A&P Chapter 16

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True and False Things we see with the left eye are perceived only in the right cerebral hemisphere.

Flase. Because of hemidecussation, each hemisphere receives signals from both eyes.

As a generic medical definition, a _________ is a substance or mechanism that has pain relieving properties.


receptive field

area of stimulus detected by a single sensory neuron

Identify the two modalities detected by tactile (Merkel) discs. a) temperature changes b) light touch c) pressure d) pain

b) light touch and c) pressure


bactericidal enzyme found in the tears and other body secretions

The function of the____ in a taste bud is to replace dead taste cells.

basal cells

Taste cells within taste buds are what type of cell? a) Mucus cells b) Neurons c) Epithelial cells d) Glial cells

c) Epithelial cells

1st-order fibers

carry somatosensory information from the head to the brainstem

the ____ ____ is an extension of the choroid which supports the iris and lens of the eye

ciliary body

near point of vision

closest an object can be to the eyes and still be focused

axons from hair cells of the spiral organ form the ____ nerve


inner ear

consists of the cochlea and the vestibule which are organs important for the senses of hearing and balance

identify two characteristics of the inner layer (tunica interna) of the eye

contains retina, contains start of optic nerve


conversion of external stimuli into a nerve signal

sections of the fibrous layer of the eye

cornea and sclera

the long dendritic processes of olfactory cells ascend from the olfactory mucosa through the _____ _____ of the ethmoid bone

cribiform plate

stereoscopic vision

depth perception, allows you to judge how far away objects are

Identify the four types of information transmitted by sensory receptors

duration, location, intensity, modality

the tympanic membrane can also be referred to as the ____


when eyes are focusing on far away objects, the eyes are in a state of ___


Receptors called ______ nerve endings consist of nerve fibers surrounded by glial cells or a connective tissue covering.


membranous labyrinth

fleshy tubes that line the bony labyrinth of the inner ear

The most finely detailed vision occurs when an image falls on a pit in the retina called the____.

fovea centralis

Hot and cold stimuli are detected by a. free nerve endings. b. proprioceptors. c. end bulbs. d. lamellar corpuscles. e. tactile corpuscles.

free nerve endings.

The only cells of the retina that generate action potentials are the _______cells.


indicate three terms that describe the senses that utilize receptors that are widely distributed throughout the body

general senses, somesthetic senses, somatosensory senses


half cross over

order of events starting with the vibration of the oval window and ending with the depolarization of hair cells

increased pressure in perilymph of scala vestibule, pressure wave depresses basilar membrane, inner hair cells move closer to tectorial membrane, stereo cilia bend, tip-link proteins open K+ channels, K+ ions enter hair cell causing depolarization

The ______of the midbrain receives auditory input and triggers the head- turning auditory reflex.

inferior colliculi

the ___ layer (tunic) of the eye contains the retina


semicircular ducts

inner ear, detect acceleration

three regions of the vascular layer (tunic)

iris, choroid, ciliary body

The color of light is determined by a. its velocity. b. its amplitude. c. its wavelength. d. refraction. e. how strongly it stimulates the rods.

its wavelength.

vitreous body

jelly-like substance located between the lens and the retina

components of the apparatus

lacrimal gland and lacrimal ducts

the visible bumps on the tongue are not taste buds but ________ papillae.


the ____ ear is the area between the tympanic membrane (ear drum) and the oval window of the cochlea


an area of tissue called the olfactory ____ contains the sensory epithelium for olfaction in the nose


the _____ duct connects the lacrimal apparatus to the nasal cavity


Describe endogenous opioids

naturally occurring molecules with analgesic properties

Describe olfactory cells


Olfactory neurons synapse with mitral cells and tufted cells in the_____, which lies inferior to the frontal lobe.

olfactory bulb

oval window

opening between the middle ear and the vestibule of the inner ear

two components of rhodopsin (visual pigment found in rods)

opsin, retinal

the ____ membranes of the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion


The gelatinous membranes of the macula sacculi and macula utriculi are weighted by protein-calcium carbonate granules called_____ .


