A&P 2 Chapter 16

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Distinguish between the ABO and Rh blood groups and explain the antigens and antibodies found in each of the main blood types.

-ABO= antigens are on the surface of red blood cells and antibodies are found in the blood plasm, antibodies bind to their specific antigen when they are mixed and cause agglutination -RH= RH- people are not born with anti-Rh antibodies but can acquire them

Define anemia and polycythemia and explain possible causes for each.

-Anemia- a condition marked by a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood, resulting in pallor and weariness. A diet consistently low in iron, vitamin B-12, folate and copper -Polycythemia- erythrocytosis, means having a high concentration of red blood cells in your blood. This makes the blood thicker and less able to travel through blood vessels and organs. A change in the JAK2 gene, which causes the bone marrow cells to produce too many red blood cells.

Describe the three functions of blood and provide specific examples.

-Transportation- Blood vessels are like networks of roads where deliveries and waste removal take place. Oxygen, nutrients and hormones are delivered around the body in the blood and carbon dioxide and other waste products are removed. -Regulation- The blood helps to maintain the internal conditions within the body when external conditions outside of the body change or when other factors like illness or exercise are affecting the body. The process of thermoregulation maintains optimum body temperature. -Protection- White blood cells are immune system cells. They are like warriors waiting in your blood stream to attack invaders such as bacteria and viruses. When fighting an infection, your body produces more white blood cells.

Discuss the composition of plasma.

1.) Blood plasma -Liquid extracellular matrix 2.) Formed elements -Cells and cell fragments

Describe the events that occur following hemostasis (clot retraction and fibrinolysis).

1.) Following the blood clotting step of hemostasis, clot retraction occurs (platelets contract), further stabilizing the clot and pulling the edges of the vessel back together 2.) Once full healing has occurred, enzymes digest the fibrin strands (fibrinolysis), dissolving the clot and returning the vessel to its normal structure

Describe the three steps of hemostasis.

1.) Vascular spasm- he narrowing of the arteries caused by a persistent contraction of the blood vessels, which is known as vasoconstriction. 2.) Platelet plug formation- the first step of hemostasis and is the process where a platelet plug forms to prevent further loss of blood from a damaged vessel. 3.) Coagulation (blood clotting)- the process through which blood changes from a liquid and becomes thicker, like a gel.

Describe the composition and physical characteristics of blood.

Blood is an opaque red fluid, freely flowing but denser and more viscous than water. The characteristic colour is imparted by hemoglobin, a unique iron-containing protein. Hemoglobin brightens in colour when saturated with oxygen (oxyhemoglobin) and darkens when oxygen is removed (deoxyhemoglobin).

Describe the locations of hematopoiesis.

Bone marrow

Describe the basic chemical structure of hemoglobin and its functions.

Composed of heme pigment and globin protein, Used to transport BOTH O2 and CO2

Describe structure and function of thrombocytes.

Develop from megakaryocytes that fragment into small cellular pieces

Explain generally what stem cells are how they are involved in the production of blood cells.

Small percentage of cells in red bone marrow are stem cells called hemocytoblasts.

Explain the basis for hemolytic disease in newborns and prevention.

When Rh- mother gives birth to 2nd child that is Rh+

Explain the importance of matching donor and recipient blood types before carrying out a blood transfusion, and the possible consequences of a mismatch.

Your body's immune system could fight the donated blood. The anit anagens can fight each other causing your body to reject the blood.

Describe the structure and functions of the various leukocytes.

to combat invaders by destroying them or triggering an immune response

Describe the structure and function of erythrocytes.

~ 5 million in one drop of blood!!!, 2 million new RBCs per second!!!, Each lives approximately 120 days, Biconcave disc, Lack nucleus and other organelles, Contain hemoglobin

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