A&P 13, 14, 15

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motor and sensory neurons are on the same side of the body

Flexor (withdrawal) reflex

polysynaptic Intersegmental (both sides)

Spinal Nerves

31 in total Cervical - 8 Thoracic - 12 Lumbar - 5 Sacral - 5 Coccygeal - 1

The adjustment of the lens so that you can see objects both near and far is called _______.


The ability of a sensory receptor to become less sensitive to a particular stimulus in the continued presence of that stimulus is called:


Which of the following is/are themes common among the visual, auditory, olfactory and gustatory systems?

All of the abov e

Predict what would happen if the stereocilia of the hair cells within the organ of Corti were unable to sway in response to the vibration of the basilar membrane.

All of the above

The convex shape of the lens of the eye is essential for:

Allowing light to be refracted and converge at a focal point on the retina

Put the events of olfactory transduction in order, beginning with activation of an olfactory receptor.

An odorant binds to a G-protein coupled receptor on an olfactory cilium. The G protein¸ gustducin¸ activates adenylate cyclase. The intracellular levels of cAMP within the olfactory sensory neuron increase. cAMP-gated ion channels in the olfactory sensory neuron open. The olfactory sensory neuron depolarizes and action potentials are carried to the olfactory nerve fibers where they synapse with the mitral cells. Mitral cells relay the information to the brain via the olfactory tract

Chain ganglia:

Are found along the entire length of the spinal cord. Are found along the entire length of the spinal cord.

Receptor cells:

Are found in all of the sensory systems Are specialized in both structure and function to capture stimuli

One way in which the visual transduction cascade can get "turned off" is:

Arrestin binding to rhodopsin

The vibrations of sound waves are transmitted into the cochlea, and the movement of the ______________ causes the hair cells within the organ of Corti to sway.

Basilar membrane

Match the somatic NS and autonomic NS with their properties. Originates in the spinal cord Originates in the brainstem Under conscious control

Both SNS Both

The similarities in the signal transduction cascades of photoreceptor cells and olfactory sensory neurons includes which of the following (3 answers)?

Both involve a G-protein coupled receptor. Both involve cyclic nucleotides. Both involve cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels.

Cranial Nerve XII

CNIII: Superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, inferior oblique CNIV: Superior Oblique CNVI: Lateral Rectus

The role of the rod and cone photoreceptor cells are to:

Capture a photon and convert that signal into an electrical signal that can be relayed to the next cells in the retina

What is the first step necessary for initiating the visual transduction cascade in rods?

Capture of a photon by rhodopsin and isomerization of retinal

Sort the events involved in visual transduction in order of occurrence. Begin with capture of a photon.

Capture of a photon by the photo-pigment 11-cis-retinal isomerization Activation of G protein (transducin) Activation of phosphodiesterase Decreased levels of cGMP Closure of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels Photoreceptor hyperpolarization Decreased release of glutamate onto bipolar cells

Principle Plexuses

Cervical (C1-C5) contains phrenic nerve Brachial (C5-T1) root, trunk, division, cord, branch Lumbar (L1-L4) Femoral nerve Sacral (L4-S4) Sciatic Nerve

The eyeball is composed of three tissue layers. List them from outermost to innermost.

Cornea and sclera, choroid, retinal laye

The cochlear and vestibular nerves converge as:

Cranial nerve VIII

What is causing the intraocular pressure to be increased?

Decreased reabsorption of aqueous humor

Which one of the following statements is TRUE regarding olfactory sensory neurons?

Each olfactory sensory neuron can express millions of different types of odorant receptors and they converge in the glomeruli of the olfactory bulb sporadically.

The tympanic membrane of the ear is more commonly called ________.


Three protective tissue coverings of the PNS

Epineurium Perineurium Endoneurium

All receptor potentials are strong enough to elicit an action potential in the afferent nerve cell.


The ganglion axons from the right and left eye never crossover, therefore each hemisphere of the visual cortex receives input only from the eye on the same side.


The inner ear only plays a role in audition.


The tongue has specialized areas for each of the five tastes.


When the ion channels in the stereocilia membrane are pulled open, Na+ flows into the cell and causes the cell to depolarize.


Odorant receptors are:

G-protein coupled receptors

These cells in the retina can fire action potentials along their axons and transmit the signal to the brain via the optic nerve.

Ganglion cells

The olfactory sensory neurons and mitral cells synapse in bundles called:


The neurotransmitter released at the synapse between the vestibular hair cells and the afferent neuron is _______.


The neurotransmitter used by hair cells in the auditory and vestibular systems is ________.