Three rows of______in the cochlea have V-shaped arrays of stereocilia and tune the frequency sensitivity of the cochlea.

outer hair cells


pain receptor which is stimulated by tissue damage

identify the three modalities detected by free nerve endings

pain, rising temperatures, falling temperatures

lingual papillae

papillae on the tongue

An apocrine sweat gland secretion contains compounds called ______ that may affect human sexual behavior


The visual pigment of a cone cell is______.


color blindness results from abnormality in or lack of ____, a type of photoreceptor protein


identify the photopigment present in cones


Spinal gating is the blockage of pain signals from nociceptors at the ______ horn of the spinal cord.


the lens is located in between the:

posterior chamber and vitreous humor

The ___ is the area of stimulus that is detected by a single sensory neuron.

receptive field

a ____ refers to any structure capable of detecting a stimulus



receptor that is stimulated by interaction of chemicals such as in taste or smell

encapsulated nerve endings

receptors that consist of nerve fibers surrounded by glial cells or a connective tissue covering (bulbous, tactilee, lamellar, end bulbs)


reduced ability of the lens to accommodate; occurs with aging

Pain that results from convergent neural pathways that leads to visceral pain mistakenly thought to originate from the skin is called _______ pain.


pain that results from convergent neural pathways that leads to visceral pain mistakenly thought to originate from the skin is called ____ pain


In the phenomenon of _____, pain from the viscera is perceived as coming from an area of the skin.

referred pain


result of irregularity of the lens or cornea of the eye which prevents the ability to focus on light rays that enter on different planes

the ___ within the eye is actually part of the diencephalon of the brain


neural components of the eye

retina and optic nerve

photoreceptor cells

rods, cones, and ganglion cells

order of events that stimulate the crista ampullaris

rotation of semicircular canals lagging behind of endolymph pressure on cupula bending sterocilia action potential

fluid-filled cochlear chambers that contain endolymph

scala media (cochlear duct)

fluid-filled cochlear chambers that contain perilymph

scala vestiboli and scala tympani


sensation of taste that results from the action of chemicals stimulating the taste buds

sensory receptors may be accompanies by accessory tissues that facilitate transduction of a stimulus, together forming a:

sense organ


sense the position and movements of body parts

aqueous humor

serous fluid secreted by the ciliary body that fills the anterior cavity of the eye

First-order somatosensory fibers carrying signals from below the head enter the central nervous system at the level of the ______

spinal cord

Name the two muscles of the middle ear which function to dampen the amplitude of sound:

stapedius, tensor tympani

The_____ is a tiny bone that vibrates in the oval window and thereby transfers sound vibrations to the inner ear.



substance or mechanism that has pain relieving properties

the ____ ____ attaches the lens of the eye to the ciliary body

suspensory ligament

Identify the two types of encapsulated nerve endings responsible for detecting light touch and texture

tactile (Meissner) corpuscles, End bulbs (Krause corpuscles)

name the cranial bone through which the external acoustic meatus is located


Identify the modalities detected by Krause corpuscles (end bulbs)

texture, light touch

identify the significance of a sensory projection pathway

the ability to discern a specific area of stimulus on a receptor

Cochlear hair cells rest on a. the tympanic membrane. b. the secondary tympanic membrane. c. the tectorial membrane. d. the vestibular membrane. e. the basilar membrane.

the basilar membrane.

The retina receives its oxygen supply from a. the hyaloid artery. b. the vitreous body. c. the choroid. d. the pigment epithelium. e. the scleral venous sinus.

the choroid.

The higher the frequency of a sound, a. the louder it sounds. b. the harder it is to hear. c. the more it stimulates the distal end of the spiral organ. d. the faster it travels through air. e. the higher its pitch.

the higher its pitch.

