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Standardized Procedures

-All testing staff who will be in the presence of examinees during testing should be dressed appropriately. We ask that you avoid wearing shirts, masks, hats, or other clothing that includes messaging some may consider controversial or objectionable. This includes phrases, words, symbols, pictures, etc. Such messaging can become a distraction from the standardized testing environment for examinees.

Authorized Accommodations for National Testing

-Examinees with Hearing Impairments-must be seated in the first two rows of the room-require the assistance of an interpreter for spoken instructions-lipreading-written notes -Examinees with Disabilities or English Learning Needs

Test Day Briefing Session

A staff briefing session is required each test day morning, even with experienced staff. During this session, ensure all staff are present and make necessary adjustments to staff assignments. Ensure all staff understand their responsibilities and answer questions with the group so everyone has the same information. In particular, discuss the following: Information in any ACT notice Cell phone and prohibited devices policy and procedures Calculator policy and procedures Test site specific information How staff are to communicate with the test coordinator during testing Arrangements for left-handed examinees Using TCM to administer the test How to handle breaks What to do with examinees dismissed for prohibited behavior

General Terms Glossary

ACT Test Center Manager (TCM) - The application used by test center staff to manage their sites and administer the ACT test. Full ACT Test - Term used for students who take the entire ACT test (English, mathematics, reading, science, and optional writing) on a National test date. Irregularity - A situation that occurs during testing that warrants documentation. An irregularity can impact an individual or entire group. National Testing - ACT testing across the United States and U.S. territories. Examinees may register at pre-set locations and test on specified dates. Center-based testing for the full ACT test occurs under standard time or extended time conditions. Site Readiness - Steps taken to ensure a test center is prepared to administer paper testing. Site readiness includes facilities, technology, staffing, training, and pre-event set up in TCM. Special Testing - Accommodations, authorized by ACT, that cannot be provided at a National test center. Testing occurs during a two-week window beginning on a National test date. Examinees work with school officials to arrange for a test location and time.

Administration Overview for Paper Testing

ACT Test Center Manager (TCM) task cards guide room supervisors through the administration of the ACT. Below are the steps at a high level for training purposes. Make any general announcements. Begin completing TCM task cards as soon as all examinees present by 8:00 a.m. have been checked in and seated. Do not wait for examinees who are not at the test center by 8:00 a.m. Verbal instructions in all rooms must begin no later than 9:00 a.m. or it's considered an irregularity.Note: Under no circumstances can a room be scheduled to begin earlier than 8:00 a.m. If this occurs, the answer documents for that room will not be scored. Distribute the answer documents—1-page to ACT (no writing) examinees; 8-page to ACT with writing examinees. Examinees complete identifying information on their answer documents. Distribute the multiple-choice test booklets to examinees.Note: If an examinee is approved by ACT to use translated test directions, distribute them with the test booklet. Begin administering the tests in TCM starting with Test 1—English.Note: During Test 1: Quietly collect ALL tickets—admission and standby without disrupting examinees. During Test 2: Check calculators. A calculator policy is provided with your materials shipment. For the most up-to- date version, visit After Test 2: Give examinees a 10- to 15-minute break. Each room supervisor is to begin the break at the end of Test 2 as dictated by individual testing activity in the room.* After the multiple-choice tests: Examinees complete the Student Review and Examinee Certification. Collect and count the 1-page answer documents from no writing examinees. Collect and count the multiple-choice test booklets from ALL examinees. Verify you have all the test materials you started with. Dismiss ACT (no writing) examinees.Note: If an examinee is approved by ACT to use translated test directions, collect them back at the end of testing. Do not dismiss examinees until all translated test directions are accounted for. Continue in writing and combination rooms: Allow examinees taking the writing test time to relax and sharpen pencils. Resume testing after 5 minutes. Distribute the writing test booklets to examinees. After the writing test: Collect and count the 8-page answer documents and writing test booklets. Collect and count the writing test booklets. Verify you have all the test materials you started with. Dismiss ACT with writing examinees. *Make sure security and noise precautions are taken for break: All test booklets must be closed with the answer documents inside them before the break begins. If examinees remain in the room, collect the materials or otherwise ensure that examinees do not tamper with them. Do not leave the test room unattended at any time. Be attentive to examinees trying to access cell phones or electronic devices. Dismiss any examinees who violate the cell phone and electronic device policy. Designate a break area away from test rooms or assign staff to control noise if some rooms are still testing while others are on break. Resume testing after the break, according to your room schedule. Do not delay testing waiting for examinees who are late. Examinees who return late may be readmitted, but lost time cannot be made up. Keep conversation with examinees who return late to a minimum to limit the distraction to those already testing.

