8. Google Adwords - Measurement and Optimization - Fundamentals

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TYPES OF CONVERSIONS There are two ways to count conversions with Conversion Tracking:

* 1-per-click * many-per-click. You can select the metric that's most useful for you when you set up Conversion Tracking.

MEASURING TRAFFIC TO YOUR WEBSITE What can you measure to help you track and improve a campaign that's focused on traffic

* Clicks and Click-through-rate *Keywords *Search Terms *

COST-PER-AQUISTIONS (CPA) and coversion the same thing?

Acquisitions are the same thing as conversions: • they're actions your customers take that you think are valuable, such as completing a purchase or signing up to receive more information.

MEASURING BRAND AWARENESS Branding campaigns- have a unique goal:

Branding campaigns- have a unique goal: to raise awareness and visibility of your product, service, or cause. To help reach these objectives: o you can use your AdWords campaigns to increase traffic to your website o or encourage customers to interact with your brand.

On the Display Network:- you can target your ads very effectively.

By choosing exactly which websites and pages will show your ad and creating an ad with lots of visual impact, it's easy to catch the eye of people who're interested in what you sell.

Most advertisers with branding goals are primarily concerned with creating brand awareness. o They may want to track what type of conversions

Most advertisers with branding goals are primarily concerned with creating brand awareness. o They may want to track conversions- like page views instead of purchases. Exp:- an advertiser that's introducing a new energy drink wants to create awareness and interest among as many sports enthusiasts as possible, and isn't necessarily concerned with selling actual bottles of the drink online.

MEASURE BRAND AWARENESS - Impressions One way to really prioritize impressions is to create?

One way to really prioritize impressions is to create • a cost-per-thousand impressions campaign (rather than a cost-per-click campaign). • That way you'll pay based on the number of impressions your ads have received, rather than by the number of clicks they've gotten

How do you caluculate ROI - Return Over Investment ?

ROI = PROFIT ÷ Adwords Spend ROI is ($1200-$1000)/$1000, or 20%. if an investment of $1000 leads to sales of $1200, your profit is $200 and When ROI = 100 your breaking even • Higher = Making $

Types of Ads Runned on *Search Network - * Display Network -

Search Network - primarily runs text ads, Display Network - runs text ads, colorful image ads, and multimedia ads o (like video or animation) o that can be particularly good for showing branding messages. o Display ads can create an emotional connection by using graphical, audio, o and video elements to tell a story that's unique to your compan

Value of Each Conversions should be > or < than The amount you spent to get the conversion?

The value of each conversion should be greater than the amount you spent to get the conversion. EXP:-you spend $10 on clicks to get a sale, and receive $15 for that sale, you've made money ($5) and received a good return on your AdWords investment.

Why worry about the relationship between ad text and keywords?

Think of a rowboat and an oar, and the way that they work together to reach a destination. Good keywords can steer a tightly connected ad towards the right customers, boosting your clicks and CTR.

Your breaking even if you ROI Is at?

When ROI = 100 your breaking even • Higher = Making $

IMPROVE LANDING PAGE to improve your landing page quality and get better performance out of your landing pages down the road. "EASE NAVIGATION"

* Don't make people hunt around for the information that they might need. * Make it quick and easy for people to order the product mentioned in your ad. * Make sure that people can easily find information to learn more about the advertised product.

MEASURE BRAND AWARENESS What are some important metrics that you can use to measure the sucess of a branding campaign ?

* Imepressions *Customer Engagement * Reach and Frequency

For Google to determine a google landing page experience Questions keep in mind when designing your landing page to be - "EASE OF NAVIGATION" are:

* Is it easy for people to find what they're looking for? * Does your site have too many links that might confuse people? * Can people easily find information to learn more or answer questions?

For Google to determine a google landing page experience Questions keep in mind when designing your landing page to be - "RELEVANT AND ORIGINAL CONTENT" are:

* Is the purpose of your site clear? * Is your site actually useful to visitors? * What does your site offer that other sites don't?

MEASURE BRAND AWARENESS - Customer Engagement If you're focused on branding, you can use what metric to measure customer engagement? * On Search Network * On Display Network

* Search Network - (CTR) to measure customer engagement for Search Network ads * Display Network - Conversions

Tools to find new keywords and to identify which keywords to optimise

*Keyword Tool *Keyword Diagnosis *Search Terms" Report *Traffic Estimators

IMPROVE LANDING PAGE to improve your landing page quality and get better performance out of your landing pages down the road. "RELEVANT AND ORIGINAL CONENT"




STEPS - If you don't want your landing page reviewed, to restrict the AdWords system from visiting your site.


To Calculate your ROI you need what 3 numbers?

. You'll need 3 numbers: 1. Your revenue made via AdWords advertising 2. Costs related to the products that you sold 3. Your AdWords costs (available in the Campaigns tab of your AdWords account)

* What does Cross-Device conversion mean?

