Abraham Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs

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After retirement, leisure activities are likely to: have an impact on the self-acceptance of retirees. reduce retirees' chances of successful aging. increase the risk of cognitive impairment. remain the same irrespective of the physical aspects of aging.


Maureen is going through perimenopause and experiences hot flushes and night sweats. She also suffers from dizziness, headaches, and tingling in the hands or feet. Which of the following treatments will help Maureen cope with these symptoms? Hormone replacement therapy Chemotherapy Radiation therapy Enzyme replacement therapy


Spatial orientation is primarily associated with _____. fluid intelligence existential intelligence interpersonal intelligence crystallized intelligence


The immune system retains the capacity to battle antigens by: maintaining their antibodies in the bloodstream. regulating body temperature near the area of an injury. increasing the amount of glucose absorbed by cells. increasing the production of red blood cells.


The most widely used criteria for establishing brain death include absence of activity of the _____. cerebral cortex cerebellum medulla oblongata Brainstem


Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis are commonly used to treat _________ . A) erectile disorder B) neurological disorder C) cancer D) osteoporosis


Which of the following is true of people during middle adulthood? Women become more aware that their "biological clocks" are ticking. The sperm count and "swimming ability" of sperm begin to decline markedly at age 30. There is great loss of fluid intelligence during middle adulthood. Most people in middle adulthood suffer major loss of physical prowess.


Which of the following refers to the fatty deposits that develop in the lining of arteries? Plaque Tumor A lipoma A clot


Which of the following statements is true with respect to young children's perspectives on death? Children's understanding of death is increased as they learn how various organs of the body contribute to the processes of life. Children, by nature, are quick to adapt to the absence of loved ones and tend to move on with their lives after the loss of a parent. Most young children have the cognitive ability to understand the permanent nature of death. When children learn about death, it is considered abnormal for them to


_________ is joint inflammation that results from conditions affecting the structures inside and surrounding the joints. A) Arthritis B) Osteoporosis C) Atrophy D) Osteonecrosis


According to Erik Erikson, which of the following factors can lead to stagnation among middle-aged adults? Rejection or suppression of the natural drive to travel and explore Rejection or suppression of the natural drive toward procreativity Rejection or suppression of the natural instinct to achieve job satisfaction Rejection or suppression of the natural drive toward homosexual behavior


Data from research found that a lack of self-confidence in older retirees is likely to: enable selective optimization with compensation. impede adjustment to retirement. result in ego transcendence. minimize the risk of depression.


Identify a benefit of regular church attendance among older adults. Propagation of cultural myths Avoidance of negative coping methods Availability of communal dining facilities Emotional and physical intimacy with spouse


In the case of older, retired adults, continuing with physical, leisure, and informal social activities are all associated with: a low self-esteem. greater life satisfaction. lower ego differentiation. an acceleration in the effects of aging


Josephine, a 70-year-old woman, after her retirement, volunteers at a homeless shelter. She divides her time between various charities and her friends and family. These activities keep her occupied and happy. Josephine's scenario illustrates _____. denial of current decline and the approach of death ego differentiation versus work-role preoccupation mutual withdrawal between society and aging individual ego preoccupation versus body preoccupation


The _________ refers to the research finding that IQ scores increased some 18 points in the United States between the years of 1947 and 2002. A) Matthew effect B) Flynn effect C) Cohort effect D) Streisand effect


Which of the following will have a moderating effect on stressful life events? A) Having a greater number of life events occur at one time B) Having understanding and supportive family members C) Having few resources to tackle the challenges posed by the life events D) Using alcohol to help relax



Breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, homeostasis, excretion

.Edward is a 50-year-old who has two grandsons. He encourages his grandsons to play outdoors every day and eat healthy food. He also teaches them to be polite. He believes these are essential habits. The information passed on by Edward to his grandsons illustrates his _____. existential intelligence reaction time crystallized intelligence interindividual variability


.Studies showing that longevity tends to run in families validate: A) maintenance theories of aging. B) error theories of aging. C) programmed theories of aging. D) cellular damage theories of aging.


By middle adulthood, _________ may work against a couple, with each partner competing to handle or avoid the same task. A) similarity in conscientiousness B) difference in extraversion C) similarity in personality D) difference in goals


Eddie nursed his wife through a long illness and was by her side when she passed away. A few days later, Eddie's best friend of 40 years moved to another country. Eddie feels lonely but is hopeful of finding meaningful company soon. Meanwhile, he spends quality time with his grandchildren. In this scenario, which of the following options is most likely to happen to Eddie? He is likely to become severely ill, which will only heighten the severity of the painful life events. He is likely to be depressed and unable to cope as a result of his way of thinking about life events. He is likely to manage his stress better than someone who believes the situation will not change. He is likely to suffer from severe anxiety symptoms that will lead to thoughts of suicide.


