7 Phase MISO Process

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34. What are psychographics?

Identifiable psychological characteristics of the TA that evoke an emotional response.

28. What are characteristics, motives or conditions used to influence TA behavior?


2. What is Target Audience Analysis (TAA)?

• TAA is a detailed examination of selected groups and or individuals in order to (IOT) determine how best to influence their behaviors favorable to US allied policies and objectives.

4. What is the Source document for the Series?


1. What are the 5 tasks involved in MISO Series Development?

• Task 1. Complete a series concept worksheet (SCW). • Task 2. Complete a series dissemination worksheet (SDW). • Task 3. Complete a series execution matrix (SEM). • Task 4. Complete the message transmission matrix. • Task 5. Conduct an internal series review board (ISRB).

6. Who provides in depth analysis of cultural, political and social factors?

• The Cultural Intelligence Element (CIE)

10. What document lists all transmission that occur during a Series?

• The Message Transmission Matrix (MTM)

14. Approval of MISO plans is reserved by U.S. Policy at the level of

• The President or Secretary of Defense but can be delegated down to the Geographical Combatant Commander (GCC) aka the COCOM Commander.

9. What is the source document for the SEM?

• The Series Dissemination Worksheet (SDW)

18. When using preapproved MISO programs containing CJCSI 3110.05F during a contingency, these products and activities must be approved by?

• The Supported Combatant Commander (CCDR) in coordination with the Joint Chiefs of Staff

21. How are PO's written?

• In a sentence using Verb—Object structure.

2. Where are pre-approved MISO programs found?

• In the CJCSI 3110.05E

7. What 2 questions does pretest try to answer?

• Is the message conveyed by the product clearly understood by the TA? • Is the TA likely to engage in the desired behavior because of the supporting arguments, appeals and persuasion technique(s)?

5. When does the MISO planning process begin and end?

• It begins when the planner integrates with the supported unit and begins MDMP and ends with the publication of an OPORD or OPLAN.

3. What is a PAW?

• It is a source document and conceptual tool for creation products and providing guidance for pretest and posttest questionnaires.

4. What does a MISTF do?

• It provides the supported commander with operational level planners and functions as a central coordination point for all MISO activities.

45. What information goes on the Target Audience Analysis Worksheet (TAAW) when rating?

• List medium type • Describe formats • Advantages/Disadvantages • Rate medium

3. What is the highest level MISO planning organization?

• Military Information Support Task Force (MISTF)

29. Four categories of vulnerabilities?

• Motives • Psychographics • Demographics • Symbols

35. What are 3 rules for symbols?

• Must be recognizable to the TA • Must have meaning for the TA • Must convey or support the argument for the TA

41. How is susceptibility rated?

• On a 1-5 scale with 1 being not susceptible and 5 being very susceptible.

32. How do you rate effectiveness?

• On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the least effective and 5 being the most effective.

7. What are the four types of TAs?

• Organizations • Demographic sets • Leaders • Key communicators

46. What is the PSYOP argument?

• Overall argument and approach used to obtain the desired behavior from the TA. • Not a slogan or tagline • Does not provide the specific messages or wording for individual product development.

8. The MISO program encompasses all _________ identified to support the supported unit CDR' mission.

• PO's

51. What are the operations planned in support of a MISO Series and then performed by other forces?


1. What are the 7 Phases of the MISO Process?

• Planning • Target Audience Analysis • Series Development • Product Development and Design • Approval • Production, Distribution, and Dissemination • Evaluation

23. What are 3 types of consequences?

• Positive, Negative and Secondary

6. What are the two categories of TAs?

• Primary (doers) and secondary (influencers)

2. What does PAW stand for?

• Product Action Worksheet

6. The process of turning a product concept in to a product prototype is called?

• Product design

1. What is phase 4 of the MISO process?

• Product development and design.

4. What info included on a PAW?

• Product/action number • PO • SPO • Series-disseminated products • TA • MISO arguments and symbols • Media description, • Prototype suspense • Product/action concept • Technical vs narrative style or writing • Pre and posttest guidance

9. _______________ is the strategic time phasing, placement and coordination of multiple MISO programs within a MISO plan.

• Programming

10. ________________ provides the framework around which the overall MISO program is built.

