A&P Chapter 10

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Electromyography (EMG)

-Electromyography (EMG) (electro- = electricity; -myo- = muscle; -graph = to write) is a test that measures the electrical activity (muscle action potentials) in resting and contracting muscles. Normally, resting muscle produces no electrical activity; a slight contraction produces some electrical activity; and a more forceful contraction produces increased electrical activity. In the procedure, a ground electrode is placed over the muscle to be tested to eliminate background electrical activity. Then, a fine needle attached by wires to a recording instrument is inserted into the muscle. The electrical activity of the muscle is displayed as waves on an oscilloscope and heard through a loudspeaker. -EMG helps to determine if muscle weakness or paralysis is due to a malfunction of the muscle itself or the nerves supplying the muscle. EMG is also used to diagnose certain muscle disorders, such as muscular dystrophy, and to understand which muscles function during complex movements.


-If another nerve impulse releases more acetylcholine, steps blue2 and blue3 repeat. When action potentials in the motor neuron cease, ACh is no longer released, and AChE rapidly breaks down the ACh already present in the synaptic cleft. This ends the production of muscle action potentials, the Ca2+ moves from the sarcoplasm of the muscle fiber back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and the Ca2+ release channels in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane close. -The NMJ usually is near the midpoint of a skeletal muscle fiber. Muscle action potentials that arise at the NMJ propagate toward both ends of the fiber. This arrangement permits nearly simultaneous activation (and thus contraction) of all parts of the muscle fiber.

The contraction cycle consists of four steps:

1. ATP hydrolysis 2. Attachment of myosin to actin to form cross-bridges 3. Power stroke 4. Detachment of myosin from actin

twitch contraction

A twitch contraction is the brief contraction of all muscle fibers in a motor unit in response to a single action potential in its motor neuron. In the laboratory, a twitch can be produced by direct electrical stimulation of a motor neuron or its muscle fibers.

rigor mortis

After death, cellular membranes become leaky. Calcium ions leak out of the sarcoplasmic reticulum into the sarcoplasm and allow myosin heads to bind to actin. ATP synthesis ceases shortly after breathing stops, however, so the cross-bridges cannot detach from actin. The resulting condition, in which muscles are in a state of rigidity (cannot contract or stretch), is called rigor mortis (rigidity of death). Rigor mortis begins 3-4 hours after death and lasts about 24 hours; then it disappears as proteolytic enzymes from lysosomes digest the cross-bridges.

Power stroke

After the cross-bridges form, the power stroke occurs. During the power stroke, the site on the cross-bridge where ADP is still bound opens. As a result, the cross-bridge rotates and releases the ADP. The cross-bridge generates force as it rotates toward the center of the sarcomere, sliding the thin filament past the thick filament toward the M line.


At high magnification, the sarcoplasm appears stuffed with little threads. These small structures are the myofibrils (myo- = muscle; -fibrilla = little fiber), the contractile organelles of skeletal muscle. Myofibrils are about in diameter and extend the entire length of a muscle fiber. Their prominent striations make the entire skeletal muscle fiber appear striped (striated).

synaptic cleft

At most synapses a small gap, called the synaptic cleft, separates the two cells. Because the cells do not physically touch, the action potential cannot "jump the gap" from one cell to another.

axon terminal

At the NMJ, the end of the motor neuron, called the axon terminal, divides into a cluster of synaptic end bulbs, the neural part of the NMJ.

Detachment of myosin from actin

At the end of the power stroke, the cross-bridge remains firmly attached to actin until it binds another molecule of ATP. As ATP binds to the ATP-binding site on the myosin head, the myosin head detaches from actin.

the contraction cycle

At the onset of contraction, the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases calcium ions (Ca2+) into the sarcoplasm. There, they bind to troponin. Troponin then moves tropomyosin away from the myosin-binding sites on actin. Once the binding sites are "free," the contraction cycle—the repeating sequence of events that causes the filaments to slide—begins.

subcutaneous layer

Connective tissue surrounds and protects muscular tissue. The subcutaneous layer or hypodermis, which separates muscle from skin, is composed of areolar connective tissue and adipose tissue. It provides a pathway for nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels to enter and exit muscles. The adipose tissue of the subcutaneous layer stores most of the body's triglycerides, serves as an insulating layer that reduces heat loss, and protects muscles from physical trauma.


Contractility is the ability of muscular tissue to contract forcefully when stimulated by an action potential. When a skeletal muscle contracts, it generates tension (force of contraction) while pulling on its attachment points. In some muscle contractions, the muscle develops tension (force of contraction) but does not shorten. An example is holding a book in an outstretched hand. In other muscle contractions, the tension generated is great enough to overcome the load (resistance) of the object being moved so the muscle shortens and movement occurs. An example is lifting a book off a table.

terminal cisterns

Dilated end sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum called terminal cisterns (= reservoirs) butt against the T tubule from both sides. A transverse tubule and the two terminal cisterns on either side of it form a triad (tri- = three). In a relaxed muscle fiber, the sarcoplasmic reticulum stores calcium ions (Ca2+). Release of Ca2+ from the terminal cisterns of the sarcoplasmic reticulum triggers muscle contraction.

oxygen debt

During prolonged periods of muscle contraction, increases in breathing rate and blood flow enhance oxygen delivery to muscle tissue. After muscle contraction has stopped, heavy breathing continues for a while, and oxygen consumption remains above the resting level. Depending on the intensity of the exercise, the recovery period may be just a few minutes, or it may last as long as several hours. The term oxygen debt has been used to refer to the added oxygen, over and above the resting oxygen consumption, that is taken into the body after exercise. This extra oxygen is used to "pay back" or restore metabolic conditions to the resting level in three ways: (1) to convert lactic acid back into glycogen stores in the liver, (2) to resynthesize creatine phosphate and ATP in muscle fibers, and (3) to replace the oxygen removed from myoglobin.

relaxation period

During the third phase, the relaxation period, also lasting 10-100 msec, Ca2+ is actively transported back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, myosin-binding sites are covered by tropomyosin, myosin heads detach from actin, and tension in the muscle fiber decreases. The actual duration of these periods depends on the type of skeletal muscle fiber. Some fibers, such as the fast-twitch fibers that move the eyes (described shortly), have contraction periods as brief as 10 msec and equally brief relaxation periods. Others, such as the slow-twitch fibers that move the legs, have contraction and relaxation periods of about 100 msec each.


Dystrophin links thin filaments of the sarcomere to integral membrane proteins of the sarcolemma, which are attached in turn to proteins in the connective tissue extracellular matrix that surrounds muscle fibers. Dystrophin and its associated proteins are thought to reinforce the sarcolemma and help transmit the tension generated by the sarcomeres to the tendons.

muscle fibers

Each of your skeletal muscles is a separate organ composed of hundreds to thousands of cells, which are called muscle fibers because of their elongated shapes. Thus, muscle cell and muscle fiber are two terms for the same structure. Skeletal muscle also contains connective tissues surrounding muscle fibers and whole muscles, and blood vessels and nerves. To understand how contraction of skeletal muscle can generate tension, you must first understand its gross and microscopic anatomy.

electrical excitability

Electrical excitability, a property of both muscle and nerve cells that was introduced in Chapter 4, is the ability to respond to certain stimuli by producing electrical signals called action potentials (impulses). Action potentials in muscles are referred to as muscle action potentials; those in nerve cells are called nerve action potentials. Chapter 12 provides more detail about how action potentials arise. For muscle cells, two main types of stimuli trigger action potentials. One is autorhythmic electrical signals arising in the muscular tissue itself, as in the heart's pacemaker. The other is chemical stimuli, such as neurotransmitters released by neurons, hormones distributed by the blood, or even local changes in pH.


Endomysium (endo- = within) penetrates the interior of each fascicle and separates individual muscle fibers from one another. The endomysium is mostly reticular fibers.


Epimysium (epi- = upon) is the outer layer, encircling the entire muscle. It consists of dense irregular connective tissue.

muscle tone

Even at rest, a skeletal muscle exhibits muscle tone (tonos = tension), a small amount of tautness or tension in the muscle due to weak, involuntary contractions of its motor units. Recall that skeletal muscle contracts only after it is activated by acetylcholine released by nerve impulses in its motor neurons. Hence, muscle tone is established by neurons in the brain and spinal cord that excite the muscle's motor neurons.

motor unit

Even though each skeletal muscle fiber has only a single neuromuscular junction, the axon of a somatic motor neuron branches out and forms neuromuscular junctions with many different muscle fibers. A motor unit consists of a somatic motor neuron plus all of the skeletal muscle fibers it stimulates. A single somatic motor neuron makes contact with an average of 150 skeletal muscle fibers, and all of the muscle fibers in one motor unit contract in unison. Typically, the muscle fibers of a motor unit are dispersed throughout a muscle rather than clustered together.

