A&P Test3

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the nerve contained both sensory and motor neurons

Carpal tunnel results in damage to one medial nerve that resultless in lack of control to the wrist and also numbness. This indicates that

reverberating (oscillating) circuits

Characterized by feedback by axon collaterals to previous points in the pathway, resulting in ongoing stimulation of the pathway.

converging circuits

Characterized by reception of input from many sources, and a funneling to a given circuit, resulting in strong stimulation or inhibition.

b. nondecremental

At the distal end of a nerve fiber, action potentials have the same voltage as they had at the beginning. That is to say they are a. saltatory b. nondecremental c. refractory d. irreversible e. self-propagating


At the distal end of a nerve fiber, action potentials have the same voltage as they had at the beginning. That is to say, they are

in the retina of the eye

Bipolar neurons are commonly found


Blood capillaries of the brain are enveloped by

resting membrane potential

Degree of difference in electrical charge inside and outside a neuron.


Dendrites do not release neurotransmitters


Fibrous sheath inclosing a nerve.

oran of corti

In the inner ear, the transducer that converts vibrations caused by sound to nerve impulses is the ___.

Long and myelinated and the postganglionic neuron is short and nonmyelinated

In the parasympathetic division, the preganglionic neuron is

contract and the antagonist muscle, the hamstrings, to relax

In the patellar tendon reflex arc, the patellar ligament is stretched, which stretches the quadriceps femoris muscle. This reflex will cause the quadricepts femoris to

nodes of ranvier

In the peripheral nervous system, myelin sheaths have gaps called _____ about 1mm apart

stimulate the intrafusal fibers to contract

In the skeletal muscle, the flower-spray endings' function is to

Short and myelinated and the postganglionic neuron is long and nonmyelinated

In the sympathetic division, the preganglionic neuron is

relatively refractory period

In this period, an exceptionally strong stimulus can trigger a response.


In this period, potassium ions diffuse out of the neuron due to a change in membrane permeability.


In this period, the interior of the cell becomes less negative due to an influx of sodium ions.

from air to the cornea

In vision, most light refraction occurs at the interface where light passes ___.

Degradation by enzymes from the postsynaptic cell or within the synaptic cleft; reuptake by astrocytes or the presynaptic cell; or diffusion away from the synapse.

In what three ways are neurotransmitter effects terminated?


Increases acid secretion in the stomach; blocked by cimetidine.

cerebral cortex

Location of the conscious mind, allowing us to communicate, remember, and understand.

d. substance p

Long term memories occur when there are more of these receptors a. NMDA b. dopamine c. acetylcholine d. substance p e. nicotine


T/F: Strong stimuli cause the amplitude of action potentials generated to increase.


T/F: The all-or-none phenomenon is applied to nerve conduction states that the whole nerve cell must be stimulated for conduction to take place.


T/F: The nodes of Ranvier are found only on myelinated, peripheral neuron processes.


T/F: The oligodendrocytes can myelinate several axons.


T/F: Unipolar neurons have axons structurally divided into peripheral and central processes.

a. olfactory nerve

The ___ is a purely sensory nerve a. olfactory nerve b. trigeminal nerve c. facial nerve d. vestibulocochlear nerve e. glossopharyngeal nerve

olfactory nerve

The ___ is a purely sensory nerve.


The ___ is attached to the medial side of the tympanic membrane.


The ___ nervous system carries brain and spinal cord signals to other organs

b. peripheral

The ___ nervous system carries brain and spinal cord signals to other organs a. autonomic b. peripheral c. central d. craniospinal e. efferent


The ___ of the brain are continuous with one another, and with the central canal of the spinal cord.

Internal capsule

The ________ contains projection fibers that connect the cerebrum to other parts of the brain.


The connective tissue wrap around an axon and its Schwann cell sheath is the


The connective tissue wrap that surrounds many axons to form a fascicle is the


The connective tissue wrap the surrounds many fascicles to form a nerve is the

both pupils retract even if only one eye is stimulated

The consensual light reflex refers to the fact that ___.

sensory transduction

The conversion of a sensation like touch or heat to a pattern of action potentials is called ___.


The corneal reflex is mediated by the

commuissural fibers

The corpus callosum is composed of

c. commissural fibers

The corpus callosum is composed of a. long association fibers b. short association fibers c. commissural fibers d. projection fibers e. ascending fibers


The flow of electrical charge from point to point.

e. all of them

The following nerves arise from the brachial plexus and carry motor signals to muscles of the upper limb. Which of them carry sensory signals back to the CNS a. the axillary nerve b. the radial nerve c. the ulnar nerve d. the median nerve e. all of them

hold the lens of the eye in place

The function of the suspensory ligament is to ___.


The gap between one neuron and the next


The glial cell that contribute to the blood-brain barrier in the CNS are

Three horns

The gray matter of each halve of the spinal cord is divided into

Purkinje cells

The gray matter of the cerebellum contains 100 billion neurons. The most distinctive neuron, which is large and multipolar and receives input from more than 100,000 synapses, is called the

medulla oblongata

The gustatory nucleus, which receives taste signals from the tongue, is in the ___.

d. speech

The hypothalamus plays a role in controlling all of the following except a. sex drive b. hunger c. sleepiness d. speech e. blood pressure

D, speech

The hypothalamus plays a role in controlling all of the following except: A. sex drive, B. hunger, C. sleepiness, D. speech, E. blood pressure.

pia matter; terminal filum

The innermost meninx around the spinal cord is called the ___ and extends beyond the medullary cone as a ___.

pia mater; terminal filum

The innermost menix around the spinal cord is called the ___ and extends beyond the medullary cone as the ___.

tectorial membrane

The sensory cells of hearing are stimulated by the ___ resting on their stereocilia.


The sheath of Schwann.


To describe a reflex arc as ___ means that its receptors and effectors are on the same side of the body

tactile (Merkel) discs; Ruffini corpuscles

Tonic receptors for light touch, textures, edges, and shapes are ___, and tonic receptors for heavy touch, pressure, stretching of the skin and joint movements are ___.


We sense rotary movements of the hand when the endolymph pushes on a gelatinous cap called the __ in a semicircular duct.


What are bundles of nerve fibers traveling up or down the white matter of the spinal cord?

ependymal cells

What are ciliated CNS neuroglia that play an active role in moving the cerebrospinal fluid?

neuroglia (glial cells)

What are closely associated with neurons, providing a protective and supportive network?

the movement of ions across cellular membranes

What are electrical currents due to in the body?


What are sleep patterns regulated by?

sensory (afferent), motor (efferent), interneurons (association neurons)

What are the three functional classes of neurons?

multipolar, bipolar, unipolar

What are the three structural classes of neurons?

channel-linked receptors and g protein-linked receptors

What are two main types of neurotransmitter receptors?

Optic disc

What area of the retina contains the least amount of photoreceptors?

Subarachnoid space

What area of the spinal cord contains cerebrospinal fluid?

voltage-gated channels

What channels open in response to a change in membrane potential?

mechanically gated channels

What channels open when a membrane receptor is physically deformed?

chemically gated (ligand-gated) channels

What channels open when the appropriate chemical binds?

basic pattern of the CNS

What consists of a central cavity surrounded by a gray matter core, external to which is white matter?

Longitudinal fissure

What divides the cerebrum into right and left hemispheres?

whether the effects are excitatory or inhibitory, and whether the effects are direct or indirect

What do functional classifications of neurotransmitters consider?

changes in membrane potential

What do neurons use as communication signals?


What function optimally for a lifetime, are mostly amitotic, and have an exceptionally high metabolic rate requiring oxygen and glucose?

ions diffuse across the membrane, creating electrical currents

What happens when ion channels are open?

the cell

What has many gated ion channels?


What has several chemical classes?

Calcium and sodium

What ion channels are opened to produce an action potential in olfactory neurons?


What ion produces depolarization in the stereocilia of the macula?

cauda equina

What is a bundle of nerve roots within vertebrae L2-S5 which innervate the pelvic organs and legs?

Nerve impulse

What is a change in the difference in positive and negative ions on the outer and inner surfaces of the neuron membrane? A change that opens adjacent channels and propagates its flow?

an automatic, involuntary response

What is a reflex action?

myelin sheath

What is a whitish, fatty, segmented covering that protects, insulates, and increases conduction velocity of axons?

spinal reflexes

What is an example of serial processing?

stimulus intensity

What is coded in the frequency of action potentials?


What is dependent on voltage and resistance?

Cochlear duct

What is found between the vestibular membrane and the basilar membrane of the cochlea?

Cerebrospinal fluid

What is found in the subarachnoid space?

Vitreous humor

What is found in the vitreous chamber of the eye?

resting membrane potential

What is generated by differences in ionic makeup of intracellular and extracellular fluids, and differential membrane permeability to solutes?


What is one of the ways neurons communicate?

neuron cell membrane

What is polarized, being more negatively charged inside than outside?

synaptic delay

What is related to the period of time required for release and binding of neurotransmitters?

the refractory period of an axon

What is related to the period of time required so that a neuron can generate another action potential?

Na+ gates opening; K+ gates opening; Na+ gates closing

What is the correct sequence of voltage-regulated gates opening and closing in an action potential?

carry impulses toward a cell body

What is the function of dendrites?

Killing bacteria

What is the function of lysozyme in the eyes?

Equalizes pressure on tympanic membrane in the middle ear

What is the function of the auditory tube?

Constriction of airways

What is the function of the parasympathetic division?

Stops the sound waves from reflecting back toward the cochlear canal

What is the function of the round window?

Dilate the pupil

What is the function of the sympathetic division?

generates and conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body to the axon terminal

What is the purpose of the single axon of neurons?

destroy ACh a brief period after its release by the axon endings

What is the role of acetylcholinesterase?

ATP-dependent "motor" proteins such as kinesin, dynesin, and myosin.

What mechanism is responsible for axon transport?

Mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve

What nerve is generally used for dental anesthesia of the lower jaw?

an enhanced release of neurotransmitter

What results after synaptic potentiation occurs?

synaptic potentiation

What results when a presynaptic cell is stimulated repeatedly or continuously?

presynaptic inhibition

What results when another neuron inhibits the release of excitatory neurotransmitter from a presynaptic cell?

Cerebral aqueduct

What structure connects the third and fourth ventricles?

Ampulla of the semicircular canals

What structure is associated with dynamic balance?

Reticular activating system

What structure plays a major role in consciousness and sleep-wake cycles?


What structure separates the frontal from the parietal lobe?

Tympanic membrane

What structure separates the outer ear from the middle ear?

Filum terminale and denticulate ligaments

What structures help to anchor the spinal cord within the subarachnoid space?

Limbic system

What system is involved in basic survival functions and emotions?

peripheral nervous system

What system is outside the central nervous system?


