A Christmas Carol Test Wednesday (Day 4)

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What was the strangest thing about the way the spirit looked?

It was always changing, therefore, Scrooge couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman at first.

Describe the personality of the second spirit.

Joyful and jolly

What warning does Marley give to Scrooge?

Marley warns him that if he continues his greedy selfish way of living, his chain's in the afterlife will be greater than Marley's as Scrooge has carried more sins for not being kindly toward his fellow man. The spirits are upset because he doesn't carry the spirit of Christmas in his heart in is generally cruel to others. If not he will be visited by 3 other ghosts

How does Scrooge treat his clerk? How does he respond to his clerk's request for Christmas day off?

On a Christmas Eve, Scrooge's clerk, Bob Cratchit, asks for Christmas Day off. Scrooge wonders why he should lose money while Bob takes a "holiday".

Describe the relationship between Scrooge and his nephew.

Scrooge and Marley are business partners. They made a lot of money together but go their own ways when they get off of work

Contrast Scrooge with his nephew.

Scrooge and his nephew have opposite opinions about Christmas. This is shown in the first stave when they are discussing the purpose and meaning of Christmas. His nephew said that Christmas is a time for making "merry" and for unity in society but Scrooge thought otherwise

Who are The Portly Gentlemen?

Two gentlemen who visit Scrooge to ask if he is willing to make donations to charity

What do you learn about Scrooge when his sister, Fan, visits him at school?

We learn that his father sent him away to a boarding school and fan has been begging her father to let him come home and he finally agreed

When the second spirit invites Scrooge into the room, what does Scrooge find there?

When Scrooge enters the room, he finds light

Describe Scrooge's interaction with Bob Cratchit at his office. What is Bob's response?

When Scrooge goes to the office, he has hopes of catching Bob Cratchit coming in late. When he catches Bob Cratchit arriving late he pretends to be his old self and yell at him. He starts off as if he was going to punish Bob, but instead he tells him that he is going to raise his salary. After many years working with Scrooge, Bob is finally rewarded and is very forgiving

Who is Bob Cratchit?

Scrooge's clerk

Who is Belle?

Scrooge's ex-fiance

Why does Fred continue to see his uncle?

Because he feels that he can see a good person in Scrooge

What type of a person is Scrooge at the end of the story?

At the beginning of the story, Scrooge is a miserly man who seems to hate people. But when Scrooge is shown visions by the three spirits, he changes his character completely. He realizes that he has not been headed in the right direction and he changed for the better.

What is the simile in the second paragraph of stave 1?

"old Marley was as dead as a door nail"

Who is Ebenezer Scrooge?

A miserable, bitter old man who hates things like happiness, generosity, and Christmas, until a trio of Ghosts shows him the error of his ways

Who is Tiny Tim Cratchit?

A sickly and angelic boy whose life hinges in the balance of Scrooge's transformation into a better man.

Describe the appearance of the first spirit.

A strange figure who was like a child yet like an old man. The arms and hands were muscular, as the legs and feet were delicately formed. It wore a tunic of the purest white and around his waist was a lustrous belt.

Why does Belle end her relationship with Scrooge? What does she say to him?

Belle ends her engagement with Scrooge because she realizes that he has changed and that his love for money outweighs his love for her. Because Scrooge had fallen out of love with her, money had taken his heart.

Who is Martha Cratchit?

Bob Cratchit's oldest daughter

Who is Peter Cratchit?

Bob Cratchit's oldest son

Who is Mrs. Cratchit?

Bob Cratchit's wife

Describe the two children that emerge from the second spirit's robes.

Dirt and sick looking with "devils" in their eyes

What does Scrooge keep looking for during this part of the journey?

During this part of the journey he keeps looking for himself

What lesson has Scrooge learned?

From all four ghosts, Scrooge learns that people can change and that he is headed on the wrong path unless he was willing to change

Contrast Scrooge's old Christmas celebrations with those of the Fezziwigs

He celebrates Christmas at Fezziwigs', he is genuinely happy to be treated like family by his kind employer.

How does Scrooge change as a result of his visit with the Ghost of Christmas Present?

He had rethought his choices in the past and how his actions affect others

Describe Marley's ghost - provide both a physical and emotional description.

