Abnormal Psychology Final Exam Part 1

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Josh has not been doing well in school since he started kindergarten (he is now in 2nd grade). He has trouble staying on task, is easily distracted, often loses his homework and leaves his coat on the school bus, doesn't finish homework assignments, doesn't pay close attention to his work, and doesn't seem like he's listening when others speak to him. Though this is primarily problematic at school, Josh also has problems at home because he fails to finish his chores and complete his homework What's the disorder?

ADHD, predominantly inattentive presentation

Holly was mugged 1 week ago at night. The mugger held agun to her head and threatened to kill her while demandingthat she hand over all of her money and possessions. Duringthe mugging, Holly felt as though she was watching it allhappen from outside of her body and felt very detached fromherself and her surroundings. She has continued to feel likeshe is in a foggy dream‐like state and has had troubleremembering specifics from the mugging. She becomes veryupset when people attempt to speak with her about themugging and does all she can to avoid reminders of theincident. She has had trouble sleeping because she has beenvigilantly monitoring her doors and windows in case themugger tries to find her, as well as experiencing nightmaresabout the mugging when she does finally sleep. Hollyadditionally reports that she feels as though she can no longerfeel happy in her life What's the disorder?

Acute Stress Disorder

Yesterday I got stuck in traffic on my way to work. I thought "I always get stuck in traffic!",which made me feel depressed. What kind of cognitive distortion is this?

All or nothing thinking

Pam spends a lot of time weighing herselfto see if she has lost weight. She isextremely anxious about gaining weight,and sees herself as fat and ugly, eventhough she is significantly underweightfor her age and height. Because of this,she regularly makes herself vomit aftereating meals. She has felt this way andengaged in this behavior for the past 6 months What's the disorder?

Anorexia nervosa, binge/purge subtype

Zoe regularly exercises with the solepurpose of losing weight. She will exercisefor up to 6 hours per day. She also makessure to only eat healthy foods, though shetends to eat very little, and will often onlyeat once a day. She is very afraid ofgaining weight, though she is nowseverely underweight. She continues toengage in this behavior because she believes that her thighs and butt are too fat What's the disorder?

Anorexia nervosa, restricting subtype

Vinny is a 4 year old boy who demonstrates problems with developing peer relationships and using nonverbal behaviors, such as making eye contact and appropriate facial expressions. Vinny's language is severely delayed and he knows only a few words. When he does speak, he often echoes the words that were just said to him. Vinny has deficits in his ability to spontaneously play with others, and instead is preoccupied with certain parts of objects, such as buttons, and can spend hours touching and rotating a button. He does not have any friends, and never attempts to engage others in social interaction, including his parents. He additionally becomes alarmingly upset if his routine is altered or delayed. Vinny's parents noticed very early on in his life that he had these deficits What's the disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder, with language impairment, without intellectual impairment

Amanda was invited to the party butdidn't come. She tries to avoid socialinteractions most of the time becauseshe is afraid that people won't like her.She spent the whole night thinkingabout the party and wishing she was there What's the disorder?

Avoidant personality disorder

Katie is a 14-year old girl. She is not afraid ofgaining weight or getting fat, though she isunderweight for her age and eats very little. Infact, she has lost 20 pounds over the last year,instead of gaining weight in accordance with hergrowth in height. Katie says that she just doesn'tlike to eat and doesn't like the taste and textureof most foods. When pressed to try a new food,Katie will refuse. She has largely stopped eatingdinner with her family and will not go out to eatwith her friends because of this What's the disorder?

Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder

Marilyn regularly eats when she feelsupset. She will usually eat a bag of potatochips, several celery stalks with peanutbutter, a package of cookies, and 10 candybars. During these instances, Marilynfeels that she cannot stop herself fromeating and will eat until she isuncomfortably full. She eats alone becauseshe is embarrassed about the amount sheis eating and she feels very depressed andguilty after these episodes, which havebeen occurring approximately 3 times aweek for the past year What's the disorder?

Binge eating disorder

Jill is in the emergency room where her parentshave brought her for evaluation due to theirconcerns about Jill's behavior over the past week.They are worried because she is giving away all ofher possessions and says she is planning to moveto Seattle so she can "save the world." Her parentssay that she has hardly been sleeping at all, but sheseems very energetic. They say she has appearedto be "in a frenzy" lately. When Jill is interviewed shespeaks very rapidly. It is hard to get her to be quietlong enough to ask questions. She seems agitated,and has difficulty sitting still. The doctors make thedecision to hospitalize Jill to prevent harm to herself. What's the disorder?

Bipolar I Disorder

Patty spends an inordinate amount of time staringat her nose in the mirror. She is convinced that it isextremely ugly and much larger than it should be.She constantly applies makeup to it to make it look"prettier" and "smaller". Recently, she decided toget plastic surgery to decrease it in size. However,following the surgery she still felt it was too large,and even uglier than it had been previously. Pattyis so embarrassed about her nose that she hardlyleaves her house and cannot stand to have anyonelook at her. What's the disorder?

