Abnormal Psychology Final Exam

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To be classified as a major depressive episode, depression must last for at least

2 weeks

binge drinking is defined as drinking at least ____ drinks on a single occasion

4 for women and 5 for men

a manic episode is to hypomania as ____ is to _____

Bipolar I, Bipolar II

The difference between Bipolar I and Bipolar II is

Bipolar I- has experienced a manic episode Bipolar II- no manic episode (only hypomania)

All of the following are considered symptoms of a manic episode

abnormal, inflated, unrestrained, irritable mood; continued heightened energy; grandiosity, reduced sleep need, increased talkativeness, rapidly shifting ideas, heightened activity

____ is characterized as a severe problem; children repeatedly violate the basic rights of others

conduct disorder

If a person's bodily symptoms affect his/her voluntary motor and sensory functions, but the symptoms are inconsistent with known medical diseases, this condition is

conversion disorder

depression and eating disorders are correlated

depressive disorders may set the stage for eating disorders many people diagnosed with eating disorders also have depression or vice versa

intentionally feigning illness to achieve some external gain is described as


Which is useful in distinguishing conversion or somatic symptom disorders from true medical problems

the failure of a condition to develop as expected

1. For at least 1 year, the individual repeatedly displays severe outbursts of temper that are extremely out of proportion to triggering situations and different from ones displayed by most other people of his/her age. 2. The outbursts occur at least 3x/week and are present in at least 2 settings (home, school, peers) 3. Individual repeatedly displays irritable or angry mood between the outbursts 4. Individual receives the initial diagnosis between 6-18 years old

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

Ainsley has a drink in the morning on rising and a cocktail with breakfast. She usually sneaks a snort during the morning and then drinks during lunch. Later at home she generally has a small dinner and sits in front of the TV drinking wine, often an entire bottle. Somehow, she manages to get up and go to work the next morning. She is displaying

alcohol abuse

Every time Miguel had a headache, his mother let him miss school. Now, as an adult, his headaches have become more frequent. His head pounds any time he is required to do something he would rather not. This is a ______ explanation of conversion symptoms.


If people with unipolar depression were found to have lower levels of norepinephrine, such a finding would support the ____ perspective


the disorder that is characterized by eating binges followed by engaging in compensatory behavior such as forced vomiting

bulimia nervosa

According to early psychodynamic approaches, schizophrenia stems from

early childhood traumas unresolved/unconscious conflicts lack of resolution during oral stage cold/un-nurturing parents

the primary motivating emotion a person with anorexia experiences is


Which is the following are physical symptoms of depression

headaches, dizzy spells, general pains OTHER- emotional: feeling miserable/empty motivational: lacking drive/initiative behavioral: less active/productive cognitive: negative views/pessimism

When it comes to understanding mental disorders and medical problems, most researchers believe

mental illness results from problems with the communication system within the brain

All of the following are part of Beck's Theory of Depression

negative view of the self negative view of the world negative view of the future depression is the result of faulty/maladaptive cognitions thinking patterns are unrealistically negative

_____ is characterized by extreme hostility and defiance

oppositional defiant disorder

An individual displays fear or anxiety concerning separation from attachment figures, anxiety that is unreasonable or excessive for age group. What is the diagnosis?

separation anxiety disorder

Which theoretical orientation would support the finding that Westerners experience more psychological symptoms of depression than do others around the world?


Unipolar depression and bipolar disorder share all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

unipolar has no history of mania (only depression) while bipolar is periods of mania alternating with periods of depression

Schizophrenia Dx Checklist

1. For 1 month, individual displays two or more of the following symptoms much of the time- -delusions -hallucinations -disorganized speech -abnormal motor activity -negative symptoms 2. At least 1 of the symptoms is delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech 3. Individual functions more poorly in various life spheres than before the symptoms 4. Beyond this 1 month, there is a continual display of some degree of impaired functioning for at least 5 additional months positive symptoms: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thought/speech negative symptoms: poverty of speech, restricted affect, loss of volition, social withdrawal prodromal phase: onset and buildup of symptoms -social withdrawal and isolation -inappropriate affect -poor communication patterns -neglect of personal grooming active phase: full-blown symptoms -severe disturbances in thinking -deterioration in social relationships -restricted/inappropriate affect residual phase: no more symptoms -symptom severity declines -mild impairment -can lead productive lives treatment -antipsychotics -psychosocial therapy -cognitive behavioral therapy -family therapy