The acceleration you feel when an elevator begins to rise is sensed by a. the anterior semicircular duct. b. the spiral organ. c. the crista ampullaris. d. the macula sacculi. e. the macula utriculi.

the macula sacculi.

the ____ ____ is composed of the utricle, saccule, and semicircular ducts

vestibular apparatus

Which of the following sensations result from input by interoceptors?

visceral pain, bladder pressure

Which of the following sensations result from input by exteroceptors?

vision, pain in the skin, touch, hearing

which of the following influence the perception of stimulus intensity?

which nerve fibers send the signal, number of nerve fibers that fire, frequency of sensory nerve fiber firing


white portion that covers the eye posteriorly

The structure in the lacrimal apparatus that produces tears is the A) lacrimal gland. B) lacrimal punctum. C) lacrimal sac. D) nasolacrimal duct.


Which of the following is found in the rod but not the cone? A) rhodopsin B) photopsin C) inner segment D) membranous discs in the outer segment E) cell body


Within the CNS, the neurotransmitter most well known for transmitting pain messages specifically is A) substance P. B) bradykinin. C) enkephalin. D) endorphin.


Identify the type of unencapsulated nerve endings that include temperature receptors (warm and cold), and nociceptors (pain). A) Free nerve endings B) Hair receptors C) Tactile (Merkel) discs

A) Free nerve endings

Identify the two types of encapsulated nerve endings responsible for detecting light touch and texture. A) Tactile(Meissner) corpuscles B) Lamellar (Pacinian) corpuscles C) Bulbous (Ruffini) corpuscles D) End Bulbs (Krause corpuscles)

A) Tactile(Meissner) corpuscles D) End Bulbs (Krause corpuscles)

Describe the location of the olfactory mucosa. A) Located inferior to the cribriform plate on the roof of the nasal cavity B) Located within the nares of the nose C) Distributed through out the nasal mucosa D) Located inferior to the posterior nasal aperture

A) located inferior to the cribriform plate on the roof of the nasal cavity

Identify the four modalities detected by Lamellar (Pacinian) corpuscles. A) stretch B) vibration C) tickle D) joint movement E) light touch F) deep pressure

A) stretch B) vibration C) tickle F) deep pressure

Name the type of unencapsulated nerve endings that include receptors that sense textures, edges, and shapes? A) Free Nerve Endings B) Tactile (Merkel) Discs C) Hair Receptors

B) Tactile (Merkel) Discs

Which of the following are pain receptors? A) interoceptors B) nociceptors C) thermoreceptors D) photoreceptors

B) nociceptors

Tonic receptors adapt slowly. Which of the following are tonic receptors? A) olfactory receptors B) proprioceptors C) Meissner corpuscles D) pacinian corpuscles

B) proprioceptors

Identify the three modalities detected by free nerve endings A) light touch B) rising temps C) movement D) falling temps E) pain

B) rising temps D) falling temps E) pain

Pain from the skin, muscles, and joints is called _____ pain A) visceral B) somatic

B) somatic

Name the areas where the tactile (Meissner) corpuscles are abundant. A)scalp B)nipples C)palm D)fingertips E)axilla

B)nipples C)palm D)fingertips

_______ is the most potent stimulant of pain receptors


______ corpuscles consist of flattened elongated capsules capable of detecting heavy touch, stretching of the skin, and joint movement.


The left optic tract transmits signal from A) only the left eye. B) only the right eye. C) both the left and right eyes.


The posterior chamber of the eyeball is found in between the lens and the A) cornea. B) ciliary body. C) iris. D) retina.


Which of the following is not an extrinsic muscle of the eyeball? A) lateral rectus muscle B) inferior oblique muscle C) pupillary dilator muscle D) superior rectus muscle


Which papillae do not contain taste buds? A) lingual B) circumvallate C) filiform D) fungiform


The visual pigment of the rods is called rhodopsin. It consists of a protein called opsin and a vitamin ____ derivative called retinal. A) A B) B C) C D) D

C) C

List four structure types that are encapsulated nerve endings. A) tactile (Merkel) discs B) free nerve endings C) end bulbs D) bulbous (Ruffini) corpuscles E) lamellar (Pacinian) corpuscles F) tactile (Meissner) corpuscles G) hair receptors

C) end bulbs D) bulbous (Ruffini) corpuscles E) lamellar (Pacinian) corpuscles F) tactile (Meissner) corpuscles

The vestibular nerves lead to four vestibular nuclei that are located in the _____ and ______. Select the two of the following structures. A) cerebrum B) thalamus C) pons D) medulla oblongata

C) pons D) medulla oblongata

True and False The vitreous body occupies the posterior chamber of the eye.

