A&P Chapter 4 Tissues

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Why would areolar tissue be considered the ideal type for connective tissue proper?

It has all cell types found in other forms of connective tissue.

Which type of epithelium lines the kidney tubules?

Simple cuboidal Cuboidal epithelium resembles hexagonal boxes with a central spherical nucleus. Simple cuboidal epithelium provides limited protection and occurs where secretion or absorption takes place, as in the kidney tubules.

Which of the following epithelial tissues is a single layer of flat cells that function in absorption or diffusion?

Simple squamous epithelium

Which tissue type lines the heart and blood vessels?

Simple squamous epithelium

Which type of muscle tissue is responsible for producing body movement?

Skeletal muscle

Which type of muscle tissue has small cells that are tapered on both ends, fat in the middle, and uninucleate?

Smooth muscle Smooth muscle cells are the smallest of any of the muscle types. The cells are spindle shaped, tapering on both ends. There is a single centrally located nucleus. The actin and myosin muscle proteins are arranged differently from cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, which is why they lack striations.

Which of the following is NOT a function of neuroglia cells?

Conducting electrical impulses to other cells Nervous tissue has two basic types of cells: (1) neurons and (2) neuroglia. Neurons can communicate or send information to other cells. Neuroglia cannot send messages to other cells. They are the supportive cells of the nervous system.

What is the major function of neurons in neural tissue?

To transmit signals that take the form of changes in the transmembrane potential

Which type of muscle tissue is involuntary, striated, and has cells joined at intercalated discs?

cardiac Cardiac muscle is a type of muscle tissue that is involuntary, is striated, and has cells joined at intercalated discs. This muscle type is found only in the heart. Like skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle cannot regenerate and will form scar tissue if damaged.

Neural tissue is specialized to __________.

carry electrical impulses from one part of the body to another

Ligaments are bundles of elastic and collagen fibers that __________.

connect one bone to another bone Ligaments connect one bone to another bone. These connective tissues are typically made from dense regular connective tissue. Ligaments serve to stabilize the position of bones in joints.

Which type of cell in nervous tissue has large cell body, dendrites, and an axon and can receive and conduct information?


he release of histamine by mast cells at an injury site produces which of the following responses?

Redness, warmth, and swelling

The process in which damaged tissues are replaced or repaired so that normal function is restored is called __________.

Regeneration Regeneration is the process of tissue repair that takes place after an inflammatory response has resolved. This process of tissue repair will vary depending on the tissue involved and its individual potential for full regeneration. Epithelial tissue, for example, has full regenerative capacity. This tissue will replace all damaged cells with new cells.

What is the structural classification of the sebaceous or oil glands in the skin?

Simple branched alveolar Glands can be classified by modes of secretion and by structure. Sebaceous glands are multicellular glands. These multicellular glands have a tubular structure or a blind pocket or alveolar structure. Glands can be simple or compound. The sebaceous glands are simple branched alveolar.

Referring to muscle tissue, what does the term involuntary mean?

The body does not consciously cause the contraction of involuntary muscle.

Why are certain epithelial cells called pseudostratified columnar epithelium?

They have a layered appearance even though all the cells contact the basal lamina.

What is meant by the term dense regular connective tissue?

This tissue has collagen fibers packed tightly together and aligned parallel to each other. Dense connective tissue is composed primarily of fibers. In dense regular connective tissue, collagen fibers dominate. They are parallel to each other and tightly packed together. The collagen fibers are aligned with the forces applied to the tissue. The best examples of these are tendons and ligaments. Dense regular connective tissue is very strong. Dense irregular connective tissue gives strength and support to areas in which stresses may come from many different directions. Reticular tissue has many reticular fiber that provide a framework to support cells in organs such as the liver and spleen.

Tendons are cords of dense regular connective tissue fibers that __________.

attach skeletal muscles to bones

Which part of the neuron can send information to other cells?


What are the four main tissue types found in the human body?

epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous

Glandular epithelia contain cells that produce __________.

exocrine or endocrine secretions Exocrine or endocrine secretions are produced from glandular epithelia. If the glandular epithelia produce these secretions with ducts, the secretions are termed exocrine. Some examples include sweat glands and sebaceous glands. If the glandular epithelia produce these secretions without ducts, the secretions are termed endocrine. Some examples include the thyroid and adrenal glands.

