Abeka US History chapter 2

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What name was given to the group of English businessmen who agreed to finance the Pilgrim's expedition to the New World


What denomination played a large role in the establishment of Rhode Island and it's system of government?


What was considered to be the first written constitution in America?

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

What legislative body did the Pilgrims establish to pass laws, carry out provisions of the law, and judge cases arising under the law?

General Court

What colony was founded as a haven for English Catholics? Who became its first governor?

Maryland; Leonard Calvert

What company provided the Puritans with an opportunity to find religious freedom in America?

Massachusetts Bay Company

What colonies were included in the New England Confederation?

Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New Haven

Explain what John Winthrop meant when he called Massachusetts Bay a "City upon a hill."

The Puritans hoped to offer the world a complete example of Christian civilization-a society that would fully embody what they understood to be God's truth.

Explain how the Reformation spiritually prepared the English people to colonize the New World.

The Reformation established the influence of the Bible in the lives of the English people. This quickly became evident in the English colonies; all of the colonists' ideas about morality, justice, individual responsibility, and freedom came from the Bible.

Contrast the relationship between church and state in the colonies of Massachusetts Bay and Rhode Island.

The church dominated the state in Massachusetts Bay; in Rhode Island, civil government was not permitted to interfere in religious affairs, and the church was not permitted to use civil force to promote religion.

Why did the common store system fail?

The few industrious workers were providing for all, including the idle, lazy, and proud. With only a few contributing to the common storehouse, and everyone taking from it, supplies were depleted rapidly.

How did the land of Pennsylvania receive its name?

The land of Sylvania was granted to William Penn by King Charles II as payment of a debt owed to Penn's father. Charles II renamed the land Pennsylvania in honor of Penn's father.

What major error did the Puritans make concerning church and state?

They failed to separate church and state, allowing the church to control political affairs.

What act in Maryland granted freedom of worship to anyone "professing to believe in Jesus Christ"?

Toleration Act

Who was the first English child born in the present-day United States?

Virginia Dare

Who wrote History of Plymouth Plantation?

William Bradford

Who gave England the first printed English Bible?

William Tyndale

Who made up the General Court?

freemen of the colony who were members of approved Puritan churches

Who was the first Englishman to sail around the world?

Sir Francis Drake

What book did Roger Williams publish about the Indian language?

"Key into the Language of America" (should be underlined)

Name the supposed water passage through North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

"Northwest Passage"

What does Philadelphia mean?

"city of brotherly love"

Who saved Jamestown from failure in its early days? How?

Captain John Smith, by establishing a policy based on the biblical principle that any who would not work should not eat (2 Thess. 3:10)

Explain why the "Grand Model" plan for a feudal system in Carolina was doomed for failure.

Carolina did not have enough settlers; feudalism was based on scarcity of land, and land in America was abundant; social class in America was judged not by birth, as in Europe, but by accomplishment.

What English king vowed to rule without Parliament?

Charles I

Name the Organization under which the New England colonies, New York, and New Jersey were united in the 1680's

Dominion of New England

What king broke England away from the Roman church?

Henry VIII

What representative body in Virginia acted as an advisory body to the governor?

House of Burgesses

How did the free enterprise system save Jamestown and Plymouth from early failure?

It made the colonists responsible for themselves, as opposed to the communal system, and provided the initiative and efficiency for prosperity.

How was Georgia unusual? Who founded it? When?

It was the last of the 13 colonies to be settled and was settled much later than its predecessors. Unlike the proprietary colonies, Georgia was not settled for profit but as a benevolent undertaking. James Oglethorpe founded it in 1733.

What was the first permanent English settlement in the New World?


Who was the first explorer in the modern age to reach the mainland of North America?

John Cabot

Name the first governor of the Plymouth colony.

John Carver

Who was chosen to be governor of the Puritan colony?

John Winthrop

What English reformer has been called the "Morning Star of the Reformation"?

John Wycliffe

How did New Netherlands become New York?

King Charles II of England granted New Netherland to his brother, the Duke of York, renaming the colony New York in his honor. The English later seized control of the colony from the Dutch.

Who led part of the Scrooby congregation to Leyden, Holland?

Pastor John Robinson

Who acted as agent in the purchase of Manhattan Island from the Indians?

Peter Minuit

Name the first settlement in Rhode Island.


For what religious group was Pennsylvania a haven?


What precedents did the pilgrims set for religious and political freedom?

popular government, representative government, separation of church and state, and religious toleration

What was the greatest triumph of the New England Confederation?

putting down a fierce Indian uprising during King Philip's War

Discuss the three freedoms that motivated Englishmen to colonize the New World.

religious, political, and economic freedom

What type of colony was owned and controlled directly by the king?

royal colony

Name the three groups involved in English colonization.

sovereigns, businessmen, and settlers

Name the two companies that received a charter to colonize America.

the London Company and the Plymouth Company

Define congregationalism

theory of church government which says that every body of believers should be independent and self-governing

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