7.2 WW1

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African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans in WW1

-400,000 AA served in segregated units -Lations and NA served in non-segregated units -took job opportunites opened up by the war -crossed border to work in agriuclture and mining -Great Migration

American Protective League

-American World War I-era private organization that worked with federal law enforcement agencies in support of the anti German Empire movement -boycott German goods, foods, people, musicians -called the Germany Army "The Hun"

Punishment for Germany

-Britain wanted heavy punishment -Wilson reluctant fearing a bad German economy -punished by: giving up colonies, reduce armaments (navy, tanks), forced to accept blame, de-militarized zone Rhineland, to increase secruity for Germany-border countries, $33 bil to France

Schenk vs. US

-Charles Schenk distributes anti-war pamphlets -Supreme Court (Justice Holmes) ruled that 1st Amendment right of free speech is limited in the time of war when it presented "clear and present danger" to public safety -upholds Espionage Act

Committee of Public Information

-Committee designed to rally popular support for the War using films, posters, and pamphlets -caused discrimination towards Germans -George Creel

The Fourteenth Point

-Creation of the League of Nations: peacekeeping body of countries to settle disputes -promotes democracy

Article X support

-Democrats, Wilson who wanted immediate ratification

American Expenditionary Force (AEF)

-General Pershing -the first US troops to see action -first to aid British and French troops then began to fight in their own segments

Allied Power of WW1

Russia, Great Britain, France, US (joins when Russia leaves)

What groups opposed WW1 and went to jail?

socialists: Eguene Debs progressives

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Pt 11

-Germans resumed sub warfare in hopes of cutting off supplies to Aliies: defeat the Allies before US gets involved -they informed Wilson and he annoucnes breaking diplomatic relations but is still hesitant on war *MAIN CAUSE OF US GOING INTO WAR*

Fuel Administration

-Harry Garfield -government agency created during the war to regulate the use of coal for the war effort -start of Daylight Savings to use more daylight and conserve energy

Food Administration WW1

-Herbert Hoover -3x more food sent to Allied Powers -paid farmers higher prices -encouraged Americans to eat less meat and bread

Selective Service Act

-Law passed by Congress (introduced by Baker) in 1917 that required all men from ages 21 to 30 to register for the military draft -3 mil recruited and 2 mil volunteered

opposition of WW1 involvement

-Progressives opposed involvement of Euro conflict -Phillip Randolph said war only benefitted the white race -Eugene Debs condemned war as imperialistic -Pacifist groups (people against war) organized opposition groups

Article X opposition

-Republican Congress -thought it would disrupt US soverignty and break Monroe Doctrine -wanted to reject trety completely

Rejection of Treaty

-Wilson goes on nationwide tour but falls sick and gives up -Senate took up treaty twice, w/ and w/o reservations, REJECTED BOTH TIMES -US neer ratifies Versailles -US makes seperate peace treaties with Central Powers (Germany, Austria) ending war in 1921

Financing WW1

-Wilson had to create a new income tax to gain revenue by raising taxes as much as 77% on welathiest Americans (War Revenue Act 1917) -selling war bonds: loans to gov't from the people

Fourteen Points

-Wilson's proposal for postwar peace: 1. End secret treaties 2. Freedom of seas 3. Freedom of trade among nations 4. reduction of nation's army weapons (national armaments) 5-13 recommendtions for changing borders and creation of new nations new nations based off self determination: right of people to decide their own politica status

Zimmerman Telegram

-another cause of US participation -Germany proposed Germany-Mexican and offered to help Mexico take back lost land (now US) alliance but Mexico declined bc US defeated them in Spanish-American war

National Labor Board

-appointed by Taft -settled disputes between workers and employers -wages increase, 8 hr work day, union membership doubled, equal pay for women

Beginnings of Prohibition

-boycott British goods -selective service banned sale of alcohol to uniformed men -18th amendment: prohibited sale, distribution, an production of alcohol

Support of ww1

-businesses/industries made millions -farmers were paid more

Paris Peace Conference

-excluding Germany and Russia met in Versailles to negotiate the repercussions of the war, such leaders included -Big Four: Loyd George (Britain), Woodrow Wilson (America), Cleamancu (France) and Orlando (Italy) -treaty of Versailles was made but not agreed to be signed and the conference proved unsuccessful.

Red Scare

-fear that communists were working to destroy the American capitalism -resulted from unsettled peace process and fears of socialism fueled by Russian revolt and labor unions -anti-unionism bc unions were affiliated with socialists -increased immigration --> increased xenophobis

Russian Revolution

-final cause of US participation in war -once Russia removed themsleves from the war, Wilson joins the Allied Power -delcares war on Germany April 2, 1917

War Industries Board (WIB)

-lead by Baruch: goal to set production priorities and govt control on raw materials, pricing, distribution -The federal agency that reorganized industry for maximum efficiency and productivity during WWI -increased production by 20%

Paris Peace Treaty

-outlined by Wilson -Germany punishments -Article X: called on each member to be ready to protect the ind and territorial integrity of other nations

Events leading to WW1

-serbian nationalist assissinates Austrian Archduke and his wife -Austrian govt issues ultimatum threatening war -Germany, Austria's ally, declares war on Russia -Germany declares war on France, all of Russia, begins invasions -Great Britain, ally of France, delcares war on Germany

Mitchell A. Palmer

-series of bombings on federal offices -attorney general who authorized anti-radical raids and deportations back to Soviet Union -leader of Anti-Communist campaign -ordered arrests on immigrants

Economic ties to Britain and France

-traded solely with allied nations -US govt authorized $3 bil loan to allies *helped US economy bc it waas bad before the war*

Sacco and Vanzetti

-two Italian immgrants arrested and prosecuted for murder of two people at a shoe store -weak evidence but convicted and sentenced to death bc they were anarchist immigrants -future investigations proved men innocent

Sedition Act WW1

1918 law that made it illegal to criticize the government

Sussex Pledge

A promise Germany made to America, after Wilson threatened to break diplomatic relations (sign of war), to stop sinking their ships without warning.

Who did most Americans side with?

Allied Powers

Industry and Labor programs and their leaders

Baruch: War Industries Board Hoover: Food Administration Garfield: Fuel Administration McAdoo: Railroad Administration Taft: arbitrate disputes between employers and unions Creel: Committee on Public Information

Who did the Irish support?

Germany Hated Britain

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Germany's U-boats ued against British blockade of Germany

Central Powers of WWI

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

Sinking of Lusitania

May 7, 1915, German submarines sank a British warship, killing 128 unarmed Americans Wilson warned Germany More ships were sunk and US gets involved 2 years later

Four underlying causes of WWI

Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism

US Neutrality

President Wilson issued declaration of neutrality most of the American people desired to stay out of the war didn't want to ally with Russia continued to ship goods/supplies to Euro (mostly Britain/France)

Wh did Italians support?

Switched sides to Allied Powers after they were promised land


a group of Senators, led by Henry Cabot Lodge, who opposed the Treaty of Versailles, to end WWI unless specific changes were included needed promise than militaries would not be used bc it goes agaisnt Congress' power to delcare war

National Defense Act

expanded the size of the army Wilson's policy after changing views on preparedness

Espionage Act

imposed sentences of up to twenty years on anyone found guilty of aiding the enemy, obstructing recruitment of soldiers, or encouraging disloyalty. It allowed the postmaster general to remove from the mail any materials that incited treason or insurrection.

Pacifist Mobilize

one who is against war or the use of violence prepare troops

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