A type of junction between cells that allows the passage of small molecules and ions from cell to cell is a ______________.

gap junction Some epithelial functions require rapid intracellular communication. At a gap junction, two cells are held together by two interlocking transmembrane proteins called connexons. Each connexon is composed of six connexon proteins that form a cylinder with a central pore. Two aligned connexons form a narrow passageway that lets small molecules and ions pass from cell to cell. This allows coordination of function between cells.

What is the term for the study of tissues?


The type of cartilage that covers joint surfaces and forms part of the nasal septum is ______________.

hyaline cartilage Hyaline cartilage is the most common type of cartilage. Hyaline cartilage is tough but flexible because its matrix consists of closely packed collagen fibers, which are not normally visible. The fibers in the matrix are surrounded by a firm gel that holds the fibers together. Hyaline cartilage is found on the joint surfaces of synovial joints, between the ends of the ribs and the sternum, and as part of the nasal septum. other choices: - Fibrocartilage is a very strong type of cartilage because of the density of collagen fibers, and is found in between vertebrae and in the pelvis. - Elastic cartilage is flexible because of the predominant elastic fibers within it. It is found in the outer ear, the epiglottis, and in the larynx (voice box). - Perichondrium is a dense irregular connective tissue found around cartilage, except within joint cavities.

What is the first response to tissue injury?

inflammation Inflammation is the body's natural first response to tissue injury. This process typically is characterized by four features in the acute stage: pain, heat, redness, and swelling. Most of these characteristics are due to increased blood flow into the injured area. This increased blood flow is crucial to clearing the injured area of debris while also supplying much needed oxygen and nutrients to aid the uninjured remaining cells.

In contrast to serous or mucous membranes, the cutaneous membrane __________.

is thick, relatively waterproof, and usually dry

Which method(s) of secretion is/are involved in milk production in the mammary glands?

merocrine and apocrine

In regard to its structural and functional properties, skeletal muscle tissue can be considered __________.

striated voluntary muscle

A group of similar cells working together and performing specific functions is a(n) ____________.


Which type of epithelial tissue lines the urinary bladder?

transitional epithelium ransitional epithelium lines the urinary bladder. This is the only epithelial cell that is capable of changing shape. This is largely due to the need to accommodate the expansion of the bladder as it fills with urine. During this process, the cells transition from a more cuboidal shape to a flattened shape as the bladder expands.

Which of the following features are significantly different in cartilage compared to bone?


Which of the following is the best definition of inflammation?

A defense that involves the coordinated activities of several tissues Inflammation is a defense that involves the coordinated activities of several tissues. This first-response by the body to tissue injury can be acute or chronic, depending on how long it takes to resolve the injury. When the time course of injury is short, resolution follows with repair and minimal damage. On the other hand, if the condition becomes chronic, this delays full resolution to the injury. This also means that damage will continue to accumulate as long as the inflammation remains.

The mucous membranes that are lined by simple epithelia perform the functions of __________.

Absorption and secretion

The mucous membranes that are lined by simple epithelia perform the functions of __________.

Absorption and secretion Mucous membranes lined by simple epithelia function mainly for absorption and secretion. The simple epithelia enable the process of diffusion to drive much of the transport across this tissue. This transport goes in both directions, regulating the absorption of materials as well as the secretion to the apical side.

Milk production in the breasts occurs through __________.

Apocrine ...and merocrine Milk production in the breasts takes place through apocrine secretion. This mode of secretion involves the loss of both secretory product as well as cytoplasm. Milk production in the breasts involves mammary tissue, which is a type of glandular epithelium. This tissue undergoes hyperplasia under the influence of hormones during maturation as well as after fertilization has occurred. Merocrine secretion involves only exocytosis of the secretory product.

Which type of connective tissue forms a superficial layer between the skin and deeper structures and helps to loosely attach the skin to those deeper structures?

Areolar tissue Areolar tissue is the least specialized connective tissue. It may contain all the cells of any connective tissue proper. It has a viscous ground substance, collagen and elastic fibers, is stretchy and resilient, and forms a layer under the skin, providing padding and loosely anchoring the skin to underlying structures. other choices: - Adipose tissue stores fat in the form of triglycerides. - Reticular tissue provides a framework that supports cells in organs such as the liver and spleen. - Dense irregular connective tissue gives strength and support to areas in which stresses may come from many different directions.

