Abdomen 4

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Diffuse or focal GB wall thickening may be seen with all of the following, except: A. Carcinoma of the GB B. Adenomyomatosis C. Acute Cholecystitis D. Courvoisier GB

Courvoisier GB

Purple stretch marks (striae) on the lateral and lower abdomen can be a clinical sign of: A. Addison disease B. Cushing syndrome C. Adrenal hemorrhage D. Conn disease

Cushing syndrome

All of the following are a required part of an ultrasound evaluation of a suspected AAA, except? A. Evaluate the AP and Width measurements of the true and false lumen if thrombus is present. B. Assess location in relationship to the renal arteries. C. Evaluate flow in both internal iliac arteries. D. Evaluate the length of the affected segment.

Evaluate flow in both internal iliac arteries.

The best way to differentiate hepatic jaundice from obstructive jaundice is: A. Evaluate the diameter of the biliary duct B. Measure levels of alpha-fetoprotein C. Evaluate the liver for tumor formation D. Measure levels of total bilirubin in the blood

Evaluate the diameter of the biliary duct

The WES sign indicates a diagnosis of: A. Portal thrombosis B. Cyst in GB C. Solid mass in GB D. GB Stone

GB Stone

Splenic vein thrombosis can lead to what life threatening condition? A. splenic artery stenosis B. congestive heart failure C. splenic artery pseudoaneurysm D. GI bleed from gastric varices

GI bleed from gastric varices

The first branch of the common hepatic artery is the: A. Cystic artery B. Gastroduodenal artery C. Pancreatic artery D. Duodenal artery

Gastroduodenal artery

The fibrous capsule surrounding the kidneys, fat, and adrenal glands is referred to as: A. Glisson's fascia B. Glisson's capsule C. Peritoneum D. Gerota's fascia

Gerota's fascia

Which structure is visualized posterior and medial to the left lobe of the thyroid gland? A. Left omohyoid muscle B. Esophagus C. Left sternocleidomastoid muscle D. Left longus colli muscle


The cup-like or funnel shaped extensions of the renal sinus that originate at the papilla and collect urine that is coursing toward the renal pelvis are: A. Major calyces B. Cortex C. Pyramids D. Minor calyces

Minor calyces

Accessory spleens are usually seen: A. Adjacent to the inferior pole of the left kidney B. Posterior aspect of spleen C. Near the porta hepatis D. Near splenic hilum

Near splenic hilum

Which of the following Doppler parameters is most commonly used when evaluating the common hepatic artery in patient with a liver transplant? A. Resistive index B. Pulsatility index C. S/D ratio D. Peak systolic velocity

Resistive index

While performing an ultrasound of the abdominal aorta, the mid and distal portions of the vessel are partially obscured by bowel gas. Which of the following techniques can be used to improve your visualization of the aorta? A. Have the patient drink water and rescan the aorta. B. Roll the patient into an oblique or decubitus position and rescan the aorta. C. Give the patient a laxative and rescan after 60 minutes. D. Scan the patient in the semi-erect position.

Roll the patient into an oblique or decubitus position and rescan the aorta.

All of the following correctly describe proper behavior related to a sterile field, except: A. When in doubt about sterility, discard the potentially contaminated item and begin again B. Sterile individuals must pass each other back to back when moving around the procedure room C. Hands and elbows must be kept above the level of the table D. Sterile gloves must be used to open the procedure tray

Sterile gloves must be used to open the procedure tray

__________________ merge to form the ampulla of Vater just prior to the duct entering the second portion of the duodenum. A. The CBD and CHD B. The CHD and cystic duct C. The CBD and duct of Wirsung D. The CBD and cystic duct

The CBD and duct of Wirsung

The proximal superior mesenteric vein is normally located ___________ the proximal superior mesenteric artery in the abdomen. A. to the right of B. posterior to C. to the left of D. superior to

to the right of

A 16yr old male presents with acute onset of significant left scrotal pain. The US exam reveals a 1cm hypoechoic, heterogeneous mass located between the head of the epididymis and the testicle. The mass demonstrates no vascularity with color Doppler evaluation. Normal flow is demonstrated in the epididymis and testicle. Which of the following could describe the findings? A. torsion of the appendix testis B. seminoma C. adenomatoid tumor D. sarcoidosis

