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Which of the following statements is true a) All arteries transport oxygen rich blood. b) The right side of the heart is the systemic circuit pump c) Equal volumes of blood are pumped to the pulmonary and systemic circuits at any moment d) The left side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs

Equal volumes of blood are pumped to the pulmonary and systemic circuits at any moment

Choose the term that does not belong in the following groupings. A. Glucocorticoids B. Steroids C. Aldosterone D. Growth hormone

Growth hormone

__________ become antigenic if they attach themselves to larger proteins. a) Haptens b) Antigenic determinants c) Pyrogens d) MHC proteins


Each hemoglobin can transport __________ oxygen atoms. a) 4 b) 40 c) 400 d) 4000


Why are diabetics continuously thirsty and why do they frequently urinate? a) Less water is reclaimed by osmosis in the kidneys. b) Water loss reduces blood volume, promoting secretion of ADH. c) Glucose is lost in the urine, which increases blood volume. d) A and B are correct.

A and B are correct.

Which hormone is produced in the hypothalamus? a) ADH b) ACTH c) LH d) GH


What is the nature of acetylcholine's inhibitory effect on heart rate? a) Acetylcholine induces depolarization in the sinoatrial node. b) Acetylcholine causes closing of sodium channels in the sinoatrial node. c) Acetylcholine causes opening of fast calcium channels in contractile cells. d) Acetylcholine causes opening of potassium channels in the sinoatrial node, thereby hyperpolarizing it.

Acetylcholine causes opening of potassium channels in the sinoatrial node, thereby hyperpolarizing it.

__________ is the adrenal hormone responsible for maintaining appropriate blood sodium levels. a) Cortisol b) DHEA c) Aldosterone d) Epinephrine


Which of the following molecules act as second messengers? a) cAMP b) Ca2+ c) Inositol triphosphate d) All of the above

All of the above

__________ can enter lymph capillaries. a) Bacteria b) Large proteins c) Interstitial fluid d) All of the above

All of the above

What would be the body's response if the hypothalamus detected pyrogens? a) An increase in body temperature set point b) Mobilization of lymphocytes from the bone marrow c) Increased sweating to lower body temperature d) Complement inhibition

An increase in body temperature set point

A patient with low iron levels would experience which of the following symptoms? a) An increased white blood cell count b) An increase in energy level c) An increase in fatigue d) A decreased white blood cell count

An increase in fatigue

Which of the following would cause vascular shock? a) Anaphylaxis b) Vomiting c) Extensive burns d) Acute hemorrhage


Choose the term that does not belong in the following groupings. A. Posterior lobe B. Hormone storage C. Nervous tissue D. Anterior lobe

Anterior lobe

Which agglutinins are naturally present in someone who is B+? a) Anti-A b) Anti-B c) Anti-A + Anti-Rh d) Anti-B + Anti-Rh


In which disease do the walls of the arteries become thicker and stiffer? a) Aneurysm b) Arteriosclerosis c) Vascular shock d) Circulatory shock


Which group of messengers is defined as acting on cells within the same tissue? a) Autocrines b) Hormones c) Paracrines d) Eicosanoids


Antihistamines counter the actions of which white blood cells? a) Neutrophils b) Lymphocytes c) Basophils d) Eosinophils


Why doesn't a clot fill the entire vasculature system once it has started forming? a) Rapid blood flow washes away and dilutes activated clotting factors. b) Thrombin is inactivated by antithrombin III if it enters the general circulation. c) Both a and b occur. d) Neither a nor b occurs.

Both a and b occur.

Which of the following act as the first line of defense against foreign pathogens? a) Skin b) Synovial membranes c) Mucous membranes d) Both a and c

Both a and c

Which of the following structures is an exception to the general principle surrounding blood vessel oxygenation levels? a) Pulmonary artery b) Aorta c) Pulmonary veins d) Both a and c

Both a and c

Which of the following contribute(s) to the flow of lymph through lymphatic vessels? a) The pumping of the heart b) The milking action of skeletal muscle contraction c) Pressure changes in the thorax that result from breathing d) Both b and c

Both b and c

In what ways are hormonal effects of E and NE from the adrenal medulla similar to the effects of glucocorticoids from the zona fasciculata? a) Hormones from both are under the ultimate control of the sympathetic nervous system. b) Both increase cardiac activity and blood pressure. c) Both are stimulated by angiotensin II. d) Both increase blood glucose levels and promote the breakdown of stored fats into fatty acids.

