ACA 122 Final Exam Review

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What is the maximum number of credits that community college students that major in English Composition can transfer without an Associate Degree?

6 credit hours

What is the maximum number of credits that community college students that major in Mathematics can transfer without an Associate Degree?

8 credit hours

What can a plan of study also be called?

A plan of study might also be called Course Hour Requirements, Curriculum, Curriculum Standards, Checksheet, Degree Plan, Course Requirements, or Individual Graduation plan.

True or False: Less and less senior institutions in North Carolina are increasing their recruitment of transfer students.


True or False: Transferring from a community college does not greatly improve your chance of admission to a senior institution.


What are Minimum Admission Requirements (MAR)?

Include specific standards for high school GPA and ACT and SAT test scores.

How many North Carolina Community Colleges offer diploma programs?

All of them.

What are Credit hours?

Are the number of hours associated with a particular class.

What degree should a student who is interested in social work, education, psychology, or business work towards?

Associate in Arts (AA)

What degree should a student who is interested in music and music education, art, or drama major in?

Associate in Fine Arts (AFA)

What degree should a student who is taking classes for their own personal grown earn?

Associate in General Education (AGE)

What degree should a student who is interested in biology, chemistry, or math major in?

Associate in Science (AAS)

What is a co-requisite course?

Is a course that you must complete at the same time as a required course.

What is a Baccalaureate Degree Plan?

Is a list of courses recommended by North Carolina public universities.

What are some common Associate in Applied Science (AAS) programs?

Nursing, Automotive Technology, occupational Therapy Assistant, Early Childhood Education, etc.

What is TAAP (Transfer Assured Admissions Policy)?

States that students who earn the AA or AS degree are guaranteed admission to one university in the UNC-system, though not necessarily to the school of the student's choice.

True or False: You will often have to add the "class hours," "lab hours," and "clinical hours" on the Plan of Study to determine the number of contact hours.


True or False: Your academic advisor can help you plan your schedule to take into consideration any pre-requisites or co-requisites.


What are the three categories that the recently revised Comprehensive Articulation Agreement classifies transferable courses?

1. Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) courses, 2. General Education, 3. Pre-major/elective courses.

How many credit hours are required for a student to receive a diploma?

36-48 credit hours.

How many credit hours do you need to have to complete an Associate in Arts (AA)?

60-61 credit hours

How many credit hours do you need to have to complete an Associate in Engineering (AE)?

60-61 credit hours

How many credit hours do you need to have to complete an Associate in Fine Arts (AFA)?

60-61 credit hours

How many credit hours do you need to have to complete an Associate in Science (AS)?

60-61 credit hours

How many credit hours do you need to have to complete an Associate in General Education (AGE)?

64-65 credit hours

How many credit hours do you need to have to complete an Associate in Applied Science (AAS)?

64-76 credit hours

What is the maximum number of credits that community college students that major in Natural Sciences can transfer without an Associate Degree?

8 credit hours

What is the maximum number of credits that community college students that major in Humanities/Fine Arts/Communications can transfer without an Associate Degree?

9 credit hours

What is the maximum number of credits that community college students that major in Social/Behavioral Sciences can transfer without an Associate Degree?

9 credit hours

What is a pre-requisite course?

A pre-requisite course is one that you must successfully complete before enrolling in a higher level course.

North Carolina's community colleges offer what types of associate degrees?

Associate in Applied Science (AAS), Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Engineering (AE), Associate in Fine Arts (AFA), Associate in Science (AS), Associate in General Education (AGE).

What types of associate degrees do university transfer students work towards?

Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Engineering (AE), Associate in Science (AS), or Associate in Fine Arts (AFA), depending on what they plan to major in at the senior institution.

What degree should a student who is interested in engineering plan to major in?

Associate in Engineering (AE)

What types of student credentials do North Carolina community colleges tend to consider when placing students in courses?

Students' high school GPAs and standardized test scores.

What types of information does a Plan of Study include?