.Customers do their shopping on many devices. And they might prefer certain devices at different stages of their purchase - say, a mobile phone or tablet for research, and a desktop computer for the final purchase. AdWords can estimate how many customers clicked your ad on one device, and then converted on another. This information can help you see the impact that your ads have on your business, better target your customers and improve your profits.

MEASURING TRAFFIC TO YOUR WEBSITE When focused on Increasing traffic to your website the steps you start off with in adwords are?

1. Start by creating great ad text and strong keywords to make ads that are highly relevant and very compelling to your customers, 2. Then closely monitor your clicks, CTR, keywords, and search terms.

You can improve your landing page experience - and Quality Score - by focusing on three things:

1. relevant and original content, 2. transparency and 3. ease of navigation.

EXAMPLE - Calculating your ROI for page views, leads, and more

A Yellow Pages ad for your business may cost $1000 per year and result in 100 leads. Ten of those leads become customers, and each customer provides a net profit of $120, after taking your business costs into account. So the value of each lead is $12 ($1200 net profit/100 leads), and your ROI for the Yellow Pages ad is 120% ($1200 net profit/$1000 advertising cost) x 100. Here's the formula used in this example: (Total revenue - Total cost)/Advertising costs x 100 = Advertising ROI %

A conversions is =

A conversion is a customer action that has value to your business, such as purchase, downloading an app, visiting a website, filling in a form or signing a contract.

Landing Page Experience Status Mean?

Above average or Average: - If you see either of these two statuses, you're in good shape - your Quality Score won't be negatively affected by your landing page experience. Below average: - This means that your landing page experience is in need of improvement, and your Quality Score might be lower as a result. You might want to consider some changes to improve your website's landing page, like making sure that customers can find what they're looking for quickly and easily. One way to do this is to create Destination URLs for individual keywords.

EXAMPLE - Use negative keywords to Filter for serious buyers:

Advertisers hoping to make sales may want to filter out research-oriented searches by adding negative keywords like review, rate, rating, compare, comparing, comparison and the pluralised versions of these words.

By default, the AdWords system reviews advertised landing pages to assess

By default, the AdWords system reviews advertised landing pages to assess landing page experience.

By filtering out unwanted impressions, negative keywords can help you r

By filtering out unwanted impressions, negative keywords can help you reach the most appropriate prospects, reduce your costs, and increase your return on investment

By Tracking Conversion you will know? This helps you?

By tracking these actions, known as "conversions", you'll know which ads, keywords and campaigns bring you business. This helps you invest more wisely in the best ones and ultimately, boost your return on investment (ROI)

WHAT TO MEASURE - (increase webstraffic) When you measure "Clicks and Click through rate to track and improve a campaign that's focused on traffic Clicks and CTR help you undertstand?

Clicks and clickthrough rate (CTR): These two metrics help you understand o how many people found your ad compelling enough to actually click on it and visit your website.

Measuring conversions is helpful for your business if you're trying to do the following:

Connect your ads and keywords to your business goals Boost your ROI See how customers interact with your ads across devices:

What is Conversion Tracking?

Conversion Tracking is a free tool that shows you what happens after a customer clicks on your ads - whether they purchased your product, signed up for your newsletter or filled in a form to receive more information.

How Conversion Tracking Works and is Set up? - Overview

Conversion Tracking works by adding a single snippet of HTML and JavaScript code to your webpage (without slowing it down, of course). Specifically, this snippet is placed on the page your customers see after they complete a conversion -- the "Thank you" page they see after a purchase, for example. Every time a customer clicks your ad on Google.com or selected Google Network sites, a temporary cookie is placed on the customer's computer so a conversion can be recorded when the customer reaches the conversion page.

When you use AdWords to increase conversions or sales, keep track of your conversions with a free tool called ?

Conversion Tracking.

TYPES OF CONVERSIONS * 1-per-click - Explain * when would this metric be useful?

Conversions (1-per-click) count a conversion for every AdWords ad click resulting in a conversion within your chosen conversion window. This means that if more than one conversion happens following a single ad click, conversions after the first will not count. This metric is useful for measuring conversions approximating "unique customer acquisitions such as leads and sign-ups."

TYPES OF CONVERSIONS Conversions (many-per-click) - Explain *when would this metric be useful?

Conversions (many-per-click) count a conversion every time a conversion is made after an AdWords click, within your chosen conversion window. Conversions (many-per-click) will count multiple conversions per click. This metric is useful for measuring conversions that are valuable every time that they happen such as purchases.

OPTIMISE KEYWORDS FOR BETTER ROI Once you have conversion data, you can identify

Once you have conversion data, you can identify and delete keywords that accumulate high costs but very few conversions.