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Sherry paraded into the party drunk and continued todrink throughout the night. Laughing and giggling, sheflirted with many of the men and to two of themexpressed her "deep affection." Twice during theevening she disappeared for almost half an hour, eachtime with a different man. After a violent argument withone of them, because he took "too long" to get her adrink, she locked herself into the bathroom andattempted to swallow a bottle of aspirin. Her friendsencouraged her to go home, but she was afraid to bealone in her apartment What is the disorder?

Borderline personality disorder

Two weeks ago, Stuart started telling everyone thathe was the King of Scotland. When others showedhim evidence that he was not in fact a king, Stuartdemanded that they be exiled for asserting such aridiculous statement. However, after 1 week, Stuartno longer believed that he was a king and his lifereturned back to the way it used to be, with nolasting impairments What is the disorder?

Brief psychotic disorder

Stephanie believes that she needs to loseweight. She thinks of herself as a loserbecause she is not as thin as most of thewomen on tv. She frequently attempts to diet,but finds that she will end up eating asubstantial amount of junk food a few timesper week. During these times, Stephanie feelsas though she cannot stop herself and willcontinue eating until there is no more foodleft. Stephanie usually feels anxious aboutgaining weight afterwards, so she will makeherself vomit. This has been occurringapproximately 2 times per week for the lastseveral months What is the disorder?

Bulimia Nervosa

Lauri believes that she is overweight,even though she is not. She believes thatshe is not a good person unless she is thinand beautiful. Lauri attempts to restricther food intake, though she will oftenengage in binge eating. To make up forthe calories that she just ate, Lauri willoften fast, sometimes for more than a day.She has never vomited after eating. Thisoccurs approximately twice a week What's the disorder?

Bulimia nervosa

Over the past year, Michael has gotten into trouble with his parents and with his school on several occasions. He has even been taken to the police station on one occasion. Michael has been very aggressive towards other people, often threatening others and even attempting to stab a student with a knife. Michael has been physically cruel to animals as well, and he has destroyed his friends' belongings purposely What's the disrder?

Conduct Disorder

Sam witnessed a horrible murder 2 weeks ago.Ever since, Sam has reported that he is not ableto see anymore - that he has essentially goneblind. Medical reports do not show anydysfunction in his visual system, and in fact Sam isable to walk around without bumping into things.Strangely, Sam does not seem bothered by hisblindness, though he has not been able to worksince this deficit began. What is the disorder?

Conversion Disorder

Researchers are interested in the incidence rates of schizophrenia and socioecomonic status.They compare SES and diagnoses of sz and find that as SES increases, the likelihood of beingdiagnosed with sz decreases. Experiment or Correlation?


Charlie started seeing a therapist because hewanted to learn how to better manage his mood.Since he started college 3 years ago, he hasn't feltlike himself. He states that he either feels flat, dull,and sad, or that he feels hyper and silly. He can'tremember the last time that he felt "normal." Charliehas had trouble at both school and work, becausewhen he is feeling sad he has trouble making it tomeetings on time and does not feel like putting fortheffort or energy to engage with friends or family.When he is feeling hyper, he tends to blow off hiscommitments to do other activities, which often leadto undesirable consequences (e.g., contracting anSTD from unprotected sex). Charlie has never beenhospitalized for his symptoms. What's the disorder?

Cyclothymic Disorder

Over the last 6 months, Gary has noticed that it hasbecome much more difficult and takes much longer forhim to have an orgasm. He has been married for 20years, but still asserts that he is attracted to his wife.Whenever they have sex now, it is usual that he will noteven experience an orgasm, as he and his wife willtypically end their sexual activity after about 30 minutes. Afew weeks ago, he was able to ejaculate after about 45minutes after initiating sex, but his wife is usually too tiredto maintain sexual activity for that long. This is severelydistressing for Gary What is the disorder?

Delayed ejaculation

Bonnie was placed on a new medication. Shortly thereafter, she became very disoriented and didn't know where she was. She had trouble recognizing her family members or remembering what was said to her. These symptoms fluctuated throughout the day, such that at times she appeared fairly clear and lucid, and at others she couldn't stay focused on even simple tasks and appeared to have no memory of what she'd done just 10 minutes ago. These symptoms cleared up after her medication was discontinued What's the disorder?


Janie is convinced that her spouse has beencheating on her, even though her husband hasdenied it on several occasions. For the past 3months, she has looked through her husband's cellphone records, emails, and bank statements on adaily basis, and although she has not found anyevidence of an affair, she is completely sure thather husband has been unfaithful. Janie does notexperience any other symptoms or exhibit any otherodd behavior What is the disorder?

Delusional disorder, jealous type

Tamara was invited to the party but ultimatelyended up not going. When Tamara got theinvitation, she repeatedly asked her friend Lisa ifshe should go to the party, what she should wear,and if she should bring anything. When Lisa wasn'table to make it to the party at the last minutebecause she had to clean her house, Lisa decidednot to attend the party either. When Lisa askedTamara to help clean her house, Tamara agreedand ended up doing most of the cleaning What's the disorder?