Fast oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) fibers

Fast oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) fibers are typically the largest fibers. Like slow oxidative fibers, they contain large amounts of myoglobin and many blood capillaries. Thus, they also have a dark red appearance. FOG fibers can generate considerable ATP by aerobic respiration, which gives them a moderately high resistance to fatigue. Because their intracellular glycogen level is high, they also generate ATP by anaerobic glycolysis. FOG fibers are "fast" because the ATPase in their myosin heads hydrolyzes ATP three to five times faster than the myosin ATPase in SO fibers, which makes their speed of contraction faster. Thus, twitches of FOG fibers reach peak tension more quickly than those of SO fibers but are briefer in duration—less than 100 msec. FOG fibers contribute to activities such as walking and sprinting.

length-tension relationship

Figure 10.8 shows the length-tension relationship for skeletal muscle, which indicates how the forcefulness of muscle contraction depends on the length of the sarcomeres within a muscle before contraction begins. At a sarcomere length of about 2.0-2.4 (which is very close to the resting length in most muscles), the zone of overlap in each sarcomere is optimal, and the muscle fiber can develop maximum tension. Notice in Figure 10.8 that maximum tension (100%) occurs when the zone of overlap between a thick and thin filament extends from the edge of the H zone to one end of a thick filament.

refractory period

If two stimuli are applied, one immediately after the other, the muscle will respond to the first stimulus but not to the second. When a muscle fiber receives enough stimulation to contract, it temporarily loses its excitability and cannot respond for a time. The period of lost excitability, called the refractory period, is a characteristic of all muscle and nerve cells. The duration of the refractory period varies with the muscle involved. Skeletal muscle has a short refractory period of about 5 msec; cardiac muscle has a longer refractory period of about 300 msec.


In addition, the sarcoplasm contains a red-colored protein called myoglobin. This protein, found only in muscle, binds oxygen molecules that diffuse into muscle fibers from interstitial fluid. Myoglobin releases oxygen when it is needed by the mitochondria for ATP production. The mitochondria lie in rows throughout the muscle fiber, strategically close to the contractile muscle proteins that use ATP during contraction so that ATP can be produced quickly as needed

isometric contraction

In an isometric contraction (metro = measure or length), the tension generated is not enough to exceed the resistance of the object to be moved, and the muscle does not change its length. An example would be holding a book steady using an outstretched arm. These contractions are important for maintaining posture and for supporting objects in a fixed position. Although isometric contractions do not result in body movement, energy is still expended. The book pulls the arm downward, stretching the shoulder and arm muscles. The isometric contraction of the shoulder and arm muscles counteracts the stretch. Isometric contractions are important because they stabilize some joints as others are moved. Most activities include both isotonic and isometric contractions.


Inside the SR, molecules of a calcium-binding protein, appropriately called calsequestrin, bind to the Ca2+, enabling even more Ca2+ to be sequestered or stored within the SR. As a result, the concentration of Ca2+ is 10,000 times higher in the SR than in the cytosol of a relaxed muscle fiber. As the Ca2+ level in the cytosol drops, tropomyosin covers the myosin-binding sites, and the muscle fiber relaxes.

producing body movements

Movements of the whole body such as walking and running, and localized movements such as grasping a pencil, keyboarding, or nodding the head as a result of muscular contractions, rely on the integrated functioning of skeletal muscles, bones, and joints.

stabilizing body positions

Skeletal muscle contractions stabilize joints and help maintain body positions, such as standing or sitting. Postural muscles contract continuously when you are awake; for example, sustained contractions of your neck muscles hold your head upright when you are listening intently to your anatomy and physiology lecture.

Termination of ACh activity

The effect of ACh binding lasts only briefly because ACh is rapidly broken down by an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase (AChE). This enzyme is attached to collagen fibers in the extracellular matrix of the synaptic cleft. AChE breaks down ACh into acetyl and choline, products that cannot activate the ACh receptor.

Attachment of myosin to actin to form cross-bridges

The energized myosin head attaches to the myosin-binding site on actin and releases the previously hydrolyzed phosphate group. When the myosin heads attach to actin during contraction, they are referred to as cross-bridges.


The epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium are all continuous with the connective tissue that attaches skeletal muscle to other structures, such as bone or another muscle. For example, all three connective tissue layers may extend beyond the muscle fibers to form a ropelike tendon that attaches a muscle to the periosteum of a bone. An example is the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon of the gastrocnemius (calf) muscle, which attaches the muscle to the calcaneus (heel bone)

A band

The extent of overlap of the thick and thin filaments depends on whether the muscle is contracted, relaxed, or stretched. The pattern of their overlap, consisting of a variety of zones and bands, creates the striations that can be seen both in single myofibrils and in whole muscle fibers. The darker middle part of the sarcomere is the A band, which extends the entire length of the thick filaments. Toward each end of the A band is a zone of overlap, where the thick and thin filaments lie side by side.


The filaments inside a myofibril do not extend the entire length of a muscle fiber. Instead, they are arranged in compartments called sarcomeres (-mere = part), which are the basic functional units of a myofibril

Production of muscle action potential

The inflow of Na+ (down its electrochemical gradient) makes the inside of the muscle fiber more positively charged. This change in the membrane potential triggers a muscle action potential. Each nerve impulse normally elicits one muscle action potential. The muscle action potential then propagates along the sarcolemma into the system of T tubules. This causes the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release its stored Ca2+ into the sarcoplasm and the muscle fiber subsequently contracts.

slow oxidative (SO) fibers

Slow oxidative (SO) fibers appear dark red because they contain large amounts of myoglobin and many blood capillaries. Because they have many large mitochondria, SO fibers generate ATP mainly by aerobic respiration, which is why they are called oxidative fibers. These fibers are said to be "slow" because the ATPase in the myosin heads hydrolyzes ATP relatively slowly and the contraction cycle proceeds at a slower pace than in "fast" fibers. As a result, SO fibers have a slow speed of contraction. Their twitch contractions last from 100 to 200 msec, and they take longer to reach peak tension. However, slow fibers are very resistant to fatigue and are capable of prolonged, sustained contractions for many hours. These slow-twitch, fatigue-resistant fibers are adapted for maintaining posture and for aerobic, endurance-type activities such as running a marathon.


Smaller amounts of two regulatory proteins—tropomyosin and troponin—are also part of the thin filament. In relaxed muscle, myosin is blocked from binding to actin because strands of tropomyosin cover the myosin-binding sites on actin. The tropomyosin strands in turn are held in place by troponin molecules. You will soon learn that when calcium ions (Ca2+) bind to troponin, it undergoes a change in shape; this change moves tropomyosin away from myosin-binding sites on actin and muscle contraction subsequently begins as myosin binds to actin.

smooth muscle tissue

Smooth muscle tissue is located in the walls of hollow internal structures, such as blood vessels, airways, and most organs in the abdominopelvic cavity. It is also found in the skin, attached to hair follicles. Under a microscope, this tissue lacks the striations of skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue. For this reason, it looks nonstriated, which is why it is referred to as smooth. The action of smooth muscle is usually involuntary, and some smooth muscle tissue, such as the muscles that propel food through your gastrointestinal tract, has autorhythmicity. Both cardiac muscle and smooth muscle are regulated by neurons that are part of the autonomic (involuntary) division of the nervous system and by hormones released by endocrine glands.

cardiac muscle tissue

The principal tissue in the heart wall is cardiac muscle tissue. Between the layers of cardiac muscle fibers, the contractile cells of the heart, are sheets of connective tissue that contain blood vessels, nerves, and the conduction system of the heart. Cardiac muscle fibers have the same arrangement of actin and myosin and the same bands, zones, and Z discs as skeletal muscle fibers. However, intercalated discs (intercal- = to insert between) are unique to cardiac muscle fibers. These microscopic structures are irregular transverse thickenings of the sarcolemma that connect the ends of cardiac muscle fibers to one another. The discs contain desmosomes, which hold the fibers together, and gap junctions, which allow muscle action potentials to spread from one cardiac muscle fiber to another. Cardiac muscle tissue has an endomysium and perimysium, but lacks an epimysium.

motor end plate

The region of the sarcolemma opposite the synaptic end bulbs, called the motor end plate, is the muscle fiber part of the NMJ.