STEPS - Track Conversions Across Devices

Cross-device Conversion Tracking is readily available in AdWords, if you've already set up Conversion Tracking. Just look to the Estimated Total Conversions column on the Campaigns tab of your AdWords account.

CONVERSION INFORMATION YOU CAN MEASURE How can you use the " DESTINATION URL" to measure the conversion.

Destination URLs: You can see which Destination URLs are leading to the most conversions on the Dimensions tab of your account. Just click the View button, then select "Destination URL" from the drop-down menu, and make sure that you've added the conversion columns to your data table.

Image - Conversion - Dimension Tab / Drop Down View

Dimension Tab / Drop Down View

EXAMPLE - Using Keywords/Search terms

Example If your campaign has the keyword digital cameras on broad match, the report may show that your ads appeared for the search query "digital cameras London". If your business sells to people in London, you could add this phrase as a keyword in your account. If you don't serve London, you could add London as a negative keyword to make sure that your ad stops appearing on that search. By adding irrelevant search terms as negative keywords, you can help improve your click-through rate.

EXAMPLE - Brand Awareness

Example Say that you work for a high-end Italian car manufacturer. You could create a video ad to showcase the new features of your latest model, the SuDuperRossa, and choose to run that ad only on websites for owners of high-performance cars, since they're part of your target demographic.

Google's security standards - Conversion tracking

Google's security standards are strict. Only pages containing the Google conversion code are tracked through this programme. We use data encryption and secure servers.

Example - Conversion Tracking

Example You have a website for your clothing store, and when customers submit their orders online, they see a "Thank you for your purchase"! Pages: You want to see which of your keywords - "blue jeans" or "buy designer jeans" - leads to more purchases, so you set up Conversion Tracking. First, you get a single snippet of code from AdWords that contains HTML and JavaScript. Then, you paste that code snippet in the HTML for the "Thank you for your purchase"! Pages: Soon, you start to see that customers who click on your ad with "buy designer jeans" as a keyword buy a lot of jeans. Meanwhile, you see that a few people click on the ad with "blue jeans" as a keyword, but none of them make a purchase. So, you decide to stop investing in the "blue jeans" keyword and put more money towards the "buy designer jeans" keyword, resulting in more purchases and a better return on your investment.

For CTR, it's also very important to focus on what kind of keywords

For CTR, it's also very important to focus on negative keywords to prevent impressions that aren't likely to lead to a click. Along with negative keywords, consider trying different keyword matching options like phrase match to reduce the number of irrelevant searches.

OPTIMISE KEYWORDS FOR BETTER ROI For keywords that show a profit, you would..... For keywords that aren't profitable, you would .....

For keywords that show a profit, increase the bid to increase exposure and generate more traffic. For keywords that aren't profitable, decrease the bid to lower your costs.

What two Networks does Google have where your ads can run:

Google has two networks where your ads can run: the Search Network and the Display Network.


If an estate agent's ad highlights flats for sale in London, the ideal landing page may feature all available flats for sale in London rather than the estate agent's homepage. Customers are much more likely to buy if they don't have to search your website to find what they're looking for.

Conversion Tracking can helo you If you'd like to know?

If you'd like to know which of your keywords best leads to clicks and conversions, such as sales, AdWords Conversion Tracking can help you This free tool in AdWords can show you what happens after customers click on your ad EXP- whether they purchased your product, called from a mobile phone, or downloaded your app).

MEASURE BRAND AWARENESS Impressions may be especially important in branding campaigns beacuse....?

Impressions: Impressions are important to track in any campaign, no matter what your goals are. o But they can be especially important in branding campaigns, because they represent how many customers actually laid eyes on your ad. o You might not care whether they ended up buying anything from your site, but you do want them to remember that catchy new slogan you paid big bucks to develop and share with the world.

For Google to determine a google landing page experience Questions keep in mind when designing your landing page to be - "TRANSPARENCY" are:

Is your business and contact information easy to find? * Are you upfront about any information that you're collecting from visitors? * Can people easily tell what'll happen when they perform an action on your site?

Example of general Questions you can ask yourself to see if you provide a good landing page experience is...

Is your landing page relevant to what a visitor is looking for? Is it easy to find your contact information? Is the page itself easy to navigate?

CONVERSION INFORMATION YOU CAN MEASURE KEYWORD CONVERSION DATA - what does it show you and how can you use it?

Keyword conversion data: Conversion Tracking shows you what happens after a customer clicks on your ad - whether he purchased your product or signed up for your newsletter. By knowing this, you'll also know which keywords are best at encouraging customers to take those actions. • Then you can improve your keyword list based on your findings, and make smarter investments in your best keywords.