What type of brain waves are observed when a person is mentally very active?

Projection fibers

What type of fibers are continuations of the fibers in the spinal cord?

Commissural fibers

What type of fibers connect one hemisphere to the other?

Free nerve endings

What type of general sense receptors are the simplest and most common?

Sensory memory

What type of memory lasts for less than a second while the brain is receiving and evaluating input?


What type of receptors respond to temperature changes?

Somatic general senses

What type of senses are found in the skin, muscles and joints?

REM (rapid eye movement) sleep

What type of sleep allows the brain to analyze events or eliminate meaningless information?

NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep

What type of sleep is considered restorative?


What visual pigment is found combined with opsin in cones?


When a finger or other appendage is severed in an accident, it is possible to surgically rejoin most tissues (bone, skin, etc.) and most will grow back together. However, in a cut through an appendage nerve, it is currently more difficult to reconnect what are primarily severed

Voltage-regulated Na+ gates open

When a neuron is depolarized to threshold,


When a pregnant woman takes folic acid she decreases the chance that her baby will have spina bifida

generator potential

When a sensory neuron is excited by some form of energy, the resulting graded potential is called a(n) ___.


When a tip link opens the ion channel on a cochlear stereo-cilium, ___ ions rapidly enter and depolarize the hair cell.

D. Control of the autonomic nervous system

Which of the following is NOT a function of the thalamus? A. Regulation of skeletal muscles / B. Limbic system and emotions / C. Perception of pain / D. Control of the autonomic nervous system

B. Phrenic

Which of the following is NOT a main nerve of the brachial plexus? A. Median, B. Phrenic, C. Musculocutaneous, D. Ulnar, E. Radial

c. they are mitotic

Which of the following is NOT a special characteristic of neurons? A. they conduct impulses B. they have extreme longevity C. they are mitotic D. they have an exceptionally high metabolic rate

C. Increased secretions in the digestive tract

Which of the following is NOT a typical "flight or fight" response by the sympathetic division of the ANS? A. Vasoconstriction of abdominal blood vessels / B. Dilation of air passageways / C. Increased secretions in the digestive tract / D. Increased fat break down for energy

B. Cochlea

Which of the following is NOT an auditory ossicle? A. Incus, B. Cochlea, C. Stapes, D. Malleus

A. Thalamus

Which of the following is NOT part of the brainstem? A. Thalamus / B. Pons / C. Medulla oblongata / D. Midbrain

b. a nerve impulse occurs if the excitatory in inhibitory effects are equal

Which of the following is false or incorrect? a. an excitatory postsynaptic potential occurs if the excitatory effect is greater than the inhibitory effect but less than threshold. b. a nerve impulse occurs if the excitatory in inhibitory effects are equal. c. an inhibitory postsynaptic potential occurs if the inhibitory effect is greater than the excitatory, causing hyper polarization of the membrane.

E. cholinesterase

Which of the following is not a neurotransmitter? A. GABA B. norepinephrine C. acetylcholine D. dopamine E. cholinesterase

c. they increase amplitude as they move away from the stimulus point

Which of the following is not true of graded potentials? a. they are short-lived b. they can form on receptor endings c. they increase amplitude as they move away from the stimulus point d. they can be called postsynaptic potentials

D. 5 roots, 3 trunks, 6 divisions, 3 cords, 5 nerves

Which of the following is the correct sequence of branching of the brachial plexus? A. 5 roots, 5 nerves, 3 trunks, 6 divisions, 3 cords / B. 5 nerves, 3 cords, 6 divisions, 3 trunks, 5 roots / C. 6 divisions, 5 roots, 5 nerves, 3 cords, 3 trunks / D. 5 roots, 3 trunks, 6 divisions, 3 cords, 5 nerves


Which of the following nerve endings are not found in the skin? proproiceptors, Ruffini's corpuscles, tactile corpuscles, pacinian corpuscles, hair receptors

C. Action potentials cannot be triggered again until the hyperpolarized membrane returns to resting potential.

Which of the following statements is not true about an action potential? A. action potentials follow an all-or-none law. B. Action potentials are non-decremental; they do not get weaker with distance. C. Action potential cannot be triggered again until the hyper-polarized membrane returns to resting potential. D. Action potential are irreversible; once the neuron reaches threshold the action potential goes to completion. E. Action potentials cannot be generated unless a cell reaches threshold.

Arrector pili muscle

Which organs receive sympathetic innervation, but NOT parasympathetic?


Which photoreceptors are responsible for low-light and noncolor vision?

C. Lumbar plexus - T10 to L5

Which plexus is NOT correctly matched to its spinal nerve makeup? A. Cervical plexus - C1 to C4, B. Brachial plexus - C5 to T1, C. Lumbar plexus - T10 to L5, D. Sacral plexus - L4 to S4, E. Coccygeal plexus - S5 to Co

bipolar neurons

Which structural class of neuron have a single axon and dendrite?

unipolar neurons

Which structural class of neuron have a single process extending from the cell body that is associated with receptors at the distal end?

pyramidal cells in Wernicke's area

Your comprehension of these written words involves activity of ___.

side-to-side stability

Your spinal cord was unable to form any denticulate ligaments. Your spinal cord would most likely lose


___ are found in the CNS and and bind axons and blood vessels to each other.

multiple sclerosis

___ is a disease that gradually destroys the myelin sheaths of neurons in the CNS, particularly in young adults.


a pressure disturbance produced by a vibrating object and propagated by the molecules of the medium


causes changes in neuronal RNA, dendritic branching, deposition of unique proteins at LTM synapses, increase of presynaptic terminals, increase of neurotransmitter, and development of new neurons in the hippocampus.

basal nuclei

consist of a group of subcortical nuclei, which play a role in motor control and regulating attention and cognition.

preganglionic axons

extend from the CNS nearly all the way to the structures to be innervated, where they synapse with ganglionic neurons in the terminal ganglia

spiral, snail-shaped cochlea

extends from the anterior part of the vestibule and contains the cochlear duct

reticular formation

extends through the brain stem, keeping the cortex alert via the reticular activating system, and dampening familiar, repetitive, or weak sensory inputs.

posterior segment (cavity)

filled with a clear gel called vitreous humor that transmits light, supports the posterior surface of the lens, holds the retina firmly against the pigmented layer, and contributes to intraocular pressure

anterior segment (cavity)

filled with aqueous humor that supplies nutrients and oxygen to the lens and cornea while carrying away wastes

cerebellar processing

follows a functional scheme in which the frontal cortex communicates the intent to initiate voluntary movement to the cerebellum

dissolved in saliva, move into the taste pore, and contact a gustatory hair

for a chemical to be tasted it must be

terminals of the somatic motor fibers that innervate voluntary muscles

form elaborate neuromuscular junctions with their effector cells and they release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine

crista ampullaris

found in the ampulla of the semicircular canals and activated by head movement

afferent fibers carrying taste information from the tongue

found primarily in the facial nerve and glossopharyngeal cranial nerves

unencapsulated dendritic endings

free, or naked, nerve endings, and detect temperature, pain, itch, or light touch


unlearned, rapid, predictable motor responses to a stimulus, and occur over highly specific neural pathways


which sensory function involves neurons in the dorsal root ganglia?

eyelids (palpebrae), eyelashes, and their associated glands

help to protect the eye from physical danger as well as from drying out


highly sensitive and are best suited to night vision

vestibulocochlear nerves (cranial nerve VIII)

nerves that are responsible for hearing and balance

optic nerves (cranial nerve II)

nerves that are responsible for vision

vagus nerves (cranial nerve x)

nerves that control several visceral organs

glossopharyngeal nerves (cranial nerve IX)

nerves that control the tongue and pharynx

olfactory nerves (cranial nerve I)

nerves that detect odors

accessory nerves (cranial nerve XI)

nerves that have a relationship with the vagus nerves

hypoglossal nerves (cranial nerve XIII)

nerves that innervate muscles of the tongue

receptor level

processing at this level involves a stimulus that must excite a receptor in order for sensation to occur

perceptual level

processing at this level involves interpretation of sensory input in the cerebral cortex

circuit level

processing at this level is involved with delivery of impulses to the appropriate region of the cerebral cortex for stimulus localization and perception


produces a lubricating mucus that prevents the eye from drying out

perception of pain

protects the body from damage, and is stimulated by extremes of pressure and temperature, as well as chemicals released from damaged tissues


prozac (fluoxetine) is an antidepressant that blocks the synaptic reuptake of

above level c5

quadriplegia (or paralysis of all 4 limbs) results from lesions on what part of the spine?

posterior association area

receives input from all sensory areas, integrating signals into a single thought.

crista ampullaris

receptor for dynamic equilibrium

simple or complex

receptor may be classified according to structural complexity and may be

mechanoreceptors, thermoreceptors, photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, nociceptors

receptors may be classified according to their location or location of stimulus, and include

outer pigmented layer

region of the retina that absorbs light

inner neural layer

region of the retina that contains millions of photoreceptors (rods, cones) that transduce light energy

thoracic splanchnic nerves; adrenal cortex

some fibers of the ___________ terminate by synapsing with the hormone-producing medullary cells of the _________.

hinton's law

states that any nerve serving a muscle that produces movement at a joint also innervates the joint and the skin over the joint


strongly influenced by smell and stimulation of thermoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and nociceptors.

sympathetic division

supplies the visceral organs in the internal body cavities but also all visceral structures in the somatic part of the body


collections of neuron cell bodies associated with nerves in the PNS


comprised of the cerebral peduncles, corpora quadrigemina, and substantia nigra


Pulling the arm back from a hot pan is an example of a ______ reflex.

declarative memory

entails learning explicit information, is often stored with the learning context, and is related to the ability to manipulate symbols and language.

nondeclarative memory

entails motor skills, is often stored without details of the learning context, and is reinforced through performance.

preganglionic fibers from t5 down

enter and leave the sympathetic chains without synapsing

pigment breakdown

exposure of the photoreceptors to light causes


Sensory signals from the inner ear travel by way of the vestibuloccochlear nerve


The ___ helps coordinate and smooth skeletal movements.

d. cerebellum

The ___ helps to coordinate and smooth skeletal movements a. thalamus b. forebrain c.pons d. cerebellum e. limbic system

Foramen magnum

The spinal cord begins at the level of the

d. pelvic

The spinal cord id divided into all of the following regions except a. cervical b. thoracic c. lumbar d. pelvic e. sacral

Ipsilateral cerebellum

The spinocerebellar tracts carry unconscious proprioception to the

gamma motor neurons

The tension in a muscle spindle is maintain by

inferior to the corpus callosum

The third ventricle of the brain is ___.

olfactory cells

These cells are the only neurons in the body exposed to external environment, and unlike most neurons, they are replaceable.

electrical synapses

These have neurons that are electrically coupled via protein channels and allow direct exchange of ions from cell to cell.

action potentials

What are all-or-none phenomena?


