A & P Ch 2

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What might happen if you took in less than optimum amounts of niacin in your diet? a. Fewer pyruvate molecules would be produced. b. Available FAD would increase. c. The number of hydrogen ions pumped through the ETS in a given amount of time would increase. d. The number of Krebs cycles occurring in a given amount of time would increase. e. Any of the above might happen.

A. Fewer pyruvate molecules would be produced

The rough endoplasmic reticulum a. is in direct contact with certain nonmembranous organelles b. synthesizes lipids for secretion c. is called the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells d. transports proteins to its bound ribosomes e. exhibits all of the above characteristics

A. In direct contact with certain nonmembranous organelles

Identify the true statement(s). a. Myosin motors move along actin proteins. b. Kinesin always moves toward a centriole. c. Myosin motors move along actin proteins and Dynein always moves toward the plasma membrane. d. Dynein always moves toward the plasma membrane. e. Dynein is responsible for movement of microvilli.

A. Myosin motors move along actin protein

ATP synthase a. is not part of the ETS b. accepts H+ ions from NADH c. pumps H+ ions into the intermembrane space d. transports oxygen e. uses ATP to pump H+ out of the mitochondrial matrix

A. Not part of ETS

Which of the following organelles contains catalase? a. peroxisomes b. mitochondria c. lysosomes d. vaults e. a, b, and c

A. Peroxisomes

Select the incorrect association. a. pyruvate/five-carbon molecule b. electron transport chain/mitochondrion c. ATP/high-energy bonds d. glycolysis/cytosol e. glycolysis/anaerobic

A. Pyruvate/5 Carbon molecule

Which of the following are involved directly in myosin synthesis? a. RNA b. actin c. DNA d. microfilaments e. All of the above


Cristae are found in the a. mitochondrion b. nucleus c. rough ER d. nucleolus e. lysosome

A. mitochondria

Which of the following is not contained within the cytoplasm? a. plasma membrane b. catalase c. cytosol d. endoplasmic reticulum e. ribosomal subunits

A. plasma membrane

A typical human cell is about ____ micrometers in diameter. a. 1 to 2 b. 10 to 20 c. 80 to 100 d. 150 to 200 e. 200 to 300

B. 10-20

Which of the following is least related to glycolysis? a. ATP b. CO2 c. pyruvate d. NADH e. glucose

B. CO2

Which statement regarding the citric acid cycle is incorrect? a. It occurs in the mitochondrial matrix. b. It forms two ATP molecules during each turn. c. Each turn forms one molecule of GTP. d. It forms carbon dioxide. e. Acetyl CoA and oxaloacetate react to form citric acid.

B. It forms 2 ATP molecules during each turn

Which organelle is not membrane-bound? a. mitochondrion b. ribosome c. lysosome d. RER e. Golgi body

B. Ribosome

The term aerobic refers to reactions a. that occur in the lungs b. that continue only when oxygen is available c. do not require an input of carbon dioxide d. that occur without oxygen e. that require carbon dioxide

B. continue only wit oxygen available

A cell in the pancreas that secretes an enzyme to hydrolyze lipids would be expected to have a. a larger-than-normal nucleus b. an extensive rough ER c. a greater-than-normal number of free ribosomes d. an extensive smooth ER e. a and d

B. extensive rough ER

The SNARE complex provides a. a means of recognition of foreign proteins after they enter a cell b. a way for a certain enzyme to bind with the correct substrate c. a means to deliver vesicles to an appropriate site d. a mechanism necessary for receptor mediated endocytosis to occur e. all of the functions listed above

C. A means to deliver vesicles to appropriate site

Where is CO2 released in the aerobic cellular respiration process? a. Krebs cycle b. just prior to pyruvate entering the Krebs cycle c. Krebs cycle and just prior to pyruvate entering the Krebs cycle d. electron transport chain e. glycolysis

C. Krebs cycle and just prior to pyruvate entering the krebs cycle

The form of endocytosis in which whole cells such as bacteria are brought in is a. receptor-mediated endocytosis b. pinocytosis c. phagocytosis d. exocytosis e. mitosis

C. Phagocytosis

Glycolysis a. produces citric acid b. transfers energy to glucose c. produces more ATP molecules than does one turn of the Krebs cycle d. traps energy in FADH2 e. does not perform any of the functions listed above

C. Produces more ATP mol. than one turn of Krebs cycle

Which of the following does not apply to lysosomes? a. They help remove damaged organelles. b. They contain hydrolytic enzymes. c. They generate hydrogen peroxide. d. They aid in the breakdown of material that is taken into the cell through endocytosis. e. When they are abnormal, Tay-Sachs disease may result.