Dependent personality disorder

Kenny began therapy because he was worried thathe might be going insane. For the past 2 years hehad experienced frequent episodes of feeling"outside" himself. These episodes wereaccompanied by a sense of deadness in his body.However, Kenny realized that he wasn't actuallydead, though these feelings were extremelydistressing. During these periods, he was uncertainof his balance and would frequently stumble intofurniture. He has stopped driving because he isworried that this will happen while he is driving andwill cause an accident What is the disorder?

Depersonalization/ Derealization

Angie spent the first year and a half of her life in an orphanage inanother country. The orphanage was overcrowded and Angierarely received any attention or interaction with adults. She wasadopted at 1.5 years old and did not know any language at thetime. Now, at age 5, Angie is doing much better in terms oflanguage, but still demonstrates some odd behavior. Her parentsare concerned because she seems to be overly trusting of anyadult, even within mere seconds of meeting them. She is quick tosit in adults' laps, give them a hug, and tell them she loves them.Angie's parents are afraid that Angie will not recognize if she isbeing taken advantage of by others, and they are also concernedabout the possibility of kidnapping or other harm be falling Angie. What is the disorder?

Disinhibited social engagement disorder

Cory is a 13-year old boy. His parents describe him asbeing frequently irritable and angry. They say that he hasbeen like this for the past several years, and his teachershave described him in this manner as well. However, hismood and behavior appear to be more severe at home,where he will frequently suddenly become excessivelyangry and physically destructive. These outbursts willtypically occur when Cory is unhappy about trivialmanners, such as what's for dinner. During theseoutbursts, Cory will kick and hit his sister and scream athis parents. This occurs frequently, approximately 4 timesper week. What's the disorder?

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

Judy's husband recently told her that hewanted a divorce. The next day, Judyseemingly disappeared. Two months later,Judy's husband ran into her at a restaurant afew towns over. When Judy's husband triedto speak with her, she claimed she did notknow him, nor did she know anyone namedJudy. She claimed her name was Trisha. Afriend backed up her assertion, saying thatTrisha had recently moved to town about 2months ago What's the disorder?

Dissociate Amnesia, generalized amnesia, with dissociative fugue

Danny was driving his car when a semi-truckhit him and put his daughter into a coma.Danny spent the next few days at thehospital, until his daughter finally woke upseveral days later. Upon returning home withhis daughter, Danny realized that he hasabsolutely no memory of anything that hadhappened over the past few days. His lastmemory was getting into the car on the daythat his accident happened What is the disorder?

Dissociative Amnesia disorder, continuos amnesia

Amanda has recently realized that there are periodsduring the day that she has no memory of, andcannot account for what she was doing during thattime. Often, people she does not know will stop herand say hi or bring up something that sheapparently did, but has no memory of doing. Oneday, a stranger referred to her as Ashley. Amandabegan seeing a therapist, who placed Amandaunder hypnosis and determined that Amanda hadbeen switching between different personality states,including Ashley and a child named Nicole What is the disorder?

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Oliver is 5 years old. For the past 6 months, he has been pooping in his pants while in school. This occurs approximately once a week What's the disorder?


A few times per week, Sadie urinates in her bed while sleeping. This causes Sadie distress, as she is embarrassed and fears that her parents will be angry at her. However, she doesn't wake up until after it has happened and is unable to control it What's the disorder?


Brian is 55 years old. He has been happily married formany years but has recently found that he is unable toachieve an erection as easily as he used to. He can oftenachieve an erection during masturbation, but during sexhe often cannot achieve one at all. This has beenhappening for the past 6 months and Brian is significantlydistressed by this What is the disorder?

Erectile disorder

During the past 2 years, every weekend Ernie chooses anunsuspecting teenage girl who is walking alone outsideand jumps out at her from behind a doorway, tree, or carparked at the sidewalk. When he jumps out, he exposeshis penis to her. He flees the scene afterwards andmasturbates when he is alone. Ernie is not at alldistressed by this behavior What is the disorder?

Exihitionistic disorder

Drs. Dre and Snoop are interested in the effects of smoking marijuana on memory. They predictthat smoking mj will decrease short term memory. They expose 100 rats to mj smoke 3 times aday, 100 rats to mj smoke 1 time a day, and 100 rats to no mj smoke ever. After one week ofthis condition, they teach the rats to run a maze and measure how many trials it takes eachgroup of rats to learn the maze. Experiment or Correlation?


Researchers are interested in whether cognitive behavioral therapy is effective in geriatricindividuals to the same extent that it is for younger people. They treat 20 depressed men whoare over the age of 70 and 20 depressed men under the age of 50. They find that the efficacy ofCBT is greater for younger patients. Experiment or Correlation?


Lisa has been treated by various medicalproviders at least 12 times in the past month.Lisa has been to the hospital complaining ofrashes, vomiting, extreme fatigue, and respiratorydiscomfort, among other symptoms. Lisa hasbeen purposely taking the wrong medication andexposing herself to dangerous toxins because sheenjoys the attention she receives from themedical staff What's the disorder?

