ABM quiz 1

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Chester Barnard

Chester Barnard believed organizations need to be both effective and efficient. Barnard developed a theory of organization around the idea that it is a natural, cooperative system. Important aspects of his natural system theory include the Inducement-Contribution Theory, altering the motives of members to obtain cooperation and recognition of the need for legitimate authority.

Peter Drucker

Drucker believed that managers should, above all else, be leaders. Rather than setting strict hours and discouraging innovation, he opted for a more flexible, collaborative approach. He placed high importance on decentralization, knowledge work, management by objectives (MBO) and a process called SMART. Drucker described the primary goal of a manager as "make people productive."

Fedrick Taylor

Frederick Taylor in 1800's- believed if workers were able to make their own decisions, they would not choose the most productive methods of working. Need close supervision & instruction (precise time & measurements).

Henri Fayol

Henri Fayol based off of classical. First identified the common functions (planning, organizing, etc...) & the 14 characteristics of an effective company: Authority, responsibility, unity of command, adequate compensation, unity of purpose, etc.

Henry fords revolution

Henry Ford was by far one of the most imperative inventors of the Industrial Revolution. His primary invention, the automobile, changed life as we know it.

What was the human relations movement? What theories were part of this movement and what did they assert?

Human relations movement refers to the researchers of organizational development who study the behaviour of people in groups, particularly in workplace groups and other related concepts in fields such as industrial and organizational psychology. Frederick Taylor's scientific management theory,Max Weber's bureaucratic theory and Mary Parker Follett's theory of organizational management. Help you better relate and understand others.

Job Specialization

Job specialization is a process that occurs when employees gain knowledge, education and experience in a specific area of expertise. The importance of job specialization in the modern day workforce is that it helps to fulfill the need for skilled workers. Workers are skilled on how to work a certain job.

How did the Industrial Revolution change the way work was done?

Machine power replaced human and animal power in the production process. Rather than individual craftsmen completing the work on each product, businesses could hire several employees to operate the new machines. The result was greater production and a larger number of products for sale.

Mary Parker Follett

Mary Parker Follett, or the "Mother of Modern Management," believed that management was "the art of getting things done through people." Known well for her mediating tendencies and managing tactics, Follett created a management theory that is still in favor today. Its main principals include:Integration, Power with, Group power.


Multiple levels of management and specialized areas within a business.

How will the U.S. workforce be different in 2050 than it was in 2010?

Older workers will make up a larger portion of the workforce while the youngest workers will obtain more education before entering the workforce. Black, Hispanic, and Asian workers will make up nearly half the workforce in 2050.

What is Operations management?

Operations management is an area of management concerned with designing and controlling the process of production and redesigning business operations in the production of goods or services.

Industrial Revolution effects

Particular Impact on mining, metal, coal, textiles, and agriculture. Factories built- machines allow faster processing of materials Transportation methods more effective for distribution Caused economic expansion which required a new approach to business operations. Money needed, jobs needed, hiring processes, departments, etc.

What was the Hawthorne studies and what was its theory (the Hawthorne effect)

The Hawthorne studies showed that people's work performance is dependent on social issues and job satisfaction, and that monetary incentives and good working conditions are generally less important in improving employee productivity than meeting individuals' need and desire to belong to a group and be included in decision making and work.


The first effort to apply scientific study to business activities. Focus on set-up/efficiency/productivity, then analyze which methods and employees worked best.

What did the Industrial Revolution bring together for the first time?

The industrial revolution brought about management and theories about management for the first time because people needed to learn how to manage all their machines, workers, and products in order to keep up with their huge amount of production.

What emerged as a result of the Industrial Revolution?

The result of the industrial revolution a huge economic expansion, products good be produced way faster, a large number products were for sale but many workers lost their jobs to machines.

What is Theory X & Y?

Theory X- managers think employees will not work to their greatest potential without close supervision Theory Y- employees will work hard if they feel involved in decisions about their work and given meaningful tasks

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

They brought together two of the main streams of management thinking over the past 100 years. On the one hand, they followed the pioneering work in time and motion studies begun by Frederick Winslow Taylor, and on the other they developed the study of workplace psychology. Came up with the idea of filming workers to analyze their motions.

What types of problems arose as a result of the industrial revolution?

Urbanization was getting out of hand and there was overpopulation. Quality of products decreased. Workers worked long hours for little pay. Social classes greatly expanded.F


are managers whose main job is to direct the work of employees.


are people who complete all five management functions on a regular basis and have authority over other jobs and people.


are top-level managers who spend almost all of their time on management functions and decisions that affect the entire company.

Middle managers

complete all of the management functions, but spend most of their time completing specialized work in one management function or are responsible for a specific part of the company's operations.


focuses on finding individuals with the right skills to do the work.

Robert Katz

identified three managerial skills essential to successful management: technical, human, and conceptual. ... Managers understand abstract relationships, develop ideas, and solve problems creatively. Thus, technical skill deals with things, human skill concerns people, and conceptual skill has to do with ideas. He identified these skills which helps the management world.

Admistrative management

identifies the most effective practices for organizing and managing a business.


involves analyzing information and making decisions about what needs to be done.


involves evaluating results to determine if the company's objectives have been accomplished as planned.

Management Strategy

is a carefully developed overall approach to leading an organization.

What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. ... From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.

Quality Management

is a total commitment by everyone in an organization to improve the quality of procedures and products by reducing waste, errors, and defects. Usually focus on improvements in training, participation, commitment


is concerned with determining how plans can be accomplished most effectively and arranging resources to complete work.

Behavioral Management

is directed at organizational improvement through understanding employee motivation and behavior. came as a result of dissatisfied workers. Now a growing focus on relationship between managers and employees. Sometimes called human relations management Employees need to feel as though they are a valuable part of the business Theory X- managers think employees will not work to their greatest potential without close supervision Theory Y- employees will work hard if they feel involved in decisions about their work and given meaningful tasks

Management science

is the careful, objective study of management decisions and procedures in order to improve the operation of businesses and organizations.


is the process of accomplishing the goals of an organization through the effective use of people and other resources.

Business Competition

is the rivalry among companies for customers. Includes location and # of competitors (even small/local businesses face competition all over the country/world) Also includes production efficiency- outside of US had advantage with lower cost workforce, less expensive distribution/production, etc.


requires working with employees to ensure they are motivated and have the resources needed to help carry out plans and get the work done.

Classical Management

studies the way work is organized and the procedures used to complete a job in order to increase worker productivity.

Henry Gantt

was an American mechanical engineer and management consultant who is best known for his work in the development of scientific management. He is probably best known for two key contributions to classical management theory: the Gantt chart and the task and bonus system. The Gantt chart is a tool that provides a visual (graphic) representation of what occurs over the course of a project.

Industrial Revolution

was the era of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in which machine power replaced human and animal power in the production process, leading to major business and social changes.

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