A Raisin In the Sun - Final test

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Who is Willy Harris?

A friend of Walter and coordinator of the liquior store plan. Ruth frequently criticizes him.

Lorraine Hansberry

Author of A Raisin in the Sun.

What was Beneatha's family doing when George came in?

Beneatha was in Nigerian dress. Beneatha and Walter were dancing and singing Nigerian songs. They looked rather crazy, and Walter was quite drunk.

What is Walter Lee's job?


What is the setting for A Raisin in the Sun?


What does Asagai ask Beneatha to do?

He asks her to marry him and return to Africa with him to live.

Why did Mama call Walter a disgrace to his father's memory?

He had become overly concerned with money and had lost his traditional family values, so much so that he didn't try to convince Ruth not to have an abortion.

How does Willie build trust?

He let's Walter use his car

What news did Bobo bring to Walter?

He tells Walter that Willy took all of the money and left without a trace.

What solution does Walter have to losing the money?

He thinks accepting the money from Lindner will solve their problem.

What was Walter's reaction to Lindner?

He told him to get out of their apartment.

Why was Mama getting a check for $10,000?

It was money coming from her husband's life insurance policy.

What is Mama's job?


Who is Beneatha Younger?

Mama's daughter and Walter's sister. In college, and better educated than the rest of her family. She wants to be a doctor. She has had many hobbies.

Who is Joseph Asagai?

Nigerian student who is dating Beneatha. Proud of his African heritage, wants Beneatha to return to Nigeria with him.

Why did Beneatha say she wouldn't marry George?

She admitted that he was rich, but she thought he was shallow. She liked him well enough to go out with him, but she didn't love him.

What did Mama do with her money?

She bought (made a down payment on) a home.

What happened to Ruth at the end of Act I Scene One?

She fainted.

What fault does Mama find with herself?

She says she aimed too high -- had too-high dreams.

What did Mama do for Walter in terms of the money?

She turned the remaining money over to him. She said he should use $3,000 for Beneatha's school, and that he could do whatever he wanted with the remainder.

What did Ruth find out at the doctor's office?

She was pregnant.

Where did Ruth actually go instead of the doctor's office?

She went to see a woman about having an abortion.

Who is Walter Lee?

The flawed protagonist/main character. Wants to use the insurance money to open a liquor store.

Who is Mr. Karl Lindner?

The only white character in the play. Tries to pay the Youngers NOT to move into an all white neighborhood.

Who are Willy and Bobo?

They are two "friends" of Walter's who want him to go in partners with them in a liquor store.

Did the Youngers stay or move?

They did move.

Who is Mama Younger?

Walter and Beneatha's mother. She wants to use the insurance money to get a house in a better neighborhood. She worries about her family falling apart.

Who is Travis?

Walter and Ruth's young son. Eager to help his family. Plays outside with the rats. Sleeps on the sofa because there is no room.

Why didn't Walter take the money Lindner offered?

Walter is a good, decent man underneath. His conscience and moral upbringing wouldn't let him ruin his family's pride.

What was Walter's reaction to Mama's purchase? Ruth's reaction?

Walter was very disappointed. Ruth was elated.

Who is Ruth?

Walter's wife and Travis's mother. She is caught in the middle of the fight over the money. Discovers she is going to have a baby and considers an abortion.

Where has Walter been instead of work?

driving around, hanging out, and drinking,

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