Factitious disorder

Sabrina has been bringing her daughter to the ERweekly for the past two months, each time for adifferent ailment. The doctors have never been ableto find a medical explanation for her daughter'ssymptoms, and have become suspicious that Sabrinamay be harming her daughter. One afternoon afterthe doctor checked on Sabrina's daughter andpronounced her to be fine, Sabrina began smotheringher daughter after the doctor left to producerespiratory distress. Luckily, the doctor saw Sabrinado this, and stopped her before she could hurt herdaughter. Sabrina has no obvious reason to harm herdaughter and is not doing so for any form ofcompensation What is the disorder?

Factitious disorder by proxy

When Meg became sexually active in college, she felt thatshe was probably missing something, since she did notfeel "rockets going off" as she had imagined. She did notexperience an orgasm during her first sexual encounter,nor during any of her other sexual experiences in college.When she fell in love with a man after college, she hopedthings would be different; however, Meg still has not hadan orgasm during sex. Both Meg and her fiancé are upsetby this What is the disorder?

Female Orgasmic Disorder

After giving birth, Carol says that she has no time orenergy for sex with her husband. In fact, they have notbeen sexually intimate for 8 months. Carol never thinksabout sex and when her husband mentions it she alwayssays that she's not in the mood. Carol can't imagine everbeing sexual again. On the very few times when she hasgiven in to her husband's attempts to engage in sexualactivity, she is unable to become sufficiently lubricatedand does not experience any pleasure during sex. She issaddened by the effect that this change has had on hermarriage, as she believes her husband may now behaving an affair, but feels little motivation to try to change What's the disorder?

Female sexual interest/ arousal disorder

For several years, Walt has been unable to become sexually aroused unless he has access to lace underwear. Every day, he masturbates while caressing a pair of women's lace underwear. He has tried to masturbate without the underwear, but he cannot become aroused. When he has sex with a woman, he insists that she wear lace. Walt is not distressed about this behavior, but it has interfered with his ability to maintain relationships with women What is the disorder?

Fetishistic disorder

I don't bother to be kind to my new coworkers because I am sure they will dislike me anyway. What kind of cognitive distortion is this?

Fortune Telling

Bruce frequently rides crowded subways where hebecomes sexually stimulated by rubbing up againstunsuspecting women. He engages in this behaviorseveral times per day and is often able to take advantageof women without their comprehending what he is doing.Bruce is not distressed by this. What is the disorder ?

Frotteuristic Disorder

Shelly is a 5 year old girl. She frequently states that shewants to be a boy and tends to play only with other boys.She likes to play pretend games such as Cowboys andIndians and play with army dolls rather than Barbie dolls.She screams whenever her mother tries to dress her indresses or skirts and will only wear pants. Shelly assertsthat she will one day grow a penis and become a boy.These behaviors have lasted for the last year and result inShelly getting bullied and made fun of at school What is the disorder ?

Gender dysphoria

Amy is a worrier. She worries that she worries somuch and isn't always sure what it is that she isworried about. She can't let her husband orchildren leave the house without making them callher regularly to reassure her that they are ok. Herhusband and children are growing weary of herfretting. Their impatience with her only makes herworry more. Though Amy feels that her marriageis slowly dissolving, she is completely unable tocontrol her worry. As a result of her constantworrying, she is also restless, irritable, and hasdifficulty concentrating. What's the disorder?

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Donna danced into the party and immediately becamethe center of attention. With sweeping gestures of herarms and dramatic displays of emotion, she boastedabout her career as an actress in a local theater group.During a private conversation, a friend inquired aboutthe rumors that she was having some difficulties in hermarriage. In an outburst of anger, she denied anyproblems and claimed that her marriage was "aswonderful and charming as ever." Shortly thereafter,while drinking her second martini, she fainted and hadto be taken home

Histrionic personality disorder

Lily's husband recently moved out because hesaid that he cannot continue to live in a housewhere he can't even walk to the kitchen withouthaving to step over piles of what he considers"garbage," such as old mail, magazines, clothes,and toys. However, Lily is completely unable tothrow away these items. She explains thatperhaps one day she will need them, so it isnecessary for her to keep them. Lily's husbandtried to clean out one of the rooms in their houseone day while Lily was out; when Lily camehome, she was so distressed that she went out tothe dumpster and spent 3 hours re-collecting allof her belongings and bringing them back to herhouse. What's the disorder?

Hoarding Disorder

Zach has been extremely concerned over the pastyear that he has stomach cancer. He frequentlyexamines his abdomen for lumps, and has beenincreasingly aware of the sounds and sensationsemanating from his stomach. He has seen severaldoctors about his concerns, but none of them canfind any signs of cancer. He checks his stool daily forblood and has received several x-rays of his abdomenarea, all of which have produced negative results.Nevertheless, Zach is certain that he is dying ofcancer What is the disorder?

Illness Anxiety disorder

Early in childhood, Dustin's parents recognized that his speech and motor development was delayed compared to most kids. He has substantial trouble dressing himself, he cannot tie his shoes, he cannot effectively communicate his needs to others, and his parents are concerned that he will get hurt if not in a fenced-in yard because he is likely to run into the street without a second thought. When he entered kindergarten, his teacher noticed this as well. After a cognitive assessment, she informed Dustin's parents that he has an IQ of 60 What's the disorder?