Landing Page Experience - refers to

Landing page experience refers to how good Google think someone's experience will be when they get to your landing page (the web page that they end up on after clicking your ad)

Why Landing Page Matters Landing pages are kind of like cars

Landing pages are kind of like cars - make sure that they're tuned-up properly, and you'll likely get better performance and savings out of them down the road.

TIP - Google Analytics to track conversions

Many AdWords advertisers use Google Analytics to track conversions. It's a free web analytics tool that helps you learn how your customers interact with your website. Learn more about the differences between Analytics and Conversion Tracking.

Measuring conversions is helpful for your business if you're trying to do the following: Connect your ads and keywords to your business goals an Example would be

Maybe you want people to view a particular page more, or you'd like more purchases. Conversion Tracking can show you which keywords are helping you meet those specific goals by connecting them to actions.

MEASURE BRAND AWARENESS - Customer Engagement CTR - Click-through-Rate on the Display Network isnt as good because?

On the Display Network, though, user behavior is different, and CTR isn't as helpful. That's because customers on sites are browsing through information, not searching with keywords. Also, on a busy Display Network page, an ad has to compete more to get the attention of a reader than it would on a search page. It's more important to try to achieve a good CTR on the Search Network (1% or higher) than on the Display Network, where clickthrough rates are frequently lower. You may want to consider other measurements like conversions for Display Network ads.

Measuring conversions is helpful for your business if you're trying to do the following: Boost ROI - you can do so by observing what?

Not all keywords are equal. But if you know which keywords bring you the most business and which ones don't, you can make smarter investments in those keywords and avoid the unhelpful ones altogether.

NOTE: Track Downloads of Andriod Mobile Applications

Note: Application download tracking for Android will only work if your links in Click-to-download or Mobile App Extension ads point directly to the Google Play Store. Third-party tracking URLs are not supported at this time.

CONVERSION INFORMATION YOU CAN MEASURE the Statistics you can measure are?

Number of conversions and cost per conversion: Conversion Rate Keyword Conversion Data See how customers interact with your ads across devices Destination URLs

Overview of How "Off-line Conversion tracking" is set-up

Offline conversions If you'd like to track offline conversions, such as a sale over the phone or in your office, you'll follow steps for tracking and importing offline conversions so that you can view them in AdWords.

OPTIMISE KEYWORDS FOR BETTER ROI Once you understand the value of each keyword,

Once you understand the value of each keyword, you can also increase that keyword's profitability by adjusting its CPC or CPM bid.

Once you've established your branding campaign's goals you can choose__________ and mesasure success by _____________.

Once you've established your branding campaign's goals, you can choose the best places to show your ads, and then measure success by monitoring impressions, conversions, and other statistics. Generally, you'll want to try to place your ads in front of as many people as possible within your target audience.

Online or offiline actions such as (sign-up, purchase, downloading app, visiting a website are conversion because....

Online and offline actions are called conversions because a customer's click translated - or converted - to business.

Overview of How "Online Conversion tracking" is set-up

Online conversions To set up conversion tracking for your website, you need to generate the snippet of HTML and JavaScript code in AdWords. Then, you need to place the code on your website. See our set-up guide below for step-by-step directions.

Your landing page experience affects not only your Quality Score, but also your advertising costs and ad position.

Quality Score, but also your advertising costs and ad position.

IMPROVE LANDING PAGE to improve your landing page quality and get better performance out of your landing pages down the road. "RELEVANT AND ORIGINAL CONENT"

Relevant and original content * Make sure that your landing page is directly relevant to your ad text and keyword. * Provide useful information on your landing page about whatever you're advertising. * Try to offer useful features or content that are unique to your site. * Consider adding reviews that show real opinions from people who've used that product.


Run a "search terms" report to see all the search queries that have triggered your ads. You can use this report to identify relevant queries driving traffic to your website and add them as new keywords. If you see any irrelevant terms, add them as negative keywords to your ad group or campaign.

Measuring conversions is helpful for your business if you're trying to do the following: See how customers interact with your ads across devices:

See how customers interact with your ads across devices: Sometimes your customers click on your ad on one device, and then make their purchase on another device. These are called cross-device conversions, and you can see them in the Estimated Total Conversions column in your AdWords account.

CONVERSION INFORMATION YOU CAN MEASURE See how customers interact with your ads across devices: -"CROSS DEVICE COVERSIONS - explain

See how customers interact with your ads across devices: Sometimes your customers click on your ad on one device, and then make their purchase on another device. These are called cross-device conversions, and you can see them in the Estimated Total Conversions column in your AdWords account.