. torsion of the appendix testis

The ____________ zone is the prostate zone most commonly affected by BPH. A. peripheral B. paraprostatic C. transitional D. central

. transitional

What patient age is preferred for performing ultrasound of the infant hips? A. 1-2 weeks B. 4-6 weeks C. >6 months D. 4-6 months

4-6 weeks

Pancreatic malignancy is the _________ leading cause of death due to cancer. A. 2nd B. 3rd C. 4th D. 6th


Which of the following patients would most likely demonstrate a 10cm spleen with homogeneous echotexture? A. 30yr old female with lymphoma B. 5'10" 250lb male born with homozygous sickle cell anemia C. 65yr old female with mononucleosis D. 50yr old with a splenic artery aneurysm

50yr old with a splenic artery aneurysm

The renal medulla contains ____________ pyramids in an average adult kidney. A. 12-24 B. 3-10 C. 1-5 D. 8-18


A patient presents with an order for an abdomen ultrasound to rule out UPJ obstruction of the left kidney. What are the expected findings if the exam is positive? A. A normal ureter will be identified but the left renal calyces and renal pelvis will be chronically dilated, with or without the bladder distended. B. The left renal calyces, renal pelvis and ureter will be dilated with or without the bladder distended. C. The renal calyces and renal pelvis will be normal but the ureter will be dilated anytime the bladder is distended. D. The left renal calyces, renal pelvis and ureter will be dilated when the bladder is distended.

A normal ureter will be identified but the left renal calyces and renal pelvis will be chronically dilated, with or without the bladder distended

The thyroid gland is considered normal in size if the: A. width measurement is <3cm B. length measurement is < 4cm C. volume is <30mL D. AP measurement is <2cm

AP measurement is <2cm

A 55yrd old female presents with a fever, leukocytosis and LLQ pain. She states she suffers from Crohn's disease. The exam demonstrates a 2.7cm ill-defined hypoechoic mass in the LLQ that is surrounded by a small amount of ascites. There is no flow within the mass and no movement with peristalsis. What is the most likely diagnosis for these findings? A. Intussusception B. Retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy C. Appendicitis D. Abscess


Hyperpigmentation of the skin that results in brownish discoloration is a clinical sign of: A. Conn disease B. Adrenal hemorrhage C. Addison disease D. Cushing syndrome

Addison disease

Which of the following is the most common cancer of the GI tract? A. Kaposi's sarcoma B. Krukenberg tumor C. Adenocarcinoma D. Gastric sarcoma


Which of the following is true regarding a transjugular intrahepatic shunt? A. A harvested branch of the hepatic vein is normally used as the shunt. B. The shunt is advanced into the liver through a puncture of the groin and common iliac vein. C. Air is retained within the shunt after placement which limits the US evaluation for the first 3-5 days. D. The shunt connects the dilated umbilical vein to the IVC.

Air is retained within the shunt after placement which limits the US evaluation for the first 3-5 days.

A patient presents with a history of Conn syndrome. Which of the following hormones will be increased? A. Aldosterone B. Epinephrine C. Cortisol D. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone


The splenic vein is located: A. Posterior to the portal vein B. Anterior to the pancreas C. Anterior to superior mesenteric artery D. Posterior to the superior mesenteric artery

Anterior to superior mesenteric artery

The _________________ arteries are the vessels that course parallel to the renal capsule within the parenchyma. A. Interlobular B. Lobular C. Arcuate D. Segmental


Which of the following correctly describes how contrast enhanced ultrasound can be used to differentiate benign and malignant masses? A. Benign nodules usually demonstrate hypervascular enhancement while malignant tumors usually demonstrate hypovascular enhancement B. Benign nodules usually demonstrate isovascular enhancement while malignant tumors usually demonstrate hypervascular enhancement C. Significant contrast uptake occurs in malignant nodules, while no contrast uptake is seen in benign nodules D. Significant contrast uptake occurs in benign nodules, while no contrast uptake is seen in malignant nodules

