A&P Chapter 11 Review Questions: True/False

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false, temporal lobe

Centers for hearing are located in the cerebrum in the OCCIPITAL LOBE.


Sensory and motor neurons are the principal components of the PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM.

false, spinal

The CRANIAL nerves are grouped as cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal nerves.

false, brain

The ascending and descending tracts provide a system of communication between the muscle and glands and the SPINAL CORD.

false, involuntary

The autonomic nervous system operates on a VOLUNTARY basis.

false, four

The cavities within the brain carry cerebrospinal fluid and number FIVE.


A person's intelligence, personality, and ability to initiate voluntary responses to stimuli are located in the brain portion called the CEREBRUM

false, sulcus

A shallow groove occurring within the brain tissue is correctly known as a GYRYS.

false, cord

In the average adult, the spinal cord appears as a MASS of tissue approximately 18 inches in length

false, dorsal root

Injury to the VENTRAL ROOT of the spinal cord leads to a loss of sensation and a condition called anesthesia.


Nerve fibers passing from the the medulla oblongata to the cerebrum pass through a rounded bulge known as the CORPUS CORPORA.


Projections located along each side of the spinal cord are referred to as NERVE ROOTS.


The cerebellum communicates with other parts of the central nervous system by three pairs of nerve tracts called CEREBELLAR PEDUNCLES.

false, trochlear

The fourth cranial nerve, known as the ABDUCENS, is responsible for eye movement.

false, brain

The function of memory is associated most closely with the SPINAL CORD.

false, arachnoid

The middle, thin, netlike covering of the spinal cord is the DURA MATER.

false, central sulcus

The parietal lobe is located posterior to the frontal lobe and is separated from it by the LATERAL SULCUS.


The peripheral nervous system is composed of the AXONS and dendrites of motor neurons an sensory neurons


The rate of heartbeat and the contraction of smooth muscle in blood vessel walls are both regulated by impulses from the MEDULLA OBLONGATA.


The sensations of hunger, the regulation of body weight and temperature, and the water balance of the body are all associated with the HYPOTHALAMUS.

false, foramen magnum

The spinal cord begins automatically at the OBTURATOR FORAMEN of the occipital bone.

false, meninges

The spinal cord is surrounded and protected by three membranes known as SARCOLEMMAS.

false, diencephalon

The thalamus and hypothalamus both are located within the BRAIN STEM.

false, cerebrum

The three major portions of the brain are the brain stem, the cerebellum, and the PONS.

false, cerebrospinal fluid

The watery fluid found bathing the spinal cord and brain is known as PLASMA.

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