A Bite of Apple Advertising

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What gave Apple cultural value in 2003?

Endorsement of popular artists such as U2, Black Eye Peas, N.E.R.D. etc gave the iPod cultural value.

How was the iMac portrayed?

Gained a comparative advantage in the personal computers field by portraying their products as cool, innovative, fun and well designed.

What was the commercial "1984" based off of?

George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four

What happened during the "Mac vs PC"

Get A Mac Campaign: Battle between actors John Hodgman (PC) and Justin Long (Mac) that successfully lasted 3 years until 2009.

Why was the first logo changed by Steve Jobs?

He later decided to scrap this image because he felt that the logo was too cerebral and not easily reproduced at small sizes.

Was the iPhone 5 ad a success?

The campaign was clearly a success because the iPhone 5 reached record sales, of most iPhones ever sold in opening weekend.

Why does Apple no longer release products that require instructions?

The genius of Apple's attention to design. They are so well designed that consumers can figure them out intuitively without reaching for the manual.

What was the iMac compared to and why?

The iMac started a trend in the computer industry similar to what General Motors did in the 1920's - when all cars were black and in some danger of eventually becoming undifferentiated commodities. GM began to produce them in color and introduced elements of style. This creates brand distinctiveness, added value and period obsolescence (style change).

What did the advertisement iPhone 5s focus on?

The minute-long advertisement doesn't focus on the product attributes as much as how the product can be integrated into, and enhance, life - essentially reiterating and re-emphasizing how Apple is a lifestyle brand as much as it is about function, user-friendliness, and aesthetics.

What Apple logo was used until 1998?

The new logo had a simple shape of an Apple bitten into it, with the colors of the rainbow in the wrong order. Apple's new rainbow logo and Garamond typeface.

What was the iMac displayed as?

The product is the hero, displayed as the only living being in an otherwise featureless white universe.

What was ignored with iMac?

The technical aspects are ignored in favor of the styling.

What was a key moment for Apple in 1984?

Their ad "1984" became one of the most popular TV commercials in history

What happened in the ad "Hello"?

built around snippets of film sequences which featured memorable movie characters saying "Hello."

How does Apple ads stand out from others?

by having little to no copy, a simple backdrop, a short and simple slogan, hip music from a band whose song was likely #1 on iTunes the next day and includes the famous Apple logo at the end

What was Apple's first Super Bowl commercial?


What was the first ad to feature a slogan?

"A is for Apple"

What was the first sign of Apple's simple ethos and design philosophy?

"A is for Apple"

What is the ad that almost killed Apple?


What ad did Apple run a pre-ad for? and what did it say?

"Lemmings" "If you go to the bathroom during the fourth quarter you'll be sorry."

What ad was made in 2006?

"Mac vs PC"

What was highlighted in the ad iPhone 5?

"Thumb" highlights the increased screen size, using an appendage as an appropriate yardstick to gauge its utility.

What was the first iconic iPhone ad?

"You, Me and the Bourgeoisie"

Why was "Hello" was more successful than "Wow"?

1) Consistency: all ads featured the same scenes with the same ending, reiterating the message, while the Vista ads, bungled different Wow scenes that only made you wonder what this ad was all about and didn't provide a clear answer 2) Simplicity: Apple ads are known for their simple, clear messaging and the Hello ad was no different 3) Relevance: the Apple ads were relevant to the occasion (The Oscars) with sequences from films thrown into the ad, while Microsoft's was all over the place.

When was Apple Mantra and what was the message?

Apple - Think Different - 1997-2002

What is everything Apple accomplished in 1976?

Apple 1, The 1st Logo, The 1st Ad

What did Apple accomplish in 1977?

Apple 2, logo redesign, new strategy

What was the commercial for Apple Music and what year?

Apple Music "Taylor v. Treadmill" 2016

What did the ad "Siri" score on the ad scores?

The ads scored 653 and 645 on Ace Metrics' scale (Ms. Deschanel scored even higher) compared with Apple's average score of 620.

When was Apple 1 created?


When was "A is for Apple" ad made?


When was "Apple II Introduction Ad" made?


When was Apple 2 created?


When were the "Thomas Edison" & "Garden of Eden" ads made?


When was the ad "Why Every Kid Should Have an Apple After School" made?


When was the commercial "1984" made?


When was the ad "Lemmings" made?


When was the "iPod Silhouette" made?


When was the ad "hello" produced?


Where was Apple's ad "Hello" first premiered?

2007 Academy Awards

When was " You, Me and the Bourgeoisie"made?


When was the "Siri" ad made?


