A&P 2; Chapter 24

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Which hormone is secreted when chyme, expecially when it's rich in lipids and partially digested proteins, enters the duodenum?


Which mineral requires calcitriol and PTH for its absorption by the digestive tract?


Which macromolecules begin being digested in the oral cavity?

Carbohydrates and lipids

Put the regions of the stomach in the order through which food and chyme would pass.

Cardia, fundus, body, pyloric part

What is the correct sequence of parts in the colon moving from the small intestine to the anus?

Cecum; ascending colon; transverse colon; descending colon; sigmoid colon; rectum

What component of the food would increase the number of chylomicrons in the lacteals?


Which of the following is not true regarding water soluble vitamins? a) All water-soluble vitamins are easily absorbed across the digestive epithelium. b) Vitamins are important cofactors and coenzymes in many metabolic pathways. c) Vitamins are organic macromolecules. d) Water-soluble vitamins include the many B vitamins and vitamin C.

a) All water-soluble vitamins are easily absorbed across the digestive epithelium.

The absorption of which vitamin would be impaired if the stomach were removed? a) B12 b) B2 c) B6 d) B3

a) B12

All of the following enzymes are produced in the pancreas except ______________. a) Pepsin b) Proelastase c) Trypsinogen d) Chymotrypsinogen

a) Pepsin

Which of the following enzymes is active at the lowest pH? a) Pepsin b) Lactase c) Amylase d) Chymostrpsin

a) Pepsin

Which of the following is not true of the microbiome? a) Produce vitamin C b) Produce biotin c) Produce vitamin B5 d) Produce vitamin K

a) Produce vitamin C

Which of the following is NOT produced by the gastric glands in the stomach of an adult? a) Rennin b) Pepsinogen c) Intrinsic factor d) HCl

a) Rennin

Which of the following interactions is not true? a) The integumentary system provides vitamin B needed for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. b) The respiratory system assists in defecation by increasing thoracic and abdominal pressures. c) The lymphatic system protects agains toxins absorbed from the digestive system. d) The autonomic nervous system regulates the activites of the digestive system.

a) The integumentary system provides vitamin B needed for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Which of the following molecules are directly absorbed into the intestinal mucosa without the need for ATP? a) Vitamin D b) Ca++ c) Cl-

a) Vitamin D

The movement of nutrients from the digestive tract lumen across the epithelium is called _______________.


Which of the following does not properly describe tooth structure? a) Blood vessels and nerves enter the root canal to supply the pulp cavity. b) The bulk of each tooth consists of a mineralized matrix simiar to bone called enamel. c) A layer of cement covers the dentin of the root and helps to anchor the toot the periodontal ligament. d) The root of each tooth sits in a bony cavity called the alveolus.

b) The bulk of each tooth consists of a mineralized matrix simiar to bone called enamel.

Which of the following is not found in the lamina propria? a) Smooth muscle cells b) Epithelial tissue c) Areolar connective tissue d) Lymphatic tissue

b) Epithelial tissue

Which of the following does NOT digest proteins? a) Trypsin b) Nuclease c) Enteropeptidase d) Pepsin

b) Nuclease

The digestive tract motility and secretions are controlled by a complex set of mechanisms. Which of the following is NOT a normal way the digestive tract functioning is controlled? a) Hormones b) Somatic motor neurons c) pH changes d) Myenteric reflexes

b) Somatic motor neurons

Which of the following is NOT an effect of advancing age on the digestive system? a) Increase in dental caries and gingivitis, resulting in loss of teeth b) Stronger peristaltic contractions, resulting in diarrhea c) Increase in peptic ulcers d) Increase in the rate of digestive system cancers

b) Stronger peristaltic contractions, resulting in diarrhea

Fatty acids and lipids are absorbed into the ____________ found in each villus of the small intestine.


How does the mucosa of the distal rectum compare with that of the colon and the cecum?

The colon and the cecum are lined with a simple columnar epithelium for absorption, whereas the distal rectum is lined with a stratified squamous epithelium because the rectum is next to the opening to the exterior of the body.

An error in swallowing is most likely detected by the __________.


What provides access for blood vessels entering and leaving the liver?

lesser omentum.

The ________ are double sheets of peritoneal membrane that suspend the visceral organs and carry nerves, lymphatics, and blood vessels.


The lamina propria and mucous epithelium are components of the...


Sympathetic stimulation of the muscularis externa promotes __________.

muscular inhibition and relaxation

Contraction of the ________ alters the shape of the intestinal lumen and moves epithelial pleats and folds.

muscularis mucosa

Many visceral smooth muscle networks have rhythmic cycles of activity in the absence of neural stimulation because of __________.

pacesetter cells that spontaneously depolarize and trigger the contraction of entire muscular sheets

The nutrients that can be absorbed without preliminary preparation but that may require special transport mechanisms are __________.

water, electrolytes, and vitamins

Which cells secrete intrinsic factor?