Ca2+ active transport pumps

The sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane also contains Ca2+ active transport pumps that use ATP to move Ca2+ constantly from the sarcoplasm into the SR. While muscle action potentials continue to propagate through the T tubules, the Ca2+ release channels are open. Calcium ions flow into the sarcoplasm more rapidly than they are transported back by the pumps. After the last action potential has propagated throughout the T tubules, the Ca2+ release channels close. As the pumps move Ca2+ back into the SR, the concentration of calcium ions in the sarcoplasm quickly decreases.

contraction period

The second phase, the contraction period, lasts 10-100 msec. During this time, Ca2+ binds to troponin, myosin-binding sites on actin are exposed, and cross-bridges form. Peak tension develops in the muscle fiber.

multiunit smooth muscle tissue

The second type of smooth muscle tissue, multiunit smooth muscle tissue, consists of individual fibers, each with its own motor neuron terminals and with few gap junctions between neighboring fibers. Stimulation of one visceral muscle fiber causes contraction of many adjacent fibers, but stimulation of one multiunit fiber causes contraction of that fiber only. Multiunit smooth muscle tissue is found in the walls of large arteries, in airways to the lungs, in the arrector pili muscles that attach to hair follicles, in the muscles of the iris that adjust pupil diameter, and in the ciliary body that adjusts focus of the lens in the eye.


Thin filaments are anchored to Z discs. Their main component is the protein actin. Individual actin molecules join to form an actin filament that is twisted into a helix. On each actin molecule is a myosin-binding site, where a myosin head can attach.

functions of muscular tissue

Through sustained contraction or alternating contraction and relaxation, muscular tissue has four key functions: producing body movements, stabilizing body positions, storing and moving substances within the body, and generating heat.


When the motor neurons serving a skeletal muscle are damaged or cut, the muscle becomes flaccid (= flabby), a state of limpness in which muscle tone is lost. To sustain muscle tone, small groups of motor units are alternatively active and inactive in a constantly shifting pattern. Muscle tone keeps skeletal muscles firm, but it does not result in a force strong enough to produce movement. For example, when you are awake, the muscles in the back of the neck are in normal tonic contraction; they keep the head upright and prevent it from slumping forward on the chest. Muscle tone also is important in smooth muscle tissues, such as those found in the gastrointestinal tract, where the walls of the digestive organs maintain a steady pressure on their contents. The tone of smooth muscle fibers in the walls of blood vessels plays a crucial role in maintaining blood pressure.


Whole muscles that control precise movements consist of many small motor units. For instance, muscles of the larynx (voice box) that control voice production have as few as two or three muscle fibers per motor unit, and muscles controlling eye movements may have 10 to 20 muscle fibers per motor unit. In contrast, skeletal muscles responsible for large-scale and powerful movements, such as the biceps brachii muscle in the arm and the gastrocnemius muscle in the calf of the leg, have as many as 2000 to 3000 muscle fibers in some motor units. Because all of the muscle fibers of a motor unit contract and relax together, the total strength of a contraction depends, in part, on the size of the motor units and the number that are activated at a given time.

acetylcholine receptors

Within each motor end plate are 30 million to 40 million acetylcholine receptors, integral transmembrane proteins to which ACh specifically binds.


Within myofibrils are smaller protein structures called filaments or myofilaments. Thin filaments are 8 nm in diameter and 1-2 long* and composed mostly of the protein actin, while thick filaments are 16 nm in diameter and 1- long and composed mostly of the protein myosin. Both thin and thick filaments are directly involved in the contractile process. Overall, there are two thin filaments for every thick filament in the regions of filament overlap.


Within the sarcolemma is the sarcoplasm, the cytoplasm of a muscle fiber. Sarcoplasm includes a substantial amount of glycogen, which is a large molecule composed of many glucose molecules. Glycogen can be used for synthesis of ATP.


Muscle contraction occurs because myosin heads attach to and "walk" along the thin filaments at both ends of a sarcomere, progressively pulling the thin filaments toward the M line. As a result, the thin filaments slide inward and meet at the center of a sarcomere. They may even move so far inward that their ends overlap. As the thin filaments slide inward, the I band and H zone narrow and eventually disappear altogether when the muscle is maximally contracted. However, the width of the A band and the individual lengths of the thick and thin filaments remain unchanged. Since the thin filaments on each side of the sarcomere are attached to Z discs, when the thin filaments slide inward, the Z discs come closer together, and the sarcomere shortens. Shortening of the sarcomeres causes shortening of the whole muscle fiber, which in turn leads to shortening of the entire muscle.

muscular atrophy

Muscular atrophy (a- = without, -trophy = nourishment) is a decrease in size of individual muscle fibers as a result of progressive loss of myofibrils. Atrophy that occurs because muscles are not used is termed disuse atrophy. Bedridden individuals and people with casts experience disuse atrophy because the flow of nerve impulses to inactive skeletal muscle is greatly reduced, but the condition is reversible. If instead its nerve supply is disrupted or cut, the muscle undergoes denervation atrophy. Over a period of 6 months to 2 years, the muscle shrinks to about one-fourth its original size, and its fibers are irreversibly replaced by fibrous connective tissue.

properties of muscular tissue

Muscular tissue has four special properties that enable it to function and contribute to homeostasis: 1. electrical excitability 2. contractility 3. extensibility 4. elasticity


Myofibrils are built from three kinds of proteins: (1) contractile proteins, which generate force during contraction; (2) regulatory proteins, which help switch the contraction process on and off; and (3) structural proteins, which keep the thick and thin filaments in the proper alignment, give the myofibril elasticity and extensibility, and link the myofibrils to the sarcolemma and extracellular matrix.

Z discs

Narrow, plate-shaped regions of dense protein material called Z discs separate one sarcomere from the next. Thus, a sarcomere extends from one Z disc to the next Z disc.


Nebulin is a long, nonelastic protein wrapped around the entire length of each thin filament. It helps anchor the thin filaments to the Z discs and regulates the length of thin filaments during development.

anaerobic training vs aerobic training

Regular, repeated activities such as jogging or aerobic dancing increase the supply of oxygen-rich blood available to skeletal muscles for aerobic respiration. By contrast, activities such as weight lifting rely more on anaerobic production of ATP through glycolysis. Such anaerobic training activities stimulate synthesis of muscle proteins and result, over time, in increased muscle size (muscle hypertrophy). Athletes who engage in anaerobic training should have a diet that includes an adequate amount of proteins. This protein intake will allow the body to synthesize muscle proteins and to increase muscle mass. As a result, aerobic training builds endurance for prolonged activities; in contrast, anaerobic training builds muscle strength for short-term feats. Interval training is a workout regimen that incorporates both types of training—for example, alternating sprints with jogging.

cardiac muscle tissue

Only the heart contains cardiac muscle tissue, which forms most of the heart wall. Cardiac muscle is also striated, but its action is involuntary. The alternating contraction and relaxation of the heart is not consciously controlled. Rather, the heart beats because it has a natural pacemaker that initiates each contraction. This built-in rhythm is termed autorhythmicity. Several hormones and neurotransmitters can adjust heart rate by speeding or slowing the pacemaker.

strength training

Strength training refers to the process of exercising with progressively heavier resistance for the purpose of strengthening the musculoskeletal system. This activity results not only in stronger muscles, but in many other health benefits as well. Strength training also helps to increase bone strength by increasing the deposition of bone minerals in young adults and helping to prevent, or at least slow, their loss in later life. By increasing muscle mass, strength training raises resting metabolic rate, the amount of energy expended at rest, so a person can eat more food without gaining weight. Strength training helps to prevent back injury and other injuries from participation in sports and other physical activities. Psychological benefits include reductions in feelings of stress and fatigue. As repeated training builds exercise tolerance, it takes increasingly longer before lactic acid is produced in the muscle, resulting in a reduced probability of muscle spasms.

M line

Supporting proteins that hold the thick filaments together at the center of the H zone form the M line, so named because it is at the middle of the sarcomere.

synaptic vesicles

Suspended in the cytosol within each synaptic end bulb are hundreds of membrane-enclosed sacs called synaptic vesicles.

I band

The I band is a lighter, less dense area that contains the rest of the thin filaments but no thick filaments, and a Z disc passes through the center of each I band.


The contraction cycle repeats as the myosin ATPase hydrolyzes the newly bound molecule of ATP, and continues as long as ATP is available and the Ca2+ level near the thin filament is sufficiently high. The cross-bridges keep rotating back and forth with each power stroke, pulling the thin filaments toward the M line. Each of the 600 cross-bridges in one thick filament attaches and detaches about five times per second. At any one instant, some of the myosin heads are attached to actin, forming cross-bridges and generating force, and other myosin heads are detached from actin, getting ready to bind again.