Both increase blood glucose levels and promote the breakdown of stored fats into fatty acids.

After centrifuging, which of the listed blood components contains the components of immune function? a) Plasma b) Buffy coat c) Erythrocytes d) Hematocrit

Buffy coat

Of the following vessel types, which are responsible for the exchange of gases and nutrients with tissues? a) Arteries b) Arterioles c) Capillaries d) Veins


Which of the following is an indirect effect of PTH? a) Increasing osteoclast activity b) Increasing calcium absorption in the intestines c) Increasing calcium reabsorption in the kidney d) Activating vitamin D

Increasing calcium absorption in the intestines

Which of the following is not a mechanical barrier to pathogen invasion? a) Mucus b) Tears c) Saliva d) Interferon


What effect does prolonged standing in one position have on blood flow? a) It causes blood pooling and a slowing of blood flow. b) It causes a compensatory increase in arterial pressure. c) It causes a sharp decrease in heart rate. d) It causes a sharp decrease in respiratory rate.

It causes blood pooling and a slowing of blood flow.

Predict what would happen to the end systolic volume (ESV) if contraction force were to increase. a) It would decrease. b) It would increase. c) It would remain constant. d) ESV is not affected by contraction force.

It would decrease.

Which heart abnormality has no P waves on an otherwise normal ECG? a) Second-degree heart block b) Ventricular fibrillation c) Aortic fibrillation d) Junctional rhythm

Junctional rhythm

The presence of __________ proteins makes it possible for our immune system to differentiate between our cells and those that are foreign. a) antigenic determinant b) MHC c) hapten d) antibody


Of the following layers of the heart wall, which consumes the most energy? a) Epicardium b) Myocardium c) Endocardium d) Visceral pericardium


Why don't platelets form plugs in undamaged vessels? a) Platelets aren't formed until vessel damage occurs. b) Only contact of platelets with exposed collagen fibers and von Willebrand factor causes them to be sticky and form plugs. c) Plugs do form, but are removed by macrophages. d) Platelets don't form plugs; it is the megakaryocytes that form the plugs.

Only contact of platelets with exposed collagen fibers and von Willebrand factor causes them to be sticky and form plugs.

Leukemia is a general descriptor for which of the following disorders? a) An abnormally low white blood cell count b) Overproduction of abnormal leukocytes c) Elevated counts of normal neutrophils d) Overproduction of abnormal erythrocytes

Overproduction of abnormal leukocytes

What is the double-walled sac covering the heart termed? a) Pericardium b) Myocardium c) Epicardium d) Endocardium


Predict the change in peripheral resistance as blood vessel diameter increases. a) Peripheral resistance decreases. b) Peripheral resistance increases. c) Peripheral resistance remains unchanged. d) Peripheral resistance is constant in humans.

Peripheral resistance decreases.

Red blood cells are efficient oxygen transport cells. Of the following characteristics, which is the major contributor to the significant oxygen-carrying capacity of a red blood cell? a) Red blood cells lack mitochondria. b) Red blood cells don't divide. c) Red blood cells are biconcave discs. d) Red blood cells contain myoglobin.

Red blood cells lack mitochondria.

In a normal heart, which of the following structures is responsible for setting the heart's pace? a) Sinoatrial node b) Atrioventricular node c) Atrioventricular bundle d) Purkinje fibers

Sinoatrial node

Which of the following structures produces a precursor to hormonal vitamin D, important for Ca2+ regulation? a) Stomach b) Heart c) Kidney d) Skin


Choose the term that does not belong in the following groupings. A. Steroid hormone B. Protein hormone C. Second messenger D. Membrane receptors

Steroid hormone

Of the following cardiovascular components, which contains the majority of the body's blood volume at any one time? a) Pulmonary capillaries b) Heart c) Systemic veins and venules d) Systemic capillaries

Systemic veins and venules

The thymus is important for: a) T lymphocyte maturation. b) removal of foreign antigens. c) B lymphocyte maturation. d) secretion of hormones that promote B lymphocyte immunocompetence.