What occurs when a neurotransmitter acts via slow changes in target cell metabolism, or when chemicals other than neurotransmitter modify neuronal activity?

a single type of channel will open, permitting simultaneous flow of sodium and potassium

What occurs when an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is being generated on the dendritic membrane?

motor neuron

What part of a simple reflex takes the message away from the CNS?


What part of the diencephalon is involved with emotional and visceral responses to odors?

Mammillary bodies

What part of the hypothalamus are involved in emotional responses to odors, olfactory reflexes and memory?

Choroid plexuses

What produces cerebrospinal fluid?

Lacrimal apparatus

What structure produces tears?

B. sensory neuron-delivers signals to control sensory organs such as eye movement

Which is NOT a correct association of structure and function? A. axons-outgoing signals B. sensory neuron-delivers signals to control sensory organs such as eye movement C. cell body-nucleus and organelles D. interneuron- sums up input before sending signals to muscle or gland


Which is most concerned with motor coordination and equilibrium?

occipital lobe

Which lobe of the cerebrum is most concerned with vision?


Which nerve fibers innervate the skin and skeletal muscles?

autonomic nervous system

Which nervous system is an involuntary system?

e. vestibulocochlear

Which of the following cranial nerves carries equilibrium messages a. facial b. abducens c. trigeminal d. glossopharyngeal e. vestibulocochlear

B. Hypoglossal nerve

Which of the following cranial nerves does NOT carry taste impulses to the brain? A. Facial nerve / B. Hypoglossal nerve / C. Glossopharyngeal nerve / D. Vagus nerve

A. Vestibulospinal

Which of the following descending tracts is NOT a direct pathway to muscles for conscious, skilled movements? A. Vestibulospinal / B. Anterior corticospinal / C. Corticobulbar / D. Lateral corticospinal

D. CNS - always excitatory; ANS - always inhibitory

Which of the following differences between the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system is incorrect? A. CNS - one neuron to effector; ANS - two neurons to effector / B. CNS - innervates skeletal muscle; ANS - innervates smooth and cardiac muscles and glands / C. CNS - axons myelinated; ANS - preganglionic axons myelinated, postganglionic axons unmyelinated / D. CNS - always excitatory; ANS - always inhibitory

c. gland

Which of the following is an effector a. afferent neuron b. efferent neuron' c. gland d. sense organ e. interneuron

e. the cerebellum

Which of the following is most concerned with motor coordination and equilibrium a. the precentral gyrus b. the postcentral gyrus c.the pons d. the hypothalamus e. the cerebellum


contain a light-absorbing molecule called retinal

taste sensation

each has its own special mechanism for transduction

dorsal root and a ventral root

each spinal nerve connects to the spinal cord by a

tympanic membrane

airborne sound entering the external acoustic meatus strikes the _____ ____ and sets it vibrating.

olfactory cortex

allows detection of odors

gustatory cortex

allows perception of taste stimuli

primary somatosensory cortex

allows spatial discrimination and the ability to detect the location of stimulation.

short-term (working) memory

allows the memorization of a few units of information for a short period of time.

parasympathetic division

keeps body energy use as low as possible while directing digestion and elimination activities

taste disorders

less common but may be caused by respiratory tract infections, head injuries, chemicals, medications, or head and neck radiation.


less sensitive to light and are best adapted to bright light and color vision


lie distal to and are lateral branches of the spinal nerves that carry both motor and sensory fibers

taste buds

located in the oral cavity, with the majority located on the tongue


nervous signals pass from neuron to neuron over junctions called


neurotransmitter released by the somatic motor neurons

cerebrovscular accidents (CVAs) or strokes

occur when blood supply to the brain is blocked, resulting in tissue death

transduction of sound stimuli

occurs after the trapped stereo cilia of the hair cells are deflected by localized movements of the basilar membrane

refraction of a light ray

occurs when it meets the surface of a different medium at an oblique angle rather than a right angle

hyperopia (farsightedness)

occurs when objects are focused behind the retina and results in seeing distant objects clearly but close objects are blurred

myopia (nearsightedness)

occurs when objects focus in front of the retina and results in seeing close objects without a problem but distant problems are blurred

visual processing

occurs when the action of light on photoreceptors hyper polarizes them, which causes the bipolar neurons from both rods and cones to ultimately send signals to their ganglion cells

dark adaptation

occurs when we go from a well-lit area into a dark one

light adaptation

occurs when we move from darkness into bright light


olfactory disorders resulting from head injuries that tear the olfactory nerves, nasal cavity inflammation, or aging.


only here are the ventral rami arranged in a simple segmental pattern corresponding to that of the dorsal rami

brain waves

patterns of electrical activity


plays a key role in mediating sensation, motor activities, cortical arousal, learning, and memory

sacral and lumbar plexuses

plexuses that overlap

sympathetic division

prepares the body to respond to an energy or threatening situation (or vigorous exercise)

resonance of the basilar membrane

processes sound signals mechanically before they ever reach the receptors


short, coarse hairs overlying the supraorbital margins of the eye that shade the eyes and keep perspiration out

brachial plexus

situated partly in the neck and partly in the axilla and gives rise to virtually all the nerves that innervate the upper limb

sensory receptors

specialized to respond to changes in their environment called stimuli

Alpha or beta receptors

Adrenergic receptors on effectors are called


Afferent fibers carry message to the muscles


Almost all sensory signals pass through the ___ on the way to the cerebellum.

b. thalamus

Almost all sensory signals pass through the ___ on the way to the cerebrum a. corpora quadrigemina b. thalamus c. hypothalamus d. corpus callosum e. corticospinal tracts


Around which vertebra does the spinal cord end?

Blood pressure, Heart rate, Digestion

Autonomic reflexes are used by the body to help regulate

Diverging circuits

Because of ___, one motor neuron of the brain can ultimately cause thousands of muscle fibers to contract.


Because of the absence of ___, damaged nerve fibers in the CNS cannot regenerate.


Cell processes that are the receptive regions of the cell.

E, to help cool the brain

Cerebrospinal fluid serves all of the following functions except A. to support the weight of the brain, B. to cushion the brain from blows, C. to remove metabolic wastes from the central nervous system, D. to provide a stable chemical environmental for the nervous tissue, E. to help cool the brain.

depolarizations; hyperpolarizations

Changes in membrane potential relative to resting membrane potential can either be ___ or ___.

divirging (amplifying) circuits

Characterized by an incoming fiber that trigger responses in ever-increasing numbers of fibers along the circuit.

Muscarinic receptors

Cholinergic receptors on ANS effectors are called


Collections of nerve cell bodies outside the central nervous system.

a. has more local specific effects

Compared to the endocrine system the nervous system usually a. has more local specific effects b. reacts more slowly to a stimulus c. does not employ chemical messengers d. continues to respond long after the stimulus ceases e secretes chemical messengers into the bloodstream


Coordinators of simple, repeated actions.

recognize and name familiar objects

Damage to the temporal lobe would most likely cause the individual to be unable to

critical minimum (threshold) depolarization

Defined by the amount of influx of Na+ that at least equals the amount of efflux of K+.

intrafusal fibers

In skeletal muscle the stretch receptors are the

temporal and spatial summation

In what two ways is summation by the postsynaptic neuron accomplished?

the interior is negatively charged and contains less sodium

In what way does the interior surface of a cell membrane of a resting (nonconducting) neuron differ from the external environment?

a.temporal summation

In____ several EPSP's occurring in quick succession depolarize a neuron to threshold a.temporal summation b. spatial summation c. synaptic potentiation d. a reverberating circuit e. recruitment

c. neural integration

In____the additive effects of EPSP's and IPSP's determine whether a neuron fires. a. synaptic potentiation b. facilitation c. neural integration d. neural coding e. neuromodulation

j (muscle spindle)

Location of intrafusal fibers

receptor potentials

Meissner's, or tactile, corpuscle in your fingers respond to the texture by causing graded voltage changes across their plasma membranes. These voltages are called ___.

olfactory cells

Mitral cells synapse with

thalamus; cerebellum

Most somesthetic signals (touch, pain, heat, cold, pressure, movement, and stretch) below the head are carried by way of 3 neurons called the first-, second-, and third-order neurons. Generally, second-order neurons end in the ___; proprioceptive signals are an exception with their second-order neurons ending in the ___.

fast anterograde transport

Movement of mitochondria, synaptic vesicles, calcium ions, glucose, and amino acids from the soma down the axon is called

help form the blood-brain barrier

One role of the astrocytes is to


"Feel-good" neurotransmitter.

the action potential jumps from node to node

"Saltatory" conduction occurs when

one axon and one dendrite arising from the soma

A bipolar neuron has


A neurotransmitter whose function depends on a second messenger

Parasympathetic reduction of heart rate and sympathetic dilation of blood vessels

A sudden increase in blood pressure detected by baroreceptors in the walls of large arteries near the heart will cause

special senses

All receptors for ___ are confined to the head and are innervated by cranial nerves.

myelin sheath

An action potential carried in one nerve fiber cannot stimulate adjacent never fibers carried in the same nerve because of the

longitudinal fissure

Cerebral hemispheres are separated along the midline by the

transverse cerebral fissure

Cerebral hemispheres are separated from the cerebellum along the

d (central pattern generators)

Coordinators of simple repeated action

relative refractory period

During its ___, a neuron responds only to stimuli stronger than a normal threshold stimulus

Na+ is entering the neuron

During the rising phase of an action potential

the impulse would spread bidirectionally

If a motor neuron in the body were stimulated by an electrode placed about midpoint along the length of an axon...

the stimulus was stronger

If a nerve fiber is firing 300 times per second at time A and 500 times per second at time B, it probably means that at time B


If a neuron becomes hyperpolarized it is less likely to fire


In a ___ neuronal circuit, input to one neuron leads to output from multiple neurons.

absolute refractory period

In this period, the neuron cannot respond to a stimulus no matter how strong.


Lined with ependymal cells, and are filled with cerebrospinal fluid.


Purkinje cells are giant multipolar neurons of the ___.

Spatial summation

Stimulation of a postsynaptic neuron by many terminals at the same time.


T/F: Enkephalins and endorphins are peptides that act like morphine.

lacrimal glands

Tears are produced by the ___.

rough endoplasmic reticulum

The Nissl bodies of a neuron consist of

oval window

The footplate of the stapes covers an opening called the ___.

