7 Articles of Constitution

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Article 7

Ratification Establishes ratification or approval

Article 5

Amending the Constitution Framers included instruction to make amendments or changes 3/4 of states must approve

Article 2

The Executive Branch Power to President(some strength of monarch but decisions made by people President must be reelected to continue in office Enforces laws(not make them) Can make treaties if approved by Senate Can nominate judges but could get rejected by Senate GW would be great first President

Article 3

The Judicial Branch Wanted national court system President nominates judges Judge can serve for life( as long as they have good behavior) Supreme court Has final say in all cases involving Constitution Legal issues will not be left unsettled

Article 1

The Legislative Branch Describes powers of Congress(makes laws) President must sign bill to become law(could veto bill) Congress can still make bill law if it has a 2/3 vote Power of legislature are listed Limited government power

Article 4

The States Every stae must honor laws of other states This perserves rights and reduces possible conflict

Article 6

The Supremacy of the Constitution Wanted to avoid not being sure which paws are major Oath saying Constitution is the supreme law of the land No state law can violate Constitution Federal law is priority

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