Parietal cells

The two positive-feedback loops involved in the defecation reflex are __________.

the stretch receptors in the rectal walls and the sacral parasympathetic system

What is the benefit of the stomach having rugae?

Allowing the expansion of the lumen

Each day, the digestive system secretes approximately _____ liters of fluid into the digestive tract.

7.2 liters

What is the average composition of fecal waste material?

75 percent water, 5 percent bacteria, and 20 percent indigestible materials, inorganic matter, and epithelial remains

What is the correct sequence of events in moving a bolus of food to the stomach?

Bolus is moved to oropharynx; epiglottis folds over glottis; esophageal peristalsis; opening of lower esophageal sphincter

The enteroendocrine cells of the intestinal glands are responsible for producing which intestinal hormones?

Cholecystokinin and secretin

If you put marbles in your mouth, which cranial nerve monitors receptors that detect their presence and causes the salivary reflex?

Cranial nerve V

Why are older people sometimes subjected to recurring episodes of constipation?

Decreased smooth muscle tone

What is the main stimulus that triggers the defecation reflex?

Distension of the rectum

What cells in the digestive epithelium produce hormones that help regulate the digestive tract?

Enteroendocrine cells

What is the benefit of the large folds of the lining of the esophagus?

Expansion for swallowing

There are some obvious bends in the colon that you don't see in the small intestine. What are the names of these bends?


Which peptide hormone causes the secretion of insulin from the pancreatic islets?


Which of the following causes an immediate increase in the rates of glandular secretion and peristaltic activity in all segments of the small intestine?

Gastroenteric reflex

Which of the following cranial nerves is involved in both initiating the swallowing reflex as food passes by the uvula and helping to coordinate the peristalitic waves of the esophagus?

Glossopharyngeal (CN IX)

What are the pouches that give the colon its typical appearance?


Which of the following produces, on a daily basis, the least number of the peristaltic contractions that force food through the digestive tract?

Large intestine

Why is diarrhea potentially life-threatening?

Loss of water and electrolytes

What type of tooth can have two or three roots and is best suited for helping in mastication by grinding and crushing food?


What is the order of the layers of the gastrointestinal tract, starting with the layer in contact with the food?

Mucosa; submucosa; muscularis externa; serosa

Which layer of the digestive tract is responsible for peristalsis and segmentation?

Muscularis externa

Which of the following digestive regions is responsible for the propulsion of materials into the esophagus?


Which two factors play important parts in moving the chyme from the stomach into the small intestine?

Stomach distension and gastrin release

What type of epithelium makes up the oral mucosa?

Stratified squamous

Which oral structure(s) is/are responsible for manipulating food to assist in chewing and in the production of the enzyme lipase?


What is the hormone secreted by the small intestine that dilates capillaries in the small intestine area?


What is perhaps the most important function of the large intestine?

Water reabsorption

In the oral cavity, the digestive enzyme __________ is found in saliva and begins the digestion of __________.

amylase; starch

The small, slender structure that is attached to the large intestine and is suffused with lymphoid nodules is the __________.


Which of the following is not a step in the overall digestive process? a) Mechanical digestion b) Secretion c) Excretion d) Absorption

c) Excretion

Which of the following is not an enzyme found in the brush border of the intestinal microvilli? a) Lactase b) Maltase c) Fructase d) Sucrase

c) Fructase

What body system is NOT adversely affected by inadequate calcium absorption? a) Muscular system b) Skeletal system c) Integumentary system d) Cardiovascular system

c) Integumentary system

Which process is NOT involved in the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the parietal cells of the stomach? a) CO2 reacts with H2O. b) Countertransport of Cl- and HCO3- c) Movement of Cl- from the intestinal lumen to the interstitial fluid. d) Active transport of H+ and diffusion of Cl-

c) Movement of Cl- from the intestinal lumen to the interstitial fluid.

Which of the following does NOT digest carbohydrates? a) Pancreatic alpha-amylase b) Sucrase c) Pancreatic lipase d) Lactase

c) Pancreatic lipase

Which of the following is NOT a fat-soluble vitamin? a) vitamin A b) vitamin D c) vitamin C d) vitamin K

c) vitamin C

Triglycerides coated with proteins create complexes known as __________.


The numerous transverse folds in the small intestine that serve to increase the surface area for absorption are the __________.

circular folds (plicae cicrulares)

The active process that occurs when food enters the digestive tract via the mouth is __________.