Anterior thigh and leg

The major nerves from the lumbar plexus serve the

subarachnoid space

The majority of cerebrospinal fluid in the spinal cord is found here.

cerebellum; coordinate skeleltal muscles. *

The second-largest region of the brain is the ___, whose function is to

c. the thoracic region

The ventral rami of the spinal nerves form nerve plexuses in all regions except a. the cervical region b. the brachial region c. the thoracic region d. the lumbar region e. the sacral region

motor; sensory

The ventral root carries ___ neurons, while the dorsal roots carries ___ neurons.

afferent fibers

These nerve fibers conduct sensory signals to the central nervous system.

basal nuclei

Unwanted muscle contractions are inhibited by

e. cell walls

Which of the following does not pertain to neurons? A. sodium pumps B. Schwann cells C. myelin D. nodes of Ranvier E. cell walls

trichromatic vision

Which of the following is not characteristic of rod vision?

a. tectospinal

You hear a loud noise and instinctively react to it. What motor tract carried the signals? a. tectospinal b. lateral corticospinal c. ventral corticospinal d. spinothalamic e. spinocerebellar

phasic receptors

You walk into a restaurant and smelled barbecued ribs. Within a few seconds, however, you are no longer aware of the smell. Your olfactory receptors are ___.


You were driving erratically and a police officer pulled you over. The officer requested that you get out of the car and perform two activities. The first was to walk a straight line, and the second was to close your eyes and touch your nose with your index finger. The officer was checking on the ability of your ___ to coordinate these activities.

used synaptic vesicles and unused chemicals from the synaptic knobs up the axon to the soma

You were unable to produce the motor protein called dynein. Your neurons would be unable to transport

primary visual cortex and visual association area

allow reception and interpretation of visual stimuli.

olfactory receptors

bipolar neurons with a thin apical dendrite that terminates in a knob with several olfactory cilia

normal brain functions

can be recorded with an electroencephalogram, or EEG

lumbar plexuses

contribute to the sacral plexus via the lumbosacral trunk

anterior and posterior lobes

coordinate body movements

uncinate fits

olfactory hallucinations


sensory receptors for static equilibrium

peripheral motor endings

the PNS element that activates effectors by releasing neurotransmitters.

reflex arcs

the highly specific neural pathways of reflexes


the inner layer of the eye

choroid, ciliary body, iris

three regions of the vascular tunic


what percent of our body's sensory receptors are found in the eye


A catecholamine


A measure of the amount of difference in electrical charge between two points.

broca's area

A motor speech area that controls muscles involved in speech production.

the long fibers of long axons

A nerve is composed of

choroid plexus; ependymal cells

A network of capillaries in the brain that produces cerebrospinal fluid is called the ___ and is surrounded

the threshold potential

A neuron fires only when its membrane reaches

association neuron

A neuron that has as its primary function the job of connecting other neurons.

resting potential

A neurotransmitter, such as Glycine, attaches to a ligand receptor and causes hyperpolarization. This neurotranmitter would most likely cause a(n)

c.withdrawal reflex

A nurse pricks your finger to type your blood. You flinch at the pain, pulling your hand back. This is called the a. pain reflex b. stretch reflex c.withdrawal reflex d.tendon reflex e. crossed extensor reflex

the membrane potential has been reestablished

A second nerve impulse cannot be generated until ___.

+35 mV

A typical neuron will have a membrane voltage of about __ at the time when sodium gates close and potassium ions begin rapidly leaving the cell.


A/an __ is a region of the skin that provides sensory input to a particular spinal nerve

Inhibitory or excitatory

Acetylcholine binding to muscarinic receptors has a/an ______ effect, depending on the effector.


All sensory impulses except for smell are relayed through the

dorsal horn

All somatic sensory fibers from the neck down enter this region of gray matter of the spinal cord.

primary motor cortex

Allows conscious control of skilled voluntary movement of skeletal muscles.


An individual is experiencing a high fever, stiff neck, drowsiness, and intense headache. A spinal tap showed bacteria and white blood cells in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The individual most likely has


An individual peripheral nerve axon is covered by Schwann cells which produce a (an)

Subthreshold stimulus

An insufficient stimulus.

Threshold stimulus

Any stimulus below this intensity will result in no response in a neuron.

trigger zone

Area where nerve impulse is generated.

secretory zone

Axon terminals release neurotransmitters.

fourth week

By which week of pregnancy does the neural groove fuse, giving rise to the neural tube, which rapid idly differentiates into the CNS?

graded potentials

Can either be depolarizations or hyperpolarizations, and are critical to the generation of action potentials.


Centers for hunger, thirst and thermoregulation are found in a part of the brain called the ___

archnoid villi

Cerebrospinal fluid is absorbed by these cauliflower like structures

lateral and medial apertures

Cerebrospinal fluid leaves the fourth ventricle of the brain by way of the ___.

c. the arachnoid villi

Cerebrospinal fluid returns to the bloodstream by way of a. the central canal of the spinal cord b. the choroid plexuses of the brain c. the arachnoid villi d. the cauda equine e. the pia mater

arachnoid villi

Cerebrospinal fluid returns to the bloodstream by way of the

Nicotinic receptors

Cholinergic receptors on skeletal muscles and postganglionic neurons in the ANS are called

converging circuits

Circuits common in sensory and motor pathways.

divirging (amplifying) circuits

Circuits common in sensory and motor pathways.

has more local, specific effects

Compared to the endocrine system, the nervous system usually


Contains fiber tracts that complete conduction pathways between the brain and spinal cord.


Contralateral tracts are those that do not decussate

frontal eye field

Controls eye movement

the extrinsic muscles

Convergence of the eyes when focusing on a nearby object is achieved by means of

neural coding

Conversion of information to a meaningful pattern of action potentials

crossed extensor

During a withdrawal reflex of the leg, a ___ reflex also occurs to prevent a person from falling over.

three weeks

During which week of gestation does the endoderm form the neural plate*? *which invaginates, forming the neural groove, flanked on either side by neural folds.

help to circulate the cerebrospinal fluid

Ependymal cells ___.

c. the thalamus

Fibers of the optic nerve terminate mainly in a. the frontal lobes b.the occipiital lobes c.. the thalamus d. the midbrain e. the optic chiasma

l (perineurium)

Fibrous sheath enclosing a nerve

frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, insular

Five lobes of the brain separated by specific sulci.

wernice's area

Fluent aphasia is associated with the destruction of this area

e (gyri)

Folds and wrinkles of the cerebral surface


Follows depolarization along the membrane.

Prefrontal area

Forethought, motivation and emotional regulation occurs in the

neuronal pools

Functional groups of neurons that integrate incoming information from receptors.

cell bodies of neurons in the PNS

Ganglia consist of

ependymal cells

Glia cells which resemble a cuboidal epithelium without the basement membrane and produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are called

basilar membrane

Hair cells of the cochlea are stimulated as a result of the up-and-down vibrations of the

a (postentral gyrus)

Has an upside-down sensory map of the opposite side of the body

cerebral cortex

Has several motor areas located in the frontal lobes, which control voluntary movement.

from 20 to 20,000 Hz

Humans can hear sounds ranging in frequency from ___ to ___.

Convex lens

Hyperopia can be corrected with


Hyperpolarization of a dendrite by a neurotransmitter

beta waves

If we recorded your electroencephalogram while you took this test, it would show predominantly

c. medulla oblongata

If you feel a vibration or a deep touch, the sensory signals would decussate in which structure a. spinal cord b. pons c. medulla oblongata d. midbrain e. not at all

sodium ions flowing down the fiber under the axolema to the next adjacent node of Ranvier

In a myelinated neuron carrying an action potential, the next node of Ranvier will be stimulated by

meningeal branch

In addition to the dorsal and ventral rami, each spinal nerve gives rise to a

synaptic vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane, and neurotransmitters diffuse across the synaptic cleft

In order for transmission across the synapse to occur

diverging circuit

Involved in activating fibers of a skeletal muscle such as the biceps muscle.

reverberating circuit

Involved in control of rhythmic activities such as breathing.


Is part of the fibrous tunic of the eye


Large nerve fibers conduct signals more slowly than small ones

paired lateral ventricles

Lie deep within each cerebral hemisphere, and are separated by the septum pellucidum.

fourth ventricle

Lies in the hindbrain and communicates with the third ventricle via the cerebral aqueduct.

third ventricle

Lies within the diencephalon, and communicates with the lateral ventricles via two inter ventricular foramina.

they obey all-or-none law

Local potentials differ from action potentials in all of these ways except that

f (ventral roots)

Location of afferent somas


Macrophages of the central nervous system

substance p

Mediates pain.

degrade serotonin after reuptake

Monoamine oxidase


Most lower motor neurons are located in the

ventral horn

Motor neurons of the somatic motor system have their nerve cell bodies, or somas, in the

retrograde transport

Movement of materials up an axon toward the soma


Myelinated nerve fibers conduct signal faster than unmyelinated fibers


Name of a type of nerve that transmits both sensory and motor information.


Natural opiates that inhibit pain; effect mimicked by morphine.

are crucial for the development of neural connections

Nerve cell adhesion molecules (N-CAMs) ____.

Travel faster in large myelinated fibers

Nerve signals

postsynaptic cells

Neurons carrying impulses away from the synapse.

presynaptic cells

Neurons conducting impulses toward the synapse.

all or none

Neurons follow the ____ law. meaning they either fire at maximum voltage or not at all

either excite or inhibit the post synaptic neuron

Neurotransmitters are molecules that cross the synaptic cleft and

Temporal summation

Numerous nerve impulses arriving at a synapse at closely timed intervals exert a cumulative effect.

receptive region

Plasma membrane exhibits chemically gate ion channels.

secretory region

Plasma membrane exhibits voltage-gated Ca2+ channels.


Process in which on presynaptic neuron makes it easier for another on to stimulate a postsynaptic neuron


Processes inputs from several strutters and coordinates skeletal muscle contraction to produce smooth movement.

receptive region

Receives stimuli.

phasic receptors

Receptors that respond intensely to the onset of stimulation but quickly stop responding are called ___.

r (annulospinal endings)

Responds to sustained stretch of a muscle spindle


Restores resting membrane potential.

parallel processing

Results in inputs stimulating many pathways simultaneously, and is vital to higher level mental functioning.

the myelin sheath

Saltatory conduction is made possible by ___.


Schwann cells are functionally similar to ___.