Benign nodules usually demonstrate isovascular enhancement while malignant tumors usually demonstrate hypervascular enhancement

All of the following are reasons for a patient to be NPO prior to an abdominal ultrasound, except: A. Allow gallbladder to fill with bile for better visualization B. Decrease gas in GI tract C. Decrease peristalsis in GI tract D. Decrease blood sugar for better pancreas visualization

Decrease blood sugar for better pancreas visualization

The most definitive sonographic sign of cirrhosis is: A. Associated hepatomegaly B. Hepatoma formation C. Decreased liver size with coarse texture and nodule formation D. Portal HTN

Decreased liver size with coarse texture and nodule formation

Which of the following is not a layer of the scrotal sac? A. Dartos muscle B. Detrusor muscle C. Epithelial/Skin D. Tunica Vaginalis

Detrusor muscle

All of the following statements correctly describe infantile hemangioendothelioma, EXCEPT: A. Most common benign vascular tumor of the liver in infants and toddlers B. Highly aggressive liver malignancy seen early in life C. Can lead to cardiac failure if associated with an AV malformation within the tumor D. Usually spontaneously regresses before age 2yrs

Highly aggressive liver malignancy seen early in life

Which of the following statements regarding focal fatty replacement of the liver is false? A. Focal fatty replacement most commonly occurs near the porta hepatis. B. Fatty infiltration is reversible condition. C. The sonographic appearance can be similar to a hemangioma. D. It can be difficult to diagnose with US because most areas of focal fatty replacement are formed in a location adjacent to the diaphragm.

It can be difficult to diagnose with US because most areas of focal fatty replacement are formed in a location adjacent to the diaphragm.

Which statement best describes the location of the ligamentum venosum? A. On ultrasound, it appears as a thick, triangular, echogenic foci in the left lobe of the liver. B. It lies between the right and left lobes of the liver. C. It forms the posterior border of the right lobe. D. It forms the anterior border of the caudate lobe.

It forms the anterior border of the caudate lobe.

The superior mesenteric vein A. Joins the portal vein to form the splenic vein B. Joins the splenic vein anterior to the neck of the pancreas C. Joins the splenic vein posterior to the neck of the pancreas D. Lies to the left of the superior mesenteric artery

Joins the splenic vein posterior to the neck of the pancreas

What is the term for a cone-like mass of normal thyroid tissue protruding superiorly from isthmus? A. Early Grave's disease B. Hyperthyroidism C. Pyramidal lobe D. Thyroglossal lobe

Pyramidal lobe

Which of the following correctly describes the difference between the normal waveform in the renal artery and the external iliac artery? A. The renal artery flow is high resistance and the external iliac artery demonstrates low resistance flow. B. The renal artery flow is laminar and the external iliac artery demonstrates non-laminar flow. C. The renal artery flow is monophasic and the external iliac artery demonstrates triphasic flow. D. The renal artery flow is triphasic and the external iliac artery demonstrates monophasic flow.

The renal artery flow is monophasic and the external iliac artery demonstrates triphasic flow.

A patient presents with a recent diagnosis of lymphoma. Which of the following statements regarding the sonographic appearance of splenic lymphoma is false? A. The spleen is mildly enlarged due to fluid accumulation. B. The porta hepatis and para-aortic areas should be evaluated for lymphadenopathy C. The splenic hilum should be evaluated for lymphadenopathy. D. Multiple solid tumors are present causing marked increase in size.

The spleen is mildly enlarged due to fluid accumulation.

An unconscious patient is referred for an abdominal ultrasound through the ER after a car accident. All abdominal organs appear normal in structure and echogenicity. There is free fluid in the right and left paracolic gutters with a complex mass of irregular tissue in the inferior midline pelvic cavity and no discernible bladder can be identified. What should you do when the exam is complete? A. There is a possible bladder rupture and the radiologist should review the exam immediately. B. There is a potential bladder rupture and you should notify the referring ER physician immediately. C. You should ask the nurse to insert a Foley catheter and attempt to fill the bladder with saline solution. D. There is a rectus sheath hematoma present which is a non-critical finding.