Privacy is also very important to Google. Google does the following to protect your customers' privacy:

Servers for conversion tracking and search results are separated. Conversion Tracking cookies persist for a limited time only. Conversions aren't isolated: - This means that you can't match conversion data to specific customers, just see overall data for ads and keywords. Conversion Tracking includes the option to notify customers about cookies: - During the set-up process, we'll help you create a notification box for your website that lets your customers know that they're being tracked. This is known as the Google Site Stats box, which appears on your conversion page -- the page customers see after they complete a conversion. Google Site StatsThis notification appears only for customers who've been referred by Google to your site. When customers click on it, Google tells them that they don't have to accept the conversion cookie if they don't want to and reminds them that none of their personal information is being recorded or used in any way. Customers will also have an opportunity to provide feedback about your website. Promote a clear privacy policy: - If you don't use the Google Sites Stats box, we ask that you review your website's privacy policy to make sure that it discloses your use of tracking technology.

Landing page experience versus Site policies SITE POLICIES - Overview

Site policies refer to the advertising policies that we use to evaluate your landing page (and overall website). If your landing page or website contains something that we don't allow, like malware or illegal products, we might suspend your website to protect our users. When a website is suspended, that means that you won't be able to advertise that suspended website until you remove any unacceptable content.

OPTIMISE KEYWORDS FOR BETTER ROI The bottom line for any keyword is

The bottom line for any keyword is how much value it generates compared to its cost

The Goal that you can tell the "OPPORTUNITES TAB it to work with are: * * *

The goals that you can tell it to work with are: • Increase traffic: - Increase impressions and clicks, even if costs rise • Balance cost and traffic: - Raise impressions and clicks with moderate cost changes • Maintain or decrease cost: - Get as much as possible with your current budget

Conversion Tracking tool in AdWords can show you what happens

This free tool in AdWords can show you what happens after customers click on your ad (for example, whether they purchased your product, called from a mobile phone or downloaded your app) By knowing this, you'll also get to know which keywords are good for your business, allowing you to invest more wisely and boost your return on investment (ROI).

CONVERSION INFORMATION YOU CAN MEASURE CONVERSION RATE * What it is? * How is it calculated? * For which networks are conversions counted?

This helps you track how many clicks lead to valuable actions like a sale or signup. The conversion rate listed in your account is the number of conversions divided by the number of ad clicks. Conversions are only counted on Google and our Google Network partners. The conversion rate is adjusted to reflect only the ad clicks on which we can track conversions.

TIP - Google Privacy Security

Tip For the Google Site Stats notification, we recommend placing the image in the lower-right hand corner of the conversion page, no further than a quarter of the screen away from the last line of content.


Tip Many AdWords customers choose to use Google Analytics for conversion tracking. It's a free web analytics tool that helps you learn about how your customers interact with your website. Find out what the differences are between Google Analytics and AdWords Conversion Tracking.

How we determine landing page experience 1. 2. 3.

To determine your landing page experience, we look at a number of different things, from the actual content on the page to the overall design of the page 1. Relevant and original content 2. Transparency 3. Ease of navigation


To prevent the AdWords system from accessing certain parts of your site, add the following to your robots.txt file:

STEPS - To prevent the AdWords system from accessing your site, add the following to your robots.txt file: STEPS - To prevent the AdWords system from accessing certain parts of your site, add the following to your robots.txt file:

To prevent the AdWords system from accessing your site, add the following to your robots.txt file: User-agent: AdsBot-Google Disallow: / To prevent the AdWords system from accessing certain parts of your site, add the following to your robots.txt file: User-agent: AdsBot-Google Disallow: /exclude/ (where exclude represents the directories that you don't want the AdWords system to visit)

STEPS - Track Coversions on a mobile site with a phone number

Track Coversions on a mobile site with a phone number

STEPS - Track Transaction-Specific Value

Track Transaction-Specific Value

STEPS - Track Conversions on Website

Tracki Conversions on Website

Conversion Trackings which can be done are:

Tracki Conversions on Website Track Transaction-Specific Value Track Coversions on a mobile site with a phone number Track IOS mobile applications Track Downloads of Andriod Mobile Applications Track Conversions Across Devices

STEPS - Track Downloads of Andriod Mobile Applications

Tracking app downloads from Google Play doesn't require adding a code snippet. It can be done with no changes to your app's code. Simply follow the steps below. 1. Sign in to your AdWords account at http://adwords.google.co.uk 2. Click on the "Tools and Analysis" tab, and then click on the "Conversions" tab. 3. Click the "+ Conversion" button. 4. Name your conversion, select "App download" and click "Save and continue". Enter the package name. (You can find your package name by looking up your app in Google Play. It's the part of the base URL that identifies your application: "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=<package_name>" 5. Click "Save and continue". 6. On the next screen, click "Done". 7. Your app downloads conversion data will now start showing up with the rest of your conversion data within 24 hours.

IMPROVE LANDING PAGE to improve your landing page quality and get better performance out of your landing pages down the road. "TRANSPARENCY"

Transparency Make it easy for visitors to find your contact information. Distinguish sponsored links, like ads, from the rest of your site content. Openly share information about your business and clearly state what your business does.

