8. ECS, Lambda, Batch, LightSail

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What AWS service can I leverage if I wanted to create create, publish, maintain, monitor, secure APIs at any scale and serverless?

API Gateway

______________ act as the "front door" for applications to access data, business logic, or functionality from your backend services (e.g. checking the weather on weather app/api)

Application Programming Interface (API)

What is a CRON job?

CRON job allows you to automate specific commands or scripts on your server to complete repetitive tasks automatically.

When trying to run a CRON job on Lambda but since Lambda is serverless we cannot provision an EC2 instance to schedule a script to run so what other 2 services can I leverage to help with scheduling tasks/scripts on Lambda?

CloudWatch Events or EventBridge: help trigger Lambda functions to perform tasks/scripts

_________ is a software development platform to deploy apps. These apps are packed in containers that can be run on any OS (no compatibility issues). Scaling containers up/down is done very quickly.


What AWS service would I use if I wanted to store Docker images so they could be run on ECS or Fargate?

Elastic Container Registry (ECR): private docket registry (store Docker images so ECS/Fargate can run them)

What AWS service would I need to launch docker containers but with the caveat I would need provision/maintain my infrastructure (create EC2 instances in advance)?

Elastic Container Service (ECS)

T or F: Serverless means no servers are running.

F: Serverless: end users/clients don't have to manage or provision servers

What AWS service would I use if I wanted to launch a Docker container without having to worry about provisioning/maintaining infrastructure (no EC2 instances)?


What AWS service can I leverage to create a CRON job (schedule a script to run on a Linux machine)?


What AWS service would I leverage if I wanted a "serverless" virtual functions that were shorter/limited by time, run on demand, and scaling was automated?


What are the major differences between Batch and Lambda?

Lambda: time limit, limited runtimes, limited temporary disk space, serverless Batch: no time limit, any runtime (must packaged as Docker image), rely on EBS/Instance Store for disk space, relies EC2

What AWS service would I leverage if I had little/to no cloud experience but I wanted to use virtual servers, storage, databases, and networking in one place?


T of F: S3 and Lambda are both even-driven and serverless


T or F: EC2: virtual server, limited by RAM & CPU, server continuously running vs Lambda: virtual functions (serverless), limited by time (short executions), run demand, scaling automated


T or F: I would use API Gateway & Lambda to build a serverless HTTP API.


T or F: Lambda is event-driven (functions get invoked by AWS when needed), integrated with many programming languages and AWS suite of services, easily monitor through CloudWatch.


T or F: Lambda is very cheap so it's very popular.


T or F: Lambda pricing is based on calls and duration.


T or F: Lightsail allows for notifications and monitoring of LIghtsail resources.


T or F: Lightsail has no auto-scaling and limited AWS integration.


T or F: Lightsail use cases simple web applications, websites (WordPress), and development and test environments.


T or F: S3/Fargate/Lambda/DynamoDB/API Gateway are all serverless AWS services.


T or F: There is Lambda Container Image and this allows you to run actual Docker containers on top of Lambda but these container images must implement Lambda Runtime API (which is not the case for every single Docker Image).


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