There is a possible bladder rupture and the radiologist should review the exam immediately.

What is the name of the T4 hormone? A. Thyroid stimulating hormone B. Triiodthyronine C. Trypsin D. Thyroxine


A patient presents for an abdominal ultrasound with a history of a renal and pancreatic transplant. What condition most likely lead to the transplant of these two organs? A. Chronic pancreatitis B. Hypertension C. Adenocarcinoma D. Type I diabetes

Type I diabetes

All of the following correctly describe hepatocellular carcinoma, except: A. Cirrhosis is the most common pre-existing condition B. AST, ALT and alpha-fetoprotein levels are elevated C. Usually presents as multiple complex masses throughout the liver D. Commonly invades venous vasculature, usually the portal vein

Usually presents as multiple complex masses throughout the liver

On ultrasound, a mycetoma appears as: A. a hyperechoic mass without posterior shadowing B. a hypoechoic mass that forms in the renal pelvis with a bacterial infection C. a hypoechoic mass that causes propagation artifact D. a hyperechoic mass with posterior enhancement

a hyperechoic mass without posterior shadowing

A retrorenal spleen is an important consideration when planning: A. treatment for portal HTN B. the point of entry for a paracentesis C. a left renal biopsy D. AAA repair

a left renal biopsy

The Achilles' tendon most commonly ruptures: A. at the distal insertion point B. mid-tendon C. at the proximal insertion point D. about 4 cm from the distal insertion point

about 4 cm from the distal insertion point

Multicystic dysplastic kidneys are usually the result of: A. autosomal dominant genetic disorder B. chronic urinary tract infections as a child C. autosomal recessive genetic disorder D. an obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction in utero

an obstruction of the ureteropelvic junction in utero

A mother presents with her 3mo old infant due to excessive vomiting and crying for 3 days. The referring physician suspects a lactobezoar may be the problem. Where will you look for this abnormality? A. urinary bladder B. the appendix C. gallbladder D. anywhere along the digestive tract

anywhere along the digestive tract

Color Doppler demonstrates the ________________________________. A. average velocity of the blood flow only B. direction of flow only C. peak velocity of blood flow only D. average velocity and direction of flow E. peak velocity and direction of flow

average velocity and direction of flow

Chronic moderate congestive heart failure can cause this tributary of the IVC to be visualized sonographically due to the formation of a collateral pathway. A. azygous vein B. umbilical vein C. coronary vein D. portal vein

azygous vein

Unilateral renal agenesis is associated with what anomaly in women? and in men? A. bicornuate uterus, agenesis of the seminal vesicles B. ovarian agenesis, agenesis of the seminal vesicles C. ovarian agenesis, testicular agenesis D. uterine agenesis, testicular agenesis

bicornuate uterus, agenesis of the seminal vesicles

When a pancreas transplant has enteric drainage: A. bowel should be evaluated for obstruction B. it is common for the stomach to be dilated with pancreatic juices C. the allograft will be located in the chest D. the urinary bladder should be evaluated for abnormalities

bowel should be evaluated for obstruction

Which of the following is demonstrated by the same color on an ultrasound image as on a CT image? A. calcifications B. cysts C. uncomplicated pleural effusion D. more than one of the above


While scanning the gallbladder you notice several echogenic foci within the mildly thickened wall that do not demonstrate ringdown artifact. Which of the following describes the findings? A. chronic cholecystitis B. secondary GB carcinoma C. adenomyomatosis D. cholesterolosis


A patient presents with a history of high fever, HTN, nausea and vomiting. Lab results indicate the presence of white blood cells, pus and bacteria in the urine. A small, shrunken, misshapen left kidney and a normal right kidney are documented on the ultrasound exam. What are these findings most suggestive of? A. chronic pyelonephritis B. emphysematous pyelonephritis C. acute renal failure D. acute glomerulonephritis

chronic pyelonephritis

All of the following will lead to an increase in the direct bilirubin levels in the blood, except: A. CBD obstruction B. cystic duct obstruction C. cirrhosis D. hepatitis E. biliary atresia