The dense material of the Z discs contains molecules of α-actinin, which bind to actin molecules of the thin filament and to titin.

recovery oxygen uptake

The metabolic changes that occur during exercise can account for only some of the extra oxygen used after exercise. Only a small amount of glycogen resynthesis occurs from lactic acid. Instead, most glycogen is made much later from dietary carbohydrates. Much of the lactic acid that remains after exercise is converted back to pyruvic acid and used for ATP production via aerobic respiration in the heart, liver, kidneys, and skeletal muscle. Oxygen use after exercise also is boosted by ongoing changes. First, the elevated body temperature after strenuous exercise increases the rate of chemical reactions throughout the body. Faster reactions use ATP more rapidly, and more oxygen is needed to produce the ATP. Second, the heart and the muscles used in breathing are still working harder than they were at rest, and thus they consume more ATP. Third, tissue repair processes are occurring at an increased pace. For these reasons, recovery oxygen uptake is a better term than oxygen debt for the elevated use of oxygen after exercise.


The multiple nuclei of a skeletal muscle fiber are located just beneath the sarcolemma (sarc- = flesh; -lemma = sheath), the plasma membrane of a muscle cell

muscular hypertrophy

The muscle growth that occurs after birth occurs by enlargement of existing muscle fibers, called muscular hypertrophy (hyper- = above or excessive; -trophy = nourishment). Muscular hypertrophy is due to increased production of myofibrils, mitochondria, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and other organelles. It results from very forceful, repetitive muscular activity, such as strength training. Because hypertrophied muscles contain more myofibrils, they are capable of more forceful contractions. During childhood, human growth hormone and other hormones stimulate an increase in the size of skeletal muscle fibers. The hormone testosterone promotes further enlargement of muscle fibers.

ATP hydrolysis

The myosin head includes an ATP-binding site and an ATPase, an enzyme that hydrolyzes ATP into ADP (adenosine diphosphate) and a phosphate group. This hydrolysis reaction reorients and energizes the myosin head. Notice that the products of ATP hydrolysis—ADP and a phosphate group—are still attached to the myosin head.


The record of a muscle contraction, called a myogram, is shown in Figure 10.13. Twitches of skeletal muscle fibers last anywhere from 20 to 200 msec. This is very long compared to the brief 1-2 msec* that a muscle action potential lasts.


The three types of muscular tissue—skeletal, cardiac, and smooth—were introduced in Chapter 4. Although the different types of muscular tissue share some properties, they differ from one another in their microscopic anatomy, location, and how they are controlled by the nervous and endocrine systems.

junctional folds

These receptors are abundant in junctional folds, deep grooves in the motor end plate that provide a large surface area for ACh. As you will see, the ACh receptors are ligand-gated ion channels. A neuromuscular junction thus includes all of the synaptic end bulbs on one side of the synaptic cleft, plus the motor end plate of the muscle fiber on the other side.

transverse (T) tubules

Thousands of tiny invaginations of the sarcolemma, called transverse (T) tubules, tunnel in from the surface toward the center of each muscle fiber. Because T tubules are open to the outside of the fiber, they are filled with interstitial fluid. Muscle action potentials travel along the sarcolemma and through the T tubules, quickly spreading throughout the muscle fiber. This arrangement ensures that an action potential excites all parts of the muscle fiber at essentially the same instant.

stress-relaxation response

Unlike striated muscle fibers, smooth muscle fibers can stretch considerably and still maintain their contractile function. When smooth muscle fibers are stretched, they initially contract, developing increased tension. Within a minute or so, the tension decreases. This phenomenon, which is called the stress-relaxation response, allows smooth muscle to undergo great changes in length while retaining the ability to contract effectively. Thus, even though smooth muscle in the walls of blood vessels and hollow organs such as the stomach, intestines, and urinary bladder can stretch, the pressure on the contents within them changes very little. After the organ empties, the smooth muscle in the wall rebounds, and the wall retains its firmness.

Three layers of connective tissue extend from the fascia to protect and strengthen skeletal muscle:

1. epimysium 2. perimysium 3. endomysium

H zone

A narrow H zone in the center of each A band contains thick but not thin filaments. A mnemonic that will help you to remember the composition of the I and H bands is as follows: the letter I is thin (contains thin filaments), while the letter H is thick (contains thick filaments).


When the connective tissue elements extend as a broad, flat sheet, it is called an aponeurosis (apo- = from; -neur- = a sinew). An example is the epicranial aponeurosis on top of the skull between the frontal and occipital bellies of the occipitofrontalis muscle

Release of acetylcholine

Arrival of the nerve impulse at the synaptic end bulbs stimulates voltage-gated channels to open. Because calcium ions are more concentrated in the extracellular fluid, Ca2+ flows inward through the open channels. The entering Ca2+ in turn stimulates the synaptic vesicles to undergo exocytosis. During exocytosis, the synaptic vesicles fuse with the motor neuron's plasma membrane, liberating ACh into the synaptic cleft. The ACh then diffuses across the synaptic cleft between the motor neuron and the motor end plate.

creatine phosphate

While muscle fibers are relaxed, they produce more ATP than they need for resting metabolism. Most of the excess ATP is used to synthesize creatine phosphate, an energy-rich molecule that is found in muscle fibers. The enzyme creatine kinase (CK) catalyzes the transfer of one of the high-energy phosphate groups from ATP to creatine, forming creatine phosphate and ADP.

creatine supplementation

Creatine is both synthesized in the body and derived from foods such as milk, red meat, and some fish. Adults need to synthesize and ingest a total of about 2 grams of creatine daily to make up for the urinary loss of creatinine, the breakdown product of creatine. Some studies have demonstrated improved performance from creatine supplementation during explosive movements, such as sprinting. Other studies, however, have failed to find a performance-enhancing effect of creatine supplementation. Moreover, ingesting extra creatine decreases the body's own synthesis of creatine, and it is not known whether natural synthesis recovers after long-term creatine supplementation. In addition, creatine supplementation can cause dehydration and may cause kidney dysfunction. Further research is needed to determine both the long-term safety and the value of creatine supplementation.


Elasticity is the ability of muscular tissue to return to its original length and shape after contraction or extension.


Extensibility is the ability of muscular tissue to stretch, within limits, without being damaged. The connective tissue within the muscle limits the range of extensibility and keeps it within the contractile range of the muscle cells. Normally, smooth muscle is subject to the greatest amount of stretching. For example, each time your stomach fills with food, the smooth muscle in the wall is stretched. Cardiac muscle also is stretched each time the heart fills with blood.


Fascia (= bandage) is a dense sheet or broad band of irregular connective tissue that lines the body wall and limbs and supports and surrounds muscles and other organs of the body. As you will see, fascia holds muscles with similar functions together. Fascia allows free movement of muscles; carries nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels; and fills spaces between muscles.

Fast glycolytic (FG) fibers

Fast glycolytic (FG) fibers have low myoglobin content, relatively few blood capillaries, and few mitochondria, and appear white in color. They contain large amounts of glycogen and generate ATP mainly by glycolysis. Due to their ability to hydrolyze ATP rapidly, FG fibers contract strongly and quickly. These fast-twitch fibers are adapted for intense anaerobic movements of short duration, such as weight lifting or throwing a ball, but they fatigue quickly. Strength training programs that engage a person in activities requiring great strength for short times increase the size, strength, and glycogen content of fast glycolytic fibers. The FG fibers of a weight lifter may be 50% larger than those of a sedentary person or an endurance athlete because of increased synthesis of muscle proteins. The overall result is muscle enlargement due to hypertrophy of the FG fibers.


Fibromyalgia (-algia = painful condition) is a chronic, painful, nonarticular rheumatic disorder that affects the fibrous connective tissue components of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. A striking sign is pain that results from gentle pressure at specific "tender points." Even without pressure, there is pain, tenderness, and stiffness of muscles, tendons, and surrounding soft tissues. Besides muscle pain, those with fibromyalgia report severe fatigue, poor sleep, headaches, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, and inability to carry out their daily activities. There is no specific identifiable cause. Treatment consists of stress reduction, regular exercise, application of heat, gentle massage, physical therapy, medication for pain, and a low-dose antidepressant to help improve sleep.


Hypotonia (hypo- = below) refers to decreased or lost muscle tone. Such muscles are said to be flaccid. Flaccid muscles are loose and appear flattened rather than rounded. Certain disorders of the nervous system and disruptions in the balance of electrolytes (especially sodium, calcium, and, to a lesser extent, magnesium) may result in flaccid paralysis, which is characterized by loss of muscle tone, loss or reduction of tendon reflexes, and atrophy (wasting away) and degeneration of muscles.