Men with _____ commonly need to urinate during the night, causing awakening. shrunken spines shrunken pupils enlarged prostate glands enlarged adrenal glands


Muira, a 70-year-old woman, has been diagnosed with a progressive brain disease that makes it difficult for her to manage daily tasks such as selecting clothes, recalling names and addresses, and driving. She becomes confused and gets lost in streets and stores. She also suffers from paranoid delusions. Muira is most likely suffering from _____. Asperger's syndrome Crohn's disease Alzheimer's disease German measles


Of Robert Peck's developmental tasks, _____ lays emphasis on coming to terms with inevitable physical decline by placing more value on cognitive activities and social relationships. ego differentiation versus work-role preoccupation body identity versus ego identity body transcendence versus body preoccupation ego transcendence versus ego preoccupation


Which of the following is the leading cause of death among adults over the age of 80 in America? HIV/AIDS Cirrhosis of the liver Heart disease Stroke


Which of the following is true of corporate downsizing? It helps companies identify the most loyal workers. It is a tactic used by companies to increase the generativity of their workers. It initiates a midlife crisis on those who are laid off. It mostly affects people who are flexible about their career choices.


Which of the following statements about arthritis is true? The risk of arthritis tends to be highest in adolescence. Arthritis is less common in African Americans than European Americans. Arthritis is more common in women than men. Children are unlikely to be affected by arthritis.


Which of the following statements is true of relationships in late adulthood? Older adults are more likely than younger adults to seek divorce. Older adults show less affectionate behavior than younger adults when they discuss conflicts. Older adults who cohabit are less likely to marry their partners than Older adults are unlikely to have concerns about emotional intimacy and companionship.


.Which of the following statements best reflects adolescents' perspectives on death? They are beyond creating unrealistic theories as to how some form of life might survive after death. They fail to associate the concept of death with themselves. They are less likely than young children to attend funerals, including funerals with open caskets. They speak of death in terms of concepts such as light and darkness.


In the study conducted by Paul Maciejewski and his colleagues to test Jacobs' stage theory of grief, it was found that: yearning was nonexistent after two years after the death of a loved one. bargaining was low just after the loss and peaked over the course of five years. acceptance was at its peak right after the death of a loved one and waned thereafter. disbelief was highest just after the loss and waned over the course of two years.


Medicaid is a federal program that: regulates healthcare costs for all uninsured tourists visiting the United States. fully covers healthcare costs of terminally ill cancer patients among older adults in the United States. funds reproductive health care for female citizens of all ages in the United States. covers a portion of the healthcare costs of people of all ages who are unable to afford coverage.


Most people who change their careers do so in _________ . A) middle adulthood B) late adulthood C) adolescence D) young adulthood


Narayan, a 70-year-old man, understands that physical decline and death are inevitable. He has embraced his spirituality and spends his time meditating. He also works with a social welfare group to spread awareness about issues such as air and water pollution. Narayan's scenario illustrates _____. body preoccupation geriatric depression a reminiscent life review ego transcendence


The term euthanasia literally means A) pain relief B) suicide C) healing D) good death


Which of the following is true of the role of grandparents? They rarely live far from their grandchildren. They rarely bear the primary responsibility for rearing grandchildren. They all have the same level of fun and access to grandchildren. They are affected by divorce and loss of identity as a family unit.


Which of the following statements is true in the context of cognitive development in older adults? A.Age-related decline in prospective memory is greatest when the task to be completed is crucial. B.Age-related declines in the working memory of older adults do not affect their retrospective memory. C.Older adults tend to do nearly as well as young adults in tasks that assess explicit memory. D.Even if fluid intelligence remained intact, prospective memory of older adults might decline.


Which of the following statements is true in the context of cognitive development in older adults? Aging is unlikely to affect the processing speed of individuals. Aging has little effect on the retrospective memory of individuals. Aging has a more detrimental effect on memory for single items than on associative memory. Aging tends to affect explicit memory more than implicit memory.


Crystallized intelligence tends to decrease during adulthood, while fluid intelligence tends to increase. false true


Homicide and suicide are the leading causes of death in middle adulthood. false True



Friendship, Family, Sexual Intimacy

In a study administered by Alyssa Zucker and her colleagues to college-educated women, it was found that ________ was higher in the 40s than in the 20s.


.Experiences such as attending funerals challenge an adolescent's sense of immortality that is connected with the personal fable. true False


19.Funerals are tied to religious custom and cultural tradition. true False


Culture affects the expression of personality traits of people. true False


Depression may be overlooked because its symptoms are masked by physical complaints. true False


In contrast to hospitals, hospices provide the patient and family with as much control over decision making as possible. true False


Many people at most ages assume, or are encouraged to assume, a form of spiritual reversibility in their thinking about death.


Most career changes in midlife involve shifts into related fields. true False


Selective optimization with compensation helps older people maximize their gains while minimizing their losses. true False


The resting metabolic rate—also called the basal metabolic rate—declines during middle adulthood. True False


The number of years a person in a given population group can anticipate to live is called

life expectancy

Self Actualization

morality, creativity, spontaneity, problem solving, lack of prejudice, acceptance of facts


security of body, of employment, of resources, of morality,of the family, of health, of property


self esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of others, respect by others

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