Second-order neurons synapse with neurons in the

d. the synaptic cleft prevents an impulse from being transmitted directly from one neuron to another

Select the correct statement regarding synapses. a. cells with interconnected cytoplasm are chemically coupled b. the release of neurotransmitter molecules gives cells the property of being electrically coupled c. neurotransmitter receptors are located on the axons of cells d. the synaptic cleft prevents an impulse from being transmitted directly from one neuron to another


Sensations of pressure, light touch, and pain will travel up the spinothalamic tract

n (sulci)

Shallow grooves between the folds of the cerebrum

graded potentials

Short-lived, local changes in membrane potentials.

trigeminal nerve

Some strong odors are detected by the ___ instead of the olfactory cells.

o ( choroid plexus)

Source of cerebrospinal fluid


Specialized cells that conduct messages in the form of electrical impulses throughout the body.

chemical synapses

Specialized for release and reception of chemical neurotransmitters.

vertebrae c5 to c6 contains segments of the spinal cord, while vertebrae L3 to L5 do not

Spinal cord injuries commonly result from fractures of vertebrae c5 to c6, but never from fractures of L3 to L5. This is because

both sensory and motor fibers

Spinal nerves contain

Adrenal medulla

Splanchnic nerves that do not synapse in either the chain ganglion nor the collateral ganglion will synapse with specialized neurons in the


Stereo-cilia with tip links are involved in the sense of ___.

axon hillock

Summation occurs in the ___ of a neuron

semicircular ducts

Suppose you were sitting in a rotating chair in a hair salon with your eyes closed, and the chair was rotated. You could sense this by means of your ___.

b (Medulla oblongata)

Swallowing and gag reflexes

Organs in the thoracic cavity

Sympathetic postganglionic nerves that form sympathetic nerves supply

Skeletal muscle B. Smooth muscle and glands in the skin

Sympathetic postganglionic nerves that run with spinal nerves will serve


T/F: A postsynaptic potential is a graded potential that is the result of a neurotransmitter released into the synapse between two neurons.


T/F: A stimulus traveling toward a synapse appears to open calcium ion channels at the presynaptic end, which in turn promotes fusion of synaptic vesicles to the axonal membrane.


T/F: Cell bodies of sensory neurons may be located in ganglia lying outside the central nervous system.


T/F: During depolarization, the inside of the neuron's membrane becomes less negative.


T/F: Efferent nerve fibers may be described as motor nerve fibers.


T/F: If bacteria invaded the CNS tissue, microglia would migrate to the area to engulf and destroy them.


T/F: In myelinated axons the voltage-regulated sodium channels are concentrated at the nodes of Ranvier.


Taste buds are found on all the lingual papillae except the ___ type.


Taste cells produce all of the following sensations except


That part of the nervous system that is voluntary and conducts impulses from the CNS to the skeletal muscles is the ___ nervous system.

a muscle that over-contracts to relax

The Golgi tendon reflex causes

reticular formation

The __ is a chain of nuclei in the brainstem that screen out unimportant stimuli and selectively allow other stimuli to come to one's conscious attention

medulla oblogata

The ___ contains nuclei that control coughing sneezing, swallowing, and vomiting.

e. medulla oblongata

The ___ contains nuclei that control coughing, sneezing, swallowing and vomiting a. thalamus b. hypothalamus c. midbrain d. pons e. medulla oblongata

b. hypothalamus

The ___ contains nuclei that regulate body temperature, food intake, and sexual response a. thalamus b. hypothalamus c. midbrain d. pons e. medulla oblongata


The ___ contains nuclei that regulate body temperature, food intake, and sexual response.


The _______________ neuron runs from the CNS and the autonomic ganglion.

Binocular vision

The ability to perceive depth and judge distance is due to

conditioned reflexes

The ability to recall and perform learned motor skills and habits is called ___.

the gray matter

The cell bodies of the cerebral neurons are located in

Brain stem and lateral gray horns of the sacral area of the spinal cord

The cell bodies of the parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are found in the

Lateral gray horns of T1 through L2 region of the spinal cord

The cell bodies of the sympathetic preganglionic neurons are in the


The cutaneous regions innervated by specific spinal nerves are each called a


The deepest meninx is the pia mater

Sensory and has a ganglion

The dorsal spinal nerve root is


The enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine within the synaptic cleft.

adipose tissue

The epidural space in the spinal column is occupied by

photopic vision has higher resolution than scotopic vision

The fact that cone cells exhibit less neuronal convergence than rod cells do is part of the reason that ___.

the efflux of K+

The falling phase of an action potential results from

calcium ions enter the synaptic knob

The first event that occurs when a nerve signal reaches a synaptic knob is

solitary nucleus in the medulla oblongata

The first-order neurons of taste project to the ___.

Medulla oblongata

The gag reflex is mediated by the

neuron cell body (perikaryon or soma)

The major biosynthetic center containing the usual organelles except for centrioles.

falx cerebri

The meningeal layer of the dura mater folds inward to separate the left and right cerebral hemispheres.


The most abundant cell in the nervous system is the

multipolar; motor neurons and interneurons

The most common structural neuron is the ___ neuron, which includes


The most common visual problem of older persons that requires medical treatment is

fovea centralis

The most finely detailed images are produced by the _____.

C. Somatic motor neurons that connect the CNS to the digestive tract

The nerve plexuses of the enteric nervous system receive contributions from all of the following except A. Enteric neurons of the enteric plexuses / B. ANS neurons that connect the CNS to the digestive tract / C. Somatic motor neurons that connect the CNS to the digestive tract / D. Sensory neurons that connect the digestive tract to the CNS

Cauda equina

The nerves arising from the inferior lumbosacral enlargement form the

the prosencephalon (forebrain), mesencephalon (midbrain), and rhombencephalon (hindbrain)

The neural tube develops constrictions that divide into which three primary brain vesicles?

neural folds

The neural tube is formed by fusion of the

d. nerve signals pass from neuron to neuron over junctions called synapses

The neuron doctrine refers to the fact that a. action potentials are all or none b. neurons do not fire unless they reach threshold c. neurons are organized into functional groups called neuronal pools d. nerve signals pass from neuron to neuron over junctions called synapses e. once4 an action potentials begins it cannot be stopped

ectoderm; mesoderm

The neurons and all glial cells except microglia are derived from ___; the microglia are derived from ____.

central nervous system; form the myelin sheath

The oligodendrocyte is found in the ___ and functions to

optic chiasma

The optic nerve becomes the optic tract when it reaches the


The part of a neuron that conducts impulses away from its cell body.

Visible light

The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be detected by the human eye is

absolute refractory period

The period after an initial stimulus when a neuron is not sensitive to another stimulus.

c. monosynaptic

The quickest reflex arcs involve only two neurons and are thus a. ipsilateral b. contrsalatersal c. monosynaptic d. polysynaptic e. autonomic

lamellated corpuscles

The receptors for deep pressure in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue are ___.

microvilli on the epithelial cells

The receptors for taste are located on the ___.

hair receptors

The receptors most likely to detect an ant crawling on your back are ___.


The rotation of the eyes medially to view a close object is called


The substance released at axon terminals to propagate a nervous impulse.

m ( corpora quadrigemina)

The superior and inferior colliculi

Alongside the vertebral column from cervical through sacral regions

The sympathetic chain ganglion are located

Organs in the abdominal cavity

The sympathetic splanchnic nerves serve

electrical synapse

The synapse more common in embryonic nervous tissue than adults is the ___.


The taste cortex is located in the _____ lobe.


The threshold for this taste is the lowest for any other tastes.


The transmission of pain signals through the spinal cord can be prevented by ___.

e. axon hillock

The trigger zone of a neuron includes a. dendrites b. synaptic knob c. each node of Ranvier d. each internode e. axon hillock

initial segment

The trigger zone of a neuron includes the axon hillock and

longitudinal fissure

The two cerebral hemispheres are separated into right and left hemispheres by a deep groove called the

ventral horn of the spinal cord

The upper motor neurons that control the skeletal muscle are found in the

the ventral horn of the spinal cord

The upper motor neurons that control the skeletal muscles are found in

cerebrospinal fluid

The ventricles of the brain are filled with a fluid called


The visual cortex is located in the _______ lobe.

arbor vitae

The white matter of the cerebellum constitutes its ___.

Arbor vitae

The white matter of the cerebellum is called the

Cerebral medulla

The white matter of the cerebrum is the

ependymal cells and astrocytes

There are two barrier systems to the blood supply of the brain: the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the blood-CSF barrier. Two glial cells that are critical to the formation of these barriers are

alpha motor neurons

These neurons innervate extrafusal fibers.

channel-linked receptors

These receptors mediate direct transmitter action and result in brief, localized changes.

facial (VII) and glossopharyngeal (IX)

Two cranial nerves involved in taste are

alpha, beta, theta, delta

What are 4 types of brain waves?


What type of receptors respond to painful stimuli?

autonomic nervous system

Which nervous system consists of visceral motor nerve fibers that regulate the activity of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands?

B. Midbrain

Which of the following is NOT part of the diencephalon? A. Hypothalamus / B. Midbrain / C. Thalamus / D. Subthalamus

B. Pigment cells

Which of the following is NOT part of the neural layer of the retina? A. Bipolar neurons / B. Pigment cells / C. Photoreceptors / D. Ganglionic neurons

D. It decreases the speed of nerve impulse conduction

Which of the following is NOT true about the myelin sheath? A. It is composed of layers of cellular membrane containing myelin around nerve fibers. B. It gives nerve fibers their white glistening appearance. C. It provides a pathway for new fiber growth if the axon is severed. D. It decreases the speed of nerve impulse conduction E. It is formed from Schwann cells.

b. some ions are prevented from moving down their concentration gradients by ATP-driven pumps

Which of the following is true about the movement of ions across excitable living membranes? a. ions always move actively across membranes through leakage channels b. some ions are prevented from moving down their concentration gradients by ATP-driven pumps c. sodium gates in the membrane can open in response to electrical potential changes d. the bulk of the solutions inside a cell are negatively charged


Which primary odor serves to protect from poisons?

multipolar neurons

Which structural class of neuron has three or more processes?