In response to a single action potential, cardiac muscle tissue remains contracted 10 to 15 times longer than skeletal muscle tissue. The long contraction is due to prolonged delivery of Ca2+ into the sarcoplasm. In cardiac muscle fibers, Ca2+ enters the sarcoplasm both from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (as in skeletal muscle fibers) and from the interstitial fluid that bathes the fibers. Because the channels that allow inflow of Ca2+ from interstitial fluid stay open for a relatively long time, a cardiac muscle contraction lasts much longer than a skeletal muscle twitch.

dense bodies

In smooth muscle fibers, the thin filaments attach to structures called dense bodies, which are functionally similar to Z discs in striated muscle fibers. Some dense bodies are dispersed throughout the sarcoplasm; others are attached to the sarcolemma. Bundles of intermediate filaments also attach to dense bodies and stretch from one dense body to another. During contraction, the sliding filament mechanism involving thick and thin filaments generates tension that is transmitted to intermediate filaments. These in turn pull on the dense bodies attached to the sarcolemma, causing a lengthwise shortening of the muscle fiber. As a smooth muscle fiber contracts, it rotates as a corkscrew turns. The fiber twists in a helix as it contracts, and rotates in the opposite direction as it relaxes.

acetylcholine (ACh)

Inside each synaptic vesicle are thousands of molecules of acetylcholine (ACh), the neurotransmitter released at the NMJ.


Instead, the first cell communicates with the second by releasing a chemical messenger called a neurotransmitter.

smooth muscle tissue

Like cardiac muscle tissue, smooth muscle tissue is usually activated involuntarily.


Molecules of the protein myomesin form the M line. The M line proteins bind to titin and connect adjacent thick filaments to one another. Myosin holds the thick filaments in alignment at the M line.


Most smooth muscle fibers contract or relax in response to action potentials from the autonomic nervous system. In addition, many smooth muscle fibers contract or relax in response to stretching, hormones, or local factors such as changes in pH, oxygen and carbon dioxide levels, temperature, and ion concentrations. For example, the hormone epinephrine, released by the adrenal medulla, causes relaxation of smooth muscle in the airways and in some blood vessel walls (those that have so-called receptors).

neuromuscular junction (NMJ)

Muscle action potentials arise at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ), the synapse between a somatic motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber

isotonic contraction

Muscle contractions may be either isotonic or isometric. In an isotonic contraction (iso- = equal; -tonic = tension), the tension (force of contraction) developed in the muscle remains almost constant while the muscle changes its length. Isotonic contractions are used for body movements and for moving objects.

latent period

Note that a brief delay occurs between application of the stimulus (time zero on the graph) and the beginning of contraction. The delay, which lasts about 2 msec, is termed the latent period. During the latent period, the muscle action potential sweeps over the sarcolemma and calcium ions are released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.


Several mechanisms regulate contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle cells. In one such mechanism, a regulatory protein called calmodulin binds to Ca2+ in the cytosol. (Recall that troponin takes this role in striated muscle fibers.) After binding to Ca2+, calmodulin activates an enzyme called myosin light chain kinase. This enzyme uses ATP to add a phosphate group to a portion of the myosin head. Once the phosphate group is attached, the myosin head can bind to actin, and contraction can occur. Because myosin light chain kinase works rather slowly, it contributes to the slowness of smooth muscle contraction.

skeletal muscle tissue

Skeletal muscle tissue is so named because most skeletal muscles move the bones of the skeleton. (A few skeletal muscles attach to and move the skin or other skeletal muscles.) Skeletal muscle tissue is striated: Alternating light and dark protein bands (striations) are seen when the tissue is examined with a microscope. Skeletal muscle tissue works mainly in a voluntary manner. Its activity can be consciously controlled by neurons (nerve cells) that are part of the somatic (voluntary) division of the nervous system. Most skeletal muscles also are controlled subconsciously to some extent. For example, your diaphragm continues to alternately contract and relax without conscious control so that you don't stop breathing. Also, you do not need to consciously think about contracting the skeletal muscles that maintain your posture or stabilize body positions.

A nerve impulse (nerve action potential) elicits a muscle action potential in the following way:

1. Release of acetylcholine 2. Activation of ACh receptors 3. Production of muscle action potential 4. Termination of ACh activity


Perimysium (peri- = around) is also a layer of dense irregular connective tissue, but it surrounds groups of 10 to 100 or more muscle fibers, separating them into bundles called fascicles (= little bundles). Many fascicles are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. They give a cut of meat its characteristic "grain"; if you tear a piece of meat, it rips apart along the fascicles.


-Although the principles of contraction are similar, smooth muscle tissue exhibits some important physiological differences from cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue. Contraction in a smooth muscle fiber starts more slowly and lasts much longer than skeletal muscle fiber contraction. Another difference is that smooth muscle can both shorten and stretch to a greater extent than the other muscle types. -An increase in the concentration of Ca2+ in the cytosol of a smooth muscle fiber initiates contraction, just as in striated muscle. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (the reservoir for Ca2+ in striated muscle) is found in small amounts in smooth muscle. Calcium ions flow into smooth muscle cytosol from both the interstitial fluid and sarcoplasmic reticulum. Because there are no transverse tubules in smooth muscle fibers (there are caveolae instead), it takes longer for Ca2+ to reach the filaments in the center of the fiber and trigger the contractile process. This accounts, in part, for the slow onset of contraction of smooth muscle.

hypertrophy and hyperplasia

-Because mature skeletal muscle fibers have lost the ability to undergo cell division, growth of skeletal muscle after birth is due mainly to hypertrophy, the enlargement of existing cells, rather than to hyperplasia, an increase in the number of fibers. Satellite cells divide slowly and fuse with existing fibers to assist both in muscle growth and in repair of damaged fibers. Thus, skeletal muscle tissue can regenerate only to a limited extent. -Until recently it was believed that damaged cardiac muscle fibers could not be replaced and that healing took place exclusively by fibrosis, the formation of scar tissue. New research described in Chapter 20 indicates that, under certain circumstances, cardiac muscle tissue can regenerate. In addition, cardiac muscle fibers can undergo hypertrophy in response to increased workload. Hence, many athletes have enlarged hearts. -Smooth muscle tissue, like skeletal and cardiac muscle tissue, can undergo hypertrophy. In addition, certain smooth muscle fibers, such as those in the uterus, retain their capacity for division and thus can grow by hyperplasia. Also, new smooth muscle fibers can arise from cells called pericytes, stem cells found in association with blood capillaries and small veins. Smooth muscle fibers can also proliferate in certain pathological conditions, such as occur in the development of atherosclerosis. Compared with the other two types of muscle tissue, smooth muscle tissue has considerably greater powers of regeneration. Such powers are still limited when compared with other tissues, such as epithelium.

aerobic respiration

-If sufficient oxygen is present, the pyruvic acid formed by glycolysis enters the mitochondria, where it undergoes aerobic respiration, a series of oxygen-requiring reactions (the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain) that produce ATP, carbon dioxide, water, and heat. Thus, when oxygen is present, glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain occur. Although aerobic respiration is slower than anaerobic glycolysis, it yields much more ATP. Each molecule of glucose catabolized under aerobic conditions yields about 30 or 32 molecules of ATP. -Muscular tissue has two sources of oxygen: (1) oxygen that diffuses into muscle fibers from the blood and (2) oxygen released by myoglobin within muscle fibers. Both myoglobin (found only in muscle cells) and hemoglobin (found only in red blood cells) are oxygen-binding proteins. They bind oxygen when it is plentiful and release oxygen when it is scarce. -Aerobic respiration supplies enough ATP for muscles during periods of rest or light to moderate exercise provided sufficient oxygen and nutrients are available. These nutrients include the pyruvic acid obtained from the glycolysis of glucose, fatty acids from the breakdown of triglycerides, and amino acids from the breakdown of proteins. In activities that last from several minutes to an hour or more, aerobic respiration provides nearly all of the needed ATP.

distribution and recruitment of different types of fibers

-Most skeletal muscles are a mixture of all three types of skeletal muscle fibers; about half of the fibers in a typical skeletal muscle are SO fibers. However, the proportions vary somewhat, depending on the action of the muscle, the person's training regimen, and genetic factors. For example, the continually active postural muscles of the neck, back, and legs have a high proportion of SO fibers. Muscles of the shoulders and arms, in contrast, are not constantly active but are used briefly now and then to produce large amounts of tension, such as in lifting and throwing. These muscles have a high proportion of FG fibers. Leg muscles, which not only support the body but are also used for walking and running, have large numbers of both SO and FOG fibers. -Within a particular motor unit, all of the skeletal muscle fibers are of the same type. The different motor units in a muscle are recruited in a specific order, depending on need. For example, if weak contractions suffice to perform a task, only SO motor units are activated. If more force is needed, the motor units of FOG fibers are also recruited. Finally, if maximal force is required, motor units of FG fibers are also called into action with the other two types. Activation of various motor units is controlled by the brain and spinal cord.