• Psychological Objectives (PO's)

12. Examples of MISO transmissions include:

• Radio • TV • Internet • Billboard • Handbill • Telephone (fixed and cellular) • Facsimile (fax) machine

52. What are some PSYACT examples?

• Raids/strikes • Humanitarian assistance distribution • Shows of force • CA projects • Demonstrations • Meetings with civic leaders • Civic action programs (medical, dental and veterinary) • Sewer, water, electricity and trash

12. Potential Target Audiences (PTA's) are identified following the development of POs and SPOs and are grouped under the applicable ____________.

• SPO's

50. The Refined Assessment Criteria includes dimensions of behavior such as:

• Setting: city, town or area • Frequency: how often a behavior occurs • Intensity: consequences or severity (results)

17. What is important to consider when defining the desired and current behavior?

• Should be TA-specific, measurable and observable behavior

2. What is the 5 step process of the Series Concept Worksheet (SCW) Development?

• Step 1: Product numbering and tracking • Step 2: Determine the arguments that will support the MISO Arguments • Step 3: Determine media types to be employed • Step 4: Determine the amount of each media type • Step 5: Determine how the Series is to be staged

11. Planners focus the MISO plan by writing ____________________________.

• Supporting Psychological Objectives (SPO's)

37. What is susceptibility?

• Susceptibility is the likelihood that the TA will be open to persuasion.

6. Define the purpose of the Series Dissemination Worksheet (SDW)?

• Synchronizes and de-conflicts the dissemination of all products and actions within a series as reflected on the Series Concept Worksheet (SCW).

16. What is desired behavior?

A specific action the TA must take in order to accomplish the SPO.

33. What are motives?

Needs and wants of the TA.

20. What are 2 types of external conditions?

Situations and Events

36. What is the term for the likelihood that the TA is open to persuasion?


11. How do PSYOP soldiers determine why a TA is behaving the way they are?

Through cause and effect analysis

22. What is a PO?

• A general statement of measurable response that reflects the desired response of a foreign TA

1. What is a potential target audience list (PTAL)?

• A list of audiences the planner initially thinks has the ability to accomplish the SPOs, initial PTAs are by nature broad and represent the planner's best estimate given limited info on targeted population.

24. What is a SPO?

• A specific behavioral response desired from the TA to accomplish a given PO and is unique to each PO.

5. Define the series concept worksheet:

• A tool used to begin the development of all products for a specific TA for one SPO.

9. Effectiveness refers to the _____________ of the TA to accomplish the behavior change.

• Ability

43. What is the term for availability of an audience to be targeted?

• Accessibility

42. Define Accessibility

• Accessibility is the availability of an audience for MISO targeting.

48. What does refine assessment criteria do?

• Acquires specific measurable and observable data regarding the TA's behavior.

3. Define a MISO Series:

• All products and actions developed in support of (ISO) the combination of a single SPO and a single TA.

9. What is the prototype for a visual miso product?

• An actual product for print

15. What is a behavior?

• An overt action exhibited by individual or group.

47. What are the four steps to developing the argument?

• Articulate a main argument. • Identify any necessary supporting arguments. • Determine what type of appeal will be used to present the main argument. • Determine which persuasion techniques have the greatest possibility of success (how MISO will present the supporting arguments).

39. What are the 3 susceptibility tasks?

• Assess susceptibility • Rate Susceptibility • Make a recommendation.

13. _____________________ focuses the collection effort relating to MISO.

• Assessment Criteria

21. What are 3 types of internal conditions?

• Attitudes, Values and Beliefs

26. How can PSYOP influence behavior through consequences?

• By increasing/decreasing consequences of current/desired behavior. -Change conditions, change behavior!

13. What are causes?

• Conditions that lead to TA current behavior.

14. What are effects?

• Consequences that result from and immediately follow the TA's current behavior.

11. _______________ controls the execution of stages in a series.