The types of information that is included in a Plan of Study include the required general education and major courses.

While 44 North Carolina community colleges have been approved to offer the Associate in Engineering Degree, only five UNC senior institutions participate in the Uniform Articulation Agreement for engineering. They are:

Eastern Carolina University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical University, North Carolina State University, University of North Carolina Charlotte, and Western Carolina University.

What types of courses are classified as developmental education?

English, reading, and math classes.

True or False: Almost none of the private colleges in North Carolina have also chosen to follow the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement.


True or False: Baccalaureate Degree Plans and Course Selection guides do not list which specific classes are preferred for a specific major and/or specific university.


True or False: Baccalaureate Degree Plans do not list the courses students should take at the community college and the courses that students will take at the university.


True or False: By completing the Associate in Arts (AA) or Associate in Science (AS) degree, you are a quarter of the way finished with the requirements for your bachelor's degree.


True or False: Credit hours are not used to calculate your GPA and determine your tuition bill each semester.


True or False: Developmental education classes have course numbers above 100.


True or False: If an AAS in Early Childhood Education student is eligible for the protections under the UAA, then 50 of the required 64-76 credits will transfer and count towards the 120 credit bachelor's degree.


True or False: If you can't find the credit hours and contact hours on your Plan of Study, then you are out of luck in trying to find the hours associated with each of your classes.


True or False: None of the Associate in Applied Science degrees require any Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) designated courses, and these courses are not transferable and are not protected by the CAA.


True or False: North Carolina Community College admissions are competitive.


True or False: Plans of Study are never organized to list non-developmental education pre-requisites separate from the required courses for the credential and to list co-requisites in the same semester.


True or False: The Associate in Applied Science does not include general education courses.


True or False: The Comprehensive Articulation Agreement does not recommend that students identify their major and the senior institution that they plan to transfer to before completing 30 credit hours.


True or False: The Comprehensive Articulation Agreement offers students who complete an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree at a community college considerably worse protection than students who don't earn a degree before they transfer.


True or False: The Uniform Articulation Agreement does not help students who have earned an AAS in Nursing in order to become a Registered Nurse (RN) go on to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program.


True or False: The Uniform Articulation Agreement guarantees admission.


True or False: The four paths to transfer do not offer any choices in terms of how quickly students can transfer.


True or False: The fourth Uniform Articulation Agreement guides the transfer of AAS in Early Children Education students into junior institutions that offer either the Associate in Birth-Kindergarten major with a teaching licensure option or the associate in Early Childhood without a teaching licensure option.


True or False: The grades you earn in developmental education classes won't count toward your cumulative GPA and will not count toward your Satisfactory Academic Progress if you are receiving financial aid.


True or False: There are almost 1,200 transfer students transfer students in the UNC 16-university system, and only 100 of them come from NC community colleges (as opposed to transfer from private colleges, out-of-state, or from within the UNC-system.


True or False: To benefit from the protections provided by the four Uniform Articulation Agreement, students must have a 3.0 GPA upon graduation and earn a B in all of their courses.


True or False: UGETC (Universal General Education Transfer Component) courses that you take at the community college cannot count as general education courses and pre-major/electives, but pre-major/elective courses can count as general education courses.


True or False: UNC-system schools can charge students a tuition surcharge if you attempt more than 130 to complete your bachelor's degree.


True or False: University transfer Plans do not typically list disciplines or categories of courses that are required for the degree.


True or False: You cannot always look at the community college course description to find out if a particular course is transferable.


True or False: You don't have to be in good standing and eligible to return to the school you are transferring from to qualify for Transfer Assured Admissions Policy (TAAP).


True or False: You will not be required to take additional courses as pre-requisites or co-requisites to the courses required on your Plan of Study.


True or False: Your transfer institution will not decide how your transferable credits will transfer.


Why do students attend community colleges?

