Abeka 11th Grade US History Test 5

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the ____ doctrine stated the people of territory could ban slavery by the laws of their territorial governments or by withholding police protection from slaveholders.

fifty-four forty

the democratic party ran in 1844 on the slogan "_____ or Fight!"

narcissa whitman

the first white woman to journey west of the rocky mountains were eliza spalding and _____?

cumberland road

the national road was origonally known as

Francis Cabot Lowell

the power loom was invented by

John C Fremont

what american officer aided the californians in the bear flag revolt?

blue backed speller

what commonly used textbook was written by Noah Webster

Wilmot Proviso

what proposal attempted to bar slavery from the mexican cession

Samuel Slater

Who is the father of American Factory System

John Breckinridge

Who was the nominee of the southern democrats for the presidency in 1860?

British law prevented industrial methods from spreading to America

Why did american industry struggle to keep up with Britian industry immedietly after indpendence.

Oliver Evans

developed a high pressure steam engine

William Dean Howells

editor of the atlantic monthly magazine

Josiah Holbrook

founded the first lyceum

Davy Crockett

frontiersman who died at the Alamo

Zachary Taylor

general sent to protect the texas border


horace mann encouraged normal schools, which were used for the training of___?


in what year was the republic party formed

Jefferson Davis

made the president of the confederecy during the civil war

DeWitt Clinton

responsible for the construction of the Erie Canal


which was the fastest ,ethod of sending a message to the West

Henry Clay

who proposed the compromise of 1850?

Hudson river

The erie canal connected Lake Erie to what other body of water?

Hannibal Hamlin

who was the abraham lincolns vice presidental running mate in the election of 1860

harriet tubman

who was the best known leader of the underground railroad

Robert E Lee

who was the military commander sent to sto[ the raid of the harpers ferry

william b travis

who was the texan commander at the alamo

John slidell

American envoy to Mexico

Battle of San Jacinto

At what battle did the Republic of Texas win her independence?

Jedidiah Smith

Chrisitan trailblazer in the west

Essay: similiaries: -both lincoln and douglas wanted to preserve the union and believed that succession was illegal -both were congressmen from illinois differences: -douglas believed in popular soveriegnty and lincoln supported the missiour compromise -lincoln was a notable talker and douglas was much shorter

Essay: compare and contrast abraham lincoln and stephen douglas. Give two ways they were similar and two ways they were different

scott was still a slave because slaves were property that congress could not consitutionally seize and make free

In dred scott vs sanford how did the supreme court rule?

seventh of march

daniel webster endorsed the compromise of 1850 in what speech?

the gold rush

what was the primary reason for american interest in california?


what were the years of the mexican war


what demonstrated the most citizens of the Reublic of Texas wished to join the US?

cotton gin

what invention most affected the southern agriculture


what kind of education is concerned with passing on to new generations the knowledge and proven methods of the past?


what kind of road was raised above the surrounding terrain to aid drainage?

he said he did not intend to interfere with slavery in the places where it already existed

what message did lincoln express in his first inaugural address

William Taylor

what methodist missionary preached to the settlers in California

clipper ships

what was the americas greatest contribution to the history of sailing vessels

underground railroad

what was the network of escape routes mainyted by the abolisionist through which many slaves escaped from the South

Liberty party

what was the party of moderate abolitionist that campaigned during the 1840's?

Guadalupe Hidalgo

where did the US and mexico sign a treaty ending the mexican war

John Brown

who was the abolisionist who attacked a settlement at pottawatomie creek?

Hinton Rowan Helper

wrote the impending cirsis of the south

Zachary Talor

What american officer won the battle of Veracruz?


What crop dominated Southern agriculture

Marcus Whitman

What presbyterian missionary led the great migration to Oregon Country?

Oberlin College

What was the first college to admit women?

Henry Clay

What was the whig nominee for the presidential election of 1844?

slavery forced wages down, causing potential factory workers to seek employment in the north instead

how did slavery affect the southern industrialism

Kansas became battleground between abolisionist and proslavery invaders

how did the result of the kansas-nebraska act demonstrate the shortcomings of popular soveriegnty

Cyrus McCormick

invented the reaper

Franklin Pierce

president who attempted to buy Cuba

William Llyod Garrison

published the liberator

Stephen A Douglas

sponsored the kansas-nebraska bill

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