When did the iPhone 5 come out?


When did the iPhone 5s come out?


When was the Apple Watch made?


When did Apple iPad "Dillan's Voice" air?


When was Apple Music made?


When did earth-shot on iPhone come out?


When did the iPhone 7 come out?


When did the iPhone 7 plus come out?


When was the ad iPhone 7 — The Rock x Siri Dominate the Day?


What was the ad "Siri" primarily viewed as?

Although Siri itself is primarily viewed as a flop, Apple's Siri campaign featuring Samuel L. Jackson and Zooey Deschanel proved to be highly effective.

What did the Apple Watch do?

Apple completely re-innovates the role of a watch. Once again, they look at a simple technology and find a way to make it enhance life - as well as changing the way we use watches, answer phones, even exercise.

What did Apple Music do for apple?

Apple dominated the transition from physical to digital music. But when Beats was acquired, iTunes was in decline. The remedy was obvious: the company should deemphasize iTunes and plow money into the on-demand streaming service, changing the way people access and listen to music.

What was Apple's new strategy in 1977?

Apple focused on creating a "need" for people to have personal computers. For most people, Apple products seemed expensive and unnecessary. Apple's ads tried to make its products look useful and to demonstrate that you don't need to be a rocket scientist to use a computer - here we find the roots of the idea of "simplicity."

What was wrong with the ad "Lemmings"?

Apple tried to go after business users which they showed as being mindless, drones, but they consequently insulted their key audience.

What was important about the ad "Why Every Kid Should Have an Apple After School".

Apple's first campaign to switch its strategy from usefulness to fun.

What has Apple achieved that other brands dream of achieving?

As the product interfaces have gotten simpler, so has the advertising. One feeds the other. The product is its own marketing, and vice versa. Apple has achieved the kind of brand-product synergy that most companies only dream about.

What was the ad for iPhone 7 plus?


What did the campaign for iMac introduce?

Campaign introduced Apple's new emphasis on design and aesthetics

What was the message Apple wanted to convey with the "Siri" ad?

Consumers love Apple's 'elitist' celebrity Siri ads.

What did the "Mac vs PC" campaign create for Apple?

Created a solid and clearly defined brand identity: a simple and easy approach to the issues that many PC users have been faced with over the years.

Why did Steve Jobs call for a redesign of the apple logo in 1977?

He wanted it to be more iconic

What did the "Thomas Edison" & "Garden of Eden" ads highlight for Apple?

Highlighted Apple's appeal to creative types, in contrast to the more business-like approach of its competitors.

What did the "iPod Silhouette" demonstrate?

It demonstrated that you don't have to spend a lot of time talking about features to get people to make a human connection with your product.

What company made the commercial "Wow"?


How was the first Apple logo created? Who created this logo?

Pen & ink drawing created by Ron Wayne, co-founder of Apple Inc. with Steve Jobs.

What did Apple present itself as a producer of and what was the issue with this?

Personal computers But there was no actual need (no, not demand, need!) for them.

How were print ads in 1976?

Print ads were text-heavy and light on pictures, as were many computer and technology ads of that time.

What was the meaning of the commercial "1984".

Saving humanity from conformity, dystopian future (IBM vs Apple)

What is Apple perceived to have that their competition does not...


What happens during the "You, Me and the Bourgeoisie" ad?

Simplistic, all-white background so the iPhone is the only focus.

What was Apple's first Logo?

Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree

How much did public awareness of Apple increase in 1981?

Surveys show that public awareness rose from 10 percent to 80 percent in 1981

What did the ad iPhone 5 entail?

The 30-second short advertisements simply focus on specific aspects of why the new device (which doesn't look terribly different from the two generations of iPhone before it) is indeed better than what you've seen come out of Apple before.

What is Apple 1?

The Apple I was an innovative computer for its day because it used fewer parts than anything in its class

What did the "iPod Silhouette" win?

The Magazine Publishers of America awarded TBWA/Chiat/Day the $100,000 Grand Prize Kelly Award for its Apple iPod 'Silhouette' campaign that shows simplistic, dark silhouettes dancing with iPods against brightly colored backgrounds.

What did Apple's ads in 1977 serve as?

computer educators

Who did Apple think was their initial audience?

electronics enthusiasts

What did Apple make in 1990?

iMac, "Chic. Not Geek.", and "Think Different"

What does the Mac character in the "Mac vs PC" campaign say about Apple?

the Apple "brand" of being user friendly, easy-going and innovative.

What was different about Apple 2 compared to other computers during this time?

the first mass-marketed personal computer, and it took Apple to a new level of success.

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