Within one tract of the spinal cord all nerve fibers have the same function

s (reciprocal inhibition)

Would suppress contraction of the triceps brachii when the biceps brachii is contracting

dorsal root -> dorsal horn -> ventral horn -> ventral root -> spinal nerve

You are following the signals from a sensory neuron to the spinal cord where it synapses with a motor neuron that leaves the spinal cord and synapses on a skeletal muscle. The route would be

Ependymal cells

___ line the ventricles of the brain


___ potentials are short-lived, local changes in membrane potential that can be either depolarized or hyper polarized.

a. association tracts

____ connect one gyrus to another within the same cerbral hemisphere a. association tracts b. projection tracts c. commissural tracts d. spinothalamic tracts e. corticospinal tracts


_____ is the crossing of ascending or descending nerve fibers from one side of the CNS to the other

monoamines (biogenic amines)

___________ are neurotransmitters, such as GABA, that are synthesized from amino acids.

crossed-extensor reflex

a complex spinal reflex consisting of an ipsilateral withdrawal reflex and a contralateral extensor reflex


a cordlike organ consisting of parallel bundles of peripheral axons enclosed by connective tissue wrappings

huntington's disease

a fatal hereditary disorder that results from deterioration of the basal nuclei and cerebral cortex

meniere's syndrome

a labyrinth disorder that causes a person to suffer repeated attacks of vertigo, nausea, and vomiting

blood-brain barrier

a mechanism that helps maintain a protective environment for the brain.

flocculonodular lobes

adjust posture to maintain balance

primary auditory cortex and auditory association area

allow detection of the properties and contextual recognition of sound.


any hearing loss, no matter how slight

sacral outflow

arises from neurons located in the lateral gray mater of the spinal cord segment S2-S4

sensory receptors

atrophy to some degree with age, and there is a decrease in muscle tone in the face and neck; reflexes occur a bit more slowly

perception of pitch, detection of loudness, and localization of sound

auditory processing involves


central cavity of the body labyrinth with two membranous sacs suspended in the perilymph, the saccule and the utricle

receptors for taste and smell

chemoreceptors that respond to chemicals in solution


collects input concerning balance and tension in muscles and ligaments

cerebellar peduncles

communicate between the cerebellum and the brain stem

encapsulated dendritic endings

consist of a dendrite enclosed in a connective tissue capsule and detect discriminatory touch, initial, continuous, and deep pressure, and stretch of muscles, tendons, and joint capsules

autonomic nervous system

consists of a two-neuron chain

superficial reflexes

elicited by gentle cutaneous stimulation


encompasses conscious perception of sensations, voluntary initiation and control of movement, and capabilities associated with higher mental processing.

sweet, sour, bitter, salty, umami

five basic taste sensations


how many pairs of cranial nerves originate from the brain?


how many stages are in non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM)?

multiple sclerosis

in this disorder, oligodendrocytes and myelin sheaths of the CNS deteriorate and are replaced by hardened scar tissue.

stretch reflex

in this reflex, the muscle spindle is stretch and excited by either an external stretch or an internal stretch.

electromagnetic radiation

includes all energy waves from long waves to short waves, and includes the visible light that our eyes see as color

directly to reflex centers in the brain stem

information from the balance receptors goes ___________________________, rather than to the cerebral cortex.

flexor (withdrawal) reflex

initiated by a painful stimulus and causes automatic withdrawal of the threatened body part from the stimulus

cranial nerves

innervate muscles of the head in a similar way

autonomic nervous system

innervates cardiac an smooth muscle and glands

junctions between autonomic motor endings and the visceral effectors

involve varicosities and release either acetylcholine or epinephrine as their neurotransmitter

visceral association area

involved in conscious visceral sensation.

somatic sensory system

involves the receptor level, the circuit level, and the perpetual level

precommand level

made up of the cerebellum and the basal nuclei and is the highest level of the motor system hierarchy

retinal ganglion cells

merge in the back of the eyeball to become the optic nerve, which crosses at the optic chiasma to become the optic tracts


modified neurons that structurally resemble tall epithelial cells

the ventral horn of the spinal cord

nerve fibers that stimulate the skeletal muscles of your foot have their somas in

oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves (cranial nerves III, IV, and VI)

nerves that allow movement of the eyeball

facial nerves (cranial nerve VII)

nerves that allow movements of muscles creating facial expression

epinephrine and acetylcholine

neurotransmitters released by the autonomic nervous system; both may have either an excitatory or an inhibitory effect


our dominant sense


parkinson disease is caused by degeneration of neurons that release

golgi tendon reflex

produces muscle relaxation and lengthening in response to contraction

the brain stem

produces rigidly programmed, automatic behaviors necessary for survival.

semicircular canals

project from the posterior aspect of the vestibule, each containing an equilibrium receptor region called a crista ampullaris

axons from the thalamus

project through the internal capsule to form the optic radiation of fibers in the cerebral white matter

equilibrium sense

responds to various head movements and depends on input from the internal ear, vision, and information from stretch receptors of muscles and tendons

cerebral white matter

responsible for communication between cerebral areas and the cerebral cortex and lower CNS centers.

vestibular cortex

responsible for conscious awareness of balance

normal brain functions

results from continuous electrical activity of neurons

parkinson's disease

results from deterioration of dopamine-secreting neurons of the substantia nigra, and leads to a loss in coordination of movement and a persistent tremor

amplitude (height)

reveals a sound's intensity

optic tracts

send their axons to neurons within the lateral geniculate body of the thalamus

spinal reflexes

somatic reflexes mediated by the spinal cord

somatic nervous system

stimulates skeletal muscles

vagus nerve

taste impulses from the few taste buds found on the epiglottis and the lower pharynx are conveyed via the

far point of vision

that distance beyond which no change in lens shape is required (about 6 meters or 20 feet)

somatic nervous system

the cell bodies of the neurons are in the spinal cord and their axons extend to the skeletal muscles they innervate


the control center of the body, regulating ANS activity, such as emotional response, body temperature, food intake, sleep-wake cycles, and endocrine function.

thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus

the diencephalon consists of

auricle (pinna) and the acoustic meatus

the external ear consists of the

visceral sensory neurons

the first link in autonomic reflexes, sends information concerning chemical changes, stretch, and irritation of the viscera

cerebrospinal fluid

the fluid found within the ventricles of the brain and surrounding the brain and spinal cord

pia mater

the innermost layer that clings tightly to the brain

wernicke's area, broca's area, the lateral prefrontal cortex, and the lateral and ventral parts of the temporal lobe

the language areas involved in comprehension and articulation

segmental level

the lowest level on the motor control hierarchy and consists of the spinal cord circuits

vascular tunic (uvea)

the middle layer of the eyeball

arachnoid mater

the middle meninx that forms a loose brain covering

dura mater

the most durable, outermost covering that extends inward in certain areas to limit movement of the brain within the cranium.


the most vulnerable nerve in the body


the neurilemma is covered by the loose connective tissue called


the number of waves that pass a given point in a given time

olfactory epithelium

the organ of smell located in the roof of the nasal cavity

fibrous tunic

the outermost coat of the eye and is made of a dense avascular connective tissue

somatic sensory system

the part of the sensory system serving the body wall and limbs


the portion of the neuron that receives signals from other neurons


the process by which the eye detects light energy


the process of adding up postsynaptic potentials and responding to their net effect

sacral outflow

the rest of the large intestine and pelvic organs are served by the

sacral; lumbar

the sciatic nerve comes from the ___ plexus, while the femor nerve comes from the ___ plexus.

taste buds

the sensory receptor organs for taste

corticospinal tracts

the signals that control your handwriting travel down the spinal cord in the

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral

the spinal cord is divided into which regions?

the developing spinal cord and adjacent neural crest

the spinal nerves branch from

the forming vertebrae

the spinal nerves exit between


the storage and retrieval of information


the visual pigment of rods, formed and broken down within the rods (same for cones)


there is _____ between the somatic and autonomic nervous systems


this viral infestation can remain viable with the dorsal root ganglia for many years.

accommodation of the lens, constriction of the pupils, and convergence of the eyeballs

three adjustments demanded by the focusing for close vision


three connective tissue membranes that cover and protect the CNS, protect blood vessels, and enclose venous sinuses, contain cerebrospinal fluid, and partition the brain.

a high emotional state, repetition, association of new information with old, or the automatic formation of memory while concentrating on something else.

transfer of information from short-term to long-term memory can be affected by

concussion, contusion, and subdural or subarachnoid hemorrhage

traumatic head injuries can lead to which brain injuries

bony labyrinth, membranous labyrinth

two divisions of the internal ear

sclera and cornea

two regions of the fibrous tunic

outer pigmented layer, inner neural layer

two regions of the retina

gray rami communicantes

when synapses are made in chain ganglia, the postganglionic axons enter the ventral (or dorsal) ramus of the adjoining spinal nerves by way of communicating branches called

central pattern generators

which groups of neurons in the spinal cord controls walking?


which hemisphere of the brain often dominates language abilities, math, and logic?


which hemisphere of the brain often dominates visual-spatial skills, intuition, emotion, and artistic and musical skills?

intercostal nerve

which nerve is most important in relaying motor signals bringing about ventilation?


which nerve is sensory only?

action potential

Also called a nerve impulse transmitted by axons.

not open voltage-regulated gates and not fire an action potential

An excitatory local potential reaches the trigger zone at the axon hillock and causes a depolarization to -60 millivolts. The trigger zone will most likely


An excitatory neurotransmitter secreted by motor neurons innervating the skeletal muscle.


An impulse from one nerve cell is communicated to another nerve cell via the ___.


An inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) is associated with ____.


Because of the decussation of sensory nerve fibers, the right postcentral gyrus monitors sensations from the left side of the body

cervical plexus

formed by the ventral rami of the first four cervical nerves

simple receptors

general senses, and may be unencapsulated or encapsulated dendritic endings

cerebrospinal fluid

gives buoyancy to the brain, protects the brain and spinal cord from impact damage, and is a delivery medium for nutrients and chemical signals.

projection level

has direct control of the spinal cord

cochlear duct

houses the spiral organ (of corti), the receptors for hearing


how many layers form the wall of the eyeball?


how many times is light bent when entering/leaving the cornea and lens?

glial cells; blood-brain barrier

most adult brain tumors are composed of ___ and cannot be treated by chemotherapy because of the ___.

skeletal muscle activity and visceral organ responses

most body responses to changing internal and external stimuli involve both ____ and ____

cerebral hemispheres

Form the superior part of the brain, and are characterized by ridges and groves called gyri and sulci.

dura mater; arachnoid, pia mater

From superficial to deep, the meninges occur in the order

A transient increase in Na+ permeability, followed by restoration of Na+ impermeability, and then a short-lived increase in K+ permeability.

Generation of an action potential involves

ependymal cells

Glial cells of the CNS that line the central cavities of the brain and spinal cord and help circulate cerebrospinal fluid.


Glial cells of the CNS that monitor health and perform defense functions for neurons.


Glial cells of the CNS that regulate the chemical environment around neurons and exchange between neurons and capillaries.


Glial cells of the CNS that wrap around neuron fibers, forming myelin sheaths.

schwann cells (neurolemmocytes)

Glial cells of the PNS that surround nerve fibers, forming the myelin sheath.

satellite cells

Glial cells of the PNS whose function is largely unknown. They are found surrounding neuron cell bodies within ganglia.

group c fibers are not capable of saltatory conduction

How are group c neuron fibers classified?

the speed with which sodium ion can be pumped back outside the neuron membrane

How fast a person can type or play the piano is ultimately limited by the number of impulses a person can send to their finger muscles per second. This in turn is limited by


How many pairs of mixed spinal nerves arise from the spinal cord and serve the entire body except the head and neck?

away from the cell body

In the axon, the nerve impulses travel

cerebrum and cerebellum

In the brain, the ____ and ____ have an outer gray matter layer, which is reduced to scattered gray matter nuclei in the spinal cord.


