A & P I (Ch.8)

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How many pairs of ribs does each person have?


The typical vertebral column has ______ thoracic vertebrae.


There are pairs of ribs in the human body.


How many bones are typically in the adult skeleton?


How many bones does the skeleton typically contain at birth?


What is the typical number of lumbar vertebrae?


The head of the femur articulates with which part of the os coxa?


The lateral flattened end of the clavicle is called the end.


Name the lateral, flattened end of the clavicle that articulates with the scapula.

Acromial end

Which of the following is a platelike extension of the scapular spine that forms the apex of the shoulder?


The neck is a groove that borders the smooth, cartilage-covered head of the humerus.


The scapula has superior, inferior, and lateral


What are the names of the three cranial fossae?

Anterior, middle, and posterior

When are the sacral vertebrae fully fused?

Around 26 years of age

The concave area on the upper surface of the lateral mass of the the atlas articulates with the occipital condyle of the skull; this surface is the superior facet.


Lumbar vertebrae have which of the following?

Articular processes

Name the joint that occurs between the base of the skull and the top of the vertebral column.

Atlanto-occipital joint

The malleus, incus, and stapes are which of the following?

Auditory ossicles

The skull, vertebral column, and rib cage comprise the skeleton.


Which of the following lists the parts of a metacarpal from proximal to distal?

Base, body, head

The ridge that forms the boundary between the greater and lesser pelvis is called the pelvic


Name the term for the group of bones that form the roof and walls of the skull.


The bones are short bones in the wrist.


Name the group of bones that form the wrist.


Most of the features that distinguish the female pelvis from the male pelvis arise from what major factor?


The bones that make up the pectoral girdle are the and the scapula.


What is the slightly S-shaped bone that braces the shoulder?


The pectoral girdle includes which of the following bones?

Clavicle, scapula

The lateral walls of the nasal cavity give rise to scroll-like bones called the nasal


The medial and lateral of the tibia articulate with the femur.


Which term refers to the smooth joint surfaces on the tibia that articulate with the femur?


The facets are unique to the thoracic vertebrae.


The strips of hyaline cartilage that attach the ribs to the sternum are called the cartilages.


Which part of a rib marks the path of blood vessels and nerves along the inferior margin of the shaft?

Costal groove

Identify the term for the lower border of the thoracic cage.

Costal margin

The largest cavity in the skull that encloses the brain is the cavity.


Which term refers to the bony structure that surrounds the brain?


The rough spot on the lateral shaft of the humerus that serves as an attachment for the shoulder muscle is the tuberosity.


Name the small processes on the humerus that are located proximal to the trochlea and capitulum.


Which type of rib lacks connections to the sternum?

False ribs

An intervertebral disc is made out of which type of cartilage?


Which bone provides lateral support to the ankle joint?


Which of the following is a slender leg bone that functions to stabilize the ankle but does not bear any weight of the body?


What is the term for a slit through a bone?


Which term refers to the spaces located between unfused cranial bones during early development?


The hole at the center of a vertebra is termed the vertebral


Which of the following terms refers to the large hole in the base of the skull that allows the spinal cord to enter the cranial cavity?

Foramen magnum

The bone indicated in the figure is the bone.


Which joint is the articulation between the scapula and the humerus?


What color is the appendicular skeleton in this figure?


Which term refers to a prominent expanded end of a bone that is sometimes rounded?


The condition where the nucleus pulposus bulges through the anulus fibrosis is called a disc.


Which can be caused by excessive stress and can result in painful pressure on the spinal cord or a spinal nerve?

Herniated disc

Which bone is located in the neck and does not articulate with any other bone?


What is the smooth concave part of the pelvis that is covered by the iliacus muscle?

Iliac fossa

Identify the bones that form the sacroiliac joint.

Ilium Sacrum

Only one of the pairs of nasal conchae is not part of the ethmoid bones. Which one is its own bone?


Identify the three angles of the scapula.

Inferior Superior Lateral

Name the indented region between the condyles of the femur.

Intercondylar fossa

Which membrane joins the tibia and fibula along their shafts?


Name the opening between the superior and inferior vertebral notches of two adjacent vertebrae.

Intervertebral foramen

What is the rough posterior process that supports the body when sitting?

Ischial tuberosity

Which part of the ischium supports the body when sitting?

Ischial tuberosity

Which three bones make up the hip?

Ischium Pubic Ilium

The bone, located between the maxillary and ethmoid bone, forms part of the medial wall of the orbit.


The scapula has superior, medial, and borders.


The weight-bearing parts of the atlas are called the masses.


List the bones of the distal row of the tarsal bones.

Lateral cuneiform Medial cuneiform Cuboid Intermediate cuneiform

The inferior, narrower portion of the pelvis is considered the pelvis, which also called the "true pelvis".


Which term refers to a slightly raised, elongated ridge?


What ridge is located along the posterior margin of the femur?

Linea aspera

A vertebra with a thick stout body, and a blunt square spinous process is most likely from the region of the vertebral column.


List the five vertebral regions.

Lumbar Cervical Thoracic Coccygeal Sacral

The ribs help protect which of the following?