C. They generate hydrogen peroixide

Identify all examples of inclusions. a. vault b. peroxisome c. glycogen granule d. centriole e. glycogen granule and vault

C. glycogen granule

Select the incorrect statement about the smooth ER. a. It specializes in lipid metabolism. b. In one type of cell, it is called sarcoplasmic reticulum. c. It does not contain ribosomes. d. It is abundant in most cell types. e. It is found in liver cells.

D It is abundant in most cell types.

Identify the item that is not taken into a cell via receptor-mediated endocytosis. a. vitamin B12 b. cholesterol c. iron d. amino acid e. insulin

D. Amino acid

Identify the item that does not enter a cell through a coated pit: a. cholesterol b. vitamin B12 c. insulin d. cargo protein e. iron

D. Cargo Protein

Which of the following represents a site of storage for molecules that a cell uses as a source of energy? a. peroxisome b. nucleus c. lysosome d. inclusion e. Golgi complex

D. Inclusion

Select the correct statement about a ribosome. a. It contains DNA. b. It synthesizes amino acids. c. It is often functional while attached to a nonmembranous organelle. d. It contains proteins that are synthesized at other ribosomes. e. All of the above statements are correct.

D. It contains proteins that are synthesized with other ribosomes

Which of the following is not a principle of the cell theory? a. A cell's structure determines the cell's ability to function. b. Cells are the fundamental living building blocks of multicellular organisms. c. Cells are the smallest things that can be alive. d. Most cells come from preexisting cells. e. All cells have certain fundamental structures and functions in common.

D. Most of the cells come from other cells

Which of the following is synthesized inside certain cells and is eventually secreted. a. ATP b. tRNA c. clathrin d. steroid hormone e. dynamin

D. Steroid hormone

Which characteristic regarding microfilaments is incorrect? a. They are involved in cell locomotion. b. They are the smallest elements of the cytoskeleton. c. They are composed of actin subunits. d. They form mitotic spindles. e. They serve as mechanical stiffeners for microvilli.

D. They form mitotic spindles

Which component below is not always found in a typical human cell? a. cytosol b. DNA c. water d. flagellum e. plasma membrane

D. flagellum

Actin and myosin filaments are most abundant in ____ cells. a. red blood b. white blood c. nerve d. muscle e. epithelial

D. muscle

Select the structure that is not located in the cytosol of the cell. a. mitochondrion b. Golgi complex c. ER d. nucleolus e. lysosome

D. nucleolus

NADH is a. an energy carrier b. used in cellular respiration c. produced in glycolysis d. produced in the citric acid cycle e. important in all of the above

E. All dem

Ribosomes a. are the only sites where proteins are made b. contain protein in their chemical makeup c. contain RNA in their chemical makeup d. consist of subunits that are constructed inside the nucleus e. are characterized by all of the above

E. All dem

Nicotimamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a. used in glycolysis and in the Krebs cycle b. found in the cytosol c. a hydrogen carrier molecule d. found in the mitochondrion e. characterized by all of the above

E. Characterized by all of dem

Which of the following is most closely associated with cilia? a. microfilaments and actin b. myosin motor molecules and microfilaments c. actin and myosin d. intermediate filaments e. dynein and microtubules

E. Dynein and microtubules

During anaerobic conditions, a. the degradation of glucose cannot proceed beyond the Krebs cycle. b. more pyruvate is formed from lactate. c. mitochondrial processing of nutrient molecules takes place. d. the ETS continues to function, but the Krebs cycle does not. e. FAD is not converted to FADH2.

E. FAD is not converted to FADH2

Which of the following does not occur in the cytosol? a. storage of fat and glycogen b. synthesis of proteins c. glycolysis d. enzymatic regulation of intermediary metabolism e. replication of chromosomes

E. Replication of chromosomes

Microtubules a. serve as a mechanical stiffener for microvilli b. form neurofilaments, which degrade in Lou Gehrig's disease c. form non-muscle contractile assemblies d. play an important structural role in parts of the cell subject to mechanical stress e. is responsible for nuclear division but not cytoplasmic division

E. Responsible for nuclear division but not cytoplasmic division

Which of the following may help transport ribosomal subunits out of the nucleus? a. centriole b. Golgi complex c. secretory vesicle d. mitotic spindle e. vault

E. Vault

Which statement is true? a. Mitochondria are primarily sites where anaerobic respiration occurs. b. Vaults are inclusions in the cytoplasm that transport DNA. c. Peroxisomes are membranous sacs that contain hydrolytic enzymes. d. Ribosomes are membranous organelles that synthesize proteins. e. None of the statements are true.