T lymphocyte maturation.

Predict the outcome of an overdose of the hormone erythropoietin. a) The blood viscosity increases to levels that may induce heart attacks or strokes. b) The oxygen-carrying capacity remains unchanged despite elevated red blood cell counts. c) Red blood cell counts remain unchanged, but the number of reticulocytes increases. d) Blood viscosity levels decrease while oxygen-carrying capacity increases.

The blood viscosity increases to levels that may induce heart attacks or strokes.

Cardiac muscle cells have several similarities with skeletal muscle cells. Which of the following is not a similarity? a) The cells are each innervated by a nerve ending. b) The cells store calcium ions in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. c) The cells contain sarcomeres. d) The cells become depolarized when sodium ions enter the cytoplasm.

The cells are each innervated by a nerve ending.

What response would you expect after traveling to high altitude for two weeks? a) Blood levels of oxygen would remain depressed for the duration. b) A surge in iron release from the liver would occur. c) The kidneys would secrete elevated amounts of erythropoietin. d) There would be no change in blood composition.

The kidneys would secrete elevated amounts of erythropoietin.

Predict the nature of an ECG recording when the atrioventricular node becomes the pacemaker. a) There would continue to be a normal sinus rhythm. b) The P wave would be much larger than normal. c) The rhythm would be slower. d) The T wave would be much smaller than normal.

The rhythm would be slower.

Which of the following is not an action of glucagon? a) Release of glucose to the blood by liver cells b) Transport of glucose into most body cells c) Synthesis of glucose from lactic acid d) Breakdown of glycogen

Transport of glucose into most body cells

Of the following blood vessel components, which is the most critical in regulating systemic blood pressure? a) Tunica intima b) Tunica media c) Tunica externa d) Venous valves

Tunica media

Predict what might happen to peripheral resistance in arterioles supplying skeletal muscle when pH levels drop. a) Vasoconstriction in vessels supplying skeletal muscle b) Vasodilation in vessels supplying digestive viscera c) Vasodilation in vessels supplying skeletal muscle d) No change in the skeletal muscle vessels

Vasodilation in vessels supplying skeletal muscle

Of the following vessel types, which conduct blood toward the heart, regardless of oxygen content? a) Arteries b) Arterioles c) Capillaries d) Veins


What is the major factor controlling stroke volume during resting periods? a) Sympathetic input b) Parasympathetic input c) Venous return to the heart d) Peripheral resistance changes

Venous return to the heart

The stimulus for the heart's rhythmic contractions comes from _________. a) intercalated discs b) acetylcholine c) a neuromuscular junction d) a pacemaker potential

a pacemaker potential

In order for a hormone to activate a target cell, the target cell must possess __________. a) a receptor b) a second messenger c) the hormone d) a chaperone

a receptor

Interaction with a membrane-bound receptor will transduce the hormonal message via __________. a) depolarization b) direct gene activation c) a second messenger d) endocytosis

a second messenger

Secretions from the corticotrophs activate cells of the __________, while secretions from the gonadotrophs affect cells of the __________. a) adrenal cortex; gonads b) thyroid; mammary glands c) gonads; adrenal cortex d) mammary glands; gonads

adrenal cortex; gonads

Atrial systole occurs __________ the firing of the sinoatrial node. a) before b) after c) simultaneously with d) alternately with


A hematopoietic stem cell will give rise to __________. a) erythrocytes b) leukocytes c) platelets d) all of the above

all of the above

An elevated neutrophil count would be indicative of __________. a) an allergic reaction b) a cancer c) an acute bacterial infection d) a parasitic infection

an acute bacterial infection

The plateau portion of the action potential in contractile cardiac muscle cells is due to: a) an increased potassium permeability. b) an influx of calcium ions. c) an influx of sodium ions. d) exit of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

an influx of calcium ions.

