A&P Lecture

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- The muscle on the back of the arm has three heads or origins -the human heart is comprised of four chambers -study of form -the brain is composed of two hemispheres -each kidney contains approximately 6-10 pyramids -mitochondria are more numerous in active cells -the bronchial artery gives rise to the ulnar and radial arteries


-Study of function -cellular energy requires the body's production of ATP -Heat cells contract on their own because of autorhythmicity -long-term acid base balance is controlled by the kidneys -glucose is the necessary fuel for the brain.

Glucose and glycogen are examples of a group of organic compounds called:


Ionic Bond: NaCl MgCl2

Covalent bond: H2 O2 N2

Mr. MB's red skin indicated his temperature control center was trying to:

Drop his core temperature by sending more blood to the skin to radiate heat away

Mr. MB's ear temperature was significantly lower, and less accurate, than that measured recently. Why?

Extremities, such as ears, nose and fingertips, regularly cool down, often coming close to the external temperature

Electron Shell and the Periodic Table Match the following pairs of atoms with the statement that correctly describes both atoms in the pair. 1. They have the same number of electrons in their outermost shells. Nitrogen and phosphorus 2. They have two electron shells. Carbon and nitrogen 3. Their outermost electron shell is full. Helium and argon 4. They have one electron shell. Hydrogen and helium 5. They have three electron shells. Sodium and chlorine

Likely to become an anion: -P -S -Cl Likely to become a cation: -Na Mg Al K Ca

Structural Formula: O=C=O O=O H--H

Molecular Formula: H2CO3 CO2 O2 H2

Lipid Functions Match the type of lipid with its function. 6-10-2013 1. Form adipose tissue and provide energy Triglycerides 2. Main component of cell membranes Phospholipids 3. Include hormones, cholesterol, and bile salts Steroids 4. Regulation of inflammation and aid in nervous system communication Eicosanoids

Monosacharide: -glucose -fructose -C6H12O6 Disacharides: -sucrose -maltose -lactose -C12H22O11 Polysacharide: -cellulose -starch -glycogen

The unequal sharing of electrons between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms within a water molecule makes water a _______ molecule.


When you have an infection, we often develop a fever.What is the body trying to accomplish by temporarily raising the body temperature?

Slow the replication of the germ

What does pH measure?

The amount of hydrogen ions in a solution

How do nerve cells and cardiac muscle cells make use of the sudden movement of ions across cell membranes?

The resulting electrical depolarization of the membrane is used to send neural impulses and signal muscle cells to contract.

Potassium exists as a positively charged ion, not just in us, but universally. Why does it so readily lose an electron resulting in the proton/electron mismatch?

The valance shell of potassium contains an unmatched electron, which it will readily donate to another atom, thus leaving a net positive charge.

Which of the following statements accurately describes electrons?

They are in orbitals outside the nucleus and have a negative charge.

The normal pH of blood is 7.4. A blood pH below 7.35 is called ____, and above 7.45 is called _____.

acidosis; alkalosis

Metabolism is defined as:

all the chemical reactions in an organism that support life.

What does the pH measure?

amount of hydrogen ion in solution

Phospholipids are described as:


lipids ________ polymers

are not

the smallest part of an element that maintains the properties of an element is defined as


the _______ of each element have unique structures


A polar covalent bond is created when ______

atoms within the bond do not have the same pull on the shared electron, and as a result the electron spends more time around one atom relative to the other atom within the bond.

atoms can interact with other atoms by forming

chemical bonds

The amount of which subatomic particle is different between an atom and its ion?


one of the three basic components of an atom, ______, have a negative charge and are not located on the nucleus of the atom.


the component of an atom that forms chemical bonds with another atom are the:


it is _______ that most molecules formed with nonpolar bonds dissolve easily in water


an atom with four electrons in its outer shell will become more stable if it gains _____ electrons


Anions are formed when an atom ______ an electron or electrons.


Which level of organization in the human body involves two or more tissue types working together to perform specific, complex functions?

organ level

a buffer acts to maintain ____ values at fairly constant levels


Ribose is the

sugar found in RNA and ATP.

Mr. MB's had lost 7 pounds during the course of the hockey game. what could account for this?

the 7 pounds weight loss was body water. H had perspired heavily, as a function of thermo regularization.

Which of the following is TRUE of positive feedback?

the change is amplified

The intravenous injection of potassium chloride cause death because:

the erratic depolarization of the heart's conduction system leads to irregular cardiac muscle contractions and, eventually, the complete cessation of heart function.

The valence shell of an atom refers to

the outer most shell of electrons.

The most common form of lipids are


it is ______ that the nature of water molecules allows them to pull apart ionic bonds such as NaCl. due to the positive and negative charges attracting each other.


When diagramming an atom, the innermost shell is filled with ______ electrons.


in addition, chemicals such as ______ and oxygen are necessary for the our cells to unction, and therefore for us to survive.



-arrange themelves as a bilayer in the plasma membrane -have hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail

Please match the organ systems with their functions. 1. Muscular 2. Skeletal 3. Cardiovascular 4. Respiratory

-calcium storage and hemopoiesis: skeletal -moves the bid and generates heat: muscular -transport of nutrient and waste: cardiovascular -exchange of gases: respiratory


-have backbone of of four fused carbon rings -attached groups will vary the ultimate function of the chemical

Fats and oils

-neutral three part fat -composed of three fatty acids and one glycerol

sulfer has an atomic mass of 32 and an atomic number of 16. with this information, the total number of electrons for this element is ______.


An atom has an atomic number of 19 and a mass number of 39. This atom will have

20 neutrons

if the atomic number of nitrogen is 7, the total number of electrons is equal to ______.