Intellectual disability, mild

Charles was recently fired from work. He is a writer at a newspaper and had been having a difficult time controlling himself following feedback on assignments. For instance, when his editor corrected a few grammatical errors, Charles threw a lamp at his editor's computer screen. Another time he punched a copy editor in the face after the editor attempted to teach him how to appropriately use a semi-colon. Charles has been having these outbursts at home as well. When his wife forgot to pick up his dry cleaning, he punched a hole in the wall. This has caused significant problems at work and home for Charles What's the disorder?

Intermittent explosive disorder

Kim constantly feels the urge to steal things from various locations, including her workplace, the mall, and friends' houses. She has a difficult time controlling this urge, especially because she feels pleasure and relief after stealing something. She has no use for the objects she steals; instead she just keeps them in a large box in her basement What's the disorder?


Manny sees a therapist following a suicide attempt. During the interview, he is very sad and tearful. He speaks slowly and looks down at the ground as he speaks. He reports difficulty falling and staying asleep for the past month. Manny states that he hasn't had much of an appetite and has lost 15 pounds. He reports that things he used to like just don't seem enjoyable anymore, and he thinks that life is not worth living. Manny doesn't expect things to improve in the future, which is why he tried to kill himself. What's the Disorder? What's the disorder?

Major Depressive Disorder

Sebastian is a 35-year-old male. He is married and loveshis wife, but reports that he does not have any desire toengage in sexual activity. He never fantasizes about sex,and frequently pretends to be sleeping or not feeling wellif his wife wants to have sex. This is distressing toSebastian, as he knows that it is interfering with hismarriage What is the disorder?

Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder

Winston spent most of the time talking about histrip to Europe, his new Mercedes, and hisfavorite French restaurants. People seemedbored being around him, but he kept right ontalking. When he made a critical remark abouthow one of the woman was dressed - and hurther feelings - he could not apologize for hisobvious blunder. He tried to talk his way aroundit, and even seemed to be blaming her for beingupset. What's the disorder?

Narcissistic Personality disorder

Naomi is very afraid of clowns. When shesees a clown, she is likely to have a panicattack. Naomi purposely avoids going tocircuses or other events in which a clownmight be present. However, Naomi lives ina small town in which there has never beena circus, and hardly ever has theopportunity to encounter clowns. Her feardoes not significantly interfere with herfunctioning and she is not distressed byhaving this fear What is the disorder?

No disorder

Katie has been feeling very sad since her husbanddied 1 month ago. She has eaten very little, hasdifficulty sleeping, feels very fatigued, and herspeech and movements are noticeably slower toothers. She is weepy most of the time. Katie ispreoccupied with thoughts of her dead husband anddoes not want to do much other than thinking abouthim. She feels empty and lonely all of the time,though her self-esteem and self-worth are intact.She has declined all invitations by friends andspends most of her time alone What's the disorder?

No disorder, grief over lost husband

Jeff is very concerned about cleanliness and hygiene.He experiences very distressing thoughts that he isgoing to get sick from touching something dirty anddie. Therefore, he spends a significant amount of timeeach day (~4 hours) washing his hands or showering,especially after he touches a toilet seat, doorknob, orany other item he thinks may be dirty or contaminated.The patient explains that he is concerned aboutbecoming infected or sick from touching these objects,which causes him significant distress. He periodicallyacknowledges that the washing is excessive butexplains that he becomes very anxious when he tries toavoid washing and eventually feels compelled to washeven more to make up for the omission. What is the disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Peter arrived at the party exactly on time.He made a point of speaking to everyguest for five minutes. He talked mostlyabout technology and finance, andavoided any inquiries about his feelingsor personal life. He left precisely at 10 PMbecause he had work to do at home What's the disorder?

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

During the last school year, Ryan has been exceptionally argumentative and hostile towards his teachers and parents. Specifically, he often argues with adults, deliberately annoys others, blames others for his mistakes, and constantly loses his temper. These symptoms occur at least once a week and have caused him many problems at his middle school, including being suspended What's the disorder?

Oppositional Defiant disorder

Jennifer was walking through her local shoppingmall when she began to experience sensations ofchoking, smothering, and a sudden sense that thepeople and stores around her were unreal. Shebegan to fear that she was going crazy and the moreshe worried about this the more anxious shebecame. A few minutes later the symptoms began tosubside. In the following month there were two othertimes when she unexpectedly felt these symptoms.During this time, she was constantly worried aboutexperiencing them again. Jennifer was finally forcedto tell her husband about this because she was sofearful of not being able to get help if thesesymptoms occurred that she would not leave herhouse alone or travel on public transportation What's the disorder?

Panic Disorder

Over the last year, Kirk has recurrent fantasies aboutengaging in sexual acts with young girls. He often thinksabout his 8-year old stepdaughter and has envisionedhimself going into her room at night to touch her. He hasnever acted on these urges, though Kirk is distressed bythem and is afraid that he will give into his urges one dayand ruin his marriage What is the disorder?

Pedophilic Disorder

Phillip is a 42 year old male. His friends haveurged him to seek counseling because theyknow that he is unhappy. Phillip says that hedoesn't think about it much, but he supposesthat he has probably been pretty unhappy sincehis divorce 6 years ago. He says that he justdoesn't get much enjoyment out of life, he thinkshe's stupid and a failure, and that he feelshopeless because things always seem to gowrong for him. He denies that he has problemseating or sleeping. He denies having thoughts ofsuicide. What's the disorder?