Staff Compensation

ACT pays suppliers—any individual, organization, or business—that provide services for ACT. The test coordinator, room supervisors, proctors, sign language interpreters, readers, transcribers, and facility staff (e.g., security and custodial) are classified as suppliers. All suppliers must agree to the terms and conditions to work for ACT. ACT reserves the right to update its payment processes and procedures, including the terms and conditions, at any time.

Information about Test 5

ACT tries out items to develop future versions of the ACT test. After the four multiple-choice tests, examinees taking the full ACT test should expect to take a 20-minute fifth test (Test 5) in English, mathematics, reading, or science. Although the results are not included on score reports, it is important for examinees to try their best on these items and for Test 5 to be administered in a standardized manner. ACT is constantly updating test content to match evolving standards, so your effort in administering this additional test is appreciated. Note: Examinees testing under extended time will not take Test 5.

Staff Reporting Time

All test center staff must be at the test center at least 30 minutes before examinees begin checking in, normally no later than 7:30 a.m. Allow sufficient time before examinees are admitted for staff to attend the briefing session and to prepare rooms and materials, check internet connection, and log in to TCM.

National Testing Overview

As a test center, your site provides: A staff member to serve as test coordinator Other staff to serve as room supervisors and proctors Quiet rooms for testing on ACT test dates Plenty of space between examinees, for security purposes A secure testing environment consistent with ACT requirements A secure location to store test materials


Attentiveness Staff must remain attentive to their testing responsibilities throughout the administration. Reading, computers, and mobile devices are permitted for TCM use only. Grading papers, using a computer, cell phone, recording or media device, talking casually with other staff, or engaging in any activity in the test room not directly related to the administration is not allowed.

Accommodations terms Glossary

Authorized Accommodations - Adjustments in presentation, response, timing, or setting which allows an examinee with a disability to access the test. Requests are submitted to ACT and must be authorized prior to test day. Accommodations may be approved under standard, extended, or special time. An examinee may choose not to use their accommodation on test day only if there are standard time seats available. If this occurs, an irregularity must be logged. Breaks as Needed (formerly stop-the-clock breaks) - Accommodation that allows an examinee to request a pause in standard time testing to care for medical needs. Breaks are provided only in an individual (one-to-one) testing setting. Breaks may be taken as long as needed, but total break time cannot exceed 90 minutes. This accommodation is not available for extended time testing. English Learner Supports - Supports which allow an examinee, who is not proficient in English, to access the test. These supports are limited to: Standard time and extended time, not to exceed one and one-half time ACT authorized word-to-word bilingual dictionary (no definitions) Test directions in the native language Testing in a familiar environment/small group Large Print Answer Document - Multiple choice answer document produced in 18-point font and used by examinees with visual impairments. Responses must be transferred to a standard answer document by test center staff. Large Print Test Booklet - Test booklets used by examinees with visual impairments. Booklets are produced in 18-point font as opposed to the regular 10-point font. Marking Responses (in a Test Booklet) - Accommodation that allows an examinee to mark their responses in either the standard or large print test booklets during testing. Responses must be transferred to a regular answer document by the test center staff. One-to-One Testing (formerly single room testing) - Accommodation that allows an examinee to test in a room with a dedicated room supervisor and no other examinees. Preferential Seating - Accommodation that allows an examinee to request seating in specific areas such as the front of the room or by the door. Test Accommodations Roster - A roster that includes a list of examinees that are authorized to test with accommodations and/or supports other than, or in addition to, extended time. Transferring Responses - The act of transferring examinee responses from a test booklet or large print answer document to a standard answer document. Responses must be transferred by test center staff.