During an abdominal ultrasound, a 4mm circular anechoic structure is identified at the posterior portion of the pancreas head. Color flow is not identified in the structure. What is it? A. inferior mesenteric artery B. common hepatic duct C. gastroduodenal artery D. common bile duct

common bile duct

Which of the following is a common cause of transudate pleural effusion? A. congestive heart failure B. pneumonia C. malignancy D. tuberculosis

congestive heart failure

Benign liver masses will usually demonstrate ultrasound contrast enhancement during the arterial and portal venous phases of imaging. Malignant masses will usually demonstrate: A. contrast enhancement during the arterial phase of imaging B. contrast enhancement during the arterial and portal venous phases of imaging C. no contrast enhancement D. contrast enhancement during portal venous phase of imaging

contrast enhancement during the arterial phase of imaging

The primary factor that determines transducer selection for a biopsy is: A. composition of the mass B. physician preference C. depth of the mass D. thickness of the sterile cover

depth of the mass

Power Doppler: A. is preferred for evaluation of blood flow in a TIPS shunt B. is less sensitive than color Doppler when evaluating renal transplant perfusion C. display is not dependent on incident beam angle D. is preferred for evaluation of blood flow in a patient with suspected portal HTN

display is not dependent on incident beam angle

A small rounded prominence on the anteroinferior aspect of the normal caudate lobe is called A. distal papillary process B. Reidel's lobe C. quadrate lobe D. elongated left lobe

distal papillary process

Bacterial cholangitis is nearly always seen with: A. HIV cholangitis B. ulcerative colitis C. ductal obstruction by a stone or tumor D. biliary ascariasis

ductal obstruction by a stone or tumor

Which of the following is least likely to be associated with gallbladder sludge? A. alcoholism B. elevated cholecystokinin levels C. cystic duct obstruction D. fasting

elevated cholecystokinin levels

What is the most common cause of pneumobilia? A. biliary duct stones B. pancreatitis C. endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) D. gallbladder perforation

endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

When you change the angle on the Doppler cursor, the ________________ also changes. A. frequency shift B. amplitude of the reflected signal C. flow velocity displayed D. the volume of flow interrogated

flow velocity displayed

A patient presents with an isolated slight increase in liver function tests. You identify two hyperechoic, homogeneous masses in the area of the porta hepatis. Which of the following most likely describes the findings? A. focal fatty sparing B. focal fatty infiltration C. cavernous hemangioma formation D. adenoma development

focal fatty infiltration

A patient is referred for an abdominal ultrasound after a CT demonstrated a possible mass near the fundus of the gallbladder. The ultrasound demonstrates mild hepatomegaly with a mild overall increase in echogenicity. The area in question appears hypoechoic to the surrounding tissues. What is most likely demonstrated on the ultrasound? A. hepatic adenoma B. focal fatty sparing C. diffuse fatty infiltration D. cystic artery thrombosis

focal fatty sparing

Which type of liver abscess presents as a mass with internal septations similar to the spokes of a wheel? A. pyogenic B. viral C. fungal D. amebic


A 30yr old male presents with pelvic discomfort. He has a 2 year history of HIV infection and is an insulin dependent diabetic. When evaluating the urinary bladder, you identify a mobile, round, hyperechoic solid mass with no posterior shadowing. What is the most likely diagnosis for these findings? A. squamous cell carcinoma B. transitional cell carcinoma C. bladder stone D. fungal ball

fungal ball

The ________________________ is a fibrous sheath that is connected to the greater curvature of the stomach that provides structure and support, along with encasing/protecting blood vessels. A. greater omentum B. lesser omentum C. lesser mesentery D. greater mesentery

greater omentum

What therapeutic device is implanted inside the distal IVC? A. stent B. greenfield filter C. pacemaker D. catheter

greenfield filter

The IVC is located posterior to the pancreatic __________________. A. head B. tail C. body D. neck