They attend community colleges for a variety of reasons, including: wanting to complete a degree or other short credential to prepare for a new career; to earn a transferable associate degree before they move on to a senior four-year college or university; or to to take classes "off an on" for personal enrichment or because the student hasn't yet decided on a career or educational path.

What do placement tests assess?

They commonly assess students' writing, reading, and math skills.

True or False: A benefit of earning an AA or AS degree before you transfer is that all 60-61 will transfer as a package when you are accepted to the university.


True or False: A factor in your favor is that transfer students have proven themselves to be successful at the college level and are a safer bet for senior institutions, meaning transfer students are more likely to graduate than incoming first-year students.


True or False: AAS degree students should look to their community college's website and/or college catalog for an up-to-date list of Bilateral Articulation Agreements that are available to them.


True or False: Admission rates for transfer students are usually the same as admissions rates for entering freshman, but the applicant pool is much smaller.


True or False: All 58 North Carolina community colleges offer the AAS in Early Childhood Education.


True or False: Although the CAA doesn't apply to many AAS courses, students can frequently transfer their AAS degrees to senior institutions through Bilateral Articulation Agreements, which allow AAS students to transfer their entire degrees to a university.


True or False: As long as you are taking classes that are transferable and that are college level and you earn a C or better in your classes, then you can transfer whenever you are accepted to the senior institution, and the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) will protect your classes.


True or False: Bachelor's degree programs typically require 120 credit hours.


True or False: Credit hours may be listed as SHC ("Semester Hours Credit") but the contact hours may not always be listed.


True or False: Developmental Education classes prepare student for success in college-level courses.


True or False: Developmental education courses do not count toward the total number or credits required by your plan of study.


True or False: Eligible transfer students will be granted junior status, but may also be required to complete additional courses at the university beyond the general education courses they completed at the community college.


True or False: Four-year institutions have competitive admissions processes.


True or False: General education and pre-major/elective courses are guaranteed to transfer to a four-year institution, but the senior institution can decide whether the course will count as part of general education or elective credit if the transfer student does not graduate with an associate degree prior to transfer.


True or False: If upon transfer you think that the terms of the CAA were not honored, then you have the right to use the Transfer Credit Appeal Procedure to present your argument.


True or False: If you do not complete an associate degree, then you will be required to take additional generation education courses at the university in order to fulfill the university's general education requirements.


True or False: If you plan to transfer to a private university, then you should make sure that the university will accept the classes you take at the community college.


True or False: In addition to choosing to pursue the AA, AE, AFA, or AS degree, university transfer students should also select a Baccalaureate Degree Plan or Course Selection Guide.


True or False: In order to be protected by the Uniform Articulation Agreement, Associate in Engineering students must graduate with the AE degree and must earn a C or better in each course and a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.


True or False: Like developmental education courses, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses do not count toward the required number of credits for your program of study, but your grades in EFL courses may count toward your cumulative GPA.


True or False: Most colleges post Plans of Study on their website.


True or False: No matter what associate degree you pursue at your community college, you have the opportunity to transfer your classes and your degree to a senior institution.


True or False: Private institutions that agree to follow the provisions of the CAA sign on with the ICAA (the Independent Comprehensive Articulation Agreement).


True or False: Some community college courses are not transferable at all.


True or False: Some students also have to take English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses as pre-requisites for their programs.


True or False: Students who transfer before they complete an associate degree will have their transcripts evaluated course by course by the senior institution admissions office.


True or False: The Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science degrees require a minimum of 30 credit hours of UGETC designated courses and additional general education and pre-major/elective courses.


True or False: The Comprehensive Articulation Agreement protects transfer to all public North Carolina universities to help students have a seamless transfer experience.


True or False: The Uniform Articulation Agreement for AAS in Nursing states that universities cannot require students to complete more than 128 credits in order to earn the BSN.


True or False: The Uniform Articulation Agreement helps Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts students how want to transfer to senior institutions to earn Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degrees (This agreement is sometimes called the AFAVA to BFA AA).


