7. The Passion Narratives as Gospel Climaxes

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Which details in John's portayal of the death of Jesus communicate his understanding of Jesus as "the Lamb of God" whose death represents a New Passover?

-Crucifixion occurs on Friday (such as the Friday before Passover) -The hiscup

How does Jesus' conversation with one of the criminals crucified next to him (23:39-43) express Luke's major themes?

-Jesus forgives the criminal after he admits to being guilty, this is a form of apology/mercy, inclusive salvation -The mercy these, criminal admits that he deserves the punishment but Jesus did nothing wrong. Asks Jesus to remember him when He comes into his Kingdom. Jesus then extends salvation. Today is also a keyword. Salvation is happening now.

How does John's passion narrative differ from the Synoptics? Can you point to evidence of high christology in John's passion narrative? (see handout on John's passion narrative)

-John talks about Jesus dying on Preparation day which is a day earlier than the others. -On this day the lamb is being slaughtered historically - The use of the sprig of hiscup; hiscup is used in the Passover ritual - Breaking the legs of the other two hanging with Jesus and stabbing of Jesus in which blood and water flow out. Represents birthing. John has the new birthing of a family born of God. Lamb used for the sacrifice had to be whole, aka no broken legs. -Mother Mary and Beloved Disciple at foot of the cross. Woman this is know your son.

4.) What are the "famous last words" of Jesus in each of the Gospels? How are those last words consistent with the way that each Gospel portrays Jesus or with its christological emphases/themes?

-Mark: (most human) "My God, My God, Why have you foresaken me?" -John: (High Christiology) "It is finished" -Luke: Father forgive them, they don't know what they do. (Mercy) -Matthew: "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit"---more trusting; Trust, Faith theme

How does Luke's presentation of the death of Jesus evidence Luke's apologetic agenda? (recall what it means to say Luke-Acts is an "apology")

-Signals salvation and showing the mercy to the people who are punishing Him. Jesus apologizes for the acts that the people are doing to him (ending phrase).

How is the timing of Jesus' death different in John? What is the meaning communicated by that different timing?

John believes Jesus to be replacing the temple, so as the time is in preparation for the Passover this is symbolic as Jesus being the sacrificed lamb. Unlike the other ones where Jesus actually shares a Passover meal but in this gospel he is the Passover meal himself.

What are the differences b/w Mark's arrest scene and John's arrest scene? Can you explain how the differences are typical of the particular Gospel's emphases, themes, Christology?

John: longer, Jesus initiated getting arrested "who are you looking for," I AM, high Christology in John's, emphasis on Jesus knowing everything that's happening there Mark: Judas kisses him to identify Jesus as to be arrested, low Christology=humanity of Jesus, struggles with the cup

In Mark's passion narrative, how does the portrayal of the disciples' behavior contribute to Mark's discipleship theme?

The human abandonment of Jesus, the disciples are portrayed negatively.

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