-Several plant products and drugs selectively block certain events at the NMJ. Botulinum toxin, produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, blocks exocytosis of synaptic vesicles at the NMJ. As a result, ACh is not released, and muscle contraction does not occur. The bacteria proliferate in improperly canned foods, and their toxin is one of the most lethal chemicals known. A tiny amount can cause death by paralyzing skeletal muscles. Breathing stops due to paralysis of respiratory muscles, including the diaphragm. Yet it is also the first bacterial toxin to be used as a medicine (Botox®). Injections of Botox into the affected muscles can help patients who have strabismus (crossed eyes), blepharospasm (uncontrollable blinking), or spasms of the vocal cords that interfere with speech. It is also used to alleviate chronic back pain due to muscle spasms in the lumbar region and as a cosmetic treatment to relax muscles that cause facial wrinkles. -The plant derivative curare, a poison used by South American Indians on arrows and blowgun darts, causes muscle paralysis by binding to and blocking ACh receptors. In the presence of curare, the ion channels do not open. Curare-like drugs are often used during surgery to relax skeletal muscles. -A family of chemicals called anticholinesterase agents has the property of slowing the enzymatic activity of acetylcholinesterase, thus slowing removal of ACh from the synaptic cleft. At low doses, these agents can strengthen weak muscle contractions. One example is neostigmine, which is used to treat patients with myasthenia gravis. Neostigmine is also used as an antidote for curare poisoning and to terminate the effects of curare-like drugs after surgery.


-Skeletal muscle fibers are not all alike in composition and function. For example, muscle fibers vary in their content of myoglobin, the red-colored protein that binds oxygen in muscle fibers. Skeletal muscle fibers that have a high myoglobin content are termed red muscle fibers and appear darker (the dark meat in chicken legs and thighs); those that have a low content of myoglobin are called white muscle fibers and appear lighter (the white meat in chicken breasts). Red muscle fibers also contain more mitochondria and are supplied by more blood capillaries. -Skeletal muscle fibers also contract and relax at different speeds, and vary in which metabolic reactions they use to generate ATP and in how quickly they fatigue. For example, a fiber is categorized as either slow or fast depending on how rapidly the ATPase in its myosin heads hydrolyzes ATP. Based on all these structural and functional characteristics, skeletal muscle fibers are classified into three main types: (1) slow oxidative fibers, (2) fast oxidative-glycolytic fibers, and (3) fast glycolytic fibers.

nerve and blood supply

-Skeletal muscles are well supplied with nerves and blood vessels. Generally, an artery and one or two veins accompany each nerve that penetrates a skeletal muscle. The neurons that stimulate skeletal muscle to contract are somatic motor neurons. Each somatic motor neuron has a threadlike axon that extends from the brain or spinal cord to a group of skeletal muscle fibers. The axon of a somatic motor neuron typically branches many times, each branch extending to a different skeletal muscle fiber. -Microscopic blood vessels called capillaries are plentiful in muscular tissue; each muscle fiber is in close contact with one or more capillaries. The blood capillaries bring in oxygen and nutrients and remove heat and the waste products of muscle metabolism. Especially during contraction, a muscle fiber synthesizes and uses considerable ATP (adenosine triphosphate). These reactions, which you will learn more about later on, require oxygen, glucose, fatty acids, and other substances that are delivered to the muscle fiber in the blood.

muscle fatigue

-The inability of a muscle to maintain force of contraction after prolonged activity is called muscle fatigue. Fatigue results mainly from changes within muscle fibers. Even before actual muscle fatigue occurs, a person may have feelings of tiredness and the desire to cease activity; this response, called central fatigue, is caused by changes in the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Although its exact mechanism is unknown, it may be a protective mechanism to stop a person from exercising before muscles become damaged. As you will see, certain types of skeletal muscle fibers fatigue more quickly than others. -Although the precise mechanisms that cause muscle fatigue are still not clear, several factors are thought to contribute. One is inadequate release of calcium ions from the SR, resulting in a decline of Ca2+ concentration in the sarcoplasm. Depletion of creatine phosphate also is associated with fatigue, but surprisingly, the ATP levels in fatigued muscle often are not much lower than those in resting muscle. Other factors that contribute to muscle fatigue include insufficient oxygen, depletion of glycogen and other nutrients, buildup of lactic acid and ADP, and failure of action potentials in the motor neuron to release enough acetylcholine.

microscopic anatomy of a skeletal muscle fiber

-The most important components of a skeletal muscle are the muscle fibers themselves. The diameter of a mature skeletal muscle fiber ranges from 10 to .* The typical length of a mature skeletal muscle fiber is about 10 cm (4 in.), although some are as long as 30 cm (12 in.). -Because each skeletal muscle fiber arises during embryonic development from the fusion of a hundred or more small mesodermal cells called myoblasts, each mature skeletal muscle fiber has a hundred or more nuclei. Once fusion has occurred, the muscle fiber loses its ability to undergo cell division. Thus, the number of skeletal muscle fibers is set before you are born, and most of these cells last a lifetime.

motor unit recruitment

-The process in which the number of active motor units increases is called motor unit recruitment. Typically, the different motor units of an entire muscle are not stimulated to contract in unison. While some motor units are contracting, others are relaxed. This pattern of motor unit activity delays muscle fatigue and allows contraction of a whole muscle to be sustained for long periods. The weakest motor units are recruited first, with progressively stronger motor units added if the task requires more force. -Recruitment is one factor responsible for producing smooth movements rather than a series of jerks. As mentioned, the number of muscle fibers innervated by one motor neuron varies greatly. Precise movements are brought about by small changes in muscle contraction. Therefore, the small muscles that produce precise movements are made up of small motor units. For this reason, when a motor unit is recruited or turned off, only slight changes occur in muscle tension. By contrast, large motor units are active when a large amount of tension is needed and precision is less important.


-The relative ratio of fast glycolytic (FG) and slow oxidative (SO) fibers in each muscle is genetically determined and helps account for individual differences in physical performance. For example, people with a higher proportion of FG fibers often excel in activities that require periods of intense activity, such as weight lifting or sprinting. People with higher percentages of SO fibers are better at activities that require endurance, such as long-distance running. -Although the total number of skeletal muscle fibers usually does not increase with exercise, the characteristics of those present can change to some extent. Various types of exercises can induce changes in the fibers in a skeletal muscle. Endurance-type (aerobic) exercises, such as running or swimming, cause a gradual transformation of some FG fibers into fast oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) fibers. The transformed muscle fibers show slight increases in diameter, number of mitochondria, blood supply, and strength. Endurance exercises also result in cardiovascular and respiratory changes that cause skeletal muscles to receive better supplies of oxygen and nutrients but do not increase muscle mass. By contrast, exercises that require great strength for short periods produce an increase in the size and strength of FG fibers. The increase in size is due to increased synthesis of thick and thin filaments. The overall result is muscle enlargement (hypertrophy), as evidenced by the bulging muscles of body builders. -A certain degree of elasticity is an important attribute of skeletal muscles and their connective tissue attachments. Greater elasticity contributes to a greater degree of flexibility, increasing the range of motion of a joint. When a relaxed muscle is physically stretched, its ability to lengthen is limited by connective tissue structures, such as fasciae. Regular stretching gradually lengthens these structures, but the process occurs very slowly. To see an improvement in flexibility, stretching exercises must be performed regularly—daily, if possible—for many weeks.


-Wave summation and both kinds of tetanus occur when additional Ca2+ is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum by subsequent stimuli while the levels of Ca2+ in the sarcoplasm are still elevated from the first stimulus. Because of the buildup in the Ca2+ level, the peak tension generated during fused tetanus is 5 to 10 times larger than the peak tension produced during a single twitch. Even so, smooth, sustained voluntary muscle contractions are achieved mainly by out-of-synchrony unfused tetanus in different motor units. -The stretch of elastic components, such as tendons and connective tissues around muscle fibers, also affects wave summation. During wave summation, elastic components are not given much time to spring back between contractions, and thus remain taut. While in this state, the elastic components do not require very much stretching before the beginning of the next muscular contraction. The combination of the tautness of the elastic components and the partially contracted state of the filaments enables the force of another contraction to be greater than the one before.

functions of muscular tissues

1. Producing motions. 2. Stabilizing body positions. 3. Storing and moving substances within the body. 4. Generating heat (thermogenesis).


A synapse is a region where communication occurs between two neurons, or between a neuron and a target cell—in this case, between a somatic motor neuron and a muscle fiber.


A few myoblasts do persist in mature skeletal muscle as satellite cells. Satellite cells retain the capacity to fuse with one another or with damaged muscle fibers to regenerate functional muscle fibers. However, when the number of new skeletal muscle fibers that can be formed by satellite cells is not enough to compensate for significant skeletal muscle damage or degeneration, the muscular tissue undergoes fibrosis, the replacement of muscle fibers by fibrous scar tissue.

sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)

A fluid-filled system of membranous sacs called the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) encircles each myofibril. This elaborate system is similar to smooth endoplasmic reticulum in nonmuscular cells.