He is a tired and tortured ghost. "I wear the chain I forged in life," replied the Ghost. "I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on of my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you?"

What toast does Bob Cratchit make to the surprise of Scrooge and the regret of Mrs. Cratchit? Why does Cratchit make this toast?

He makes a toast to Scrooge and Mrs. Cratchit says not to because he is a mean man but Bob says he is the reason why we are able to pay

What does Scrooge regret as he watches each scene from the past unfold?

He regrets being greedy about money to the portly gentleman, Bob Cratchit, and Fan.

What first alerts Scrooge to the presence of the second spirit? How does he respond?

He responds with respect to the spirit and is surprised by all the food, greenery on the ceiling and fire in the fireplace around him.

How has Scrooge changed after the visit by the Ghost of Christmas Past?

He sees everything he missed out on from being greedy and how he lost love in his life

What strange incident happens to Scrooge as he reaches his house? What does it indicate?

He sees the face of his dead business partner, Jacob Marley, who appears on the door knocker. This symbolizes that his house will be haunted.

What does Scrooge think has caused this ghost to appear?

He thinks that the ghost is the effect of food poisoning from an undercooked potato or uncooked meat

What does Marley tell Scrooge he's been doing in the seven years since his death?

He told him he has been roaming the earthbound in chains he has made in life

How does Scrooge initially react to the Spirit? What is his attitude?

He was scared and unwilling to accompany the spirit

Scrooge asks the spirit to show him tenderness connected to a death. What does the spirit show him?

Scrooge asks the host to show him some tenderness connected with a death. In the Cratchit house, Bob mourns for Tiny Tim, who has recently died and tells his family about the kindness of Fred, and feels better when he discusses Tiny Tim's lasting memory.

What is the lesson Scrooge learns in this stave that he had not learned before?

Scrooge believes that the spirits are the shadows of what "May" be, but the Ghost says nothing. Scrooge sees his own name on the tombstone and realizes he was the dead man from before. Scrooge vows to honor Christmas in his heart and live by the lessons of the past, present, and future.

What actions does Scrooge take to make amends for the past?

Scrooge buys a prize turkey and sends it to Bob Cratchit's house. Scrooge dresses in his best clothing and walks in the crowds with a smile. He gives money to the portly gentleman who had asked him for a charitable donation yesterday. Scrooge continues to walk through the city and happily talks with everyone he meets.

How does Scrooge reconcile with Fred, his nephew?

Scrooge decides to visit his nephew, Fred, even though he had turned-down a dinner reservation the day before. He knocks on Fred's door, surprising everyone inside and has a wonderful time at the dinner.

Describe Scrooge's attitude toward the poor and the unfortunate?

Scrooge finds the poor and poverty stricken to be an annoyance. He feels that they somehow deserve their plight and he should not be expected to prolong their miserable existence by giving charity.

What emotions has Scrooge felt during Marley's visit? What is his mood like after Marley leaves?

Scrooge is frightened. He is not sure if he is going crazy or not or have really had food poisoning. He is impacted enough to converse with Marley and hear his story. After Marley leaves, Scrooge he is convinced that it might have been a dream, until the Ghost of Christmas Past shows up.

What part of his past does the spirit show to Scrooge first?

Scrooge is shown his childhood when he's alone at his boarding school on Christmas

What does Scrooge promise the spirit?

Scrooge promises the spirit that he will honor Christmas in his heart all year round and will live in the past, present, and future. the spirits of all three will strive within him, he will not shut out the lessons that they teach

What, besides Christmas, does Scrooge ridicule in his conversation with his nephew?

Scrooge ridicules his nephew about him falling in love, paying bills, growing old, needing to be richer and dealing with people at his job

How does Scrooge try to "extinguish the light"? Does he succeed?

Scrooge tries to extinguish the light by placing the cap over his head. He could not succeed.

Who is Fezziwig?

Scrooge's boss

Who is Jacob Marley?

Scrooge's old business partner who died 7 years ago before the narrative opens

What is Scrooge's reaction to this spirit? Is his reaction the same or different from the other spirits?

Scrooge's reaction to this spirit is that he thought it would enter like the past two, therefore, he was prepared with the curtains. But what happened instead is that he wasn't prepared and was in horror of this spirit

Who is Fan?

