A&P-Final Exam Questions

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True/False: veins are also referred to as capacitance vessels


In an autonomic motor pathway, the first cell in the two-neuron chain is the ____ neuron a. preganglionic b. postganglionic c. posterior d. terminal e. primary


The hormone(s) that may be slowly administered by intravenous drip to accelerate labor and delivery is/are a. oxytocin b. prolactin c. luteinizing hormone d. follicle stimulating hormone e. both oxytocin and luteinizing hormone


The statement "It initiates contraction of urinary bladder smooth muscle" is a. true only for the parasympathetic nervous system b. true only for the sympathetic nervous system c. true for both the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system d. not true for either the parasympathetic or sympathetic nervous system e. true only for the somatic nervous system


We lack awareness of many of our bodies systems for maintaining homeostasis. The visceral or involuntary sensations, movements, and secretions of organs such as the heart and intestines are governed by the a. autonomic nervous system b. somatice nervous system


Which hormone is secreted by the beta cells of the pancreas? a. insulin b. glucagon c. somatostatin d. pancreatic polypeptide e. pancreatic lipase


Which of there is not a short-term response to a decrease in blood pressure? a. release of EPO b. increase in heart rate c. increase in heart contractility d. peripheral vasoconstriction e. release of epinephrine and norepinephrine


Which can be used to characterize blood blood in the human body a. there is a unidirectional blood flow b. arteries always carry oxygenated blood c. veins always carry deoxygenated blood d. arteries carry blood away from the heart e. veins carry blood towards the heart


Blood moves forward through veins because of all the following except a. the pressure in the veins is lower than in the artiers b. pumping by the smooth muscle in the wall of the vein c. the respiratory pump d. valves in the veins preventing the backward flow of blood e. muscular compression


How may oxygen molecules may bind to a single molecule of hemoglobin? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8 e. 16


In arteries, the thickest layer of the wall is a. tunica externa b. tunica media c. tunica intima


Lymphatic vessels begin in peripheral tissues and ultimately drain into a. peripheral capillary beds b. veins c. arteries d. kidneys


Old erythrocytes are phagocytized by macrophages in the a. kidneys b. spleen c. lung d. thymus e. red bone marrow


Steroid hormones are a. water-soluble b. lipid soluble c. soluble in bother water and lipids d. soluble in weight water nor lipids


The actual sites of gas exchange within the lungs are the a. bronchioles b. blood air barrier of the alveoli c. terminal bronchioles d. spaces between the parietal and visceral pleura


The cells responsible for antibody-mediated immunity are the ______ cells. a. T cells b. B cells c. NK cells d. Helper T cells


The common passageway shared by the respiratory and digestive system is the a. Thyroid cartilage b. Pharynx c. Larynx d. Trachea


The first phase of hemostasis involves a. blood vessel dilation b. blood vessel constriction c. release of procoagulants d. fibrinolysis


The hormone oxytocin is synthesized in the a. anterior pituitary b. posterior pituitary c. pineal gland d. nucleus of the solitary tract e. paraventricular nucleus


The physical movement of air into and out of the lungs is termed a. internal respiration b. pulmonary ventilation c. cellular respiration d. gas diffusion


Almost 75% of all parasympathetic outflow travels along the _____ nerve(s) a. splanchnic b. facial c. vagus d. glossopharyngeal e. trigeminal


Blood flow to a tissue will increase if the a. level of oxygen at the tissues increases b. level of carbon dioxide at the tissues decreases c. arterioles dilate d. arterioles constrict


Blood pressure is the lowest in the a. arterioles b. arteries c. veins d. capillaries


Growth hormone does all of the following except a. promote bone growth b. promote muscle growth c. promote cortisol release d. promotes amino acid uptake by cells


In comparison to a vessel with a large diameter, a vessel with a small diameter has a. less resistance to blood flow b. the same amount of pressure as resistance c. a greater resistance to blood flow d. a greater blood flow


The baroreceptors in the partiers are sensitive to which of the following? a. decreases in ph b. increases in blood oxygen levels c. increases in arterial pressure d. decrease in oxygen levels


The lymphoid organ that acts like a filter as lymph passes through is a. appendix b. tonsils c. lymph nodes d. thymus


The primary function of the thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) are to a. stimulate glucocorticoid releases from the adrenal glands b. regulate salt and water balance by acting on the renal system c. regulate metabolism and body temperature d. stimulate cell growth and cell division in muscle and bone e. stimulate the development of the folds on the surface of the brain


The term up-regulation, in regards to the endocrine system, refers to the process by which a. a glandular cell decreases the amount of hormone it secretes b. a large amount of hormone shuts down all metabolic activity in a target cell c. a cell increases the number of receptors it has for a hormone d. a carrier protein increases the rate of degradation for.a hormone and thereby decreases its blood concentration e. a carrier protein decreases the rate of degradation of the protein it ferries


When the effects of one hormone add to the activity of another hormone on the same target cell, the interaction is adit o be a. agonistic b. antagonistic c. synergistic d. permissive


Which system contains short preganglionic axons that branch extensively? a. Parasympathetic nervous system b. Somatic nervous system c. Sympathetic nervous system


A typical adult hematocrit is a. 85 b. 75 c. 65 d. 45 e. 25


An accumulation of lymph in a region where lymphatic drainage has been blocked is called a. lymphopenia b. lymphadenopathy c. lymphoma d. lymphedema


Lymphocytes include all of the following except a. NK cells b. T cells c. B cells d. Neutrophils


The P wave of a normal electrocardiogram indicates a. ventricular depolarization b. ventricular depolarization c, atrial depolarization d.atrial depolarization


Which of these factors does not affect hemoglobin's affinity for oxygen? a. blood pH b. temperature c. the PO2 of blood d. electrolyte imbalance


A certain drug decreases heart rate by blocking a receptor on pacemaker cells. This drug probably binds to _____ receptors a. nicotinic cholincergic b. muscarinic cholinergic c. Alpha-1 adrenergic d. Alpha-2 adrenergic e. beta-1 adrenergic


Which of the following are receptors for acetylcholine (ACh)? a. Adrenergic b. Muscarinic c. Nicotinic d. A&B e. B&C


True/false: Platelets are formed elements


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