Which of the following is correct for adult dentition? a) 8 incisors, 4 canines, 6 bicuspids, and 12 molars in total b) 4 incisors, 4 canines, 2 bicuspids, and 6 molars on each side c) 6 incisors, 4 canines, 6 bicuspids, and 12 molars in total d) 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 bicuspids, and 6 molars on each side

d) 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 bicuspids, and 6 molars on each side

The primary functions of intestinal juices include which of the following? a) To moisten the chyme b) To assist in buffering acids c) To dissolve digestive enzymes and the products of digestion d) All of the listed responses are correct

d) All of the listed responses are correct

Why would you not be able to swallow a completely dry food bolus? a) Friction with the walls of the esophagus would make peristalsis ineffective. b) The dry food would stimulate sympathetic activity, inhibiting peristalsis. c) The dry food would inhibit parasympathetic activity in the esophagus. d) All of the listed responses are correct

d) All of the listed responses are correct

Which of the following are NOT absorbed in the large intestine? a) Organic wastes, such as urobilinogens b) Certain vitamins, such as vitamin K c) Water d) All of the listed substances are absorbed in the large intestine

d) All of the listed substances are absorbed in the large intestine

What is the importance of the mesenteries? a) Preventing the intestines from becoming entangled b) Stabilizing the attached organs c) A route for blood vessels to and from the digestive tract d) All the listed choices are correct

d) All the listed choices are correct

Which of the following is NOT a function of hydrochloric acid in the stomach? a) Activating pepsin b) Facilitating protein digestion c) Killing microorganisms d) Breaking down disaccharides into monosaccharides

d) Breaking down disaccharides into monosaccharides

Which of the following is NOT a region of the small intestine? a) Jejunum b) Duodenum c) Ileum d) Cecum

d) Cecum

Which of the following is not a function of saliva? a) Helping clean oral surfaces b) Moistening food c) Producing amylase d) Increasing dental caries

d) Increasing dental caries

Which of the following statements about peritonitis is not true? a) It can be caused by bacteria entering the abdominal cavity during a surgical procedure. b) It could result in a burst appendix. c) It is an inflammation of the peritoneal membrane. d) It leads to inflammation of the digestive mucosa.

d) It leads to inflammation of the digestive mucosa.

Which of the following statements regarding digestive enzymes is not true? a) Digestive enyzmes break the bonds between component molecules in a process called hydrolysis. b) The products of digestion are used to either provide energy for the synthesis of ATP or are used to to synthesize other macromolecules. c) Digestive enzymes produced along the digestive tract can degrade carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. d) Minerals are produced from the enzymatic breakdown of proteins.

d) Minerals are produced from the enzymatic breakdown of proteins.

Which of the following is not true of the parotid glands? a) Extend from the mastoid process across the outer surface of the masseter b) The largest of the salivary glands c) Produce a serous secretion rich in amylase d) Secretions empty along the lingual frenulum

d) Secretions empty along the lingual frenulum

A disease that attacks and disables the myenteric plexus would....

decrease intestinal motility.

The reflex that occurs in the rectum and promotes the movement of feces toward the anus is the __________.

defecation reflex

Which of the following is the term for swallowing?


The chemical breakdown of food into small organic fragments that can be absorbed by the digestive epithelium is __________.


The bile duct and the pancreatic duct both enter the duodenum at the _____________.

duodenal papilla

The esophagus enters the abdominopelvic cavity by passing through the ________________ of the diaphragm.

esophageal hiatus

The intestinal epithelium absorbs monosaccharides via __________.

facilitated diffusion and cotransport mechanisms

A large connective tissue structure, composed mostly of fat, that hangs like an apron from the lateral and inferior borders of the stomach describes the ________________.

greater omentum

When two fluids are separated by a selectively permeable membrane, water tends to flow into the fluid that has the __________.

higher concentration of solutes

The muscular sphincter that guards the opening between the ileum and the cecum is the __________.

ileocecal valve

Which type of tooth is responsible for clipping and cutting?


The primary effect of secretin is to __________.

increase the secretion of bile and buffers by the liver and the pancreas

The plicae of the intestinal mucosa, which bears the intestinal villi, are structural features that __________.

increase the total surface area for absorption

The hormone gastrin __________.

increases the activity of parietal and chief cells

In most cases, the mumps is a viral infection of the ________ glands.


Chief cells in the gastric glands secrete ________________.


Waves of muscular contractions that propel the contents of the digestive tract are called ____________.


Villikinin, motilin, and somatostatin are produced in the __________.

small intestine

Which of the following major layers of the digestive tract is described as a layer of dense, irregular connective tissue filled with blood vessels and contains a nerve plexus?


The enzyme lactase, which breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose, is secreted by __________.

the brush border of the small intestine

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