Indicate whether each statement is true or false. Indicate whether each statement is true or false. 1. The pH scale is a measure of oxygen concentration in a solution.false 2. The pH scale indicates the concentration of H+ in a solution.true 3. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14.true 4. Neutral solutions have a pH of 7.true 5. Solutions with a pH greater than 7 are acidic.false 6. Solutions with a pH greater than 7 are basic (alkaline).true

Carbon Bonds Mark the following statements about carbon as true or false. A carbon atom has six electrons in its outermost shell. false The bond between a carbon and hydrogen atom is a polar bond. false Oxygen and nitrogen have a stronger electronegativity than carbon (e.g., a strong pull on a shared electron). true Bonds between carbon and other atoms are relatively unstable and readily dissociate, resulting in the formation of new molecules. false A carbon skeleton comes in a variety of shapes: straight, ring-like, or branched. true Carbon atoms are able to form four bonds. true

at the most basic level of organization, _______ bond together to form ________. The study of these substances and how they interact is known as ______.

atoms, molecules, chemistry

If the pH of the blood started to drop, the compound _____ will bind excess hydrogen ions to minimize the drop in pH.

bicarbonate ion

The presence of ______ in the blood buffers the acids that enter the blood.

bicarbonate ion

Hydrogen bonds

bonds between charged molecules or portions of a molecule weak attraction between slightly charged parts of molecules, which are readily broken and reformed

a _______ is a substance that releases or takes up hydrogen ions as the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution changes.


As the pH of the blood starts to increase, _____ breaks down to release more H+ into solution.

carbonic acid

Examples of ______ include the breakdown of glucose by cells to provide energy, the bonding of oxygen to hemoglobin, and the digestion of your meal by your gastrointestinal tract.


when atoms of different elements chemically unite to form molecules, they form molecules of a


The presence of water in our bodies allows us to

cool the body with sweat. maintain a fairly constant body temperature. provide an environment for chemical reactions. keep tissues moist and reduce friction. (All of these choices are correct.)

the sharing of electrons between two atoms occurs with _____ bonds


Acids produced by metabolism cause a(n) _____ in pH of blood.


The addition of an acid to a solution will cause the pH to:


Sugar molecules in the nucleotides of DNA are a type of pentose (five-carbon) sugar called _____.


Two monosaccharides can be joined covalently to form a(n):


the octet rule refers to the tenancy of electrons to lose gain, or share electrons to obtain ________ electrons in the outer shell.


A basic (or alkaline) solution will have a pH value of:

greater than 7.0

sodium chloride is an example of a _______ molecule because, as the figure illustrates, it is soluble in water.


molecules that are ________ are insoluble in water.


Since bases remove H+ from solution, their addition to a solution causes the pH to:


lipids are ________ in water


an atom with sic electrons in its outer shell will be _____ stable than an atom with eight electrons in its outer shell


An acidic pH is:

less than 7.0

Which pair of elements shows similarities in the pattern of chemical bonding?

lithium and sodium

A cation is formed when an atom _____ an electron or electrons.


Anything that has weight and takes up space is defined as ____________ , which is composed of many different types of elements.


anything that has weight and takes up space is defined as


a noble gas is ______ stable than the "common" elements in the rest of the periodic table.


Anions have a _______ charge.


Dilating blood vessels in the skin in an effort to radiate heat away from the body, is a form of:

negative feedback

molecules that are _____ share electrons equally


Lipids function as stored


An example of an amphipathic molecule is a _________ molecule.


Therefore, to understand ________, you must understand chemistry


The _______ region of an amphipathic molecule is attracted to water.


water molecules are _______ because the hydrogen atoms are positively charged on one end and the oxygen atoms are negatively charged on one end.


Amphipathic molecules contain _______________ components.

polar and nonpolar

You just ate a baked potato. What type of organic molecule makes up a potato?


Cations have a _______ charge.


The reason water behaves in this manner is because the _______ charge on the hydrogen end of the water molecule is attracted to the _______ charge of a polar molecule, while the negative charge of the oxygen end of the water molecule is attracted to the positive side of a polar molecule.

positive, negative

all atoms of the same element have the same number of subatomic particles, ______, also known as the atomic number. neutrons have a _____ charge and when combined with protons, determine the atomic mass.

protons, neutral

a buffer can only minimize changes in H+ levels over a portion of the pH scale, called. the buffering _______ of the buffer.


You need an understanding of basic chemistry because the functioning of the body is due to chemical changes (chemical _______) occurring within the cells


If you are cold, and your body alters the circulation near the skin in order to conserve heat, what characteristic of life is this representing? Metabolism


An acid is a compound that:

releases H+ into solution

Atoms on the ______ side of the periodic table tend to become anions in order to satisfy the octet rule.


Thermoreceptors detect body temperature and send impulses to the brain for analysis. If body temperature is low, the brain will signal skeletal muscles to perform brief, repeated contractions to help generate heat. In this example, what is the effector?

skeletal muscles

As a result of the electron configuration of a water molecule, water is a great _______ because water can break up and surround a _______, as long as it is not ______, dissolving it into solution.

solvent, solute, nonpolar

the guy ice fishing

stimulus- body temprature drops below normal receptors- detection of cold -temprature information sent to brain -control center- body temp set to normal -response sent out -effectors- heat generation and conservation begins -homeostasis- temp returns to normal

components of a homeostatic control mechanism

stimulus- changes in a variable that is regulated receptor- structure that detects the stimulus control center- integrates input and integrates changes through effector effector- structure that brings about a change to the stimulus -homeostasis restored

Covalent bond

strong chemical bod due to the sharing of electrons bonds between hydrogen and oxygen atoms within a water molecule

Which of the following is an organic compound?

sucrose (C12H22O11)

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