A single nerve impulse in a somatic motor neuron elicits a single muscle action potential in all skeletal muscle fibers with which it forms synapses. Action potentials always have the same size in a given neuron or muscle fiber. In contrast, the force of muscle fiber contraction does vary; a muscle fiber is capable of producing a much greater force than the one that results from a single action potential. The total force or tension that a single muscle fiber can produce depends mainly on the rate at which nerve impulses arrive at the neuromuscular junction. The number of impulses per second is the frequency of stimulation. Maximum tension is also affected by the amount of stretch before contraction and by nutrient and oxygen availability. The total tension a whole muscle can produce depends on the number of muscle fibers that are contracting in unison.

intermediate filaments

A single relaxed smooth muscle fiber is 30-200 long. It is thickest in the middle (3-8 ) and tapers at each end. Within each fiber is a single, oval, centrally located nucleus. The sarcoplasm of smooth muscle fibers contains both thick filaments and thin filaments, in ratios between 1:10 and 1:15, but they are not arranged in orderly sarcomeres as in striated muscle. Smooth muscle fibers also contain intermediate filaments. Because the various filaments have no regular pattern of overlap, smooth muscle fibers do not exhibit striations, causing a smooth appearance. Smooth muscle fibers also lack transverse tubules and have only a small amount of sarcoplasmic reticulum for storage of Ca2+.


Although there are no transverse tubules in smooth muscle tissue, there are small pouchlike invaginations of the plasma membrane called caveolae (cavus = space) that contain extracellular Ca2+ that can be used for muscular contraction.

Ca2+ release channels

An increase in Ca2+ concentration in the sarcoplasm starts muscle contraction, and a decrease stops it. When a muscle fiber is relaxed, the concentration of Ca2+ in its sarcoplasm is very low, only about 0.1 micromole per liter . However, a huge amount of Ca2+ is stored inside the sarcoplasmic reticulum. As a muscle action potential propagates along the sarcolemma and into the T tubules, it causes Ca2+ release channels in the SR membrane to open. When these channels open, Ca2+ flows out of the SR into the sarcoplasm around the thick and thin filaments. As a result, the Ca2+ concentration in the sarcoplasm rises tenfold or more. The released calcium ions combine with troponin, causing it to change shape. This conformational change moves tropomyosin away from the myosin-binding sites on actin. Once these binding sites are free, myosin heads bind to them to form cross-bridges, and the contraction cycle begins. The events just described are referred to collectively as excitation-contraction coupling, as they are the steps that connect excitation (a muscle action potential propagating along the sarcolemma and into the T tubules) to contraction (sliding of the filaments).

generating heat

As muscular tissue contracts, it produces heat, a process known as thermogenesis. Much of the heat generated by muscle is used to maintain normal body temperature. Involuntary contractions of skeletal muscles, known as shivering, can increase the rate of heat production.

somatic motor neurons

As noted earlier in the chapter, the neurons that stimulate skeletal muscle fibers to contract are called somatic motor neurons. Each somatic motor neuron has a threadlike axon that extends from the brain or spinal cord to a group of skeletal muscle fibers. A muscle fiber contracts in response to one or more action potentials propagating along its sarcolemma and through its system of T tubules.


As the contraction cycle continues, movement of cross-bridges applies the force that draws the Z discs toward each other, and the sarcomere shortens. During a maximal muscle contraction, the distance between two Z discs can decrease to half the resting length. The Z discs in turn pull on neighboring sarcomeres, and the whole muscle fiber shortens. Some of the components of a muscle are elastic: They stretch slightly before they transfer the tension generated by the sliding filaments. The elastic components include titin molecules, connective tissue around the muscle fibers (endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium), and tendons that attach muscle to bone. As the cells of a skeletal muscle start to shorten, they first pull on their connective tissue coverings and tendons. The coverings and tendons stretch and then become taut, and the tension passed through the tendons pulls on the bones to which they are attached. The result is movement of a part of the body. You will soon learn, however, that the contraction cycle does not always result in shortening of the muscle fibers and the whole muscle. In some contractions, the cross-bridges rotate and generate tension, but the thin filaments cannot slide inward because the tension they generate is not large enough to move the load on the muscle (such as trying to lift a whole box of books with one hand).


As the sarcomeres of a muscle fiber are stretched to a longer length, the zone of overlap shortens, and fewer myosin heads can make contact with thin filaments. Therefore, the tension the fiber can produce decreases. When a skeletal muscle fiber is stretched to 170% of its optimal length, there is no overlap between the thick and thin filaments. Because none of the myosin heads can bind to thin filaments, the muscle fiber cannot contract, and tension is zero. As sarcomere lengths become increasingly shorter than the optimum, the tension that can develop again decreases. This is because thick filaments crumple as they are compressed by the Z discs, resulting in fewer myosin heads making contact with thin filaments. Normally, resting muscle fiber length is held very close to the optimum by firm attachments of skeletal muscle to bones (via their tendons) and to other inelastic tissues.


Besides contractile and regulatory proteins, muscle contains about a dozen structural proteins, which contribute to the alignment, stability, elasticity, and extensibility of myofibrils. Several key structural proteins are titin, α-actinin, myomesin, nebulin, and dystrophin. Titin (titan = gigantic) is the third most plentiful protein in skeletal muscle (after actin and myosin). This molecule's name reflects its huge size. With a molecular mass of about 3 million daltons, titin is 50 times larger than an average-sized protein. Each titin molecule spans half a sarcomere, from a Z disc to an M line, a distance of 1 to in relaxed muscle. Each titin molecule connects a Z disc to the M line of the sarcomere, thereby helping stabilize the position of the thick filament. The part of the titin molecule that extends from the Z disc is very elastic. Because it can stretch to at least four times its resting length and then spring back unharmed, titin accounts for much of the elasticity and extensibility of myofibrils. Titin probably helps the sarcomere return to its resting length after a muscle has contracted or been stretched, may help prevent overextension of sarcomeres, and maintains the central location of the A bands.

Activation of ACh receptors

Binding of two molecules of ACh to the receptor on the motor end plate opens an ion channel in the ACh receptor. Once the channel is open, small cations, most importantly Na+, can flow across the membrane.


Creatine is a small, amino acid-like molecule that is synthesized in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas and then transported to muscle fibers. Creatine phosphate is three to six times more plentiful than ATP in the sarcoplasm of a relaxed muscle fiber. When contraction begins and the ADP level starts to rise, CK catalyzes the transfer of a high-energy phosphate group from creatine phosphate back to ADP. This direct phosphorylation reaction quickly generates new ATP molecules. Since the formation of ATP from creatine phosphate occurs very rapidly, creatine phosphate is the first source of energy when muscle contraction begins. The other energy-generating mechanisms in a muscle fiber (the pathways of anaerobic glycolysis and aerobic respiration) take a relatively longer period of time to produce ATP compared to creatine phosphate. Together, stores of creatine phosphate and ATP provide enough energy for muscles to contract maximally for about 15 seconds.


Hypertonia (hyper- = above) refers to increased muscle tone and is expressed in two ways: spasticity or rigidity. Spasticity is characterized by increased muscle tone (stiffness) associated with an increase in tendon reflexes and pathological reflexes (such as the Babinski sign, in which the great toe extends with or without fanning of the other toes in response to stroking the outer margin of the sole). Certain disorders of the nervous system and electrolyte disturbances such as those previously noted may result in spastic paralysis, partial paralysis in which the muscles exhibit spasticity. Rigidity refers to increased muscle tone in which reflexes are not affected, as occurs in tetanus. Tetanus is a disease caused by a bacterium, Clostridium tetani, that enters the body through exposed wounds. It leads to muscle stiffness and spasms that can make breathing difficult and can become life-threatening as a result. The bacteria produce a toxin that interferes with the nerves controlling the muscles. The first signs are typically spasms and stiffness in the muscles of the face and jaws.

smooth muscle tone

Not only do calcium ions enter smooth muscle fibers slowly, they also move slowly out of the muscle fiber, which delays relaxation. The prolonged presence of Ca2+ in the cytosol provides for smooth muscle tone, a state of continued partial contraction. Smooth muscle tissue can thus sustain long-term tone, which is important in the gastrointestinal tract, where the walls maintain a steady pressure on the contents of the tract, and in the walls of blood vessels called arterioles, which maintain a steady pressure on blood.

visceral (single-unit) smooth muscle tissue

Of the two types of smooth muscle tissue, the more common type is visceral (single-unit) smooth muscle tissue. It is found in the skin and in tubular arrangements that form part of the walls of small arteries and veins and of hollow organs such as the stomach, intestines, uterus, and urinary bladder. Like cardiac muscle, visceral smooth muscle is autorhythmic. The fibers connect to one another by gap junctions, forming a network through which muscle action potentials can spread. When a neurotransmitter, hormone, or autorhythmic signal stimulates one fiber, the muscle action potential is transmitted to neighboring fibers, which then contract in unison, as a single unit.