Lungs and spleen

The auditory ossicles include which of the following?

Malleus Incus Stapes

Identify the articular surface indicated in the figure.

Mandibular fossa

The mandibular condyle articulates with which part of the temporal bone?

Mandibular fossa

Which features are found in the squamous part of the temporal bone?

Mandibular fossa Zygomatic process

What is the prominent bony process behind and below the ear that is filled with small air sinuses and serves as an attachment for a major neck muscle?

Mastoid process

List the paranasal sinuses.

Maxillary Sphenoid Frontal Ethmoid

List the three sides of the scapula.

Medial (vertebral) border Lateral (axillary) border Superior border

Which of the following terms refers to the two smooth, rounded surfaces at the distal end of the femur which help form the joint of the knee?

Medial and lateral condyles

Which of the following is formed by the fusion of the spinous processes of the sacral vertebrae?

Median sacral crest

The bones form the bridge of the nose and support the cartilage that forms the lower portion.


Name the scroll-like bones that project into the nasal cavity.

Nasal conchae

Which bones are classified as cranial bones?

Occipital Ethmoid Sphenoid Temporal Parietal Frontal

When you rest your elbow on a table, which bony part of the ulna is on the table?


The processes of the maxillary bones form the anterior 2/3 of the hard palate.


Which of the following add resonance to the voice and lighten the anterior portion of the skull?

Paranasal sinuses

Identify the bone indicated by the arrow.


Name the smooth depression on the anterior distal aspect of the femur that articulates with the patella.

Patellar surface

List the names of the vertebral curvatures.

Pelvic Thoracic Lumbar Cervical

Name the ridge that forms the boundary between the greater and lesser pelvises.

Pelvic brim

Name the structure comprised of the two coxal bones and the sacrum.

Pelvic girdle

Which of the following carpal bones are in the proximal row of the carpus?

Pisiform Lunate Triquetrum Scaphoid

The cerebellum is contained within which cranial fossa?


What is the fibrocartilage structure found anteriorly between the hip bones?

Pubic symphysis

The three bones that make up the coxal bone are the ilium, ischium, and


Which notch at the proximal end of the ulna accommodates the head of the radius?


Match the segment of the upper limb with its description.


Name the opening at the end of the sacral canal.

Sacral hiatus

The bone indicated on the figure as "A" is the


Identify the bones that comprise the pelvic girdle.

Sacrum Coxal bones

Which carpal bones are in the proximal row of the carpus (wrist)?

Scaphoid, lunate, triquetrum, pisiform

What is an abnormal lateral curvature of the vertebral column called?


The turcica is a saddle-like prominence in the body of the sphenoid bone that houses the pituitary gland.


The patella is an example of a bone, one that forms within a tendon due to stress.


Which type of bone forms within a tendon due to stress?


The typical vertebral column has cervical vertebrae.


Name the four prominent fontanels. Select all that apply.

Sphenoid Posterior Mastoid Anterior

The suture between the parietal bones is the ______ suture.

Sphenoid, ethmoid, frontal, maxillary

The foramen magnum is a hole for the passage of which of the following?

Spinal cord

List the sutures surrounding the parietal bones.

Squamous Coronal Lambdoid Sagittal

Which end of the clavicle has a rounded hammerlike head?


Which term refers to the joint between the manubrium and the gladiolus?

Sternal angle

The joint between the sternum and the clavicle is the joint.


The thoracic cage consists of the thoracic vertebrae, , and ribs.


The bony point at the distal end of the radius is called the process.


Name the bony point on the distal end of the radius that can be palpated proximal to the thumb.

Styloid process

What is the pointed spine on the inferior surface of the temporal bone?

Styloid process

Which process on the temporal bone provides a site of attachment for muscles of the tongue, pharynx, and hyoid bone?

Styloid process

Which features are found in the tympanic part of the temporal bone?

Styloid process External acoustic meatus

Name the term used to describe a groove in which is located a tendon, nerve, or blood vessel.


Which nasal conchae has sensory cells of smell?


The indented area indicated in the figure is the notch.


The Blank 1Blank 1 temporal , Correct Unavailable lines indicated in the figure are the site of attachment for the temporalis muscle.


The thickened lines on the side of the skull that provide attachment points for the temporalis muscle are called which of the following?

Temporal lines

The axial skeleton can be defined as which of the following?

The bones of the supporting central axis of the body

List some of the differences between male and female pelves.

The female pelvis is wider and shallower The male pelvis is more massive and rougher. The female pelvis has larger pelvic inlet and outlet.

What is the correct system for naming the metatarsals?

The metatarsals are named with Roman numerals I through V from medial to lateral.

What are the vertebral curvatures?

Thoracic, lumbar, cervical, pelvic

Which bone is the only weight-bearing bone of the crural region?


Name the bony bump on the anterior surface of the tibia below the knee.

Tibial tuberosity

The ligament holds the dens of the axis in place against the anterior arch of the atlas.


Which foramen provides passage for the vertebral arteries?

Transverse foramen

Name the ligament that holds the dens of the axis in place against the anterior arch of the atlas.

Transverse ligament

On a vertebra, which process extends laterally from the point where the lamina and pedicle meet?