A 56yr old male presents with epigastric pain, nausea and a chronic history of alcoholism. Lab values demonstrate increased levels of amylase and lipase. Hematocrit levels are below normal values. The US exam demonstrates a hypoechoic, enlarged pancreas with periglandular fluid. Which of the following best describes the findings? A. chronic pancreatitis B. phlegmon C. hemorrhagic pancreatitis D. acute pancreatitis

hemorrhagic pancreatitis

When evaluating a liver transplant, you must use angle correction during Doppler evaluation of: A. hepatic arteries and veins B. hepatic arteries and portal veins C. portal veins only D. hepatic arteries only

hepatic arteries and portal veins

All of the following are intrasegmental vessels of the liver, except? A. portal veins B. hepatic arteries C. bile ducts D. hepatic veins

hepatic veins

All of the following are contraindications for a liver transplant, except: A. hepatitis C B. extrahepatic malignancy C. current alcohol abuse D. cholangiocarcinoma

hepatitis C

A 3yr old presents with a palpable RUQ mass. The US exam demonstrates a 4cm solid, hypoechoic mass within the liver parenchyma and lymphadenopathy. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for the findings? A. hepatoblastoma B. focal nodular hyperplasia C. Kaposi's sarcoma D. neuroblastoma E. hepatoma


The renal anomaly where the kidneys do not separate completely during embryonic development is called: A. Duplicated collecting system B. Ectopic kidney C. Horseshoe kidney D. Renal agenesis

horseshoe kidney

Grave's disease refers to a type of: A. Carcinoma B. Multinodular Goiter C. Hyperthyroidism D. Hypothyroidism


Hashimoto disease is the most common type of ______________ and leads to _________________. A. hyperthyroidism, diffuse enlargement of the gland B. hypothyroidism, nodule formation C. hypothyroidism, diffuse enlargement of the gland D. hyperthyroidism, goiter formation

hypothyroidism, diffuse enlargement of the gland

Which of the following vessels are a common source for a Type II endoleak? A. inferior mesenteric artery and lumbar arteries B. celiac axis and superior mesenteric artery C. common iliac artery and gonadal arteries D. left gastric artery and right hepatic artery

inferior mesenteric artery and lumbar arteries

Which renal arterial branches are used to assess parenchymal resistance? A. segmental or interlobar arteries B. segmental or arcuate arteries C. interlobar or arcuate arteries D. intralobular or segmental arteries

interlobar or arcuate arteries

Schistosomiasis is an _______________ cause of portal HTN. Budd Chiari syndrome is an __________________ cause of portal HTN. A. intrahepatic presinusoidal, intrahepatic postsinusoidal B. extrahepatic presinusoidal, intrahepatic postsinusoidal C. intrahepatic presinusoidal, extrahepatic presinusoidal D. intrahepatic presinusoidal, extrahepatic postsinusoidal

intrahepatic presinusoidal, intrahepatic postsinusoidal

Several simple cysts are identified in the liver of a 38yr old male patient. What structures in the abdomen should also be evaluated for related findings? A. kidneys and thyroid B. abdominal aorta and renal arteries C. kidneys, pancreas and ovaries D. kidneys and pancreas

kidneys and pancreas

The use of multiple focal zones will improve _______________ but degrade ________________. A. lateral resolution, temporal resolution B. temporal resolution, lateral resolution C. axial resolution, lateral resolution D. lateral resolution, axial resolution

lateral resolution, temporal resolution

The average measurement of the normal spleen is: A. 5-8cm B. 6-10mm C. less than 12cm D. 6-10cm

less than 12cm

The ___________________ is located within the inferior margin of the falciform ligament. A. ligamentum teres B. ligamentum venosum C. middle hepatic vein D. left hepatic vein

ligamentum teres

Which of the following vessels will be abnormally dilated with significant portal HTN? A. main portal vein only B. hepatic veins only C. left gastric vein only D. main portal vein and left gastric vein E. hepatic veins, main portal vein and left gastric vein

main portal vein and left gastric vein

Which of the following is associated with elevated serum calcitonin levels? A. renal cell carcinoma B. portal HTN C. chronic hepatitis D. medullary thyroid carcinoma

medullary thyroid carcinoma

A mass that presents with a bull's eye appearance within the liver tissue is most likely __________________. A. focal nodular hyperplasia B. lymphoma C. fatty sparing D. metastasis


