911 Driving School Final Test Study Guide

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People under 21 can be arrested for a THC/marijuana level of more than...

.00 Nano-grams per ML of blood

The legal limit for DUI is...

.08 BAC

How long with you lose your driver's license for REFUSAL to take a BAC Test?

1 Year (365 Days)

You must notify DOL of an address change within...

10 Days

You must signal how many feet before changing direction?

100 Feet

You must park how many inches from a curb?

12 inches

It is illegal how many feet about from a fire hydrant

15 Feet

If you buy a vehicle, you must transfer the registration within...

15 days

The driver is responsible to ensure kids under (?) are belted and will pay a fine if they are not.


What ages have the highest rates of crashes, speeding, and distracted driving?


How long does it take for alcohol to be absorbed into the blood stream?

20-40 Mins

Unless posted otherwise, the maximum speed limit for city and residential areas is...

25 MPH

Dim headlights when following a vehicle within...

300 Feet

The most you can travel in a left turn shared lane is...

300 Feet

What is the recommended safe following distance?

4 Seconds

Merge onto the freeway in a...

4 second gap

Unless posted otherwise, the maximum speed limit for country roads (TAKE ME HOME) is...

50 MPH

Dim headlights for oncoming traffic within...

500 Feet

Unless posted otherwise, the maximum speed limit for freeways is...

60 MPH

A child restraint is required for every child up to his or her's...

8th Birthday or 4' 9''

How long with you lose your driver's license for a FIRST CONVICTION of DUI?

90 Days

Generally the body will get of 1 drink per...


(?) happens when tires ride on top of the water on a roadway


In Washington state you must have liability insurance and carry an (?) to prove it.

I.D. Card

When red lights have stopped flashing on a school bus, only continue past it (?) all children have completely left the roadway


Always stay behind the vehicle you are following for how many second?

at least 4 seconds

When parking uphill with a curb turn wheels...

away from curb

Always check medicine for possible side effects...

before driving

When exiting a freeway...

begin slowing on the ramp

A driver's license may be suspended for driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) above the legal limit after...

being arrested

When going downhill...

check mirrors and be prepared to adjust speed

Mixing drugs and alcohol can cause a...

compounding effect

The single biggest reason for collision is...

distracted driving

The biggest contributing factor in collisions is...

failing to see what is happening

With three or more lanes when a bus activates its stop sign and red lights...

following traffic must stop

When going downhill...

glance at mirrors and be ready to adjust speed

If you have a blowout...

hold the steering wheel tight and slow gradually

If skidding happens turn the wheel...

in the direction of the skid

It is illegal to have an open container of alcohol...

in the passenger compartment

Use of marijuana (?) decision and response times


Distracted driving is also called...

intentional blindness

You may not stop or park on the shoulder of a freeway unless...

it's an emergency

What should you use in fog?


After alcohol (?) is the most detected psychoactive substance in road arrests and fatal collisions


What must stop when red lights and the stop sign are activated on a school bus on a two lane roadway?

oncoming and following traffic

When do you have to have your headlights on?

one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise

You must yield to (?) that will enter path of travel when backing up.

pedestrians and traffic

DUI alcohol and DUI drug violations have the same...


Yield to vehicles already in the...


Before any driving decision ask yourself is it...

safe, legal, and nessacary

If you start hydroplaning you should...

slow down

The most common contributing factor to fatal or serious injury run-off road collisions is...


To avoid someone running into your rear you should...

stop gradually

The fine for not stopping for a school bus stop sign is the same as not stopping for a...

stop sign

Marijuana infused food...

take longer to take affect

If bicyclists don't obey the rules of the road...

they can get a ticket

When parking uphill without a curb turn wheels...

towards the edge of the road

At night if you stop on the shoulder of the road...

turn on flashers and low beams

IDL holders may not use a cell phone...

unless it's an emergency

Marijuana can impair driving...

up to 5 hours

At uncontrolled intersections who has the right of way?

vehicles on the right

Before driving you should be...

well rested

Use high beam lights at night...

when possible

If a collision happens with a parked vehicle, leave a note

with time and date where they can reach you

Drivers entering an intersection to make a left turn must not enter the intersection unless they can get through it...

without having to stop

A green arrow under a red light means you can turn in the direction of the arrow...

without stopping

When a transit bus is signaling to re-enter the roadway or changing lanes you must...

yield to the bus

Ramp traffic entering a freeway must...

yield to traffic on the freeway

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