acdc ch 15, 16

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T or F Impedance is measured in joules


T or F impedance aids the flow of alternating current.


A ________ change causes a change in inductive reactance.


An ________ must be used to measure reactive power and true power in an AC circuit.

Power quality meter

Inductive ________ is the opposition of an inductor to alternating current.


T or F The difference between true power and reactive power is that true power supplied to a resistive load is used to perform work or is dissipated as heat.


T or F Total current is equal to current flow through any component in a series resistive circuit


T or F Voltage at any given point during the rotation of a vector can be calculated by multiplying the sine of the vector rotation angle by the maximum peak voltage.


The value of average voltage is calculated to be equal to the instantaneous peak value multiplied by a factor of ___________


The common basis is that the effective value of 1 A of AC causes the same heating effect as ________ A of DC


Unity power factor is a power factor equal to ________


When a ratio of ________ to 1 exists between the inductive reactance and the resistance, the circuit is usually considered a pure inductive or pure resistive circuit, depending on which of the two is larger.


In an inductive AC circuit, CEMF is ________ degrees out of phase with the source voltage


In the generation of a sine wave, 0 V is induced into a rotating conductor at 0 degrees and at ________ Degrees


In a conductor rotating through 360 degrees, maximum positive voltage is inducted at ___________ Degrees rotation


Inductive current leads CEMF by ________ Degrees


In a pure resistive ________ circuit, the current sine wave and voltage sine wave are in phase with each other.


Inductive reactance is affected by the size of the inductor and _________

AC frequency

The ability of a circuit containing both resistance and reactance to conductive current is known as _________


The greater the ratio of inductive voltage drop to resistive voltage drop, the greater the ________ ________

Angle theta

T or F A peak to peak value measures from the maximum positive to the maximum negative alternation of a sine wave.


T or F Admittance is the phase difference between the source voltage and resistive voltage.


T or F An average value refers to a whole cycle of a sine wave.


T or F As frequency increases in a series inductive-resistive AC circuit, both impedance and current increase as well


T or F Current in an inductive AC circuit can be calculated without knowing source voltage


T or F Deflection of an electron beam in a CRT computer monitor is responsive to the average voltage.


T or F In a parallel inductive-resistive AC circuit, the algebraic sum of the two currents is equal to the source current.


T or F Peak power is equal to effective voltage multiplied by effective current.


T or F Power dissipated in a circuit is always negative


T or F Quality factor is measured in volt-amperes reactive.


T or F Resistances connected in series are subtracted from each other in an AC circuit


T or F The common value of voltage used in homes in the united states is 240 VAC


T or F The root-mean-square voltage value is also known as the mathematical factor for the peak value.


T or F The standard power source line frequency in Canada is 120 Hz


T or F The value of impedance is always less than that of reactance or resistance


T or F True power is measured in volt-amperes and apparent power is measured in watts


T or F When an AC value is given without it being specified, it is assumed to be a peak value


T or F inductors have no resistance


Power ________ is the ratio of true power to apparent power.


A ___________ is a selective network of resistances, capacitances, and inductances that provides little opposition to certain frequencies or DC while blocking or attenuating other frequencies.


________ capacitors are used to control harmonics problems in the power source.


Ripple voltage is output voltage of a power source harmonically related in ___________ to the power source.


Under normal conditions, ________ does not change unless it is from a variable inductor


________ changes directly in proportion with changes in either frequency or inductance

Inductive reactance

Power is positive and reaches its ________ value at 90 degrees and 270 degrees


The average value of an AC voltage or current is the ___________ of all instantaneuos values in a sine wave


The ___________ value of an AC voltage or current refers to the maximum instantaneous value of the sine wave.


In a rectifier circuit, the diode is rated for the ________ voltage.

Peak to Peak

A voltage ________ is a vector diagram used to show the magnitude and phase of voltage in a series inductive-resistive AC circuit


A ___________ curve is a graph that shows the changes in a circuit power as AC parameters change over time.


The greater the frequency in a parallel inductive-resistive circuit, the greater the ________.

Power factor

________ factor is the ratio of the inductive reactance to the resistance of an inductor


In an inductive-resistive AC circuit, almost all of the power is ________ power.


________ is power supplied to a reactive load.

Reactive power

No shift in the phase occurs between current and voltage in a ________ resistive AC circuit


The unit of admittance is the ________


________ is the reciprocal of the reactive component of impedance


_________ is the ability of a reactive circuit to conduct current and is measured in siemens.


T or F A pure inductive circuit is an AC circuit with no resistance


T or F Although there is little true power in a pure reactive circuit, there is still current in the circuit.


T or F An average DC current causes greater heat than an average AC current


T or F Apparent power represents a load that has both true power and reactive power


T or F Bleeder resistors reduce changes in the ripple voltage when current is delivered to the load.


T or F CEMF is created by a change in current, which is caused by a constantly changing magnetic field that cuts the inductor


T or F Current can be calculated in inductive AC circuits by modifying Ohm's law to substitute inductive reactance for resistance


T or F Frequency does not affect resistance in a parallel inductive-resistive AC circuit


T or F In a live circuit, it is not possible to separately measure inductive voltage and inductive resistance because the inductor is the resistive element.


T or F In an AC resistive circuit, instantaneous current and voltage are in phase while power is always a positive value.


T or F In inductive-resistive AC circuits, voltage is the same across all components connected in parallel


T or F Kirchhoff's voltage law states that the algebraic sum of the voltage in a closed-loop circuit is equal to zero


T or F Only resistance can dissipate power in an electrical circuit.


T or F When current flows through a diode, electrons are supplied by the positive plate of the capacitor and flow through the bleeder resistor.


T or F inductance can be held constant with the frequency varied, or frequency can be held constant with the inductance varied


T or F poor power factor exists when the power factor in a circuit is less than 90%


________ power in an inductive-resistive AC circuit is converted to heat in the inductor due to the resistance of the inductor


Under normal conditions in power circuits, ________ power factor is the most desirable condition


Reactive power is measured in ________.

Volt amperes

When analyzing an inductive-resistive circuit, ________ are used to calculate the effective voltage and phase difference between the inductive and resistive voltages.

Voltage phasors

True power is measured in ________.


In series resistive AC circuits, ___________ is used as the reference for all circuit parameters.


Inductance opposes any change in ________


The ___________ value of AC voltage is the value of a sine wave that produces the same amount of heat as DC of the same value.


Impedance in an AC circuit can be found in the form of capacitave reactance or ________ reactance


In a parallel resistive AC circuit, the ___________ is the same across all components and devices.


in a series resistive AC circuit, true power is equal to ________

Apparent Power

When the ___________ value is used, it relates to the value of one alternation, or half-cycle, of a sine wave.


A ___________ is used to protect equipment from excessive voltages if the load is removed or substantially reduced.

Bleeder resistor

Bleeder resistors are used to bleed resisdual charges off of an ___________ when the power source is turned off.


________ is used to calculate most parameters in a parallel inductive-resistive circuit


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