All of the following correctly describe a scalp hematoma, except: A. sonographic appearance varies with age of the hematoma B. caput succedaneum hematoma is associated with vacuum assisted delivery C. described by their location related to the galea aponeurosis and skull periosteum D. most commonly caused by motor vehicle trauma

most commonly caused by motor vehicle trauma

Adrenal hemorrhage is most commonly seen in ________________________ . A. adults over 70yrs B. adults over 50yrs C. juvenile patients with chromosomal defects D. newborns


The splenic vein distributes blood to the ____________________________. A. stomach B. pancreas C. spleen D. none of the above

none of the above

Hepatomegaly in a 5yr old is diagnosed using which of the following criteria? A. normal liver should not extend more than 1 cm below the costal margin B. multiply the patient's age in years by the number 2 to obtain the maximum normal liver length for the patient's age C. divide the patient's height in inches by the number 10 to obtain the maximum normal liver length for the patient's age D. divide the patient's age in years by the number 2 to obtain the maximum normal liver length for the patient's age

normal liver should not extend more than 1 cm below the costal margin

While scanning the thyroid, you identify a 0.6cm ovoid structure outside the thyroid, lateral to the left carotid artery. The structure has a thin hypoechoic rim surrounding a hyperechoic center. Which of the following most likely describes the findings? A. normal lymph node B. thyroglossal duct cyst C. parathyroid carcinoma D. normal esophagus

normal lymph node

Which of the following is true regarding the portal vein? A. pressure in the portal system is usually lower than in the IVC B. portal veins course superior to inferior within the liver C. walls are thinner and more permeable than the hepatic veins D. normal portal venous pressure is 5-10mmHg

normal portal venous pressure is 5-10mmHg

A 45yr old male presents for an Abdominal US due to suspected hepatomegaly. The exam demonstrates numerous cysts of all sizes throughout the liver parenchyma. Which of the following should also be evaluated for the same abnormality? A. diaphragm B. pancreas C. retroperitoneal lymph nodes D. prostate


What organ produces sodium bicarbonate? A. kidneys B. parathyroid gland C. pancreas D. adrenal gland


During a biopsy of a superficial chest mass, the needle is advanced: A. parallel to the long axis of the transducer B. toward the face of the transducer C. perpendicular to the long axis of the transducer D. perpendicular to the adjacent ribs

parallel to the long axis of the transducer

An increase in which of the following hormones causes increased calcium resorption in the small intestines? A. thyroid stimulating hormone B. parathyroid stimulating hormone C. calcitonin D. T4

parathyroid stimulating hormone

Which of the following lines the inside of the scrotal sac? A. rete testis B. parietal tunica vaginalis C. visceral tunica vaginalis D. tunica albuginea

parietal tunica vaginalis

The informed consent form is required to include all of the following, except: A. description of the procedure B. signature line to indicate patient consent C. percentage of patients that have experienced complications after the same procedure at the facility D. possible complications that the patient may experience

percentage of patients that have experienced complications after the same procedure at the facility

A 3cm hypoechoic mass is identified in the right testicle. The radiologist requests that you perform an abdominal US. What are you looking for? A. renal vein tumor invasion B. periaortic lymphadenopathy C. associated Crohn's disease D. other manifestations of MENS syndrome

periaortic lymphadenopathy

Increased androgen production can lead to hirsutism. This is commonly associated with all of the following, except: A. polycystic ovarian disease B. adrenal cortical cancer C. adrenal hyperplasia D. pheochromocytoma


Which of the following is least likely to cause pancreatic pseudocyst formation? A. pancreatic carcinoma B. abdominal trauma C. pancreatitis D. portal HTN

portal HTN

A patient presents for an abdominal sonogram due to a history of hepatic congestion. What structure(s) should be closely evaluated for related findings? A. splenic artery B. renal arteries C. portal system D. left renal vein E. celiac axis

portal system

The psoas muscle is __________________ to the kidney. A. posteromedial B. anterolateral C. posterolateral D. anteromedial


