7 CNS Structures (caudal to rostral) (SMPCMDC)
-LARGE number of neurons that check balance and accuracy of movements -posterior to pons -still investigating what the function is
-contains thalamus and hypothalamus -rostral from midbrain
Medulla Oblongata
-means lengthened marrow -similar to spinal cord in structure -vital functions are controlled -top of spinal cord -lots of crossing -digestion, HR and breathing are controlled here
Spinal Cord
-sensory information comes in and motor commands go out to the muscles
-tracts going out everywhere (thick) -lots of information goes from brain to cerebellum
-two hemispheres -deeper structures contained within -what people think of when they think "brain" -large wrinkles
-very small area that does not expand much during development -control of various sensory functions -eye movement and visual/auditory reflexes -rostral from pons