Which of the following is a fluid connective tissue?

Blood Blood is a fluid connective tissue. This tissue is composed of specialized cells suspended in plasma, the fluid portion of blood. Plasma is mostly water with proteins, electrolytes, and hormones. Blood is the major delivery system of oxygen and nutrients in the body. Other choices - Adipose tissue is composed of lipid, not fluid. -Areolar tissue is loose connective tissue, not fluid. -Elastic tissue is composed of matrix and fibers, not fluid

What are the two fluid connective tissues found in the human body?

Blood and lymph Blood and lymph are the two fluid connective tissues found in the body. These circulate in vessels, which distribute the fluid throughout the other tissues and organs. Blood is the main vehicle by which oxygen and nutrients are distributed to all the tissues. This fluid is also the vehicle by which the tissues get rid of wastes, both solutes and gases.

Which statement regarding the circulation of extracellular fluid is correct?

Blood pressure at the arterial end of the capillary networks forces water and small solutes out of the bloodstream and into surrounding interstitial fluid.

Which statement is NOT true?

Both cartilage and bone remodel themselves continuously during life. Unlike cartilage, bone undergoes extensive remodeling throughout life. Complete repairs can be made even after severe damage. Bones respond to stress placed on them and grow thicker and stronger with exercise. None of this is true for cartilage. Think of someone you know who has broken a bone. Now think of someone who has had a cartilage injury. Who had the better and faster outcome? The true statements: - The matrices of both cartilage and bone have collagen fibers but bone also has calcium salts in the matrix. - The matrix of cartilage is flexible and the matrix of bone is rigid. - Cartilage has no blood vessels running through it, whereas bone does.

Which of the following is an example of dense irregular connective tissue?

Capsule Capsules are examples of dense irregular connective tissue. These are formed from a network of connective tissue fibers arranged in no consistent pattern. This irregular pattern maximizes mechanical resistance to forces coming from any direction. Capsules form around internal organs and give them mechanical support and protection.

Supporting connective tissues found in the body are __________.

Cartilage and bone Cartilage and bone are supportive connective tissues. Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue that is formed from chondrocytes. Bone is a rigid supporting connective tissue formed from osteocytes that deposit calcium salts in a protein matrix. These bones form the skeleton.

Transmembrane proteins that bind to each other and to extracellular materials are known as:

Cell adhesion molecules (CAMs)

Neurons have a very limited ability to divide after injury because most neurons lack which organelle(s)?


Which type of tissue fills internal spaces and provides structural support and a framework for communication within the body?

Connective tissue Connective tissue fills internal spaces and provides structural support and a framework for communication within the body. This tissue is the glue that keeps all the other organ systems of the body supported and integrated. The main protein comprising most connective tissue is collagen. - Epithelial tissue covers and lines surfaces and cavities. - Muscle tissue shortens and contracts to produce movement. - Neural tissue conducts electrical and chemical signals to convey information.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of most connective tissues?

Contain mostly cells Epithelial tissue, NOT connective tissue, contains mostly cells, and functions to cover and protect surfaces. This tissue type functions to cover and protect surfaces. This tissue may have more of a barrier function when in the form of multiple layers of cells. If the epithelial tissue has a single layer of cells, it will have more of an absorptive function.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of epithelial tissue?

Contains a matrix consisting of hyaline cartilage Only connective tissue contains a matrix consisting of hyaline cartilage. Epithelial tissue consists mostly of cells or layers of cells with an associated polarity. This polarity consists of an apical side and a basal side. The basal side also has a layer of basement membrane.

Which of the following membranes is the skin?

Cutaneous membrane

Inflammation, in response to an injury or infection, protects the body in a number of ways. These protective mechanisms include all of the following EXCEPT __________.

Decreased mast activity Inflammation does not cause decreased mast cell activity. When an injury occurs and/or an infection occurs, mast cells increase their activity and release chemicals like histamine, heparin, and prostaglandins that bring about inflammation. During inflammation, there is increased blood flow to deliver oxygen and nutrients to help in the repair process. The increased blood flow delivers more white blood cells to enhance phagocytosis of pathogens and remove pathogenic toxins and damaged tissue wastes. However, increased mast cell activity leads to inflammation.

