A Man for All Seasons Review

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Where is More's house?


Why does Thomas refuse to tell his family what he thinks about the divorce and the Act of Supremacy?

Doesn't want them to be forced to lie if they are called up to testify against him.


Doubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention.


Humorous use of a word or phrase to suggest and emphasize its meaning(play on words).


Low-leveled, but helped More establish himself. Wants to gain employment, but More refuses to help him in the higher classed area. More suggests that he becomes a teacher. "Conquers and destroys his conscience". Sacrifices his will and standards for wealth and status.


More's well educated and intelligent daughter. Understands her father very well, but still questions his actions and decisions. Eventually marries Roper.

Dramatic irony

Situation that is understood by the audience but not the characters in the play

What is the name of the boat King Henry sails down the Thames to meet Sir Thomas?

The Great Harry.

Why does Norfolk participate in the persecution of his friend More?

The King required him to so the trail would not seem cruel and unfair.


Very close friends with Thomas More; he is eventually asked by Cromwell to destroy and betray his close friendship with Thomas More. Very dumbfounded and never knows what's going on, and is an innocent person in Cromwell's opinion.

Cardinal Wolsey

Chancellor of England. Has a very sudden death that was the result of the inability to obtain dispensation from the pope that would annul King Henry's marriage to Catherine and allow him to marry Anne Boylan instead. Ambitious and well-developed, but does not have such a well-developed character. His death "hangs" over everyone else as anyone who would dare the king's disapproval.


Passing or casual reference or an incidental mention of something either implied or directed.


Use of irony, sarcasm, or ridicule.


Wife of Thomas More, very conflicted to herself and spends most of the play questioning why her husband will not give her the king's wishes. Her attitude is often switching over from anger to confusion. Says "God Knows Why" is okay for More to then die.

In his preface, which man does Bolt not cite as an influence in writing his play?

William Shakespeare.

What job does More recommend that Rich take at the very beginning of the play?

A school teacher.


A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.


A situation, person, or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities.

To which characters does More display his passionate side?

Alice, jailer, and Roper.

Who tells More that he's behaving "like a printed book"?


What did a woman use to attempt to bribe More?

An Italian silver cup.

What does Rich say he will do with the money he gains from selling the silver cup?

Buy new clothing.

Henry's first queen is named...


What does the Glided Cup symbolize?

Corruption, and More's attempt to test and teach Rich.

What are the themes of AMFAS?

Corruption, self and friendship, motifs, satire and wit, silence, and guilt.


Crafty lawyer who is plotting against Sir Thomas More. Cromwell, unlike other characters, is motivated by a more evil spirit, and hardly faces any of More's downfall with guilt.


Figure of speech in which two unlike things are compared using "like" or "as".

What charge must Cromwell trump up in order to be able to execute Sir Thomas?

High treason.

What role did the Common man not play out of jury, judge, headsman, and boatman?


King Henry VIII

King of England, but is only on stage for a brief and short period of time. Is a very present person in the speech of other characters, and is talked about a lot. Seen as a very moral person. Values what More thinks of him, and seems to think very highly of More. Believes he can enforce everyone including the pope. Wants to ease his conscience by sanctioning his divorce to Catherine on More.

What book of the Bible does Henry quote to support his claim that his first marriage was invalid?


What position does Rich take after More first refuses his request for work?

Librarian for Norfolk.

What is Roper's religion at the beginning of the play?


Common Man

Narrator of the play. He plays the roles with the lowest class. Personifies attitudes and characteristics, as said in the preface of the novel. Tends not to think of consequences.

How long has More been in jail by the time he is seen there in Act Two?

One year.

Sir Thomas More

Protagonist of the play. Refuses to sign an oath. Center point of the story in which conflicts revolve around. "Gives up" his life because he cannot sacrifice his commitment to his conscience. Does not make a move to speak out against Henry's divorce. Reveals his true opinion after Cromwell condemns him.

Who isn't mentioned by the Common Man as someone who ends up being executed in the aftermath of the events depicted in the play?

Richard Rich.


Spanish ambassador of England. He is very loyal to his country, and wants to insure that the divorce of King Henry and Catherine does not go through. Displays his personal aptitude for hiding under his religious fervor.


Style of speaking or writing depending on choice of words.

What heretic does Cromwell attempt to associate with More?

The Holy Maid of Kent.

Events taken place (in order)

Thomas More objects to King Henry's plans, Runs into Cromwell and Chapuys, Margaret marries Roper, Wolsey dies, Cromwell meets with Rich, More cannot be found when king is on his way to arrive, Act of Supremacy is passed, Cromwell and Norfolk meet up, play ends with More's beheading.


To warn or indicate a future event; predicting ahead.

What does dry land and water symbolize?

Uncertain territory of moral and the unknowable realm of God and the devil.

What does More burn to warm his house when he is poor?


What saying does the Common Man come up with to justify the way he treats the imprisoned Thomas More?

"Better live a rat than a dead lion".

What phrase does the publican repeat in his conversation with Cromwell?

"I don't understand, sir."


At the beginning of the play, he is Lutheran, but then later switches over to Catholicism. The boyfriend of Margaret, who then becomes her husband after switching over to Catholicism. His "high minded" ideas eventually come to contrast with More's thoughts and opinions. Becomes another "foil" for Sir Thomas More. In every one of his scenes, he is taking a public stand for a newly developed conflict or issue. Advocates the law as a better guide to morality.

Where does the family find Thomas when he should be getting ready for the king's arrival?

At vespers.

What position does Cromwell offer Rich in exchange for Rich's false testimony at More's trial?

Attorney general of Wales.

Why does More suddenly let Roper marry his daughter?

Because he suddenly switches back to Catholicism.

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