Hormones secreted into the hypophyseal portal system are detected by the __________. a) posterior pituitary b) anterior pituitary c) median eminence d) infundibulum

anterior pituitary

The basic mechanism employed by complement to fight bacterial infections is __________. a) antibody production b) fever elevation c) bacterial cell membrane lysis d) antiviral protein synthesis

bacterial cell membrane lysis

Lymphocytes are educated within primary lymphoid organs. B cells are educated in the __________ while T cells are educated in the __________. a) bone marrow; thymus b) thymus; bone marrow c) bone marrow; bone marrow d) thymus; thymus

bone marrow; thymus

Cardiac output is determined by __________. a) heart rate b) stroke volume c) cardiac reserve d) both a and b

both a and b

The major function of the most common plasma protein, albumin, is __________. a) maintenance of plasma osmotic pressure b) buffering changes in plasma pH c) fighting foreign invaders d) both a and b

both a and b

The majority (80%) of ventricular filling occurs __________. a) during late ventricular diastole b) passively through blood flow alone c) with atrial systole d) both a and b

both a and b

Some of the least permeable capillaries are found in the __________, while some of the most permeable capillaries are found in the __________. a) kidney; brain b) intestine; muscles c) bone marrow; brain d) brain; bone marrow

brain; bone marrow

The adaptive immune system involves three major cell types: antigen-presenting cells, T cells, which constitute __________ immunity, and B cells, which govern __________ immunity. a) nonspecific; specific b) antigenic; allergic c) MHC; MAC d) cell-mediated; humoral

cell-mediated; humoral

Your heart seems to "pound" after you hear a sudden, loud noise. This increased contractility is: a) because vagal nerve impulses arrive faster at the heart. b) because when a gasp of surprise is emitted, the Frank-Starling law of the heart is evident. c) due to norepinephrine causing threshold to be reached more quickly. d) because acetylcholine release is inhibited.

due to norepinephrine causing threshold to be reached more quickly.

The presence of intercalated discs between adjacent cardiac muscle cells causes the heart to behave as a __________. a) single chamber b) contractile myofibril c) desmosome d) functional syncytium

functional syncytium

Occasionally, a female patient will experience hirsutism, or excessive facial hair growth. However, blood tests reveal that her levels of testosterone are normal for a female. Another cause could be hypersecretion of: a) catecholamines. b) mineralocorticoids. c) glucocorticoids. d) gonadocorticoids.


When the ovaries secrete estrogen in response to the hormone GnRH, this is an example of __________ stimulation. a) humoral b) neural c) hormonal d) negative feedback


When the pancreas releases insulin in direct response to blood glucose, this is an example of __________ stimulation. a) humoral b) neural c) hormonal d) negative feedback


The primary mechanism driving filtration in capillary beds is __________. a) diffusion b) capillary osmotic pressure c) hydrostatic pressure of the interstitial fluid d) hydrostatic pressure within the capillaries

hydrostatic pressure within the capillaries

A patient is losing weight rapidly, sweating profusely, and is always anxious. The patient may be suffering from __________. a) hypothyroidism b) cretinism c) hyperthyroidism d) hypersecretion of calcitonin


A patient is displaying high volumes of urine output and severe dehydration. The most likely cause is __________. a) hyposecretion of oxytocin b) hypersecretion of oxytocin c) hyposecretion of ADH d) hypersecretion of ADH

hyposecretion of ADH

Receptors for steroid hormones are commonly located __________. a) inside the target cell b) on the plasma membrane of the target cell c) in the blood plasma d) in the extracellular fluid

inside the target cell

The long bone growth-promoting effects of growth hormone are mediated by __________. a) somatostatin b) somatotrophs c) insulin-like growth factors d) insulin

insulin-like growth factors

Oxygen binds to the __________ portion of hemoglobin. a) globin b) oxyhemoglobin c) iron atom d) amino acid

iron atom

An injectable heparin medication might be prescribed for a patient who: a) is at risk for embolism. b) has thrombocytopenia. c) is a hemophiliac. d) has a deficiency in a clotting factor.

is at risk for embolism.

Which of the following structures produces a hormone responsible for stimulating red blood cell production? a) Stomach b) Heart c) Kidney d) Skin


A heart murmur would be detected when blood is heard flowing from the __________ to the __________ through the __________. a) right atrium; right ventricle; tricuspid valve b) right atrium; left atrium; tricuspid valve c) left ventricle; left atrium; mitral valve d) left atrium; left ventricle; mitral valve

left ventricle; left atrium; mitral valve

A __________ is the progenitor of platelets. a) thrombopoietin b) thrombocyte c) megakaryocyte d) thrombocytoblast


The secretion of __________ helps regulate our circadian rhythms. a) estrogen b) testosterone c) thyroid hormones d) melatonin


Lymphatic capillaries owe their permeability to the presence of: a) an open end that siphons fluid from the interstitial fluid. b) minivalves in their walls. c) tight junctions between adjacent cells. d) proteins in the lymph fluid.

minivalves in their walls.