Nervous tissue is composed of neurons and supporting cells called

the ora serrata

Other than the optic disc, the only point where the retina is attached to the rest of the eyeball is an anterior ring called

m (hemiplegia)

Paralysis of only one side of the body

d. the cerebellum

Parkinje cells are giant multipolar neurons of a. the dorsal horn of the spinal cord b. the ventral horn of the spinal cord c. the cerebral cortex d. the cerebellum e. the reticular formation

lateral ventricle -> interventricular foramen -> third ventricle -> cerebral aqueduct -> forth ventricle -> subarachnoid space -> arachnoid villus

Pathway of CSF from the choroid plexus where it is formed to the dural sinus where it reenters the blood stream.

l ( wernicke's area)

Plan your spoken words according to learned rules of grammar

conducting region

Plasma membrane exhibits voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels.

central nervous system

The integrating and command center of the nervous system.

b. the neurilemma and endoneurium

The regeneration tube of a peripheral nerve fiber consists of a. the axolemma and neurilemma b. the neurilemma and endoneurium c. the myelin sheath and neurilemma d. schwann cells and astrocytes e. satellite cells and oligodendrocytes

premotor cortex

The region controlling learned motor skills.


The repetitive muscle contractions of walking are controlled by neuronal pools in the spinal cord

Behind the retina

The result of hyperopia is an image focused

coccygeal ligament

which structure anchors the spinal cord to L2?


There is a layer of adipose tissue in the epidural space.

with their nerve cell bodies in the PNS and their synaptic knob in the CNS

Unipolar neurons are found


Unlike local potentials, actions potentials are

b. basal nuclei

Unwanted muscle contractions are inhibited by a. midbrain b. basal nuclei c. primary motor cortex d. motor association area e. premotor cortex


Which division of the ANS has a more generalized effect in the body?

motor (efferent)

Which division of the peripheral nervous system carries impulses from the central nervous system to effector organs, which are muscles and glands?

sensory (or afferent)

Which division of the peripheral nervous system carries impulses toward the central nervous system from sensory receptors located throughout the body?


Which eye disorder results in clear vision of close objects and blurry vision of distant objects?

interneurons (association neurons)

Which functional class of neuron conduct impulses between sensory and motor neurons, or in CNS integration pathways?

motor (efferent)

Which functional class of neuron conduct impulses from the CNS to effectors?

sensory (afferent)

Which functional class of neuron conduct impulses toward the CNS from receptors?

C. All sympathetic postganglionic neurons

Which of the following does NOT release acetylcholine? A. All sympathetic preganglionic neurons / B. All parasympathetic preganglionic neurons / C. All sympathetic postganglionic neurons / D. All parasympathetic postganglionic neurons

D. Blood vessels

Which of the following effectors are NOT cholinergic? A. Sweat glands / B. Heart / C. Large intestines / D. Blood vessels

C. Mammillary bodies

Which of the following is NOT a basal nucleus? A. Substantia nigra / B. Caudate nucleus / C. Mammillary bodies / D. Lentiform nucleus

B. Vascular

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the cornea? A. Transparent / B. Vascular / C. Refracts light / D. Allows light to enter the eye

e. nucleic acid

Which of the following is NOT a chemical class of neurotransmitters? a. acetylcholine b. amino acid c. biogenic amine d. ATP and other purines e. nucleic acid

D. innervation of skeletal muscle

Which of the following is NOT a function of the autonomic nervous system? a. innervation of smooth muscle of the digestive tract b. innervation of cardiac muscle c. innervation of glands d. innervation of skeletal muscle

alzheimer's disease

a progressive degenerative disease that ultimately leads to dementia


a ringing or clicking sound in the ears in the absence of auditory stimuli


a set of gray matter areas, and consists of the thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus.

middle ear (tympanic cavity)

a small, air-filled, mucosa-lined cavity in the petrous portion of the temporal bone; spanned by the auditory ossicles


a state of partial unconsciousness from which a person can be aroused, and has two major types that alternate through its cycle.


a transparent mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and the whites of the eyes

long-term memory

allows the memorization of potentially limitless amounts of information for very long periods

sacral and lumbar plexuses

also referred to as the lumbosacral plexus


an avascular, biconcave, transparent, flexible structure that can change shape to allow precise focusing of light on the retina

functional brain systems

consist of neurons that are distributed throughout the brain but work together

cranial outflow

consists of preganglionic fibers that run in the oculomotor, facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus cranial nerves

lacrimal apparatus

consists of the lacrimal gland, which secretes a dilute saline solution that cleanses and protects the eye as it moistens it, and ducts that drain excess fluid into the nasolacrimal duct

the movement of each eyeball

controlled by six extrinsic eye muscles that are innervated by the abducens and trochlear nerves


T/F: Neurons in the CNS are organized into functional groups.


T/F: Reflexes are rapid, automatic responses to stimuli.

the membranous labyrinth

The semicircular ducts lie within


A ganglion is to the peripheral nervous system what a/an __ is to the central nervous system.

node of ranvier

A gap between Schwann cells in the peripheral system.

neuronal pool

A group of neurons that perform one particular function is called a/an ________

free nerve ending

A heat receptor


A junction that mediates information transfer between neurons or between a neuron and an effector cell.

reticular formation

A loosely coordinated core of gray matter in the midbrain, pons, and medulla is called the


A record of the electrical activity of the brain is called a/an


A reflex where the sensory input and motor output are on opposite sides of the spinal cord is called a ____ reflex arc.


A weak stimulus produces weaker action potentials than a strong stimulus

temporal lobes

Nerve fibers of the olfactory tracts lead to the ___.


Nerve fibers that are considered adrenergic secrete ____ as the neurotransmitter.

d. travel fastest in large myelinated fibers

Nerve signals a. travel fastest in small unmyelinated fibers b. travel fastest in large unmyelinated fibers c. travel fastest in small myelinated fibers d. travel fastest in large myelinated fibers e. travel at the same speed in all nerve fibers

One preganglionic neuron synapses with many postganglionic neurons; The secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine can effect many organs

Why does the sympathetic division of the ANS have a more generalized effect in the body?

recent trauma with the pain sensation carried by myelinated fibers

You are experiencing pain the back, and it was significant enough to go to your physician. The physician asks you to describe not only the level of pain, usually on a 10-point rating scale, but also the type of pain-is it sharp, localize pain or dull diffuse pain. If it is a sharp, localized pain with a 8 out of 10 rating on the pain scale, you most likely have ___.

sensory projection

You are holding your hands behind your back and someone is touching a specific area of your hand. You know where your hand is touched because of ___.

stretch reflex

You begin to nod off as you are reading this question. Your head starts to lower a little but this reflex causes your head to rise.

release of endorphins and dynorphins

You feel tired, your joints hurt, and your muscles feel weak. Like any addicted exercise fanatic, your cure is to have a high intensity workout. As you are working out, all of your aches and paints seem to dwindle. This can be explained because exercise stimulates ___.

epidural space, dura mater, arachnoid, subarachnoid space

You were going to have a spinal tap to remove some cerebrospinal fluid for analysis. Starting from outside of the spinal cord, what would be the correct order of spaces and meninges through which the syringe would pass?

the dorsal horns of the spinal cord

most lower motor neurons are located in


t/f: a reverberating circuit produces repeated output in response to a single input.


the area of skin innervated by the cutaneous branches of a single spinal nerve

dorsal rami

the back is innervated by the ______, with each innervating the muscle in line with the point of origin from the spinal column

volatile, and it must be dissolved in the fluid coating the olfactory epithelium that stimulates the olfactory receptors

to smell a particular odorant, it must be

midbrain, pons, medula oblongata

what 3 parts does the brain stem consist of?


Nissl bodies are located in the ___ of a neuron.

trigeminal nerves (cranial nerve V)

nerves that allow sensation to the face, and motor control of chewing muscles


At normal daylight intensities, the ___ cells are nonfunctional because all their rhodopsin is bleached.

rapid eye movement (REM) sleep

In sleep, when does most dreaming occur?

visceral; referred

A pain that radiates along the left shoulder and medial side of the arm may not indicate a pain specifically in that area. This may indicate a heart attack, which causes ___ pain, and the phenomenon is called ___.

voltage-gated channel

An ion channel that opens in response to a change in membrane potential and participates in the generation and conduction of action potentials.

Thoracolumbar division

Another name for the sympathetic division is the


Descending tracts that carry signals from the cerebral cortex for precise coordinated limb movements.

motor fibers that conduct nerve impulses from the CNS to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands

Describe the ANS.

analyzes sensory information, stores information, makes decisions

Describe the integrative function of the nervous system.

converging circuit

Different types of sensory input can have the same ultimate effect.

i ( aphasia)

Difficulty producing intelligible speech due to brain injury

a. relative refractory period

During its ___ a neuron responds only to stimuli stronger than a normal threshold a. relative refractory period b. hyperpolarized phase c. period of facilitation d. synaptic delay e. absolute refractory period

serial processing

Exemplified by spinal reflexes, and involves sequential stimulation of the neurons in a circuit.

c. it is a sensory pathway

If the name of a spinal tract begins with the root spino- a. it consists of descending fibers b. it is a motor pathway c. it is a sensory pathway d its fibers do not extend beyond the spinal cord e it fibers form a spinal nerve


Immediately after an action potential has peaked, which cellular gates open?

Temporal Summation

In ___, several EPSPs occurring in quick succession depolarize a neuron to threshold.

synaptic potentiation

In ___, the additive effects of EPSPs and IPSPs determine whether a neuron fires.

synaptic vesicles; ligand-regulated gates

In a chemical synapse, the synaptic knobs of the presynaptic neuron contain ___, while the membrane of the postsynaptic neuron contains ___.


In a myelinated nerve fiber, action potentials occur only at the nodes of ranvier

had been damaged by infection trauma, or stroke

In an autopsy, a pathologist is found an area of brain tissue with very high concentrations of microglia. The area of the brain most likely

Ca; release ACh

In cholinergic synapse, the arrival of a nerve signal at the synaptic knob in the presynaptic neuron triggers the opening of ___ voltage-regulated, which cause

they are mostly myelin sheath made of lipid or fat molecules

In dissection, most nerve fibers appear gray to white because


In general, stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus produces ____ responses.

Increase digestive functions

In general, the parasympathetic division will

contract; loosen; thickens

In looking at a near object, the ciliary muscles will ___, the suspensory ligaments ____, and the lens ____.


T/F: Myelination of the nerve fibers in the central nervous system is the job of the oligodendrocyte.

undergo mitosis

Mature neurons lack centrioles. You would expect these neurons to be unable to

parallel after-discharge circuits

May be involved in complex activities, and are characterized by stimulation of several neurons arranged in parallel arrays by the stimulating neuron.

parallel after-discharge circuit

May be involved in complex, exacting types of metal processing.

presynaptic inhibition

May prevent a neuron from releasing it neurotransmitter

d. feelings of peace fear or anger

One of the functions associated with the limbic system is a. hearing b. reading comprehension c. stimulus filtering d. feelings of peace fear or anger e. motor control of the limbs.