Persistent Depressive Disorder

Several times per day, Brandon has the urge to scrunch up his nose. He feels as though he needs to engage in this behavior and if he doesn't he feels very anxious. At times, people tell Brandon that he is scrunching his nose, though he hasn't realized he has done it. This behavior started approximately 2 years ago What's the disorder?

Persistent motor tic disorder

Trevor is 5 years old. For the past 6 months, hehas been frequently trying to eat objects such aspencils and chapstick. Trevor's mother has toconstantly watch him to ensure that he is noteating items other than food What's the disorder?


Tom was driving through an intersection when another car ranthrough a red traffic light and hit him. He was trapped in the caruntil a fire department rescue team freed him. Tom was bruisedbut not seriously hurt. A few days later he began havingrecurrent distressing thoughts and images of the accident.Theses symptoms lasted for several weeks. The memory of hisscreams after the car was struck seemed particularly vivid. Tombegan feeling persistently angry, and he became irritable, haddifficulty concentrating, and avoided talking about the accident.He went out of his way to avoid driving down the street wherethe accident occurred. As time went on he could no longerremember whether the traffic light was red or green when heapproached it. Tom finally decided to seek treatment for hissymptoms after experiencing them for 4 months What's the disorder?

Posttraumatic Stress disorder

Jeremy feels that he is unable to control his orgasms. Heis married and typically has sex with his wife once perweek. Following penetration, Jeremy typically has anorgasm within the next minute. Jeremy is worried becausehe believes that his wife is upset because sex typicallyends before his wife is able to have an orgasm What is the disorder?

Premature ejaculation

Over the past year, Sally has experienced what sheconsiders multiple "mood swings." There have been4 periods of time when Sally has felt sad andwanted to be alone for a few weeks. During theseperiods, Sally stayed home and didn't want to doany of the things she usually enjoyed, insteadspending her days sleeping. She did not eat muchand she frequently had thoughts about not wantingto be alive anymore. On two other occasions though(each lasting about 1 week), Sally felt great. Shereported that she had a lot of energy, was able toget a lot of work done, and did not need much sleep.She reported that she went on several shoppingsprees during those weeks, though she was neverhospitalized during any of these episodes and likedthe way that she felt What's the disorder?

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Throughout the day, Evelyn makes several noises that she experiences as uncontrollable. For example, she will squeak, whistle, and hum at times when it is inappropriate to do so, but she says that she cannot control herself. She also frequently snaps her fingers and repeatedly shrugs her shoulders, which she also experiences as uncontrollable. These symptoms have been occurring for the last 10 months What's the disorder?

Provisional tic disorder

Tyler has always been fascinated with fire. In his room, he has a large box full of fire-related materials that he looks at every day. He spends his free time searching for old abandoned buildings so that he can set them on fire. He has a feeling of tension and urgency prior to starting fires, which is removed once one is started. He frequently runs away after setting fires and finds a place to hide from which he can watch the fire until it is eventually put out What's the disorder?


Justin's parents feel that he has not yet developed a close andsecure relationship with them. At 4 years old, Justin neverseeks out his parents when he is feeling upset or distressed,and in fact sometimes seems afraid of his father when he triesto hug Justin. When Justin's parents attempt to engage him inplay or smile at him, Justin appears to ignore them and doesnot reciprocate the behaviors or emotions. Though Justin'sparents are distraught by this, they are hopeful that with time,Justin will become affectionate toward him. They have onlylegally been Justin's parents for the past 2 years. Prior to that,he was in and out of foster homes since his birth. Justin'sparents were told that prior to being adopted by them, he hadlived with 8 different families What is the disorder?

Reactive attachment disorder

Amanda frequently vomits up her foodback into her mouth shortly afterswallowing it. After doing this, she willchew her food again before re-swallowingit. This has concerned Amanda's parents,because she never used to do this prior tothe past 2 months What's the disorder?

Rumination disorder

Emma believes that a chip was implanted in her brain by aliensto record her thoughts. Even following medical tests that showEmma that nothing is in her brain, she insists that it is true. Shehas had this belief for several years now and she is unable towork or socialize much because she is suspicious that everyonecan hear her thoughts. In addition to this, Emma feels sad anddepressed most of the time. She doesn't have much energy, shefeels worthless, and has little appetite or interest in mostactivities. Emma says that she feels this way most of the time.Her mood did improve recently for a few weeks; however, shecurrently reports feeling depressed again. Her beliefs aboutaliens have persisted throughout this time What is the disorder?

Schizoeffective disorder

Harold wasn't invited to the party, but he was not bothered by this. No one really knows him very well because he rarely talks to other people and goes out of his way to avoid other people.He prefers to spend his time at home alone What's the disorder?