What score or status does Google show you specific to your Landing Page Experience?

Unlike Quality Score, we don't give you a specific number that shows your landing page experience. Instead, we show you one of three statuses: * Above average, * Average * Below average.


Use keyword diagnosis to see an in-depth view of your keyword's performance, including its Quality Score on a 1-10 scale. You might want to delete keywords with low Quality Scores and add more keywords that are more like those with higher scores. If you really want to run on those keywords, consider moving them to another ad group and test them with a new ad. If they still don't perform well after one month, delete them.


Use the Keyword Tool to brainstorm ideas for keyword lists and find negative keywords while you're creating a campaign. Once the tool has generated some initial ideas, you can then enter the relevant results back into the tool to generate even more specific keyword ideas. Add relevant keywords to the ad group that focuses on that theme or product.


Use the Traffic Estimator to find keyword traffic and cost estimates to identify potential keywords. By knowing the estimated traffic for your keywords, you can also set appropriate keyword bids that will maximise your ad's exposure within the limit of your daily budget

Using Cost Per Aquisition allows you to focus primarily on?

Using this method allows you to focus primarily on how your advertising costs compare to the number of acquisitions that those costs deliver. Using the Yellow Pages example again, your ad may cost £1,000, resulting in 10 sales. So your CPA for that ad is £100.

Landing page experience versus Site policies If landing page does not follow policy then you would will see what Landing page Quality? Any keyowrds or ads pointing to that website will get what kind of status?

When we review landing pages, we sometimes come across pages that don't follow our policies. For example, if your landing page happens to contain malware (like a virus), that's a pretty bad landing page. Rather than giving you a "Poor" landing page quality status, you won't get a score at all. Instead, you'll see "Not applicable" as your landing page quality status, and any keywords or ads pointing to that website will get a "Site suspended" status. This status means that your website can't be advertised with AdWords because it doesn't follow one or more of our site policies.

When you use AdWords to increase conversions such as sales, leads, and downloads, it's a good idea to measure you__________

When you use AdWords to increase conversions such as sales, leads, and downloads, it's a good idea to measure your return on investment (ROI). • Knowing your ROI, you'll be sure that the money you're spending on AdWords advertising is going to a good cause: healthy profits for your business.

Reasons to use negative keywords

You can use negative keywords for a number of reasons: * Filter out different products or services: * Filter out irrelevant searches: *Filter for serious buyers:

How can view "LANDING PAGE EXPERIENCE" Status?

You can view this status by going into your Keywords tab and placing your cursor over the speech bubble next to the status of any keyword.

Should your CPA Cost-per-aquistion exceed the profit that you made from each acquisition?

Your CPA shouldn't exceed the profit that you made from each acquisition. For your Yellow Pages ad, the CPA is 20% less than the profit the acquisitions provide.

If you restrict google from reviewing "landing page experience" you may end up with

a drop in Quality Score because we won't have as much information to determine your landing page experience and relevance. While we strongly recommend against restricting our system's automatic review of your landing page,

A simple alternative to estimating values for your leads and page views is to use?

cost-per-acquisition (CPA) measuremen

Estimated total conversions on properties besides Google.com - Cross-Device Conversions

ecause of technical limitations, we aren't yet able to report cross-device conversions from AdSense for Search, Google Display and other Google properties. Our teams are hard at work to bring these new innovative cross-device conversions to these other properties

if you are CTR-focused, you may want to delete

delete keywords with high impression counts but low numbers of click-throughs • These keywords may be too general or not relevant enough and are accumulating many impressions but very few clicks.

if advertising goal is to increase traffic to your site, try focusing on increasing your________________.

f advertising goal is to increase traffic to your site, try focusing on increasing your clicks and clickthrough rate (CTR).

formula for CPA Cost-Per-Aquistion

formula for CPA: (Costs/Sales) = CPA

EXAMPLE - Use negative keywords to Filter out different products or services:

ilter out different products or services: o EXP: a real estate agent who is focused on selling homes may wish to include not only the negative keywords rent and renting, but also use the Keyword Tool to find ideas for variations such as rents, rental, and rentals to use as additional negative keywords.

Determining your AdWords ROI is straightforward if your business goal is?

is web-based sales.

Knowing which what happens after customers click on your ad (conversion tracking)

o By knowing this, you'll also know: which keywords are good for your business, allowing you to invest more wisely and boost your return on investment (ROI). o And there's no limit to the number of conversions you can track.

o get your AdWords ROI for that time period

o Calculate your net profit by subtracting your costs from your AdWords revenue for a given time period. o Then divide your net profit by your AdWords costs to get your AdWords ROI for that time period.

