Act 2

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Explain lines 102-104.

"As a lady, I shouldn't have exposed my true feelings and been more guarded."

What lines support the idea that love will find a way?

"But passion lends them power, time means, to meet, temp'ring extremities with extreme sweet."

Which words or phrases in Romeo's speech suggest a tragic future?

"love devouring death, sorrow, one short minute"

How does Juliet's candor affect the progress of their relationship?

By being so open, she has greatly accelerated the courtship process.

Infer some other reasons for the Friar's cooperation.

He cares about Romeo and wants him to be happy and he thinks that he might get recognition from the prince, he is also fearful of what Romeo will do if he doesn't marry them

Why does Friar agree to marry Romeo and Juliet?

He could unite the two households

Is Romeo serious in his declaration? Why or why not?

He is both serious and not serious. He is so passionate that he is in fact risking his life by being in enemy's territory, but he is also fickle, so it's possible that he could move on from Juliet.

s Romeo serious in his declaration? Why or why not?

He is both serious and not serious. He is so passionate that he is in fact risking his life by being in enemy's territory, but he is also fickle, so it's possible that he could move on from Juliet.

What ideas does the Friar convey with these contradictory statements?

He is describing the duality of nature and human nature, and that both hold life-giving and life-destroying potential.

How has Romeo's style in speech changed?

He is getting to the point. It shows that he knows what he wants. He's clear, concise, and factual. It shows his seriousness.

Why is Romeo going to see Friar Laurence? What is revealed by his action?

He is going to see if the Friar will marry him and Juliet. This reveals that he is pretty serious about his relationship.

What lines are examples of dramatic irony— knowing what the characters do not know?

He is over Rosaline, but Benvolio and Mercutio don't know this. They are teasing Romeo for "liking" Rosaline.

What provokes Romeo to speak aloud?

He sees her shadow as he is peeking through her window at night.

What is the dramatic irony of Mercutio's speech?

He still thinks that Romeo is referencing Rosaline

Why does Juliet tell Romeo that she feels embarrassed? What does she say he would see if it were not so dark?

He would see that she was embarrassed and blushing because she said that she loved him.

Why might Romeo's friends be concerned over Romeo's actions here?

He's in enemy's territory. (The Capulet's orchard)

Describe Mercutio's attitude toward Romeo's feelings based on his choice of words.

He's making fun of Romeo for his love-sickness

How does Romeo react to the name of Rosaline?

He's moved on from Rosaline. Now he is absorbed with a new love for Juliet.

What does the soliloquy reveal about his thoughts?

He's obsessed with her. He idolizes her, he wants to touch her, and he really wants to talk to her but he doesn't know how to.

Based on Romeo's past romantic history, what is Friar Laurence fearful of here?

He's worried that Romeo's love will burn out just as quickly as it came about. He fears that overly intense love cannot sustain itself.

What do you think motivates Juliet to make this request?

Her parents are mentioning that Paris is interested and she is running out of time. It will also prove that Romeo is actually serious.

What is the hyperbole?

I would rather die and just have a few minutes here with you than not talk to you and live

Why does Shakespeare structure his play in this way?

It serves to lighten the mood and helps the audience build relationships with the characters. It will make the tragedy more intense later.

What is Mercutio saying through thiscomparison of Tybalt to his namesake, the cat?

It shows that he is clever, agile, and thinks things through, Tybalt might have nine (metaphorical) lives. He will be harder to beat.

Explain the metaphor Romeo uses to describe his relationship with Juliet.

Juliet is his heart.

How does Juliet's description of the nurse contrast with her characterization of love as having "wind-swift" wings?

Juliet is ready to get this show on the road, and the nurse is taking her time.

What warning does Juliet give Romeo? What is the impact on the audience?

Juliet says her family will kill Romeo if they find him there. The impact is that it shows how serious the conflict is and how much danger Romeo and Juliet might be in if they pursue their relationship.

How does this event add a complication to the plot?

Juliet's own cousin is trying to fight (to the death) the man she is ready to marry. Also, if Romeo wins, the Capulet's would hate him more.

How does Mercutio's dialogue in this scene add to their impression of him?

Mercutio is a jokester, and he isn't very serious. Often, his jokes are at Romeo's expense. Mercutio also has a crude sense of humor. He can be a bit inappropriate at times.

What earlier statements in the play do Friar Laurence's contradictions echo?

Romeo and Juliet's contradictory descriptions of love

Apart from making fun of Romeo, why is Mercutio so aware of Romeo's lovesick state?

Romeo has been challenged to a duel, and he can't focus on anything, let alone a fight.

Why does the Friar tell Romeo to speak plainly?

Romeo seems to be talking in riddles

Why might she be fearful of someone hearing her in the garden?

She could be getting herself and Romeo in trouble

How is this encounter with the nurse presenting a contrast to the threat hanging over Romeo's head?

She is comedic relief here. Her mannerisms and character is humorous.

What does this metaphor express about his feelings for her?

She is the center of his heart, and without her, he feels incomplete (he is missing his heart).

What do Juliet's allusions to Venus and Cupid emphasize about her state of mind as she waits for the nurse to return?

She is thinking about how much she loves Romeo. She has an idealized idea of love.

What demand does Juliet make of Romeo?

She wants Romeo to arrange their marriage.

How have Juliet's priorities changed since Act I?

She was not considering love or marriage at all in the beginning, but now she is head over heels in love. She also was more obedient, but now she doesn't care as much about pleasing her family.

What do her words reveal about her character?

She's acting independently, and doing what she wants to do. She also has unconditional love for Romeo.

To what does he compare Juliet?

She's more beautiful than the sun and the sky.

What does Juliet say that shows strength of her feeling for Romeo?

She's willing to give up being a Capulet

Why does Juliet compare their love to lightning? What does this comparison reveal about her feelings?

Sudden, violent, dangerous, scary, etc. It shows that she is worried that her love is going to disappear just as quickly as it appeared.

Why is this language particularly confusing to the friar?

The Friar doesn't know that Romeo is in love with Juliet

What is the dramatic irony?

The Friar fears that something is seriously wrong with Romeo, but the audience knows that Romeo is simply there to arrange his marriage with Juliet.

What shows the Friar's strong reaction? Why does he feel this way?

The Friar is shocked, and it is shown when he says "Holy St. Francis!" and "Jesu Maria!" He knew Romeo's love for Rosaline, and he is surprised at how quickly he has moved on.

What does line 5 identify as the difference between the situation with Rosaline and the one with Juliet?

The difference is that Juliet loves him back, or at least is interested.

Why does Juliet not want Romeo to swear his love to her by the moon?

The moon changes daily. It diminishes and it increases

What conflict will Romeo and Juliet encounter in the pursuit of their love?

Their families hate each other, so this might lead to problems.

Romeo and Juliet fall in love and make life-changing decisions in a matter of days. How have speed and intensity created tension for the audience and affected the characters' actions?

There is a lot of foreshadowing on how the speed of love's beginning will end just as quickly. Questions to ask: Are quick decisions good? What is love? What do you need for love to work out?

Infer how Benvolio and Mercutio feel. Why?

They are worried for Romeo's sake. Romeo could get seriously injured or die.

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