Allowed and Prohibited Items in the Test Room

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices Examinees may not use cell phones, smart watches, fitness bands, media players, or any other electronic devices at any time (including during the break). All devices must be powered off and stored out of sight. If an examinee accesses a device at any time, or if a device activates after being stored away, the examinee must be dismissed. Staff should: Be vigilant in monitoring for prohibited behavior during testing and during the break. Strongly enforce the dismissal of any examinee who engages in prohibited behavior. Prominently display the prohibited device posters at central locations. Note: Do not collect cell phones or other electronic devices from examinees; examinees should retain responsibility for them. Staff should not use cell phones or electronic devices, outside of the device used to manage TCM, while in the test room. If staff members have cell phones in the room, they should be turned off or silent. Calculators The ACT calculator policy is designed to ensure fairness for all examinees, avoid disturbances in the test room, and protect the security of the test materials. A permitted calculator may be used only on the mathematics test. Examinee responsibilities: Bring—and use—a permitted calculator. Check or call 800.498.6481 for a recorded message about the current ACT calculator policy. Staff responsibilities: Check for prohibited calculators during the test. Check periodically to make sure examinees did not switch calculators after the first check. If an examinee uses a prohibited calculator, dismiss the examinee for prohibited behavior. If a calculator has characters one inch high or larger, or a raised display, seat the examinee where no others can see the display. Other Items Examinees may not bring any of the following into the test room: Textbooks, foreign language or other dictionaries, scratch paper, notes, or other aids Highlighter pens, colored pens or pencils, correction fluid/tape Reading material Tobacco in any form Examinees and staff may bring snacks and beverages into the test room, but may only consume them outside of the room during break.

Checking for Prohibited Behavior

Checking for Prohibited Behavior Follow these guidelines to check for prohibited behavior: Throughout testing, move quietly around the room to discourage and detect prohibited behavior. Staff attentiveness is a very effective deterrent. Document all prohibited behavior and any actions taken on the Irregularity Report. If you suspect an examinee but are uncertain, warn the examinee of the behavior and ask ACT for a decision before the examinee is dismissed. If the behavior continues after one warning, promptly dismiss the examinee. If you dismiss an examinee for prohibited behavior, follow the instructions exactly. (See Dismiss for Prohibited Behavior.)

General Announcements to Examinees

General Announcements to Examinees Before testing begins, you may make announcements regarding: Cell phones and electronic devices: All devices must be powered off and stored away at all times. If an examinee handles or accesses a device, or if a device activates, the examinee must be dismissed and will not receive score results. Calculators: Read to the examinees the current list of prohibited calculators (and calculators permitted with modification) from the Calculator Policy. Hats: Some hats may obstruct your view of examinees' eyes and may allow examinees to conceal prohibited behavior, such as using a cell phone, earpiece, or other electronic device. Not all hats may hinder your ability to monitor examinees and some examinees may wear hats or other head coverings due to religious convictions or medical reasons. The announcement to remove hats is left to your discretion. Institutional requirements: You may dismiss an examinee who purposefully disregards a posted regulation of your site or school policy. Some schools, for example, do not allow smoking on school grounds. Explain to the examinee the reason for the dismissal and document in full on the Irregularity Report. Nervous noise: Some examinees relieve tension through talk and movement before and after tests. Because they must maintain complete silence during testing, allow this normal behavior, but remind them to be considerate of other rooms that may still be testing while your room is taking a break. Restrooms: Describe the location of restrooms and drinking fountains available during the break.

ACT Test Center Manager (TCM) Account Setup for Room Supervisors and Proctors

Give the test coordinator the email address to use for your invite. Test center staff have to be invited to TCM by their test coordinator. Open the invitation email from your test coordinator and go to to create your account. Using the email address you provided to the test coordinator and a password that is easy to remember, create your account.After creating your account, you will receive an additional email asking you to activate the account. Click the link in the email to complete the account activation. Note: If you cannot find your activation email, check your spam, clutter, trash. If still unable to locate, add [email protected] to your contacts and then click resend activation link. Sign in to your TCM account via the website to Accept or Decline a test center invitation.ACT test events showing your test day role will appear on your dashboard once they are assigned by the test coordinator. If you would like to access TCM from your phone or other mobile device, you can do so via the web browser on your device or by downloading the mobile app.Note: TCM is available for download for both iOS and Android devices. Go to from your mobile device and click on the applicable download link to get the application.