Scrooge's sister

Who is Fred?

Scrooge's young nephew

Describe the second spirit physically.

Tall with brown curly hair and bare feet and wore a holly reef on his head

Describe the Cratchits' reaction to their Christmas feast. What does their celebration show Scrooge?

The Cratchits had a meager dinner because of their poverty, but their love trumped all and they were happy with what they had even though Scrooge does not pay Mr. Cratchit a lot and so his family cannot have much

What kind of people are the Fezziwigs? Describe them in all aspects.

The Fezziwigs are known for their kindness, generosity, and their affection for employees and friends. Mr. Fezziwig is visited by Scrooge with the Ghost of Christmas past during a Christmas party

How does the spirit change as the night progresses? Why does the spirit change?

The Ghost of Christmas Present begins to age rapidly and this is a sign that he's dying

What do they symbolize? How are they "man's children"?

The boy symbolizes ignorance and the girl symbolizes want

What is the first spirit called? What does this spirit symbolize?

The ghost of Christmas Past. This spirit symbolizes memory

Describe the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. In what ways is this spirit very different from those that came before? What does this spirit lack that the others had? Why do you think it lacks this quality?

The ghost of Christmas yet to come is different from the other ghosts is that it is referred to as a phantom rather than a ghost. This phantom also doesn't talk as much as the others and uses more hand motions. it lacks form and personality and is a silent guide to what the future holds if Scrooge does not change his ways.

What does the light symbolize?

The light is a symbol of truth

Who are the people at Old Joe's Scavenger Shop and what are they doing?

The people at Old Joe's Scavenger shop were a man and women who used to know Scrooge. They both had belongings of Scrooge and surprisingly they were both at Old Joe's Scavenger Shop to sell his belongings

Who is The Ghost of Christmas Present?

The second spirit to visit Scrooge, it wears a green robe. His lifespan is restricted to Christmas Day. He takes Scrooge on a tour of Holiday celebrations.

What does the spirit mean when it says it has more than eighteen hundred brothers?

The spirit is talking about all the other (Christmas) spirits that have lived

What does the spirit predict will happen to Tiny Tim? How does Scrooge respond?

The spirit predicts that Tiny Tim will die. Scrooge begs that Tiny Tim will be spared

What does the spirit show Scrooge first? What are the men talking about?

The spirit shows Scrooge two men who are talking about Scrooge but he doesn't know this. The men talk about how Scrooge was dead and greedy. They also were joking about going to his funeral, only if there was lunch provided.

Where does the Ghost of Christmas Present take Scrooge on the first part of their journey? What do they see?

The spirit takes Scrooge into the city on Christmas day to see everyone full of joy and happy from all the sights and smells from the shops, and shoveling snow, and have bags full of presents

Scrooge's last request is to know what shall become of him in the days ahead. What does the spirit show him? How does Scrooge respond to what he is shown?

The spirit takes him to a graveyard and shows Scrooge his headstone. Scrooge is very upset and is crying, and begs that he will be able to change and make his future better than it was when the spirit showed him.

Who is The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come?

The third and final spirit to visit Scrooge, a silent phantom who wears a hooded black robe. He presents Scrooge with an ominous view of his lonely death.

What do the "portly gentlemen" want?

They wanted Scrooge to donate money to charity. They want to help the starving children during Christmas time.

Who is The Ghost of Christmas Past?

This is the first spirit to visit Scrooge. This spirit wears white robes and glows bright like a candle. At the end of his tour with Scrooge, this light is extinguished with a cap, making it clear that he is "reborn" and dies again every Christmas

Why is this stave necessary when Scrooge has already changed so much?

This stave is necessary even though Scrooge had already changed so much because Scrooge still needs to see the consequences of his greediness and experience the sorrow and heartache of what happens if he doesn't change his ways

How does Scrooge feel when he realizes the visits are over?

When Scrooge realizes that he visits are over he is beyond grateful for a second chance at his life. He completely changes when he begins to shout "Merry Christmas!" at the top of his lungs.

Does anyone care about the dead man in the bedroom? Why?

Yes but only a few people care because they were in debt to the dead man and now they have time to pay off their debt

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