MEASURE BRAND AWARENESS - Customer Engagement conversions and the Display Network

o Conversions- can help you see whether your ads are driving branding-related visitor behavior you think is valuable, such as sign-ups or page views. After all, aren't you curious how many people join your mailing list after watching that expensive video ad your company just created?

EXAMPLE - Use negative keywords to Filter out irrelevant searches:

o EXP: an advertiser may discover that the name of one of his products also happens to be the name of a musical group. In this case, it's a good idea to include negative keywords such as music, band, concert, ticket, lyric, album, mp3, and the pluralized versions of these words.

EXAMPLE - ROI Return Over Investment

o For example, if an investment of $1000 leads to sales of $1200, your profit is $200 and

Why is ROI typically the most important measurement for an advertiser because?

o It's typically the most important measurement for an advertiser because: it's based on your specific advertising goals and shows the real effect your advertising efforts have on your business.

WHAT TO MEASURE - (increase webstraffic) What strategies can you use keywords to track and improve a campaign that's focused on traffic?

o Keywords: Keep a close eye on keyword performance with these strategies UPDATE KEYWORDS REQULARY • Pause or remove the words that aren't working well for you (for example, if they have CTRs below 1%, or low Quality Scores) and add new ones. - Add columns and segments to your statistics table on your Keywords tab for an overview of your keywords' clicks, CTR, Quality Scores, and more. USE THE FOUR KEYWORD MATCHING OPTIONS help control who sees your ads. - Add the "Match type" column to the statistics table on your Keywords tab to see how the different keyword matching options perform for you. - With some options, you'll enjoy more ad impressions, clicks, and conversions. With others, you'll get fewer impressions and more narrow targeting. For a comprehensive view of keyword quality, run a keyword diagnosis. It gives you information about your keywords' Quality Scores and whether they're triggering your ads. A Quality Score of 5 or higher is generally considered good. KEYWORD DIAGNOSIS - For a comprehensive view of keyword quality, run a keyword diagnosis. It gives you information about your keywords' Quality Scores and whether they're triggering your ads. A Quality Score of 5 or higher is generally considered good.

On the Search Network, a good CTR is generally

o On the Search Network, a good CTR is generally considered to be 1% or higher

MEASURE BRAND AWARENESS - Customer Engagement Explain what are Reach and frequency:

o Reach - is the number of visitors exposed to an ad. Increased reach - means that an ad is exposed to more potential customers, which may lead to increased awareness. o Frequency - is the average number of times a visitor was exposed to an ad over a period of time.

WHAT TO MEASURE - (increase webstraffic)

o Search terms: When you use broad-match keywords (the default setting), your ads can appear when someone searches for a variation of your keyword, like a similar phrase or related word. To see a list of searches that have triggered your ad, go to: • the Keywords tab of your account, • click Keyword details, • then select All. You can use this report to identify relevant terms that are driving traffic to your website, and then add them as new keywords. Or, if any of the keywords are irrelevant to your business, you can add them as negative keywords so they won't trigger your ads.

Is the Formula used to caculate ROI always the same?

o Sometimes your ROI may require a different formula. Exp: If you're interested in calculating the ROI for a page view or lead, you'll have to estimate the values of each of these actions.

Use conversion tracking to?

o Use Conversion Tracking to determine the profitability of a keyword or ad, and track conversion rates and cost-per-conversions. o Conversion Rate : Conversion Rate = Conversion ÷ Clicks o Cost Per Conversion: Cost per conversion = Total Cost ÷ Coversions

CONVERSION INFORMATION YOU CAN MEASURE Number of conversions and cost-per-conversion

o You can assign monetary values to your conversions when setting up tracking to get detailed revenue information in your reports. o Reviewing your total number of conversions and the value of these conversions o Can help you decide if you should increase your budget or make changes to your ad groups to attract more targeted visitors.

With Converstion Tracking you can keep an eye on important statistics like (tell you how succesul your ad campaing is ) cost-per-conversion and conversion rate

o You can keep an eye on important statistics like (tell you how succesul your ad campaing is ) cost-per-conversion and conversion rate

At what level can you measure clicks and CTR at all levels of your account.

o You can measure clicks and CTR at all levels of your account. For example, you can see how many clicks an • entire campaign, • ad group, • or Ad received, • or Keywords - you can see how many clicks individual keywords have generated after triggering your ads.

Is there a limit to the number of conversions you can track?

there's no limit to the number of conversions you can track.

A good landing page experience can help you gain

the trust of your customers and keep them coming back to your site. Get more mileage out of your landing page by making it easier for visitors to make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter or do other things that you want them to do on your website.