The capsules that surround most organs, such as the kidneys and the organs in the thoracic and peritoneal cavities, are components of the __________.

Deep fascia The capsules that surround most organs, such as the kidneys and the organs in the thoracic and peritoneal cavities, are components of the deep fascia. This is formed from dense connective tissue layers and provides a strong internal scaffold. This internal scaffold supports and protects the internal organs against mechanical forces.

Which type of tissue is composed of dense irregular connective tissue arranged in multiple layers in which the collagen fibers in one layer run in the same direction, while the fibers in other layers run in different directions? All the collagen fibers in one layer run in the same direction, while the fibers in other layers run in different directions.

Deep fascia This tissue is the deep fascia. It is a dense irregular connective tissue, composed primarily of collagen fibers. These collagen fibers are arranged in layers. Each layer's fibers run in different directions. The collagen fibers are interwoven and attach muscles to skin and bone.

Which part of the neuron is the receptive part of the cell?


Which type of cartilage is designed as a support but tolerates distortion and is found in the auricle, or external ear?

Elastic cartilage

Keratin is a protein that is typically found in which tissue type?


Which of the following characteristics is NOT true of epithelial tissue?

Epithelial tissue has an abundance of extracellular material. - Epithelial tissue has almost no extracellular material. - Epithelia are made up almost entirely of cells, held together by cell junctions. In other tissues, the cells are often widely separated by extracellular material.

Which of the following is NOT a function of epithelial tissue?

Epithelial tissues form a structural framework for organs. Connective tissue, not epithelial tissue, forms a structural framework for the body. Functions of epithelial tissue: - Epithelia control permeability. - Epithelia provide physical protection. - Epithelia produce specialized secretions. - Epithelia protect exposed and internal surfaces.

Which tissue type, found within the knee joint and between the pubic bones of the pelvis, resists compression and limits relative movement?


The permanent replacement of normal tissue by fibrous tissue is called __________.


The permanent replacement of normal tissue by fibrous tissue is called __________.

Fibrosis Fibrosis is the permanent replacement of normal, functional tissue with fibrous tissue. Fibrous tissue, also known as scar tissue, does not have the function of the original tissue. Fibrosis is a process that signals the tissue has lost functionality because of the loss of the original tissue. Organ function can eventually be lost due to repeated damage that results in fibrosis.

Because epithelial tissues have a free edge, they must be anchored to the underlying basement membrane to prevent them from detaching. The junction that prevents this detachment is a(n) __________.


What are the three major types of cartilage found in the body?

Hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage, and fibrocartilage Hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage, and fibrocartilage are the three major types of cartilage found in the body.

The restoration of homeostasis after an injury involves which two related processes?

Inflammation and regeneration

In the response to tissue injury, which cells release chemicals that stimulate nerve endings, producing the sensation of pain?

Mast cells

Which type of gland would release its secretion through exocytosis with no harm to the glandular cell itself?

Merocrine Merocrine glands release their secretion through exocytosis with no harm to the glandular cell itself. This secretion is usually a protein, such as mucin, that contributes to the protection of the surface. These proteins can also contribute to the making of a fluid, such as sweat, that serves a homeostatic purpose in the skin.

Which of the following membranes lines passageways and chambers, such as the digestive and respiratory tracts, that communicate with the body's exterior?

Mucous membrane

What is an important difference between mucous membranes and serous membranes?

Mucous membranes are in contact with the outside environment and serous membranes are not. Mucous membranes line passageways and chambers that communicate with the exterior, like those in the digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and urinary systems. Serous membranes line the sealed internal cavities of the trunk, which are not open to the exterior.

Which of these basic tissues is specialized for contraction?

Muscle tissue

What is the name for bone cells found in the osseous tissue?

Osteocytes Osteocytes are bone cells found in osseous tissue. They are a mature cell type that maintains bone structure and metabolism. They reside inside small cavities called lacunae and live in relative isolation from other osteocytes. These cells communicate through a canal system in the bone.

What are the three major subdivisions of the extracellular fluid in the body?