Fase. The posterior chamber, the space between iris and lens, is filled with aqueous humor.

_______ is discomfort resulting from tissue damage or exposure to noxious stimuli


_________ is a sensation mediated by specialized receptors called nociceptors.


the ___ nerve carries information to the vestibular nuclei of the pons and medulla oblongata


People are most sensitive to this type of flavor because poisons often have this favor. A) bitter B) sweet C) sour D) salty


Place the following events in the correct order A) G Protein is activated B) Influx of sodium and calcium ions C) Ion channels open in the olfactory cell membrane D) Receptor potential is transmitted into the brain E) Odorant molecule binds to receptor on olfactory hair

1) Odorant molecule binds to receptor on olfactory hair 2) G Protein is activated leading to the formation of cAMP 3) Ion channels open in the olfactory cel membrane 4) Influx of sodium and calcium ions 5) Receptor potential is transmitted into the brain

3 characteristics of the perception of taste

1) is influenced by factors such as aroma, texture, and temp 2) is influenced by the combination of 5 primary receptors stimulated 3) depends upon food molecules dissolving in mucus.

_____ - order fibers carry somatosensory information from the head to the brainstem.


_______-order fibers carry information from the brainstem to the contralateral side of the thalamus


Which of the following is contained within the middle ear?

Auditory ossicles

Afferent impulses reach the somesthetic cortex from the thalamus via the A) medial lemniscus. B) third-order neurons. C) first-order neurons. D) putamen. E) type A fibers.


Focusing on a nearby object requires A) pupillary dilation. B) accommodation. C) light adaptation. D) duplicity.


The cranial nerve that is stimulated by sound is the A) vestibulocochlear nerve. B) facial nerve. C) trigeminal nerve. D) olfactory.


The middle ear cavity is an air-filled chamber in which of the following bones of the skull? A) sphenoid B) temporal C) parietal D) zygomatic


The otoliths are found in the A) semicircular canals. B) macula. C) organ of Corti. D) crista.


Tonic receptors adapt slowly. Which of the following are tonic receptors? A) olfactory receptors B) proprioceptors C) Meissner corpuscles D) pacinian corpuscles


Which of the following are pain receptors? A) interoceptors B) nociceptors C) thermoreceptors D) photoreceptors


You have been cooking on a stove for the last several hours. After turning off the burner, you accidentally place your hand on top of that burner as you reach for something else. What receptors will sense that hot, painful stimulus? A) Merkel disks B) free nerve endings C) Golgi tendon organs D) Meissner corpuscles E) Ruffini corpuscles


Which type of nerve ending detects deflection (bending) of body cells? A) Free nerve endings B) Hair receptors C) Tactile discs

B) Hair receptors

Describe olfactory cells A) Respiratory cells B) Neurons C) Epithelial cells D) Mucus cells

B) Neurons

Define gustation A) Process of swallowing B) Sense of taste C) Sense of smell D) Process of chewing

B) Sense of taste

An area of tissue called the olfactory_____ contains the sensory epithelium for olfaction in the nose.


A person experiencing pain around the shoulders or neck may actually be having problems with their lungs or diaphragm. This "misplacement" of the pain by the conscious mind is called A) projection pain. B) fast pain. C) slow pain. D) referred pain. E) peritrichial pain.


Mitral cells and tufted cells are found in the ________________. A) retina B) tongue C) joints D) olfactory bulb


Pain signals may be blocked by special neurotransmitters in the brain itself. An example of such a chemical produced during exercise is A) substance P. B) bradykinin. C) epinephrine. D) endorphin. E) serotonin.


The amino acids glutamic and aspartic acids activate this primary taste sensation. A) salty B) sweet C) bitter D) umami E) sour


The structure of the ear that coordinates balance is the A) semicircular ducts. B) saccule. C) utricle. D) vestibular apparatus.