• Decision points

12. What are the three components of the cause and effect analysis?

• Define current behavior • Identify causes • Identify effects

38. Susceptibility is tied to the ____________ behavior.

• Desired

7. What are the 6 criteria for product dissemination?

• Duration • Timing • Frequency • Location • Placement • Quantity

22. Conditions can be further put into what FIVE categories?

• Economic • Political • Social or Cultural • Environmental or Physical • Military or Security

24. Positive consequences fall into what 5 categories?

• Escape/avoidance • Access to tangibles • Justice/revenge • Power/control • Acceptance/affiliation

18. What are 2 types of conditions?

• External and Internal

19. What are external vs internal conditions?

• External- situations and events • Internal- attitudes, beliefs, values and perceptions

31. Name some psychographics

• Fears • Loves • Hates • Interests • Frustrations • Grievances • Cultural and social norms • Values

10. What is the purpose of determining a TA's effectiveness?

• For accurate targeting of a TA that will have the greatest probability of accomplishing the SPO

10. What are the 5 elements of layout?

• Format • Display lines • Illustrations • Copy text • White space

30. Name some demographics

• Gender • Age • Religion • Socioeconomic status

19. The SecDef normally delegates MISO product approval authority to the supported __________ in accordance with the Joint Chiefs of Staff Execution order (JCS execution order).

• Geographical Combatant Commander (GCC)

8. Define the purpose of the Series Execution Matrix (SEM):

• Graphically depicts the execution of a series.

5. What are the eight steps of the TAAM?

• Identify and refine TAs • Determine effectiveness • Identify conditions • Identify vulnerabilities • Determine susceptibility • Determine accessibility • Develop MISO arguments and recommend PSYACTs • Refine assessment criteria

27. Key to influencing behavior?

• Identifying vulnerabilities

2. What occurs in phase 1 of PSYOP process?

• In Phase I, psychological objectives (POs), supporting psychological objectives (SPOs), potential target audiences (PTAs), and initial assessment criteria are determined.

23. How are SPO's written?

• In a sentence using Subject—Verb—Object structure.

20. Who can the GCC sub delegate product approval to?

• The U.S. JTF or corps-level commander (3 star) and the aim is to recommend that product approval authority be sub delegated to the lowest (flag officer) level to facilitate timely and precise MISO in support of the commanders objectives.

5. Product development begins with the conceptualization of the product on the PAW and ends with?

• The completion of the product action/concept portion of the PAW.

14. Who should attend the ISRB?

• The entire plans and programs section and outside experts.

7. PO's are generally determined by ______________?

• The highest level MISO element involved in the operation

1. What is the goal of MISO planning?

• To create an environment that aggressively integrates MISO into the supported commander's objectives.

49. What is the purpose of the Refined Assessment Criteria

• To determine what impact indicators must be collected for a given TA.

13. The purpose of the Internal Series Review Board (ISRB) is to:

• To evaluate a series for duration, types of products, appropriate mix of products product sequencing, appropriate arguments addressed, potential conflicts in execution of the series, and availability of resources to execute the series.

15. After coordination with the OSD staff and interagency, MISO programs and plans are forwarded for review and approval by the:

• Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P))

8. What 3 questions does post-testing try to answer?

• Was the message received by the receiver? • Was the message understood? • Will or did the receiver comply with the message?

8. What are the 3 questions used to refine the PTAL?

• What TAs are engaging (or likely to engage) in the targeted behavior (SPO)? • What TAs are directly or indirectly influencing the behavior of the primary actors? • What are the subcategories among the primary and secondary actors?

4. What 5 key questions does TAA seek to answer?

• What TAs will be most effective in accomplishing the SPO? • What are the reasons for the TA's current behavior? • What is the best means of communication to reach the TA? • How can the TA be influenced to achieve the desired behavior? • What are the appropriate criteria by which to assess behavior change?

40. What 3 questions are answered when PSYOP assesses the susceptibility of the TA?

• What are the perceived risks (negative consequences) by TA to engage in the desired behavior? • What are the perceived rewards (positive consequences) by the TA to engage in the desire behavior? • How consistent is the desired behavior with values and beliefs of the TA?

25. What 3 questions determine the effectiveness of the TA which are then added to the TAA?

• What degree of power, control or authority does the TA have in regard to the desired behavior? • What restrictions effect the TA in regard to the desired behavior? • If the TA takes the desired action, what is the overall effect on the SPO?

44. What question does accessibility seek to answer?

• What media types will effectively carry PSYOP to the TA?

3. What is assessment criteria?

• Written as questions that when answered describe trends in behavior change. Overtime these behaviors trends will help determine the degree of success in achieving the SPO.

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