anaerobic glycolysis

Ordinarily, the pyruvic acid formed by glycolysis in the cytosol enters mitochondria, where it undergoes a series of oxygen-requiring reactions called aerobic respiration (described next) that produce a large amount of ATP. During heavy exercise, however, not enough oxygen is available to skeletal muscle fibers. Under these anaerobic conditions, the pyruvic acid generated from glycolysis is converted to lactic acid. The entire process by which the breakdown of glucose gives rise to lactic acid when oxygen is absent or at a low concentration is referred to as anaerobic glycolysis. Each molecule of glucose catabolized via anaerobic glycolysis yields 2 molecules of lactic acid and 2 molecules of ATP. Most of the lactic acid produced by this process diffuses out of the skeletal muscle fiber into the blood. Liver cells can take up some of the lactic acid molecules from the bloodstream and convert them back to glucose. In addition to providing new glucose molecules, this conversion reduces the acidity of the blood. When produced at a rapid rate, lactic acid can accumulate in active skeletal muscle fibers and in the bloodstream. This buildup is thought to be responsible for the muscle soreness that is felt during strenuous exercise. Compared to aerobic respiration, anaerobic glycolysis produces fewer ATPs, but it is faster and can occur when oxygen levels are low. Anaerobic glycolysis provides enough energy for about 2 minutes of maximal muscle activity.

storing and moving substances within the body

Storage is accomplished by sustained contractions of ringlike bands of smooth muscle called sphincters, which prevent outflow of the contents of a hollow organ. Temporary storage of food in the stomach or urine in the urinary bladder is possible because smooth muscle sphincters close off the outlets of these organs. Cardiac muscle contractions of the heart pump blood through the blood vessels of the body. Contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle in the walls of blood vessels help adjust blood vessel diameter and thus regulate the rate of blood flow. Smooth muscle contractions also move food and substances such as bile and enzymes through the gastrointestinal tract, push gametes (sperm and oocytes) through the passageways of the reproductive systems, and propel urine through the urinary system. Skeletal muscle contractions promote the flow of lymph and aid the return of blood in veins to the heart.

effective stretching

Stretching cold muscles does not increase flexibility and may cause injury. Tissues stretch best when slow, gentle force is applied at elevated tissue temperatures. An external source of heat, such as hot packs or ultrasound, may be used, but 10 or more minutes of muscular contraction is also a good way to raise muscle temperature. Exercise heats muscle more deeply and thoroughly than external measures. That's where the term "warmup" comes from. Many people stretch before they engage in exercise, but it's important to warm up (for example, walking, jogging, easy swimming, or easy aerobics) before stretching to avoid injury.


The two contractile proteins in muscle are myosin and actin, components of thick and thin filaments, respectively. Myosin is the main component of thick filaments and functions as a motor protein in all three types of muscle tissue. Motor proteins pull various cellular structures to achieve movement by converting the chemical energy in ATP to the mechanical energy of motion, that is, the production of force. In skeletal muscle, about 300 molecules of myosin form a single thick filament. Each myosin molecule is shaped like two golf clubs twisted together. The myosin tail (twisted golf club handles) points toward the M line in the center of the sarcomere. Tails of neighboring myosin molecules lie parallel to one another, forming the shaft of the thick filament. The two projections of each myosin molecule (golf club heads) are called myosin heads. The heads project outward from the shaft in a spiraling fashion, each extending toward one of the six thin filaments that surround each thick filament.

concentric isotonic contraction

The two types of isotonic contractions are concentric and eccentric. If the tension generated in a concentric isotonic contraction is great enough to overcome the resistance of the object to be moved, the muscle shortens and pulls on another structure, such as a tendon, to produce movement and to reduce the angle at a joint. Picking up a book from a table involves concentric isotonic contractions of the biceps brachii muscle in the arm. By contrast, as you lower the book to place it back on the table, the previously shortened biceps lengthens in a controlled manner while it continues to contract.

anabolic steroids

The use of anabolic steroids (= to build up proteins), or "roids," by athletes has received widespread attention. These steroid hormones, similar to testosterone, are taken to increase muscle size by increasing the synthesis of proteins in muscle and thus increasing strength during athletic contests. However, the large doses needed to produce an effect have damaging, sometimes even devastating side effects, including liver cancer, kidney damage, increased risk of heart disease, stunted growth, wide mood swings, increased acne, and increased irritability and aggression. Additionally, females who take anabolic steroids may experience atrophy of the breasts and uterus, menstrual irregularities, sterility, facial hair growth, and deepening of the voice. Males may experience diminished testosterone secretion, atrophy of the testes, sterility, and baldness.

production of ATP in muscle fibers

Unlike most cells of the body, skeletal muscle fibers often switch between a low level of activity, when they are relaxed and using only a modest amount of ATP, and a high level of activity, when they are contracting and using ATP at a rapid pace. A huge amount of ATP is needed to power the contraction cycle, to pump Ca2+ into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and for other metabolic reactions involved in muscle contraction. However, the ATP present inside muscle fibers is enough to power contraction for only a few seconds. If muscle contractions continue past that time, the muscle fibers must make more ATP. Muscle fibers have three ways to produce ATP: (1) from creatine phosphate, (2) by anaerobic glycolysis, and (3) by aerobic respiration (Figure 10.11). The use of creatine phosphate for ATP production is unique to muscle fibers, but all body cells can make ATP by the reactions of anaerobic glycolysis and aerobic respiration.


We have seen that skeletal muscle tissue contracts only when stimulated by acetylcholine released by a nerve impulse in a motor neuron. In contrast, cardiac muscle tissue contracts when stimulated by its own autorhythmic muscle fibers. Under normal resting conditions, cardiac muscle tissue contracts and relaxes about 75 times a minute. This continuous, rhythmic activity is a major physiological difference between cardiac and skeletal muscle tissue. The mitochondria in cardiac muscle fibers are larger and more numerous than in skeletal muscle fibers. This structural feature correctly suggests that cardiac muscle depends largely on aerobic respiration to generate ATP, and thus requires a constant supply of oxygen. Cardiac muscle fibers can also use lactic acid produced by skeletal muscle fibers to make ATP, a benefit during exercise. Like skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle fibers can undergo hypertrophy in response to an increased workload. This is called a physiological enlarged heart and it is why many athletes have enlarged hearts. By contrast, a pathological enlarged heart is related to significant heart disease.

wave summation

When a second stimulus occurs after the refractory period of the first stimulus is over, but before the skeletal muscle fiber has relaxed, the second contraction will actually be stronger than the first. This phenomenon, in which stimuli arriving at different times cause larger contractions, is called wave summation.

fused tetanus

When a skeletal muscle fiber is stimulated at a higher rate of 80 to 100 times per second, it does not relax at all. The result is fused (complete) tetanus, a sustained contraction in which individual twitches cannot be detected

unfused tetanus

When a skeletal muscle fiber is stimulated at a rate of 20 to 30 times per second, it can only partially relax between stimuli. The result is a sustained but wavering contraction called unfused (incomplete) tetanus


When muscle activity continues and the supply of creatine phosphate within the muscle fiber is depleted, glucose is catabolized to generate ATP. Glucose passes easily from the blood into contracting muscle fibers via facilitated diffusion, and it is also produced by the breakdown of glycogen within muscle fibers. Then, a series of reactions known as glycolysis quickly breaks down each glucose molecule into two molecules of pyruvic acid. Glycolysis occurs in the cytosol and produces a net gain of two molecules of ATP. Because glycolysis does not require oxygen, it can occur whether oxygen is present (aerobic conditions) or absent (anaerobic conditions).

sliding filament mechanism

When scientists examined the first electron micrographs of skeletal muscle in the mid-1950s, they were surprised to see that the lengths of the thick and thin filaments were the same in both relaxed and contracted muscle. It had been thought that muscle contraction must be a folding process, somewhat like closing an accordion. Instead, researchers discovered that skeletal muscle shortens during contraction because the thick and thin filaments slide past one another. The model describing this process is known as the sliding filament mechanism.

eccentric isotonic contraction

When the length of a muscle increases during a contraction, the contraction is an eccentric isotonic contraction. During an eccentric contraction, the tension exerted by the myosin cross-bridges resists movement of a load (the book, in this case) and slows the lengthening process. For reasons that are not well understood, repeated eccentric isotonic contractions (for example, walking downhill) produce more muscle damage and more delayed-onset muscle soreness than do concentric isotonic contractions.

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