Schizoid personality disorder

During the past month, Alex was hospitalized becausehis mother was concerned that he would harm his littlebrother. Alex stated that he heard the voice of thedevil telling him to kill his brother before his brotherkilled him. Alex also believes that the devil will kill himif he doesn't do what the devil wants. One day, thedevil demanded that Alex grab a kitchen knife andstab his brother. Luckily, Alex's mother caught himbefore he could do any harm. Alex has heard thedevil's voice for the past 6 months, but it has gottenworse recently. He has not been able to go to work orschool and spends his days by himself in his room What is the disorder?


For the past 3 days, Hyde has barely moved at all.He sits motionless in a chair and resists all attempts tomove him or engage him in conversation. Additionally,for the past month, Hyde has behaved very unusuallyby dressing in odd outfits, speaking in nonsensicalwords, and alternating between pacing aimlesslyaround his house and remaining still and rigid. Hydehas always appeared "odd" to others. For the pastfew years, he barely shows emotion when he speaksto others, he prefers to be alone, and he has notshown much interest in doing anything except forwatching tv What is the disorder?


Two years ago, Dick was hospitalized because hewas sure that his skin was rotting. He claimed thathe could smell it and that he was being punished byGod for his sins. During this time, he stopped eatingand taking care of himself because he was sure thathe was going to die anyway. These symptoms lastedfor approximately 4 months. Following a brieftreatment, Dick no longer believed that his skin wasrotting and he was able to return to work andregain contact with his friends and family What is the disorder?

Schizophreniform disorder

William wandered into the party, but didn'tstay long. The "negative forces" in theroom were unsettling to his "psychic soul-spot." The few guests he spoke to feltsomewhat uneasy being with this aloof"space cadet." What is the disorder?

Schizotypal personality disorder

At Nancy's parent-teacher conference, Nancy'steacher told her mother that Nancy never speaks inclass. It has been 2 months since the school yearbegan, and Nancy still refuses to speak in class,even when called on. The teacher feels that Nancyis not comprehending the information well sinceshe is unable to ask for help. However, the teacherhas seen Nancy speak to other children on theplayground, and Nancy's mother confirmed thatNancy speaks frequently at home. What's the disorder?

Selective Mutism

Amanda becomes very tearful andanxious when she is left with people otherthan her parents, including her teacher,grandparents, and babysitter. She oftenrefuses to go to school or to hergrandparents' house because she saysshe is concerned her parents won't comeback. She is unable to go to sleep at nightunless one of her parents stays in bedwith her. This has been going on for thelast 2 months. What is the disorder?

Separation anxiety disorder

Betty and her husband Barney often engage in role-playduring sex. Over the past year, they have frequentlyengaged in role-play where Barney is a stranger whorapes Betty. Barney will verbally abuse Betty, tie her up,and slap her. Betty used to enjoy these role plays, butthey have become a little too physically violent for her.She told Barney that she didn't want to do this anymore,but Barney continues to engage in this behavior. Shefrequently attempts to avoid sex now What is the disorder?

Sexual sadism disorder

Sandra's duties at work require her to makeperiodic formal presentations to the seniormanagement of the company. However, shebecomes intensely anxious at the thought ofspeaking in front of others. When she is forcedto give a presentation, she begins to feelanxious days in advance of the talk and theanxiety increases as the time for the talkapproaches. She is concerned that her anxietywill become noticeable during the talk or thatshe will do something to embarrass herself,making others think negatively of her. She isconsidering quitting her job in order to avoidhaving to make these presentations What is the disorder?

Social Anxiety Disorder

Tina describes herself as nervous since childhood andas having been continuously sickly beginning in heryouth. She experiences chest pain and states that shehas a "nervous" heart. She sees physicians frequently(at least once per week) for abdominal pain,backaches, pains in her extremities, and a feeling ofanesthesia in her fingertips. She was recentlyadmitted to a hospital following complaints ofabdominal and chest pain and of vomiting, duringwhich admission she received a hysterectomy.Following the surgery she has been troubled byanxiety, fainting, vomiting, food intolerance andweakness and fatigue. Physical examinations revealcompletely negative findings, though Tina remainsextremely distressed by these symptoms. What's the disorder?

Somatic Symptom Disorder

Tony has had an intense fear of needlessince he was a child. He tries torationalize his fear by explaining that he isjust being cautious and protecting himselffrom AIDS. He realizes that his fear isirrational but he is unable to control it.Tony has fainted twice in the past whenhis blood was drawn during a physicalexamination. He becomes extremelyanxious at the sight of a needle andworries for days before an appointmentwith his physician or dentist. He actuallyhasn't been to any medical or dentalprovider in over 3 years because of hisanxiety What's the disorder?

Specific Phobia, blood-injection-injury

Hannah was in a major car accident 20 yearsago during a cross country trip. Ever since,she has been unable to drive on majorhighways without becoming extremelyanxious. Although she does drive, she goesto great lengths to travel only on back roadsand scenic routes. It often takes her muchlonger than it should to go places, andfrequently makes her late for appointments.Hannah realizes that her fear isunreasonable and is interfering with her life,but she can't help it What's the disorder?

Specific Phobia, situation

Tammy has persistent involuntary body movements, such as involuntary shoulder shrugs and eye twitches. In addition, Tammy makes involuntary verbal sounds, including shouting obscene words. These involuntary behaviors occur nearly every day and began when Tammy was 8. She is currently 10 What's the disorder?