E. none

The bending movements of cilia and flagella a. involves dynein action on microfilaments b. are associated with microtubules and kinesin c. involves myosin action on intermediate filaments d. involve the alternate assembly and disassembly of actin filaments e. are produced when dynein motors pull adjacent microtubule doublets past each other

E. produced when dynein motors pul adjacent microtubule doublets past each other.

Lysosomes synthesize hydrolase enzymes.


The only time the contents of secretory vesicles come in contact with the cytosol is when the vesicle joins with the plasma membrane.


Cytokinesis is the division of the nucleus during mitosis.


DNA's genetic code for a particular protein is transcribed into rRNA.


Electron microscopes are about 1000 times more powerful than light microscopes.


Oxygen molecules are used in the Krebs cycle and at the end of the ETS.


Phagocytosis is a specialized form of endocytosis used primarily for bringing ECF into the cytosol.


Secretory vesicles are taken into a cell by means of phagocytosis.


Skeletal muscle cells have numerous mitochondria within their endoplasmic reticulum and this special organization is called the mitochondrial reticulum.


The Golgi complex synthesizes recognition markers that recognize and attract specific sorting signals.


The Krebs cycle occurs within the mitochondria while the citric acid cycle occurs in the cytosol.


The lipids within the ER's membrane must synthesize additional lipid molecules so the ER can grows as a cell grows.


The two primary organelles involved in detoxifying harmful substances are the peroxisomes and the Golgi complex.


Vaults are presumably descendants of primitive bacterial cells.


The amount of smooth ER within liver cells may change dramatically over a period of days, depending on the amount of drug detoxification that is required.


The endoplasmic reticulum is one continuous organelle consisting of many tubules and cisternae.


The nucleus indirectly governs most cellular activities by directing the kinds and amounts of various enzymes and other proteins that are produced by the cell.


Coated vesicles bud off the Golgi complex and contain various proteins.


The cytoplasm includes everything between the plasma membrane and nucleus of a cell.


Amoeboid movement is accomplished by alternate assembly and disassembly of actin filaments.


Choose the incorrect statement about the cytoskeleton. a. It is involved in replication of DNA. b. It is involved in cilia movement. c. It serves as a mechanical stiffener. d. It has components within microvilli. e. It may help organize groups of enzymes.

a. It is involved in replication of DNA.

Which structure is not associated with the secretion of proteins produced by ER? a. lysosomal membrane b. plasma membrane c. Golgi complex d. smooth ER e. transport vesicles

a. lysosomal membrane

Which modified form of pyruvate enters the citric acid cycle? a. oxaloacetic acid b. citric acid c. adenosine diphosphate d. acetyl CoA e. pyruvic acid

acetyl coA

Why do most cells in the body require oxygen molecules? a. ATP synthase uses it to add a phosphate ion to ADP in order to make ATP. b. It pulls electrons off the electron transport chains in the last part of cellular respiration. c. It pulls electrons off the electron transport chains in the last part of cellular respiration and ATP synthase uses it to add a phosphate ion to ADP in order to make ATP. d. The electron transport system must pump it through the inner membrane for chemiosmosis. e. Glucose cannot be broken down without it.

b. It pulls electrons off the electron transport chains in the last part of cellular respiration.

Which characteristic of the Golgi complex is incorrect? a. It sorts and directs products to their final destination. b. It receives secretory vesicles coming from the ER. c. It produces lysosomes. d. It is a membranous organelle surrounded by cytosol. e. It modifies proteins made at the rough ER.

b. It receives secretory vesicles coming from the ER

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum a. is most abundant in cells specialized for protein secretion b. gives rise to transport vesicles containing newly synthesized molecules wrapped in a layer of smooth ER membrane c. consists of stacks of relatively flattened sacs called cristae d. has only a few ribosomes attached to it e. is a primary site for glycolysis

b. gives rise to transport vesicles containing newly synthesized molecules wrapped in a layer of smooth ER membrane

Docking markers are most closely associated with a. mitochondria b. the ETS c. Golgi complexes d. DNA e. the nucleus

c. Golgi complexes

During axonal transport a. Dyneins carry secretory vesicles toward the axon terminal. b. Kinesins move toward the nucleus of the cell. c. Kinesins carry axonal debris toward the axon terminal. d. Microfilaments serve as the major intracellular "highway." e. Dyneins move away from the nucleus.

c. Kinesins carry axonal debris toward the axon terminal.

Which statement about cells is incorrect? a. They are the smallest things that can be alive. b. They are generally too small to be seen with the unaided eye. c. Most cells in dogs are quite different than cells in humans. d. They are highly organized. e. Cells in large dogs are the same size as cells in smaller dogs.

c. Most cells in dogs are quite different than cells in humans.

