A basic overview of canines

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What should you do if a dog become offensively aggressive? Please provide three options.

1) immediately leave the area and redirect the dog with high value treats 2) do not allow the dog to be placed in this situation again. Focus on desensitizing and counter- conditioning to the stimulus. Let the dogs set the pace 3) do not give any time of any correction

According to AAFCO, adult dog food should contain at least .... percent protein. While puppy food must have at least ... percent protein

18, 22

At what age does optimum bonding occur?

8-10 or 12 weeks

When might an owner notice their puppy's first fear period?

8-10+ weeks of age

.... is a natural behavior. Many dogs will do this when they are excited, fearful, stressed or bored.


An owner is upset that is golden retriever does not display playful bred characteristics, saying the dog is stubborn. What should you say to the owner?

Breed characteristics can be helpful, however every dog is an individual Purebred dogs may not have or display all breed characteristics

During the juvenile development period, what should owners focus on?

Building a dog's confidence Continue socializing puppy Pair treats with new stimuli

List five harmful foods for dogs

Chocolate Grape Raisin Coffee beans Onions Garlic Clover macadamia nuts Avocado Xylitol

If a dog become offensively aggressive, what should you NOT do?

Correct the dog

What are examples of core vaccines for a two year old dog?

DHPP, Rabies

What posture is a dog displaying if she is leaning away from you, body lowered, ears back, tail down, showing whites of her eyes and the corners of her mouth pulled back

Defensive threat posture

When reading pet food labels, the list of ingredients are listed in

Descending order by weight

True or false: It is too late to socialize a 10 month old puppy


True or false: dogs have five developmental periods


True or false: humans must be the pack leader when developing a relationship with their dog


The most common external canine parasite is...


When socializing a puppy, what should you NOT do?

Force a puppy to meet others

What is the cognitive dysfunction?

Form of dementia

Which of the following represents appropriate puppy play?

Give and take during play Taking turns chasing each other Allow one to stop without retaliation

List five recognized AKC breed groups

Herding Hound Sporting Non-sporting Terrier Working Toy

.... work independently. They get bored easily so training needs to be fun and fast.

Herding dogs

What should you do if a dog displays stress signals?

Immediately move away

How are dogs infected with tapeworms

Ingestion of fleas or prey infected with them

Why is it important to know canine external anatomy or structure?

Interpreting canine body language Detecting abnormalities in dog gait Understanding AKC's breed standards

When determining a dog's emotional state, you should....

Look at the dog's entire body

What is the purpose of the orthopedic foundation of animals?

Maintain database to help breeders improve genetic health

What is the purpose of the AKC?

Maintains registry of recognized breeds Updated changes to current breed standard approved by national breed club Enforces rules for dog shows and trials

Which of the following would infect canines with heartworms?


When a dog displays submissive body posture, what should you do?

Never approach to pet her Stop whatever is happening immediately. Todd several high-value treats in the opposite direction

Which AKC group has less in common with each other?


When looking at a dog's appearance, you are observing her....


During puppy playtime, what should you do if a puppy pins down, bites or body slams another puppy?

Pick up the bullying puppy and give a time out

What is puppy socialization?

Positively exposing a puppy to many situations and environments

What are the eight canine behavioral development periods?

Prenatal Neonatal Transitional Socialization Juvenile Adolescent Adults Seniors

Dogs get their energy from which three things?

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

What is the purpose of AAFCO?

Publishes and updates a dog food nutrient profile

What is piloerection?

Raised hackles

During a training class, a dog is displaying an alert body posture, what should you do?

Redirect the dog's attention

An owner would like to enroll his dog in obedience class, however she is in heat. What should you do?

Reschedule the dog's training for when she is no longer in heat Explain that safety is your first concern Attend the class if no intact dog is enrolled, she also needs to wear appropriate sanitary garment

What colors do dogs and puppies see?

Shades of blue, yellow, and gray

Please list five extreme stress signals

Shaking Drooling Round eyes Whale eyes Panting Sweaty paws

What are examples of stimuli?

Sigh and sound Touch, taste and smell

What should you recommend if a dog owner explains that his dog has blood in her urine?

Suggest he makes an appointment with the veterinarian

The .... group are goal driven, and bred to dig


What are examples of innate behaviors by purebred dogs?

Terriers dig Herding dogs corral objects that move Pointers direct hunters toward game

What does temperament mean?

The characteristics and aspects of personality a dog is born with

Who determines if a training treat is considered high value?

The dog

Which AKC group can be described as intelligent, energetic and have protective instincts, yet "happy"?


True or false: never punish a dog for growling; this is a warning sign


True or false: yawning, lip licking, sniffing the ground and looking away are all examples of stress signals


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