A&P 102 - Blood

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A red blood cell has on its surface the A antigen, the B antigen, but no Rh antigen. What is the blood type?


What are two types of lymphocytes?

B Cells T Cells

Which type of lymphocyte produces antibodies that attack foreign molecules?

B lymphocytes

match the condition with the resulting change in white blood cell count.

bacterial infection - increase in neutrophils parasitic infection or allergic reaction - increase in eosinophils HIV or AIDS - decrease in lymphocytes

List electrolytes found in plasma:

bicarbonate potassium calcium sodium magnesium chloride phosphate sulfate ions

True/False: White blood cells and platelets comprise about 90 of the blood volume.

False - white blood cells and platelets comprise about 1% of the blood volume.

T/F: Plasma accounts for about 75% of the blood volume.

False, it's about 55% of blood volume.

Which are causes of cyanosis?

-High concentraion of deoxyhemoglobin -hypoxia

List three components of plasma

Hormones Water Electrolytes

Name the enzyme that digests fibrin threads, dissolving a blood clot:


When red blood cells lack the Rh entigen, the blood type is designated as:

Rh negative.

Match the lymphocyte type with its function.

T cell - directly attacks cells. B cell - produce antibodies.

Which characteristics of plasma proteins is responsible for the control of blood volume?

They do not pass through capillary walls.

List three characteristics of erythrocytes (red blood cells).

They lack mitochondria. They are biconcave discs. They are specialized for carrying oxygen (hemoglobin - oxygen carrying molecule).

T/F: If an RH-negative female is pregnant for the first time with an Rh+ fetus, it may be uneventful. If a successive pregnancy involves an Rh+ fetus, maternal anti-Rh antibodies can destroy fetal red blood cells and cause erythroblastosis fetalis (hemolytic disease of the newborn).

True. Rh+ cells of the first fetus may enter maternal blood at the time of birth and stimulate production of maternal anti Rh-antibodies that affect a second Rh+ fetus.

Match the blood type with teh presence of antibodies in plasma.

Type A blood - plasma contains anti-B antibodies, but not anti-A antibodies. Type B blood - plasma contains only anti-A antibodies, b ut not anti-B antibodies Type AB blood - plasma contains neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies. Type O blood - plasma contains both anti-A and anti-B antibodies

Patients with type O blood can receive:

Type O blood.

Individuals with __________ blood are sometimes called universal donors because their red blood cells have _______ antigens on their surface.

Type O; neither A nor B.

Leuko -


Match the blood type with the type of antigen present on the surface of red blood cells.

a - a antigens b - b antigens ab - a antigens and b antigens o - neither a or b antigens

Leukemia is:

a cancerous disease in which large numbers of leukocytes and their undifferentiated precursors are released into the blood.

Platelet plug

a mass of platelets and trapped formed elements.

What is a platelet plug?

a mass of platelets and trapped formed elements.

With the condition called ________________, the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood is reduced.


The accumulation of fat in the walls of arteries results in a condition called ___________ .


White blood cells comprise about _________% of the blood volume


Indicate four functions of plasma proteins:

1. Maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance 2. Maintenance of osmotic pressure 3. Transport of nutrient molecules 4. Maintenance of blood pH

What are three characteristics of monocytes.

1. They can phagocytize large particles. 2. They are the largest WBC 3. Shape of their nucleus is variable.

Place the tree main events of hemostasis in order.

1. blood vessels spasm 2. platelet plug formation 3. coagulation

Red blood cells are biconcave in shape. list three advantages that this shape confers upon the RBCs.

1. cells can readily squeeze through narrow capillaries 2. cell membrane is close to hemoglobin molecules 3. increased surface area for diffusion of gasses.

List two primary functions of bicarbonate ions in blood plasma.

1. maintenance of blood pH. 2. maintenance of osmotic pressure.

List two underlying possible causes of anemia:

1. red blood cell deficiency 2. low blood levels of hemoglobin.

What are some of the characteristics of sickle cell disease?

1. red blood cells elongate into a sickle shape. 2. it is caused by a mutation in the DNA that codes for hemoglobin. 3. Sickle cells block circulation in small vessels. 4. hemoglobin changes shape under low oxygen conditions.


1. release histamine (to promote inflammation) 2. release heparin (inhibit blood clotting)

Three characteristics of eosinophils

1. they are granulocytes 2. they have a bilobed nucleus 3. they help moderate allergic reactions and inflammation.

Indicate two characteristics of lymphocytes.

1. they are the second most common leukocytes. 2. they are agranulocytes

Indicate two characteristics of lymphocytes:

1. they are the second-most common leukocytes (lymphocytes account for 25-33% of the circulating leukocytes). 2. They are agranulocytes.

List two characteristics of neutrophils

1. they phagocytize bacteria, fungi and some viruses. 2. they are the most abundant leukocytes in a typical blood sample.

Which number below represents a normal red blood cell count?

5,000,000 cell/microliter

One of the compounds released by basophils is histamine, which ________________________________.

causes dilation of small blood vessels and makes the smallest vessels leaky.

Red blood cells lack a nucleus. Which cell function is most dramatically affected by this?

cell division


cessation (or stoppage) of bleeding.

Thrombo -


Blood is a type of __________ tissue.


List three nonprotein nitrogenous substances found in plasma.

creatine amino acids urea

What is an example of when agglutination would occur?

during a transfusion reaction.

A blood clot (or a fragment of a blood clot) that breaks free and travels in the blood stream is called a(n):


A blood clot (or a fragment of a blood clot) that breaks free and travels in the blood stream is called a(n)____________.