To be classified as having male hypoactive sexual desire disorder, a man would have a reduced interest in sex and little sexual activity, with these conditions lasting

6 months


a state in which a person loses contact with reality in key ways

Which best describes someone with illness anxiety disorder

chronically anxious about health convinced self has serious illness misinterpret bodily events as signs persistence despite what others say begins in early adulthood

A milder pattern of mood swings that does not reach the severity of bipolar disorder but does include brief depressive and manic episodes is called _____; the disorder marked by numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depressive symptoms is called _____

cyclothymic disorder

Which statement is true about factitious disorders

deliberately inducing/simulating/exaggerating symptoms with no external incentive bodily symptoms are the primary feature go to extremes to create appearance of illness begins in early adulthood

the phrase split mind is to schizophrenia as split personality is to

dissociative identity disorder

the most common cognitive disturbance seen in individuals with anorexia nervosa is

distorted body image (overestimation)

A woman complains of an assortment of physiological ailments. You think she is intentionally producing the physical symptoms to appear sick, which fills some psychological need. If this is true, the appropriate diagnosis is

factitious disorder

LaTisha experiences little sexual response to erotic cues and physical stimulation. She is most likely experiencing

female sexual interest/arousal disorder

When Janice drinks her milk, she is sure from the taste that someone put salt in it. Janice is most likely experiencing a(n) _____ hallucination


the best example of malingering is a person who

intentionally fakes a back problem to avoid military service purposefuly produces falsely/grossly exaggerated complaints to receive a reward (i.e. money, insurance settlement, drugs, or avoid work/military/jury duty/etc)

Melanie has been out with friends and has been using drugs. In spite of being obviously uncoordinated and under the influence, she wants to drive her car. Her condition is an example of


An example of a motivational symptom of unipolar depression is

lack of drive/initiative/spontaneity trouble making decisions/taking action

On an impulse, Jaxson decides to throw a huge party (four days of round-the-clock work and 200 guests). When the police stop by because Jaxson has blocked a public road to have room for the party, he flies into a rage. Jaxson is most likely experiencing

manic phase of Bipolar I -increased agitation -excessive pursuit of risky activities -heightened activity

Which description best represents someone with bulimia nervosa

more concerned with pleasing others and being attractive to others more sexually active more likely to have history of mood swings weight fluctuates within normal range

poverty of speech, blunted and flat affect, loss of volition, and social withdrawal are all examples of _____ symptoms of schizophrenia


Cognitive-behavioral theorists explain depression in terms of a person's

negative interpretation of events

Frequent headaches, indigestion, and sleep disturbances are ____ symptoms of depression


Which characteristic is very common in individuals with anorexia nervosa but significantly less common in individuals with bulimia nervosa or binge eating

preoccupied with food all the time key goal is becoming thin amenorrhea

A therapist uses free association and dream interpretation to discover that as a small child her client had been left alone by her mother on several occasions. The therapist concludes that the patient is experiencing unipolar depression. What orientation is this therapist most likely from?


The clinician who would be most likely to say "tell me about any early losses you experienced" would be a

psychodynamic therapist

the central feature of bulimia nervosa is

repeated binge episodes followed by compensatory behaviors

Which statement is true regarding binge eating disorder

repeated eating binges 2/3 become overweight/obese because no compensatory behaviors eating even when full not driven to thinness

Which individual would most likely cut out sweets, then eliminate more and more types of foods, but not engage in forced vomiting?

restricting type anorexia nervosa

_____ is a condition in which people show no emotions at all

schizoid personality disorder OR restricted affect

schizophrenia is derived from the Greek term for

split mind

A college professor's work performance recently has deteriorated, and his colleagues find him difficult to talk to. If this is due to a problem with drugs, the best description of this professor's behavior would be

substance abuse

The two most influential cognitive explanations for unipolar depression

theory of learned helplessness theory of negative thinking

A frequent drug user finds that larger doses of a drug are necessary to produce the same "high" that much lower doses once produced. That drug user is developing


What do psychodynamic therapists believe is the cause of unipolar depression?

unresolved childhood anxiety symbolic/imagined loss

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