 33

- Zinc Oxide Eugenol or IRM

Q: In coronectomy, how far from the CEJ of the crown do you need to cut? - cm to 4cm below the CEJ - mm to 4mm below the CEJ - 4mm to 6mm below the CEJ - 1mm to mm below the CEJ - All of the above QNo.: 27

- mm to 4mm below the CEJ

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