Plasma, interstitial fluid and lymph Plasma, interstitial fluid, and lymph are the three major subdivisions of the extracellular fluid. Plasma, the liquid component of blood, is made up of mostly water, along with proteins, nutrients, and dissolved gases. Interstitial fluid is also known as tissue fluid, which is the plasma that passes into tissues. Lymph is made up of the drained interstitial fluid that enters lymphatic vessels.

The pleura, peritoneum, and pericardium are examples of __________.

Serous membranes The pleura, peritoneum, and pericardium are examples of serous membranes. These membranes cover and protect internal organs as well as line the cavities themselves. Pleura cover the lungs and line the pleural cavity. Peritoneum line the abdominal cavity as well as cover the abdominal organs. The pericardium covers the heart.

A type of junction between cells that provides a strong connection that resists stretching and twisting is a __________.

Spot desmosome Many epithelial cells are subject to mechanical stresses, so they must have durable interconnections. These connections are called desmosomes. A typical desmosome is formed between two cells. Each cell has a dense area connected to the cytoskeleton. Spot desmosomes are small discs connected to bands of intermediate filaments of the cytoskeleton. The membranes are connected by cell adhesion molecules and proteoglycans.

What is the term given to an epithelial tissue with several layers of cells?


Which of the following is a layer of areolar tissue and fat that separates the skin from the underlying tissues and organs and is also known as the hypodermis?

Superficial fascia Superficial fascia is also known as the hypodermis. Fascia is a term describing a connective tissue membrane that supports tissues and organs in the body. Because this is a connective tissue membrane near the surface of the body, it is described as superficial. - Cutaneous membrane is another term for skin. - Deep fascia is associated with internal organs and structures. - Subserous fascia is the deepest layer of fascia.

Considering the different layers of fascia, what is the proper order of these layers going from the outside of the body inward?

Superficial, deep, subserous Fasciae are connective tissue layers and wrappings that support and surround organs. The superficial fascia, also called the hypodermis is just below the dermis of the skin, As such, it is closest to the surface. The deep fascia is the next layer of fascia. It is a connective tissue that connects to the tough capsules around organs, as well as to the perichondrium around cartilage, the periosteum around bones, and the connective tissue of muscle. The subserous fascia is the deepest and is just outside the serous membranes that line body cavities.

Which serous membrane covers the outside of each lung?

Visceral pleura The serous membrane covering the outside of each lung is the visceral pleura. Serous membranes line the sealed internal cavities of the trunk. The three types of serous membranes in the body are (1) the pleura, which lines the pleural cavities and covers the lungs; (2) the pericardium, which lines the pericardial cavity and covers the heart; and (3) the peritoneum, which lines the peritoneal cavity and covers the enclosed organs. Each serous membrane can be divided into a parietal portion, which lines the inner surface of the cavity, and an opposing visceral portion, which covers the outer surface of viscera organs.

Cuboidal epithelial cells __________.

are box-shaped, and the nuclei are near the center of each cell

Mucous membranes are found primarily in which of the following systems?

digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and urinary Mucous membranes are found in the digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and urinary systems. Since all these systems have openings to the exterior, the membranes help protect and guard these surfaces from debris and pathogens. These membranes are constantly maintained with a steady flow of mucous over the surfaces. The mucous helps trap dust, debris, and pathogens for elimination.

Which type of tissue covers exposed surfaces and lines internal passageways and body cavities?


Which epithelial cells, found lining the nasal cavities and the trachea, typically possess cilia?

pseudostratified columnar

What is the primary function of a serous membrane?

reducing friction between the parietal and visceral surfaces Serous membranes function by reducing friction between the parietal and visceral surfaces. These membranes produce a lubricating fluid that protects against friction. These membranes are essential to preserving the mechanical integrity of the internal organs.

Which of the following is the most delicate epithelium, which allows for absorption and diffusion?

simple squamous epithelium Simple squamous epithelium is the most delicate epithelium and allows for absorption and diffusion. The key is the single layer of flattened cells in this category, which allows for the passage of gases and solute. This type of epithelium is found in blood vessels as well as in the respiratory system. These regions specialize in the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, and wastes.

Which type of muscle tissue is voluntary and contains large, multinucleated cells that can be up to 1 foot in length?


Classifications of epithelial cells according to their shape include __________.

squamous, cuboidal, and columnar

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