Monitoring the Test Room

Monitoring the Test Room Follow these policies for monitoring a test room: A member of the testing staff must be physically present in the room at all times to monitor the examinee(s). Monitoring through glass partitions or via security cameras is not allowed. The examinee(s) cannot be left unattended, even briefly. The room supervisor must remain in the room for the entire session, except when relieved by a proctor for a short break. One room supervisor cannot supervise multiple rooms at the same time. Note: A room supervisor is the person responsible for administering the test in one test room. A test coordinator who supervises a test room is the room supervisor for that room.

Extended Time Testing

Note: If any of these examinees are to receive accommodations and/or English learner supports in addition to extended time, they will also be listed on the separate Test Accommodations Roster. Important: If an examinee tests under extended time conditions without authorization from ACT, the test will not be scored or the scores will be canceled.

proctor role

Take responsibility for the test room to ensure it's prepared and conducive to testing. Count test booklets on receipt from the test coordinator. Make sure all staff are assigned to the proper role and/or room in TCM; delete any unneeded rooms. Log into TCM and click your test day assignment to access event dashboard. Identify and check-in examinees. Assist with check-in and/or directing examinees to test rooms and seats. Distribute test materials in sequential serial number order. Collect admission tickets. Monitor testing progress. Assume room supervisor duties as needed. Monitor for prohibited behavior during testing and breaks Report irregularities to the room supervisor immediately. Accompany examinees to the restroom if more than one leaves during the timed portion of the test. Collect and account for all test materials before dismissing examinees. Provide your feedback to ACT via the post-test day survey

Staff Roles

Test Coordinator Role The test coordinator may serve at only one location and must be on file at ACT. The test coordinator must also complete, sign, and submit a Test Coordinator Profile. The test coordinator has overall responsibility for coordinating test operations, including storing materials and setting up test rooms. The test coordinator provides the continuity and administrative uniformity necessary to ensure that examinees are tested under standardized and secure conditions. If the listed test coordinator cannot be present for a test date, he or she must transfer responsibility for that test date to a qualified substitute test coordinator and notify ACT Test Administration before the test date. Number required: One per test center Substitute Test Coordinator Role If the test coordinator becomes ill or is otherwise unable to be present on test day, the substitute serves as test coordinator and must complete, sign, and submit a Substitute Test Coordinator Profile. The person actually serving as test coordinator on a given test date will receive the test coordinator's compensation. The person named to be the substitute test coordinator will not be paid unless he or she replaces the test coordinator or acts as a room supervisor or proctor. Note: In TCM, the substitute test coordinator is referred to as the test day coordinator. Number required: One per test center Room Supervisor Role Each room must have a room supervisor responsible for all testing activities in that room. Each room supervisor must be present for the entire test session. The test coordinator may assume the role of room supervisor if only one room is used. Number required: One per test room Note: The test coordinator must assume the responsibilities of a room supervisor for one test room if the test center has 75 or fewer examinees and two or fewer test rooms. Proctor Role As test rooms increase in size, proctors are required to assist the room supervisors. Number required: The following table describes the minimum number of required proctors. Approval is required from ACT to have more proctors than indicated below.

Timing Conditions and Test Options for the ACT Test

The ACT test is administered with writing and no writing test options under the following timing conditions:ACT Timing Conditions Test-Standard Time-Extended Time Test 1 - English-45 minutes-70 minutes Test 2 - Mathematics-60 minutes-90 minutes Test 3 - Reading-35 minutes-55 minutes Test 4 - Science-35 minutes-55 minutes Test 5-20 minutes-n/a Writing-40 minutes-60 minutes Note:Test 5 is only applicable for standard time.A short 10-15 minute break will be allowed between Test 2 and Test 3.

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