Intermediate filaments a. form the basal bodies b. comprise cilia and flagella c. are important in cell regions subject to mechanical stress d. comprise mitotic spindles e. comprise cilia and flagella and form the basal bodies

c. are important in cell regions subject to mechanical stress

Which of the following does not always involve the plasma membrane? a. formation of an endocytic vesicle b. secretion c. vesicle formation d. pinocytosis e. endocytosis

c. vesicle formation

Select the incorrect statement about vaults. a. They are numerous and relatively large organelles. b. They may transport ribosomal subunits out of the nucleus. c. They are not visible by ordinary staining techniques. d. They are specialized transport vesicles within nuclear pores. e. They may play a role in drug resistance in cancer cells.

d. They are specialized transport vesicles within nuclear pores.

Identify the pairing that has the least related items: a. t-SNARE, plasma membrane b. catalase, peroxisome c. pinocytosis, endocytosis d. clathrin, secretory vesicle e. phagocytosis, pseudopods

d. clathrin, secretory vesicle

All of a muscle cell's lactate is synthesized a. in chemiosmosis b. directly from glucose c. from acetyl CoA d. from pyruvate e. in Krebs cycle reactions

d. from pyruvate

Glycolysis a. yields two molecules of ATP for each molecule of glucose processed b. yields two molecules of NADH when converting one glucose into two pyruvates c. does not take place in the mitochondrion d. yields two molecules of ATP for each molecule of glucose processed, and yields two molecules of NADH when converting one glucose into two pyruvates e. all of these

d. yields two molecules of ATP for each molecule of glucose processed, and yields two molecules of NADH when converting one glucose into two pyruvates

Which statement about the plasma membrane is not true? a. It consists mostly of lipids and proteins. b. It selectively controls movement of molecules between the ECF and the cytoplasm. c. It serves as a mechanical barrier to hold in the contents of the cell. d. It contains proteins that provides for various membrane functions. e. It is the barrier that surrounds the blood vessels and separates the blood plasma from the interstitial fluid.

e. It is the barrier that surrounds the blood vessels and separates the blood plasma from the interstitial fluid.

Select the incorrect characteristic of mitochondria. a. They possess their own DNA. b. Their inner membranes contain electron carriers. c. They are the site of cellular respiration. d. They possess two membranes. e. They have an inner fluid-filled space called the cristae.

e. They have an inner fluid-filled space called the cristae.

Chemiosmosis a. releases O2 onto a water molecule at the end of the ETS b. pumps H+ ions into the mitochondrial matrix c. transfers hydrogens from the ETS to NAD+ d. generates GTP, which is then converted into ATP e. does not perform any of the above functions

e. does not perform any of the above functions (IT extracts energy from a H+ concentration gradient.)

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is likely associated with the disruption of microtubules and microfilaments within motor neurons.


Cytoplasm is the same as ICF


Dynamin is synthesized inside endosomes and is responsible for pinching off the endosome from the plasma membrane.


Dynein is a mitochondrial enzyme.


Endocytosis can only be accomplished by phagocytosis and pinocytosis.


Glycolysis utilizes most of the stored energy in glucose when synthesizing ATP molecules.


If a candy bar is likened to a single glucose molecule, then a pyruvate molecule would be likened to two candy bars.


Intermediate filaments account for about 85% of the protein present in muscle and liver cells.


Lipid synthesis does not occur in the rough ER.


Peroxisomes are nonmembranous organelles that generate and degrade hydrogen peroxide.


Peroxisomes arise from vesicles produced at the rough ER, while lysosomes arise from vesicles produced at the Golgi complex.


Primary cilia are responsible for moving dust from the respiratory tract.


RER is most abundant in cells specialized for steroid production.


Some enzymes inside the rough ER may pass through the ER's membrane and be used within the cytosol, but most enzymes used in the cytosol are made at free ribosomes


The lipids within the ER's membrane must synthesize additional lipid molecules so the ER can grows as a cell grows.


The rough ER synthesizes proteins within their interconnected sacs.


______ transports secretory vesicles along microtubules is a. Keratin b. Tubulin c. Myosin d. Kinesin e. Actin


ATP synthase is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane.


Motor molecules cannot transport vesicles along intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton.


Oxidative phosphorylation generates more ATP per glucose molecule than does glycolysis.


Proteins synthesized at the endoplasmic reticulum become permanently separated from the cytosol as soon as they have been synthesized.


The Golgi complex is functionally connected to the ER.


Secretory vesicles are about 200 times larger than transport vesicles.


DNA in the nucleus has the genetic instructions to make dynein.


The protective, waterproof outer layer of skin is formed by the tough skeleton of intermediate filaments that persist after the surface skin cells die.


The rough endoplasmic reticulum is most abundant in cells specialized for protein secretion, whereas smooth endoplasmic reticulum is abundant in cells that specialize in lipid metabolism.


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