True or False: The Uniform Articulation Agreement includes a recommended list of community college courses that meet the admissions requirements for all BFA programs in UNC-system universities.


True or False: The Uniform Articulation Agreement includes a recommended list of community college courses that meet the admissions requirements for all Bachelor of Science Engineering programs in UNC-system universities.


True or False: The Uniform Articulation Agreements (UAA) protect students in these degree programs as they transfer to universities to pursue bachelor's degrees.


True or False: The fourth Uniform Articulation Agreement does not guarantee admissions to the university, and AAS degree students must meet the minimum admissions requirements for the receiving university, including minimum GPA and for some universities, minimum Praxis exam scores.


True or False: The fourth Uniform Articulation Agreement is sometimes called the Early Childhood Articulation Agreement or ECAA.


True or False: There are four options for transfer to Senior Institutions.


True or False: To qualify for TAAP (Transfer Assured Admissions Policy), you must earn an AA or AS degree from a North Carolina community college, pass all of yours transferable classes with a C or better, and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.


True or False: Transfer enrollment has increased over the last 10 years.


True or False: Typically, university transfer Plans of Study (Associate in Arts, Associate in Engineering, Associate in Fine Arts, and Associate in Science) are not in chronological order, and they include some choices for students to make about exact courses.


True or False: UGETC designated courses are guaranteed to transfer and to be applied toward the senior institution's lower-division general education course requirements.


True or False: Universities develop the Baccalaureate Degree Plans to best prepare students for success upon transfer to the senior institutions.


True or False: When you are admitted to a specific degree, diploma, or certificate program, you will use that program's Plan of Study document to know what courses are required for a credential.


True or False: You have a better chance of getting into a senior institution as a transfer student than as a high school student.


True or False: You should narrow your list of potential transfer schools to 3-4 schools.


True or False: You will have fewer classes to take at the university than if you transfer before completing the AA or AS degree because you will be given academic credit for more classes from the community college.


True or False: Your semester-by-semester class schedule and eventually your transcript will probably not look exactly like your program's Plan of Study.


True or False: Developmental education is a type of pre-requisite.


True or False: Students who want to transfer to senior institutions to earn a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree must earn a C or better in each course and a minimum of 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale to qualify for the protections of the Uniform Articulation Agreement.


True or False: The Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) degrees include the maximum UGETC designated courses that you can complete at the community college.


What types of student credentials do four-year institutions require?

Minimum GPA's, standardized test scores, and completion of specific high school courses.

Does an Associate in General Education (AGE) prepare a student for a future career?


They are students that take just a few classes at the community college and then transfer to a senior institution.

What are visiting students?

Is a document that lists the recommended courses for not only graduation from your institution with an associate degree but also transfer into a specific university.

What is a Course Selection Guide?

Is a test that some North Carolina Community Colleges make students who are too old or whose high school GPAs and standardized test scores did not meet a certain benchmark; placement testing make sure that they are prepared for college-level coursework in their programs.

What is placement testing?

Is a North Carolina agreement that states that all community college courses that are designated as transferable will transfer to all public North Carolina universities and to private North Carolina colleges that have signed on to the agreement.

What is the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement?

Is ENG 111 (Writing and Inquiry) a transferable UGETC course?


Do community colleges offer certificates (certifications)?


What types of student's typically enroll in Associate in Applied Science (AAS) programs?

Career and technical education students and health technologies students.

What are certificates?

Certificates are shorter credentials that typically demonstrate necessary requirements for professional certifications.

How many credit hours do certificates require?

12-18 credit hours

What are Contact Hours?

Are the number of hours you spend in class each week.

What are Bilateral Articulation Agreements?

Are transfer agreements between a specific university and a specific community college.

Community colleges are unique institutions of higher education because they follow this; it allows them to admit any student who has earned a high school credential or its equivalent.

Open door with guided placement policy

What is an example of a co-requisite course?

PHY 110 (Conceptual Physics) and PHY 110A (Conceptual Physics Lab).

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