A 27-year- old woman presents to the ED with extreme tachycardia (175 bpm) and hypertension (153/99). An ECG reveals irregularities in her heart rate with intermittent missed beats. The physician also notices upon examination that the patient is perspiring heavily and the pupillary reflex is slowed but not absent. The patient remembers having a bad cold several weeks before the symptoms appeared. What is the likely problem the patient is suffering from?

Guillain-Barre syndrome

The specialized receptor cells within the organ of Corti are called:

Hair cells

The physiological response of a photoreceptor cell when light is sensed is:

Hyperpolarization of the photoreceptor cell

The physiological response of a photoreceptor cell when it captures a photon differs from the physiological response of most other sensory cells to their stimulus because (2 answers):

In a photoreceptor cell¸ decreased release of neurotransmitter is the response¸ whereas in most other sensory cells¸ increased release of neurotransmitter is the response. In a photoreceptor cell¸ hyperpolarization of the cell is the physiological response¸ whereas in most other sensory cells¸ depolarization is the physiological response.

When the head moves, the stereocilia move in this way:

In the opposite direction head rotation

The parasympathetic branch of the ANS:

Innervates organs and tissues in the bottom half of the body. Arises from the brainstem and lower regions of the spinal cord. Has long pre-ganglionic fibers.

Gustatory transduction occurs by ___________.

Ion channels G-protein coupled cascade

Taste transduction in gustatory cells can be transduced by:

Ion channels G-protein coupled receptors

The pigmented part of the eye that controls the size of the pupil is the:


Which of the following tissues is only innervated by the sympathetic NS?

Kidney Liver

Match the stimulus with the appropriate photoreceptor response.

Light, hyperpolarization, decreased glutamate release

These three small bones sit within the middle ear.

Malleus, incus, stapes

A 27- year-old female presents to the clinic for evaluation of dizziness. During a traffic stop, she failed a field sobriety test, but breathalyzers and blood tests showed that she did not have alcohol in her system. In her past medical history, the patient reported dizzy episodes before the evening of her arrest, and occasional difficulty hearing in her right ear. She indicated that she felt a fullness in the right ear, but not the left. She reported that the dizziness lasted for more than twenty minutes. In a physical examination, the patient appears to be normal. What might be the cause of her dizziness?

Meniere's disease (viral inflammation of the inner ear)

Cranial Nerve VIII

Name Vestibulocochlear Type: Sensory Function: two branches. Senses equilibrium (Vestibular) and hearing (Cochlear) in the ear.

Cranial Nerve VI

Name: Abducens Type: Motor Function: Moves Lateral rectus Muscle of the eyeball

Cranial Nerve XI

Name: Accessory Type: Motor Function: Moves Head *originates in cervical region of spinal cord

Cranial Nerve VII

Name: Facial Type: Both Sensory and Motor Function: Taste from anterior tongue, touch, pain and temp in ear canal, proprioception from face and scalp. Moves muscles for facial expressions, lacrimal (tear) glands, and salivary glands.

Cranial Nerve IX

Name: Glossopharyngeal Type: Both Function: Taste from posterior tongue, swallowing, sensory impulses for external ear and pharynx

Cranial Nerve III

Name: Oculomotor Type: Motor Nerve Function: Moves Superior, inferior, and medial rectus muscle, as well as the inferior oblique muscle of the eye ball

Cranial Nerve 1

Name: Olfactory Type: Sensory Nerve Function: Sense of Smell

Cranial Nerve II

Name: Optic Type: Sensory Nerve Function: Sense of Vision

Cranial Nerve V

Name: Trigeminal Type: Both Sensory and Motor (impulses to chew and middle ear muscles) Three Branches: Ophthalmic Nerve (S) - lacrimal glands for tears, upper eyelid, nasal cavity, scalp Maxillary Nerve (S) - nose, palate, upper mouth, lower eyelid Mandibular Nerve (S) - anterior tongue, cheek, skin over jaw and lower mouth

Cranial Nerve IV

Name: Trochlear Type: Motor Function: Moves Superior Oblique Muscle of the eyeball

Cranial Nerve X

Name: Vagus Type: Both Function: Speech. Coughing. Sends autonomic nerve impulses to heart, lungs, and GI Tract. Senses taste in epiglottis and pharynx.

The olfactory membrane sits at the top of the __________.

Nasal conchae

Adaptation in the olfactory system depends on:

Negative feedback in the central nervous system Shutting off the signal transduction cascade

Taste receptor cells have microvilli that detect the actual taste molecule. Each taste receptor cell expresses ______________ (of) type(s) of taste receptor.