Which of the following is a violation of HIPAA policies? A. posting patient symptoms and demographics with an anonymous ultrasound image on social media B. discussing exam results with the patient's physician C. discussing exam results with a patient D. sharing an anonymized image from an exam with your Sonography class

posting patient symptoms and demographics with an anonymous ultrasound image on social media

A large angiomyolipoma in the right kidneyis most commonly associated with what acoustic artifact? A. reverberation B. propagation speed artifact C. comet tail artifact D. posterior enhancement

propagation speed artifact

Increasing the imaging depth will: A. improve temporal resolution B. reduce the frame rate C. reduce beam intensity D. increase the pulse repetition frequency

reduce the frame rate

Time gain compensation is necessary due to: A. reflection, refraction and scatter B. the non-linear behavior of sound waves C. sound impedance difference between transducer and skin D. the inability of high frequency transducers to penetrate the body effectively

reflection, refraction and scatter

Which of the following is related to renal failure and vitamin D deficiency? A. hyperthyroidism B. pulmonary HTN C. secondary hyperparathyroidism D. nephrocalcinosis

secondary hyperparathyroidism

_____________________ occurs posterior to highly attenuating structures. A. enhancement B. refraction C. speckle D. shadowing


Which of the following is associated with an autosplenectomy? A. splenic hamartoma B. wandering spleen C. splec lymphoma D. sickle cell anemia

sickle cell anemia

All of the following are associated with gastrinoma formation in the pancreas, except: A. increased serum levels of gastrin B. symptoms include indigestion and esophageal reflux C. associated with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome D. significantly decreased levels of amylase production

significantly decreased levels of amylase production

Which of the following is most likely to produce posterior shadowing? A. angiomyolipoma B. sloughed papilla C. renal lipoma D. mycetoma

sloughed papilla

Which abdominal vessel is the best landmark to identify the body and tail of the pancreas? A. left renal vein B. right renal vein C. splenic vein D. superior mesenteric vein E. splenic vein and superior mesenteric vein

splenic vein

Which of the following vessels can be used to help locate the left adrenal gland? A. splenic vein B. distal SMA C. right renal vein D. celiac axis

splenic vein

The ______________ can be identified anterior to the pancreas tail. A. hepatic flexure of the colon B. superior mesenteric artery C. left kidney D. stomach


Which muscle group is located anteromedial to the lobes of the thyroid gland? A. strap muscles B. longus colli muscle C. tracheal muscles D. sternocleidomastoid

strap muscles

Normal hepatic venous flow will demonstrate: A. two large retrograde diastolic and systolic waves followed by a small retrograde component that corresponds with the atrial contraction B. two large retrograde diastolic and systolic waves followed by a small antegrade component that corresponds with the atrial contraction C. two large antegrade diastolic and systolic waves followed by a small retrograde component that corresponds with the atrial contraction D. two large antegrade diastolic and systolic waves followed by a small antegrade component that corresponds with the atrial contraction

two large antegrade diastolic and systolic waves followed by a small retrograde component that corresponds with the atrial contraction

Which of the following describes how to differentiate tumefactive sludge from gallbladder carcinoma? A. use color doppler over the area of interest B. ask the patient to perform the Valsalva maneuver C. give the patient a fatty meal and rescan D. turn off harmonic imaging

use color doppler over the area of interest

Which of the following testicular abnormalities would be better displayed if the patient performed the Valsalva maneuver? A. varicocele only B. inguinal hernia only C. testicular torsion and inguinal hernia D. varicocele and inguinal hernia

varicocele and inguinal hernia

All of the following correctly describe adrenal gland hemorrhage, except: A. very rare because the adrenal glands are hypovascular fatty organs B. most commonly seen in newborns C. associated with decreased hematocrit levels D. in adults, it can be related to thrombocytopenia

very rare because the adrenal glands are hypovascular fatty organs

Weakened gastrosplenic and splenorenal ligaments can lead to: A. polysplenia B. situs inversus C. wandering spleen D. asplenia

wandering spleen

All of the following terms can be used to describe the appearance of a hydatid cyst, except? A. water lily sign B. honeycomb cyst C. wheel within a wheel D. daughter cyst

wheel within a wheel

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