Transverse process

Which carpal bones are located in the distal row of the carpus?

Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate

Which carpal bones are located in the distal row of the wrist?

Trapezium, trapezoid, capitate and hamate

The spinal cord passes through the vertebral foramen of each vertebra. Together, the vertebral foramina of the complete vertebral column form which of the following?

Vertebral canal

Choose the bone that, along with the ethmoid, forms the nasal septum.


The carpal bones form which of the following?


The projection of the temporal bone that extends anteriorly to form part of the zygomatic arch is the process.


Which process of the temporal bone extends anteriorly to form part of the zygomatic arch?


A tooth socket is a(n) _______.


Which term refers to the bony ridge that can be palpated along the shin?

anterior crest

The limb bones and their girdles comprise the ______ skeleton.


Name the joint between the atlas and axis.

atlanto-axial joint

The second cervical vertebra is called the ______.


Which of the following is the weight bearing portion of the vertebra?


The cranial cavity encloses which of the following?


The largest tarsal, which forms the heel, is the


The group of bones that form the wrist are the bones.


Transverse foramina are only found in ______.

cervical vertebrae

The "collar bone" is called the


The most inferior region of the vertebral column is the ______ region.


The anatomical name for tailbone is ______.


The anterior lip of the trochlear notch is formed by the process.


The lower border of the thoracic cage is called the margin.


The perforated part of the ethmoid bone that forms the roof of the nasal cavity is called the plate.


The prominent process on the axis is the , also called the odontoid process.


The medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, and cuboid make up which row of the tarsal bones?


The styloid process is located at the ______ end of the ulna.


The widest points of the femur at the knee are the medial and lateral


The ear canal is also called the ______.

external auditory meatus

A ligament extends from the acetabulum of the os coxa to a small depression in the head of the femur. Name this depression.


The cavity is a shallow socket of the scapula that articulates with the head of the humerus.


The glenohumeral joint is the articulation between the and the humerus.


The tuberosity is a rough ridge on the femur that is the site of attachment of the gluteus maximus muscle.


The hyoid bone consists of a body, and two horn like projections called ______.

greater and lesser horns

On a rib, the costal marks the path of costal blood vessels and nerves along the inferior margin of the shaft.


The maxilla and palatine bones come together to form which of the following?

hard palate

The enlarged area of the humerus that articulates with glenoid cavity is the of the humerus.


The knobby end of the rib that articulates with the body of vertebrae is called the of the rib.


The proximal end of the fibula is the ______.


Which part of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the os coxae?


Which term refers to the knobby part of a rib that articulates with the body of vertebrae?


The opening between the pedicles of two successive vertebrae that allows for the passage of spinal nerves is a(n) foramen.


Which of the following is the common name of the patella?


The smallest bones of the skull are the ______ bones.


The fusion of the transverse processes of the sacral vertebrae form the ______ sacral crest.


The foramen is a large hole where the spinal cord enters the cranium.


The lower jaw bone is called the ______.


The ______ foramen serves as the site of entry into the mandibular body for the nerves and blood vessels that supply the teeth.


Which term refers to the narrow region of the radius between the head and the radial tuberosity?


The region of the intervertebral disc identified as 'A' in the figure is the ______, while 'B' is the ______.

nucleus pulposus. anulus fibrosus

The joint that occurs between the base of the skull and the top of the vertebral column is the atlanto- joint.


Which bone forms the back of the skull?


The superior articular facet of the atlas articulates with the ______.

occipital condyles of the skull

The cribriform foramina of the cribriform plate are passageways for ______.

olfactory nerves

The lower margin of the lesser pelvis is called the pelvic


Which cranial bones are paired?

parietal and temporal

What structure sits in the sella turcica?

pituitary gland

The ______ sacral foramina allow passage of nerves that serve the gluteal region and lower limbs.


The notch at the proximal end of the ulna accommodates the head of the radius.


The lateral bone of the forearm is the


The lateral bone of the forearm is the ______.


The spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae are ______.

relatively pointed and angled sharply downward

Indicate the correct number of vertebrae in each region of an average, normal human vertebral column.

see notes

Match each anatomical bone marking with its description

see notes

Match each type of bone marking with its definition.

see notes

Place the carpal bones of the proximal row in order, starting at the medial (little finger) side and ending at the lateral (thumb) side.

see notes

What structure passes through the foramen magnum?

spinal cord

The anatomical term for breastbone is ______.


The most superior tarsal bone is the


Which of the following tarsals is the most superior, providing articulation with the leg?


The ______ process of the zygomatic bone forms part of the zygomatic arch.


The bone indicated in the figure is the bone.


The five vertebral regions are the lumbar, cervical, coccygeal, , and sacral


The five vertebral regions are the lumbar, cervical, coccygeal, , and sacral.


The weight-bearing bone of the lower leg is the


The concave surface of the ulna that wraps around the trochlea of the humerus is the notch.


The projection of the rib that attaches to the transverse costal facet of the vertebra is known as the of the rib.


Which metatarsal is directly proximal to the little toe?


The most inferior portion of the sternum is the ______.

xiphoid process

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