STEPS - Track IOS mobile applications

you can tell how many people downloading your app found it through your AdWords ads. Google only able to track iOS app downloads driven by ads served in mobile apps; we're not able to track iOS app downloads driven by ads served on Google search or the Google Display Network. 1. Sign in to your AdWords account at http://adwords.google.co.uk 2. Click on the "Tools and Analysis" tab, and then click on the "Conversions" tab. 3. Click the "+ Conversion" button. 4. Name your conversion, select "App download" and click "Save and continue". 5. Choose the "iOS" mobile platform and click "Save and continue". 6. You'll be provided with a snippet of conversion tracking code to put in your app

AdWords Conversion Tracking can help you if you would like to know

you'd like to know which of your keywords best leads to clicks and conversions, such as sales, AdWords Conversion Tracking can help you.

A conversion is what you choose it to be - such as:

• A conversion may be: o a purchase, o a call from a mobile phone, a o a visitor submitting her contact information for an insurance quote, o or a prospective buyer downloading a white paper about your company's software capabilities. o Or maybe it's a request for more information, o or views of a page that features your new product. It's up to you!

• An AdWords conversion occurs when:

• An AdWords conversion occurs when: o someone clicks on your ad o and performs a behavior on your website that you recognize as valuable, such as calling your business from a mobile phone or making a purchase on your website.

Why does ROI matter?

• Calculating ROI, you'll learn how much money you've made by advertising with AdWords. • Use ROI to help you decide how to spend your budget. o EXP if you find that a certain campaign is generating a higher ROI than others, you can apply more of your budget to the successful campaign, and less to the ones that aren't performing as well. • Use the information to try improve the performance of the less successful campaigns.

What is Conversion Tracking?

• Conversion Tracking is a free tool that helps you track how many clicks lead to conversions. o Use Conversion Tracking to determine the profitability of a keyword or ad, and track conversion rates and cost-per-conversions.

Use appropriate keyword matching options to control who sees your ads

• Experiment with keyword matching options. • The four matching options determine which Google searches can trigger your ads to appear, helping you control who sees your ads. • With broad match, you'll typically receive the most number of ad impressions.

Example = of buidling Negative Keyword List

• For instance, an advertiser for a financial institution that provides loans but does not offer actual rate quotes may want to include 'rate' and 'rates' as negative keywords. However, if he wanted to include 'fixed rate mortgage' in his keyword list, he should not include 'rate' among his campaign negative keywords list.

OPTIMISE KEYWORDS FOR BETTER ROI • Try to understand what stage within the buying cycle a user might be in.

• For instance, users searching with terms like "reviews" or "ratings" are probably still researching the product and might be less likely to make a purchase at that stage. • To target serious buyers, you might try using keyword phrases that include conversion-related words like "buy," "purchase," or "order," o and use "reviews" as a negative keyword. • You can also include specific product names you sell and model numbers. o Users searching on highly specific terms know exactly what they are looking for and could be more likely to convert for you.

Negative keywords can help increase your ROI and conversion rates by

• Negative keywords can help increase your ROI and conversion rates by preventing your ad from showing for searches that include that word or phrase.

What is ROI ?

• ROI = the ratio of your net profit to your costs.

THE OPPORTUNITIES TAB - Explain Overview what it is....

• The Opportunities tab is an entire section of your AdWords account dedicated to helping you improve your ad campaigns. • It's like a personal assistant who can help you: o discover more keywords o and make the most of the budget you're comfortable with.


• The Opportunities tab looks for ways to make reasonable changes that could have an impact on your account if you choose to accept the changes: • You start by choosing a goal. o Then the Opportunities tab runs with your goal, looking over your historical campaign data, Google search volume and trends, and your campaign settings to automatically generate ideas for you to consider.

OPTIMISE KEYWORDS FOR BETTER ROI To determine the profitability of a keyword, you can ?

• To determine the profitability of a keyword, you can track the conversions from that keyword with Google's free conversion tracking tool.

To measure ROI you first need to measure what?

• To identify your ROI First need to measure conversions • Conversion-customer actions that you believe are valuable: • Such as purchases • Sign-ups • web page visits • or leads.

• When constructing a negative keywords list, try to be............

• When constructing a negative keywords list, try to be as exhaustive as possible. However, be careful that none of your negative keywords overlap with your regular keywords, as this will cause your ad not to show for that keyword.

If you have an account history to work with, what can the OPPORTUNITES TAB help you with?

•Make improvements without spending a lot of time and money The Opportunities tab looks for opportunities for you so you so that you can focus on making decisions instead of conducting research. And you'll keep costs in check because the Opportunities tab works to make small improvements with what you're willing to spend. • Keep Your Campaigns Fresh Have you been using the same keywords for awhile? When's the last time you changed your bids? The Opportunities tab can help you keep your account fresh. • See Performance Estimates Based on Historical Data While the Opportunities tab doesn't predict whether your ads will do well, it does tap into a lot of data from the past like your campaign performance and what people search for on Google, to show you possibilities.

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