What initiates the extrinsic mechanism of coagulation?

factors released by damaged blood vessels or tissues.

A blood clot is based on a mesh framework of the protein __________.


Which molecule is the precursor to fibrin?


During the blood clot formation, the soluble plasma protein called __________ is converted into the insoluble protein called ________.

fibrinogen; fibrin

During blood clot formation, the soluble plasma protein called __________ is converted into the insoluble protein called____________.

fibrinogen; fibrin.

Hematopoiesis -

general term for the formation/production of blood cells (all types)

Neutrophils, basophils, an eosinophils have granules in their cytoplasms, and are there fore classified as type of leukocyte called:


Cardiovascular system consists of:

heart, blood, blood vessels.

Primary function of platelets?

help in repair of damaged blood vessels.

Iron is critical for the synthesis of ________, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells.


Iron is critical for the synthesis of ___________

hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells.

The blood protein that is made up of four globin chains and four heme groups is _________.


The protein molecules within red blood cells that carry oxygen and carbon dioxide and ___________.


what prefix refers to the liver?


Which are causes of cyanosis?

hypoxia high concentration of deoxyhemoglobin

the intrinsic clotting mechanism of coagulation can be:

initiated without having any tissue damage.

Keeping in mind the structure of hemoglobin, name the nutrient that is critical for hemoglobin synthesis:


anemia may be due to a deficiency in hemoglobin. the reduced hemoglobin production, in turn, can be caused by a dietary lack of _________________.


In blood plasma, a rise in the amount of nonprotein nitrogenous substance such as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) or creatinine may suggest a:

kidney disorder.

White Blood Cell is a:


the term for a white blood cell count over 10,500 cells per microliter is


old blood cells are removed from the blood by what two organs?

liver and spleen

The spleen and liver contain ____ that remove ________ from the blood.

macrophates; old erythrocytes

Two function of the plasma protein albumin:

maintains osmotic pressure of the blood. transport various molecules through the body.

What is the meaning of the prefix "poly-"


Which two types of leukocyes are agranulocytes?

monocytes lymphocytes

Which two types of leukocytes are agranulocytes?

monocytes lymphocytes

Describe athe plasma protein - albumin:

most abundant of plasma proteins

What is produced by liver?

most plasma proteins

When red blood cells lack the RH antigen, the blood type is designated as "RH_______"


The most important blood gases to homeostasis are _____________ and ____________.

oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Under what conditions does the rate of erythropoiesis increase?

oxygen levels in blood decrease.


packed cell volume (PCV), refers to the percentage of red blood cells in a volume of blood. Typical value is ~ 45%.

A lack of intrinsic factor causes a deficiency in vitamin B12, which in turn causes _____________ _______________.

pernicious anemia.

Nautrophils and monocytes function as ____________


What is the liquid portion of blood?


What is the name of the liquid portion of the blood?


Within the circulation, __________ is a complex cell-free solution of water, proteins, nutrients, electrolytes, wastes, hormones, and gasses.


name of the enzyme that digests fibrin threads, dissolving a blood clot:


Name the enzyme that converts plasminogen to plasmin

plasminogen activator

List three hemostatic mechanisms

platelet plug formation vascular spasms blood clotting

List the formed elements of blood

platelets, red and white blood cells

cell fragments produced from megakaryocytes are called ________.


Functions of blood

prevents fluid loss transports body heat prevents infection

List three functions of blood:

prevents infection prevents fluid loss transports body heat

What is the most abundant solute in plasma?


Edema is the accumulation of of fluids in interstitial spaces that can result from a decrease in the concentration of plasma ________.


What is the primary location for erythropoiesis in adults?

red bone marrow.

The young red blood cells released into the blood are called ___________________.

reticulocytes. They contain net-like structure called a reticulum.

Indicate 3 characteristics of heparin.

secreted by basophils blocks formation of prothrombin activator secreted by mast cell.

List four types of nutrients present in the plasma.

simple sugars nucleotides amino acids lipids

What is the function of erythropoietin?

stimulation of production of red blood cells.

Anemia is a class of conditions that have one thing in common:

the blood can't carry enough oxygen.

there are three components to the cardiovascular system:

the heart, blood and blood vessels.

what can be learned from a differential white blood cell count?

the number and ratio of each type of leukocyte in a sample.

A patient finally visits their doctor after experiencing several months of lethargy, low grade infections and bone pain. The doctor performs blood work and notes an abnormally high number of leukocytes:

the patient has Chronic Laukemia (slow).

Type AB is:

the rarest ABO blood type.


the term for a white blood cell count over 10,500 cells per microliter.

In certain circumstances, a stationary blood clot called a ______ can form into blood vessels.


A blood clot that formed within a blood vessel in the absence of any tissue damage is called a(n) _________.



to break up

After the heme decomposes into iron and biliverdin, iron then combines with a protein called ____________ and is carried in the blood to the bone marrow.


what is the main function of red blood cells?

transport both oxygen and CO2

Patient with type A blood should receive:

type A or type O blood in order to avoid agglutination.

For a blood transfusion, recipient with Type A blood, the preferred donor blood type is ________ and the permissible blood type of donor is ___________.

type A; type O

Match the waste product with its source.

urea - protein catabolism uric acid - nucleic acid catabolism creatinine - creatine metabolism

The formed element called platelets are:

very small, capable of amoeboid movement, and live for about ten days.

Someone with Type A blood:

can only receive Type A or Type O blood.

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