The threshold for pain caused by loud sounds is A) 20 to 30 dB. B) 60 to 80 dB. C) 80 to 100 dB. D) 120 to 140 dB.


This type of encapsulated nerve endings are proprioceptors. A) Krause end bulbs B) lamellated corpuscles C) Merkel discs D) Ruffini corpuscles


Which of the following receptors include receptors for hearing, vision, taste, smell, touch, and cutaneous pain? A) photoreceptors B) thermoreceptors C) exteroceptors D) interoceptors


Which type of papillae contain the most taste buds? A) filiform B) foliate C) fungiform D) vallate


Which type of receptor responds to vibration? A) Ruffini corpuscles B) Krause-end bulbs C) tactile corpuscles D) lamellated corpuscles


Sensory adaptation occurs most rapidly with this sense. A) taste B) hearing C) vision D) smell

D) smell

________is a neuromodulator that blocks the conduction of pain signals by second-order spinal neurons. a. Endorphin b. Enkephalin c. Substance P d. Acetylcholine e. Norepinephrine


True and False Descending analgesic fibers prevent pain signals from reaching the spinal cord.

False. Descending analgesic fibers block signals that have reached the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.

True and False All of the extrinsic muscles of the eye are controlled by the oculomotor nerve.

False. The trochlear and abducens nerves control the superior oblique and lateral rectus, respectively.

True and False The sensory (afferent) nerve fibers for touch end in the thalamus.

False. These fibers end in the medulla oblongata.

_______ is the sensation of taste that results from the action of chemical stimulating the taste buds.


Which unencapsulated nerve ending would be most likely to be the first to sense the presence of an insect on your arm?

Hair receptors

Which of the following statements about photopic vision is false? a. It is mediated by the cones. b. It has a low threshold. c. It produces fine resolution. d. It does not function in starlight. e. It does not employ rhodopsin.

It has a low threshold.

________is a neurotransmitter that transmits pain sensations to second- order spinal neurons. a. Endorphin b. Enkephalin c. Substance P d. Acetylcholine e. Norepinephrine

Substance P

Describe endogenous opioids such as endorphins They are released______

They are released by organs during states of stress or exercise

True and False Things we touch with the left hand are perceived only in the right cerebral hemisphere.


Describe endogenous opioids such as endorphins. a) They are released by organs during states of stress or exercise b) They are released in response to the metabolic needs of an organ c) They are released by organs at rest to facilitate repair

a) They are released by organs during states of stress or exercise

Describe the location of the olfactory tracts. a) Underneath the frontal lobe b) Within the frontal lobe c) Within the insula

a) Underneath the frontal lobe

List the components of the near response for close vision

accommodation of the lens, convergence of the eyes, constriction of the pupil

Identify the two characteristics of a tonic receptor

adapts slowly to a stimulus; steady, prolonged nerve signal

Most taste buds occur in a. the vallate papillae. b. the fungiform papillae. c. the filiform papillae. d. the palate. e. the lips.

the vallate papillae.

describe endogenous opioids such as endorphins

they are released by organs during states of stress or exercise

steps involved in generating a nerve signal within the macula utriculi and sassily starting with movement of the head

tilt or acceleration of the head, shift of otolithic membrane, bending sterocilia, action potential

the olfactory ___ carry sensory information from the olfactory bulbs to the primary olfactory cortex


the primary function of a sensory receptor:


function of the outer ear

transmit sound vibrations to the tympanic membrane

True and False Cranial nerve VIII carries signals for both hearing and balance.


True and False Rods and cones release their neurotransmitter in the dark, not in the light.


True and False Some chemoreceptors are interoceptors and some are exteroceptors.


True and False The tympanic cavity is filled with air, but the membranous labyrinth is filled with liquid.


crista ampullaris

tuft of sterocilia within the ampulla of a semicircular canal

Pain fibers that are _______ conduct impulses that travel 0.5-2m/sec and produce the slow (second) pain


The ______ nerve carries information to the vestibular nuclei of the pons and medulla oblongata.


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