The photo-pigment in rods and cones is _________.

Opsin + 11-cis-retinal

Cranial nerve II is also called the _________

Optic nerve

Which nerve carries the information from the eye toward the brain?

Optic nerve

Within the inner ear, the location of the hair cells responsible for auditory transduction is the:

Organ of Corti

Match the cell specialization with the appropriate cell type. Photoreceptor Olfactory snesory neuron Auditory Hair cell gustatory cell

Outer Segment Cilia Sterocilia taste Hairs

The portion of a photoreceptor cell that can capture a photon is the __________.

Outer segment

What is the likely problem the patient is suffering from?

Overproduction of epinephrine

Taste receptor cells are found within:


In the retina, there is a relay of information between cell layers. Put the layers in order beginning with the cells that first capture a photon and ending with the cells that send action potentials to the brain.

Photoreceptor cell, bipolar cell, ganglion cell

Which layer of the retina contains the specialized cells that can capture photons?

Photoreceptor layer

Branches of Spinal Nerves

Posterior Ramus - serves posterior trunk (Goes up) Anterior Ramus - serves limbs, lateral and posterior trunk (goes out) Meningeal Branch - re-enters vertebral canal to serve vertebrae, spinal cord and meninges (goes back in) Rami Communicantes - autonomic nervous system (goes down)

All of the following are considered accessory structures of the eye, except:


The photoreceptor cells in the eye are located within:

the retina

Taste adaptation depends on:

Shutting off the signal in the taste receptor cells Negative feedback in the CNS

Match the adrenergic receptor subtype with its action. α_1 receptor α_2 receptor β_1 receptor β_2 receptor β_3 receptor

Smooth muscle recptor Inhibiton of insulin release Amylase release Increased insulin release Increased lipolysis

Subdivisions of the PNS

Somatic - voluntary Autonomic - unconscious activity of smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, and glands Enteric - regulates GI tract activity

Which nerve has sympathetic control of arrector pili smooth muscle?

Spinal nerve

Poisoning of a person with mushrooms containing muscarine would be expected to have which of the following effects?

Stimulus of target cells innervated by post-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers

How do SNS reflexes differ from ANS reflexes?

The hypothalamus plays a critical role in ANS reflexes.

When the eyeball is too shallow which of the following will happen?

The image is focused behind the retina

Predict what would happen if the shape of the eyeball became too shallow.

The image would be focused behind the retina resulting in farsightedness.

What happens to the levels of cGMP in the light?

The levels of cGMP decrease.

Linear acceleration of the head is determined by hair cells located within:

The utricle and saccule

The afferent nerve fibers in the inner ear converge to form which nerve?

The vestibulocochlear nerve

Cone photoreceptor cells are responsible for color vision because:

They contain photo-pigments capable of absorbing light in the blue, red, and green ranges of the visible spectrum.

In an ANS reflex:

Tissues can be innervated by both branches and they usually have opposite effects.

Cones are responsible for color vision, while rods can only function in black, white and shades of gray.


Each specialized receptor cell has a "switch" that must be turned on in order for the cell to turn on.


Rod cells are specialized for scotopic vision.


The olfactory tract carries information to the limbic system.


The vestibular system relies on hair cells that are similar in structure and function to those found in the auditory system.


The cochlear and vestibular nerves converge to form the _________.

Vestibulochochlear nerve

Predict what would happen to vision if one is deficient in vitamin A.

Vision would be impaired due to the inability to regenerate enough photo-pigment because 11-cis-retinal would not be available to insert into opsin.

The amplitude of a sound wave is the total height of a wave, from the peak to the valley.


The pupil can dilate or constrict to allow more or less light to hit the retina.


Visual transduction begins with the capture of a photon and ends with the relay of the signal to the next cell(s) in line.


{ut the following steps of the visual transduction cascade in order from capture of a photon to transmission of the signal to bipolar cells.

ut the following steps of the visual transduction cascade in order from capture of a photon to transmission of the signal to bipolar cells. Isomerization of 11-cis-retinal to all-trans-retinal Activation of a G-protein: transducin Activation of cGMP phosphodiesterase Decreased levels of cGMP inside the cell Closure of CNG channels Cessation of the dark current and cell hyperpolarization Decreased release of glutamate

Which nerve has parasympathetic control of the heart?

vagus nerve


a fast, involuntary, unplanned sequence of actions that occur in response to a particular stimulus happens in integrative centers of gray matter - cranial = brain stem - spinal = horns

Olfactory transduction depends on cyclic nucleotide gated ion channels that bind ________.


The pitch of a sound is directly related to the ______________ of sound waves


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