Tourrette syndrome

In the evenings after his wife leaves for work, Phil goesinto his basement to retrieve his hidden stash of women'sclothes, including underwear, stockings, high heels,makeup, a wig, and dresses. Phil dresses in these clothesand fantasizes that he is being pursued by several men.Though he limits this behavior to the evenings, hefrequently thinks about it during the day, which interfereswith his job. Phil does not have any desire to leave hiswife and does not consider himself homosexual; however,this fantasy of his is highly arousing, even more so thanwatching his wife undress What is the disorder?

Transvestic Disorder

For the past 6 months, Meredith has beensecretly pulling out strands of her hair. At first itwas not noticeable, but now there is about a 1inch patch of hair loss on the back of her head.She has tried to stop pulling her hair; however,recently her urges have gotten worse, and shehas started picking out the hairs in her eyebrowsand on her forearm. She will pick the hair out ofher forearm when she experiences the tensionand urge to pick when she is in a public place,because she is more easily able to hide thatbehavior. She is embarrassed about her hair lossand experiences much distress related to it What's the disorder?


My dog always barks when people come to the door, especially the FedEx delivery guy. It is nowat the point where my dog will bark when he just sees the FedEx truck driving down the street. What is the US, UR, CS, CR?

US: fedex guy coming to door UR: barking CS: seeing Fedex truck CR: barking

Whenever your friend leaves your house, he tells you "goodbye" and slams the door. This loudnoise from the door slam makes you flinch. Recently, you've noticed that you flinch as soon ashe yells "goodbye." What is the US, UR, CS, CR?

US: noise from door slam UR: flinching CS: friend saying "goodbye" CR: flinching

Edward lives in a dorm on campus. On most evenings, hesneaks around in the bushes, looking for a good vantagepoint from which to gaze into the windows of femalestudents. Using binoculars, he is able to find at least oneroom in which a woman is undressing. Edward willmasturbate while engaging in this behavior What's the disorder?

Voyeuristic Disorder

Joe has rarely left his house in the past 6months. He feels that his home is the only placehe is safe, and particularly fears that if he isoutside his home by himself or if he is in anysort of enclosed or crowded public place thatsomething bad will happen to him, like having apanic attack, and he either won't be able to gethelp or will be incredibly embarrassed. A fewmonths ago, Joe tried to go to the grocery storebecause he needed milk; however, as soon ashe pulled into the store parking lot heexperienced incredible anxiety and had to gohome. What's the disorder?


Duncan arrived at the party intoxicated. Heimmediately started a physical fight withone of the male guests, and when heaccidentally seriously hurt a young womanat the party, he did not apologize or seemsorry. When the party host asked Duncanto pay for damages sustained to her housefollowing the fight, Duncan refused What's the disorder?

antisocial personality disorder

Yesterday I cut myself on a piece of glass and had to go to the hospital. I thought "I'm losing somuch blood, I'm going to have to get a transfusion and contract a severe illness and die!" What kind of cognitive distortion is this?


Researchers are interested in whether eating DOs are related to childhood abuse. They asked500 females about their history of abuse and their current ED symptoms. They found thatfemales with a greater history of abuse tended to report more ED symptoms. Experiment or Correlation?


I got an A on my exam and my parents congratulated me. I told them that I only got the Abecause my teacher likes me. What kind of cognitive distortion is this?

disqualifying the positive

Jamie repeatedly picks at his skin, to theextent that his skin will start bleeding.When scabs form, Jamie frequently willpick them off as well, resulting incontinuous scabbing on his arms andlegs. Jamie has realized that doing thisbehavior upsets others, and has tried tostop, but finds that the urge to pick at hisskin is too great. Because of this, Jamiehas very few friends What's the disorder?


Dr. Benzo is interested in developing a new anti-anxiety drug with fewer side effects and risk ofdependency than the current leading txs. She gets one group of subjects who take her newsuper drug A and one group that takes a placebo. She then measures which group has thelowest levels of anxiety. She finds that people who took super drug A report the fewest anxiety symptoms. Experiment or Correlation?


Trisha has experienced severe pain during sex for thepast several years. It feels as though the muscles in hervagina spasm and tighten up upon penetration, causingso much pain that she needs to stop. Trisha is afraid thatshe will never be able to have a lasting relationshipbecause of this What's the disorder?

genito-pelvic pain/ penetration disorder

Yesterday I called my friend Rose but she didn't answer. She still hasn't called me back. Iassume that Rose must be mad at me. What cognitive distortion is this?

mind reading

Before entering, Doreen watched the party forseveral minutes from outside through thewindow. Once she went in, she seemed veryuncomfortable. When people tried to be nice toher, she looked guarded and distrustful. Peoplequickly became uncomfortable with her habit offinding fault with every little thing they said ordid. She seemed to be picking fights withpeople. She didn't stay very long at the party What's the disorder?

paranoid personality disorder

I am unhappy that my boyfriend is unable to call me every night due to his work schedule. Ithink "He should want to talk to me every day. He should make the time for it!" What kind of cognitive distortion is this?

should statement

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