Macrophages are derived from __________. a) megakaryocytes b) monocytes c) T lymphocytes d) plasma cells


Blood levels of hormones are kept within very narrow ranges by __________ mechanisms. a) humoral b) neural c) hormonal d) negative feedback

negative feedback

When an infant suckles at his mother's breast, the mother's neurohypophysis releases oxytocin. This is an example of __________ stimulation. a) humoral b) neural c) hormonal d) negative feedback


Capillary colloid osmotic pressure created by __________ tends to __________. a) blood volume; push fluids out of the capillary b) nondiffusable plasma proteins; draw fluids into the capillary c) interstitial fluid; draw fluids out of the capillary d) proteins in the interstitial fluid; push fluids into the interstitial fluid

nondiffusable plasma proteins; draw fluids into the capillary

The process of attaching complement proteins to the bacterial cell wall to enhance phagocytosis is called __________. a) optimization b) MAC attachment c) complement activation d) opsonization


Which of these characteristics is exclusive to the endocrine system when compared with the nervous system? a. relies on release of chemical that bind to specific receptors b. relies primarily on negative feedback mechanisms c. uses epinephrine and norepinephrine as chemical messengers d. effective in coordinating cell, tissue, and organ activities on a sustained, long-term basis

relies primarily on negative feedback mechanisms effective in coordinating cell, tissue, and organ activities on a sustained, long-term basis

Second messenger-activating hormones circulate in minute quantities because: a) they are not important signal molecules. b) small concentrations of hormone can activate many intracellular signals via amplification. c) they are continuously released from the gland. d) neurotransmitters also bind to hormone receptors.

small concentrations of hormone can activate many intracellular signals via amplification.

The __________ is the largest lymphoid organ. a) lymph node b) spleen c) thymus d) tonsil


Baroreceptors detect changes in __________. a) blood O2 levels b) stretch in arterial walls c) blood CO2 levels d) blood H+ levels

stretch in arterial walls

A major difference between neurotransmitters and hormones is that hormones reach their destination via __________. a) direct contact on their target cell b) cerebrospinal fluid c) ducts d) the blood

the blood

The "lub-dup" heart sounds are produced by: a) the walls of the atria and ventricles slapping together during a contraction. b) the blood hitting the walls of the ventricles and arteries, respectively. c) the closing of the atrioventricular valves ("lub") and the closing of the semilunar valves ("dup"). d) the closing of the semilunar valves ("lub") and the closing of the atrioventricular valves ("dup").

the closing of the atrioventricular valves ("lub") and the closing of the semilunar valves ("dup").

Pulse pressure disappears by the time blood reaches capillary beds because __________. a) the elastic arteries are too stretchy b) veins are too thin to accommodate the pulse pressure c) diastole lasts longer than systole d) the muscular arterioles do not exhibit elastic rebound

the muscular arterioles do not exhibit elastic rebound

Activation of the extrinsic pathway of coagulation requires exposure of the blood to __________. a) collagen b) tissue factor III c) prothrombin activator d) serotonin

tissue factor III

An increasing lumen diameter is termed __________, and occurs when smooth muscle __________. a) vasodilation, relaxes b) vasodilation, contracts c) vasoconstriction, relaxes d) vasoconstriction, contracts

vasodilation, relaxes

A major determinant of a hormone's mechanism of action is __________. a) whether the hormonal molecule is hydrophobic or hydrophilic b) its size c) whether it is rapid acting or slow acting d) if it activates gene activity or not

whether the hormonal molecule is hydrophobic or hydrophilic

If a patient has pernicious anemia, the inability of the body to absorb vitamin B12, the patient __________. a) would have reduced blood iron levels b) would have a decreased number of red blood cells c) would have increased levels of hemoglobin d) would not experience any effects on red blood cells

would have a decreased number of red blood cells

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