Opening the eyes involves the ___ nerve.

b (Medulla oblongata)

Origin of the last four pairs of cranial nerves

lumbar enlargement

Nerves to the pelvic region and lower limbs arise from which area of the spinal cord?

alzheimer disease

Neurofibrillary tangles and the destruction of parts of the hippocampus are characteristic of __________


Neuroglia that control the chemical environment around neurons by buffering potassium and recapturing neurotransmitters.


Neuromodulators alter the response of a neuron to a neurotransmitter

large; myelinated

Neurons that send impulses to skeletal muscles have a ___ diameter and are

Broca's area

Nonfluent aphasia results in slow speech, difficulty in choosing words, or use of words that only approximate the correct word. Nonfluent aphasia results from a lesion to ___.


Not all synapses employ neurotransmitters

action potentials (nerve impulses)

Occur in axons and are the principle way neurons communicate.

propagation (transmission) of an action potential

Occurs as the local currents of an area undergoing depolarization cause depolarization of the forward adjacent area.

temporal summation

Occurs in response to several successive releases of neurotransmitter.

spatial summation

Occurs when the postsynaptic cell is stimulated at the same time by multiple terminals.

olfactory cortex; primary motor cortex

Odors like certain perfumes or certain foods stimulate a memory in the ___.

diverging circuit

One incoming fiber triggers responses in ever-increasing numbers farther and farther along the circuit.

feelings of peace, fear, or anger

One of the functions associated with the limbic system is


Principal inhibitory neurotransmitter of the spinal cord.

gracile fasciculus; medulla oblongata

Sensory information about deep touch or visceral pain in the lower limbs are carried in ___ tracts, which decussate, or cross over, in the ___.


T/F: Large-diameter nerve fibers conduct impulses much faster than small-diameter fibers.

potential difference

The amount of difference in electrical charge between two points.

ciliary body; sclera venous sinus

The aqueous humor is secreted by the ___ and reabsorbed into the ___.

leads from the nasopharynx to the middle ear

The auditory tube ___.

the optic nerve leaves the eye

The blind spot in each visual field is a region in which


The blood brain barrier consists of tight junctions in the

glucose, water, oxygen, and caffeine

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is most permeable to which chemical groupings?


The bodies of the Schwann cells constitute the


The brain and spinal cord constitute the __ nervous system.

a. the limbic system

The brain center most concerned with emotion is a. the limbic system b. the reticular formation c. the basal nuclei d. the midbrain e. the thalamus

limbic system

The brain center most concerned with emotions is the


The brain's counterpart to the Schwann cells

Lateral gray horns

The cell bodies of motor neurons to autonomic effectors are located in the

spinal cord & brain

The central nervous system consist of the _________ and _________


The cerebellum develops from the embryonic

mesencephalon; diencephalon

The cerebral aqueduct is located in the ___, while the third ventricle is located in the ____.

c. the temporal lobe

The cerebral cortex concerned with hearing is in a. the insula b. the occipital lobe c. the temporal lobe d. the pariental lobe e. the frontal lobe

temporal lobe

The cerebral cortex concerned with hearing is in the

gyri; increase surface area

The cerebrum and the cerebellum contain thick folds called ___ whose purpose is to ___.


The cerebrum develops from a vesicle of the embryonic brain called the ___

c. the radical nerve

The cervical plexus gives rise to all the following nerves except a. the great auricular nerve b. the lesser occipital nerve c. the radical nerve d. the phrenic nerve e. the ansa cericalis

resting potential; -70

The charge difference across the plasma membrane in muscles and nerve cells is called the ___ and measures about ___ millivolts.


The connection from a sensory neuron to a motor neuron is usually made by one or more neurons called ______


The integrative function of the nervous system is associated especially with


The interior of the cell becomes less negative.


The interior of the cell becomes more negatively charged.

proprioceptors, which are tonic receptors

The intrafusal fibers in a skeletal muscle are ___.


The junction where one neuron meets another is called a/an _______.


The largest part of the diencephalon is the ____, the gateway to the cerebral cortex

temporal lobe; parietal lobe

The lateral sulcus of the cerebrum separates the __ from the __.

medulla oblongata

The location of several visceral motor nuclei controlling vital functions such as cardiac and respiratory rate.

Tectorial membrane

The longest stereocilia of the outer hair cells are embedded in the


The loudness of a sound is correlated with the ___ of the sound wave.

central canal and ventricles

The lumen of the neural tube develops into the

dura mater; dura sinuses

The outer double meningeal layer around the brain is called the ___, and in some places the two layers are separated by ___.


The phrenic nerve is the major nerve from the ______ plexus.


The pons and cerebellum arise from the same vesicle of the embryonic brain

pre-central gyrus

The portion of the brain where one thinks consciously about motor activities is the ___.


The postscript reflex are enables a spinal output of longer duration

reflex actions and communication between the brain and spinal nerves

The primary functions of the spinal cord include


The process of adjusting the thickness of the lens for near vision is called


The process of bending light rays is called


The quickest reflex arcs involve only two neurons and are thus

cannot be fired again regardless of the stimulus

The refractory period represents the time period when a region of the axon


The retinas originate as outgrowths of the ___.

corpus callosum

The right and left cerebral hemispheres are joined mainly by the

a. corpus callosum

The right and left cerebral hemispheres are joined mainly by the a. corpus callosum b. thalamus c. pons d. decussation e. association tracts


The sacral segments of the spinal cord are not found within the sacral vertebrae


The sciatic nerve comes from the _________ plexus.


The semicircular ducts are filled with

parietal lobe

The somesthetic center of the postcentral gyrus is part of the __ of the cerebrum.

f ( VII & IX)

There would be no sense of taste if cranial nerve ___ were destroyed


These receptors are free nerve endings that are tonic receptors, which respond to tissue damage from trauma, ischmeia or excessive stimulation by agents such as heat, cold, and chemicals.

g protein-linked receptors

These receptors mediate indirect transmitter action resulting in slow, persistent, and often diffuse changes.


This chemical is released by injured tissues and is the most potent pain stimulus known.

vestibulocochlear (VIII)

This cranial nerve controls hearing and equilibrium

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

This disease is marked by degeneration of motor neurons, and in most cases, neurons are destroyed by the inability of astrocytes to reabsorb glutamate, which allows this neurotransmitter to reach toxic levels.

spina bifida

This is a congenital defect resulting from the failure of one or more vertebrae to form a complete vertebral arch for enclosure of the spinal cord.

dura mater

This meninx lies closest to the surrounding bone.


This narrow structure connects the cerebellar hemispheres


This thick nerve of the lower limb is actually two nerves enclosed in a common fibrous sheath.

sensory; shingles

This virus remains for life in the dorsal root ganglion but can travel down neurons from the dorsal root ganglion by fast axonal transport and cause a painful trail of skin discoloration along the path of the neurons. This virus travels down ___ neurons and causes ____.


Tic douloureux is caused by a lesion to the ____________ nerve.

parallel processing

When information is delivered within the CNS simultaneously by different parts of the neural pathway.

sodium ions diffuse into the outer segment

When light is absorbed by a rod cell ___.


When one or more presynaptic neurons fire in rapid order it produces a much greater depolarization of the postsynaptic membrane than would result from a single EPSP; this event is called ___ summation.

tympanic membrane

When the stapes pushes in an creates pressure on the endolymph, the __ bulges out to relieve the pressure.


When you view objects close to the eye, the eye makes an adjustment called ___.

Arachnoid granulations into the dural sinuses

Where does cerebrospinal fluid return to the blood supply?


Whether or not a neuron fires depends on whether it is depolarized to a voltage called its


Which accessory structure of the eyes protect the eyes by preventing perspiration from getting into the eyes?

axons with larger diameters

Which axons conduct impulses faster: axons with larger diameters, or axons with smaller diameters?

unmyelinated axons

Which axons conduct impulses relatively slowly?

myelinated axons

Which axons have a high conduction velocity?

Scala vestibuli

Which cochlear chamber is connected to the oval window into the middle ear?

Wernicke's area

Which cortical area is necessary for understanding and formulating coherent speech?

A. Trigeminal

Which cranial nerve is NOT involved with taste? A. Trigeminal / B. Glossopharyngeal / C. Vagus / D. Facial


Which cranial nerve is the major motor nerve for facial expressions?


Which cranial nerve is the major sensory nerve from the face?


Which cranial nerve leaves the head and neck region to supply the internal viscera?


Which cranial nerves carries equilibrium messages?


Which descending tract carries impulses for posture adjustment and walking?

somatic nervous system

Which nervous system allows conscious control of motor activities?

somatic nervous system

Which nervous system consists of somatic nerve fibers that conduct impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles?

E. provide the defense for the CNS

Which of the following is NOT a function of astrocytes? A. support and brace neurons B. anchor neurons to blood vessels C. guide the migration of young neurons, synapse formation, and helping to determine capillary permeability D. control the chemical environment around neurons E. provide the defense for the CNS

C. Origin of impulses to skeletal muscle

Which of the following is NOT a function of the cerebellum? A. Controls balance and eye movements / B. Controls posture, locomotion and fine motor coordination / C. Origin of impulses to skeletal muscle / D. Planning, practicing and learning complex movements

D. All of the choices are correct

Which of the following is NOT a function of the hypothalamus? A. Body temperature control / B. Autonomic nervous system control / C. Mood and emotions / D. All of the choices are correct

B. Auditory relay center

Which of the following is NOT a function of the medulla oblongata? A. Regulate heart rate / B. Auditory relay center / C. Regulate blood vessel diameter /D. Regulate breathing

D. Visual relay center

Which of the following is NOT a function of the pons? A. Controls chewing and salivation / B. Aides the medulla oblongata in controlling breathing, swallowing and balance / C. Relay between the cerebellum and cerebrum / D. Visual relay center


an inhibitory neurotransmitter

olfactory transduction

an odorant binds to the olfactory receptor, a g protein, and the secondary messenger of cyclic AMP.

cut or compressed axons can regenerate

if damage to a neuron occurs to the axon and the cell body remains in tact

phrenic nerves

if the ___ of the cervical plexus were severed, it would have a life-threatening effect.


includes the pineal gland, which secretes melatonin and regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

somatosensory association cortex

integrates sensory information and produces an understanding of the stimulus being felt.

limbic system

involved with emotions, and is extensively connected throughout the brain, allowing it to integrate and respond to a wide variety of environmental stimuli.

prefrontal cortex

involved with intellect, cognition, recall, and personality, and is closely linked to the limbic system.

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